In Season 1, she looked like a mix between African-American and Asian. I think her mother had some Asian in her and her Dad was simply African-American.
In Season 2, she looked less Asian and more African-American, the same with A New Frontier. Her skin got darker from S2 to ANF, but that may be just a tan from being in the sun for a while. Her skin is lighter than AJ's, but darker than Jane's or Kenny's. I think Javier and Gabe have darker skin than her.
Basically, I think she's a mix of African-American and Asian. When she was younger, she looked more Asian but as time went by she started to look more black, which is actually common if you're mixed. Like me, when I was a baby, my skin was white but when I was around 11 my skin got darker before getting lighter again.
Some blacks can have facial features that look similar to Asians especially blasian beings with a Asian and black parent. Clementine before I knew officially what her race was I thought she was born Asian or blasian. But I've heard one of the designers daughters who Clem was based off of was Asian in real life so likely could be why Clem appears to have some Asian and black looks because they also wanted Clementine to look like she could pass as Lee's daughter even though she wasn't.
This fall under the same debate as the Fiona-Sasha biology one. We most likely will never get an universally accepted answer. And as someo… morene who is black with both family members and friends who don't look like your stereotypical black person, I see where you are coming from. I've defended the Clem-is-black campaign for a while, now. I just let the discussion go. It's back-and-forth and gets old very quickly.
I think the Asian look comes from the designer basing it off his daughter. There's been times video games (and any form of entertainment) has a character as one race/ethnicity and base the look off of someone with a different race/ethnicity. The Asian look is gone now as of, in my opinion, Season 2 but definitely as of A New Frontier. To me if you look at the concept art from Season 1 to ANF, Clementine is no doubt black. I think the game just doesn't give a good feel of that (with Season 2 being my exception as she looks mor… [view original content]
Okay let's see: people talked about her sexuality, then age, then skin color, then redesigned, then her character, and we are back at the stupid race color again.
She's half Asian and Black, m'kay?
No one can be 100% of certain color, you don't know with whom your ancestors fooled around with do ya?
Nah, I mean like 100% black. Both her parents are black.
Idk man...
I understand really lightskinned black people exist but this is a little too light. She certainly has one parent who's got a good amount of white in them who passed it on to her.
Okay let's see: people talked about her sexuality, then age, then skin color, then redesigned, then her character, and we are back at the st… moreupid race color again.
She's half Asian and Black, m'kay?
No one can be 100% of certain color, you don't know with whom your ancestors fooled around with do ya?
Nah, I mean like 100% black. Both her parents are black.
Idk man...
I understand really lightskinned black people exist but t… morehis is a little too light. She certainly has one parent who's got a good amount of white in them who passed it on to her.
Nah, I mean like 100% black. Both her parents are black.
Idk man...
I understand really lightskinned black people exist but t… morehis is a little too light. She certainly has one parent who's got a good amount of white in them who passed it on to her.
When a person isn't male or female, in either gender (like me, I'm agender/I have no gender) or anatomy (like intersex individuals, who have genitalia that are halfway between a penis and a vagina).
Are we really arguing over this again? She looks mixed...I mean I get want sole ownership of this great character because of the criminal lack of great African American characters in games But she looks mixed...which sorta point to one thing...She is an American girl.
Are we really arguing over this again? She looks mixed...I mean I get want sole ownership of this great character because of the c… moreriminal lack of great African American characters in games But she looks mixed...which sorta point to one thing...She is an American girl.
Are we really arguing over this again? She looks mixed...I mean I get want sole ownership of this great character because of the c… moreriminal lack of great African American characters in games But she looks mixed...which sorta point to one thing...She is an American girl.
If TTG were to say Ed was half Black American and half Latino, I'd go along with it. It would be a stretch, but I'd buy it more than Clem's mom being half Black American and half Asian.
If TTG were to say Ed was half Black American and half Latino, I'd go along with it. It would be a stretch, but I'd buy it more than Clem's mom being half Black American and half Asian.
No one knows her race, and neither do you.
People seem to be having a really hard time accepting that.
Accepting what? Or if you meant to write 'excepting' ... Excepting what?
Maybe their grandparents are not all black. Genes may have a stronger effect in one generation opposed to another, depending on many factors and gene combinations.
Maybe their grandparents are not all black. Genes may have a stronger effect in one generation opposed to another, depending on many factors and gene combinations.
I feel like you guys not accepting that Clem is black and try to put her in all these other races in really sad. I don't have a problem with biracial people or people of other races. It's just very important that we have a black female character as a lead in video game. Do y'all not understand how big of a deal that is? I'm tired of seeing video games with "everyman" white dudes. "Everyman" is like supposed a character the player and put themselves into because they're a blank slate. White people are always a blank slate, but other races come with stereotypes, so we can never be "everymen." See how fucked up that is?
We have a black girl that's starring in a video game as the lead and everyone loves her. Like everyone. She's the only thing that's keeping this telltale walking dead shit afloat. She and Lee, another black character, are the reason telltale is even where they are today. People got sick of seeing the same shit in every game and telltale gave them something new. They gave a black male who wasn't a thug, although he went to jail but still, or spoke in slang or whatever other bullshit stereotype they give us. He was just a guy. An "Everyman." Do you see how great that is?
It's whenever I bring the fact that Clem is black is like something about that doesn't sit right with y'all. Like you can't you accept that your favorite character is a dirty black person, So you try to make her look better by saying she's only black or a parent is only half black or not black at all. I know you're probably not thinking about this consciously, but it's definitely what you're doing. Is like because being a 100% black is a dirty or bad or inferior you add some race to it to make seem better. Black people have doing that for years. "Oh my grandma was indian(native american)", "Yeah my mom is mixed(even if she isn't)." I know I might sound crazy to some of you and you're gonna disregard what I'm saying, but this is very important to me and it should be important to everyone because it matters. It really does.
Literally no one is making a big deal out of her race except you, and no one has been racist or mentioned racism except you. What her race is doesn't matter to us because all races are equal and she's the same person no matter her race. Simple as that.
We get it, you want more black female characters but that doesn't mean that every character with dark skin is instantly 100% black because you want it and think its important. Sure I think its important too but Clem is part African american and Asian, I believe I read in an article where Kevin Bru stated this (I cant seem to find it right now but its floating around somewhere)
Us saying "hey shes actually mixed not 100% black" isnt bc we have a problem with her being black its simply because we have eyes and we can see she is not 100% black. Calm down.
Other than that I dont think telltale has outright said what Clementine is, only mentioned that she has some african american and asian in her, so until they outright say it maybe we shouldn't make any assumptions period.
I feel like you guys not accepting that Clem is black and try to put her in all these other races in really sad. I don't have a problem with… more biracial people or people of other races. It's just very important that we have a black female character as a lead in video game. Do y'all not understand how big of a deal that is? I'm tired of seeing video games with "everyman" white dudes. "Everyman" is like supposed a character the player and put themselves into because they're a blank slate. White people are always a blank slate, but other races come with stereotypes, so we can never be "everymen." See how fucked up that is?
We have a black girl that's starring in a video game as the lead and everyone loves her. Like everyone. She's the only thing that's keeping this telltale walking dead shit afloat. She and Lee, another black character, are the reason telltale is even where they are today. People got sick of seeing the same shit in every game an… [view original content]
Yeah, I know that every dark skin isn't instantly 100% black...that would be weird to think.
I understand why you guys are saying that and it makes sense, but all I'm saying is that black people can look like that too, but it's like every time I say it people disregard it. I'm just trying to get you to see where I'm coming from.
Literally no one is making a big deal out of her race except you, and no one has been racist or mentioned racism except you. What her race… more is doesn't matter to us because all races are equal and she's the same person no matter her race. Simple as that.
We get it, you want more black female characters but that doesn't mean that every character with dark skin is instantly 100% black because you want it and think its important. Sure I think its important too but Clem is part African american and Asian, I believe I read in an article where Kevin Bru stated this (I cant seem to find it right now but its floating around somewhere)
Us saying "hey shes actually mixed not 100% black" isnt bc we have a problem with her being black its simply because we have eyes and we can see she is not 100% black. Calm down.
Other than that I dont think telltale has outright said what Clementine is, only mentioned that she has some african american and… [view original content]
Yeah, I know that every dark skin isn't instantly 100% black...that would be weird to think.
But that is exactly what you are doing here. Without any proof from the developers themselves saying she is 100% black, you're saying she is as if its fact when it's not.
I guess, in a way, you can say your clementine is 100% black. But, mine is not. Not because I have something against black people, but its just how I view her.
Yeah, I know that every dark skin isn't instantly 100% black...that would be weird to think.
I understand why you guys are saying t… morehat and it makes sense, but all I'm saying is that black people can look like that too, but it's like every time I say it people disregard it. I'm just trying to get you to see where I'm coming from.
I'm not doing that. Clem is light-skin and I'm saying she's black. There are lots of races that are dark and not black.
Yeah, If that's works for you.
It's stupid to argue with people online over something that's already made. I don't own the character and whatever I say she is doesn't matter if that creators say she's something else. It's better to just make your own stuff.
Yes we all see where you're coming from.
Yeah, I know that every dark skin isn't instantly 100% black...that would be weird to think.
… more
But that is exactly what you are doing here. Without any proof from the developers themselves saying she is 100% black, you're saying she is as if its fact when it's not.
I guess, in a way, you can say your clementine is 100% black. But, mine is not. Not because I have something against black people, but its just how I view her.
That way we all get what we want, work w/ you?
I feel like you guys not accepting that Clem is black and try to put her in all these other races in really sad. I don't have a problem with… more biracial people or people of other races. It's just very important that we have a black female character as a lead in video game. Do y'all not understand how big of a deal that is? I'm tired of seeing video games with "everyman" white dudes. "Everyman" is like supposed a character the player and put themselves into because they're a blank slate. White people are always a blank slate, but other races come with stereotypes, so we can never be "everymen." See how fucked up that is?
We have a black girl that's starring in a video game as the lead and everyone loves her. Like everyone. She's the only thing that's keeping this telltale walking dead shit afloat. She and Lee, another black character, are the reason telltale is even where they are today. People got sick of seeing the same shit in every game an… [view original content]
I'm not doing that. Clem is light-skin and I'm saying she's black. There are lots of races that are dark and not black.
Yeah, If that's w… moreorks for you.
It's stupid to argue with people online over something that's already made. I don't own the character and whatever I say she is doesn't matter if that creators say she's something else. It's better to just make your own stuff.
Me: Without any proof from the developers themselves saying she is 100% black, you're saying she is as if its fact when it's not.
You… more: I'm not doing that
You, a couple hours ago with no proof: Nah, I mean like 100% black. Both her parents are black.
You have been doing it lol
Either way she is certainly black to some degree, and it is definitely possible she is 100% black.
You could maybe ask Telltale staff about her ethnicity the next time they're around the forums or host an AMA to get a definitive answer.
No, not really, Clementine's mother doesn't look african-american to me, she looks asian, Clementine too. Her skin tone it's too light in S1 and S2, too light to be considered african-american. Her skin got a little darker in ANF but that's obviously due to the sun.
I would've said before that she is mixed from her father's side but it was comfirmed that Ed is not his biological father. Maybe she is kind of mixed but saying she is 100% black? i dont think so... she doesnt even have an african-american accent.
Can we agree on this?
No, not really, Clementine's mother doesn't look african-american to me, she looks asian, Clementine too. Her … moreskin tone it's too light in S1 and S2, too light to be considered african-american. Her skin got a little darker in ANF but that's obviously due to the sun.
I would've said before that she is mixed from her father's side but it was comfirmed that Ed is not his biological father. Maybe she is kind of mixed but saying she is 100% black? i dont think so... she doesnt even have an african-american accent.
Um..Do you not see her mom's hair? She's very clearly black. As is Clem. Their are not too light to be considered black. I feel like you haven't seen too many black people in your life. Or, hear me out, her skin got darker because sometimes lightskin people get a little darker as they get older. it happens. You saying it's "obviously from the sun" really like you don't want to say she's black.
Can we agree on this?
No, not really, Clementine's mother doesn't look african-american to me, she looks asian, Clementine too. Her … moreskin tone it's too light in S1 and S2, too light to be considered african-american. Her skin got a little darker in ANF but that's obviously due to the sun.
I would've said before that she is mixed from her father's side but it was comfirmed that Ed is not his biological father. Maybe she is kind of mixed but saying she is 100% black? i dont think so... she doesnt even have an african-american accent.
No i'm not 'trolling' and btw i'm not from US, i dont know if my comment about the accent is considered offensive? i've meet a lot of different people from the US and they all had different accents, they didn't sound the same to me. Ohh... and what about Diana's hair? maybe she got a new haircut, never considered that? anyway i'm not sure why is this a big deal, does it matter her race?
Um..Do you not see her mom's hair? She's very clearly black. As is Clem. Their are not too light to be considered black. I feel like you hav… moreen't seen too many black people in your life. Or, hear me out, her skin got darker because sometimes lightskin people get a little darker as they get older. it happens. You saying it's "obviously from the sun" really like you don't want to say she's black.
What the fuck is an "african american accent"?
are you trolling?
In Season 1, she looked like a mix between African-American and Asian. I think her mother had some Asian in her and her Dad was simply African-American.
In Season 2, she looked less Asian and more African-American, the same with A New Frontier. Her skin got darker from S2 to ANF, but that may be just a tan from being in the sun for a while. Her skin is lighter than AJ's, but darker than Jane's or Kenny's. I think Javier and Gabe have darker skin than her.
Basically, I think she's a mix of African-American and Asian. When she was younger, she looked more Asian but as time went by she started to look more black, which is actually common if you're mixed. Like me, when I was a baby, my skin was white but when I was around 11 my skin got darker before getting lighter again.
Some blacks can have facial features that look similar to Asians especially blasian beings with a Asian and black parent. Clementine before I knew officially what her race was I thought she was born Asian or blasian. But I've heard one of the designers daughters who Clem was based off of was Asian in real life so likely could be why Clem appears to have some Asian and black looks because they also wanted Clementine to look like she could pass as Lee's daughter even though she wasn't.
Afro-Latino? Why do you say that?
Okay let's see: people talked about her sexuality, then age, then skin color, then redesigned, then her character, and we are back at the stupid race color again.
She's half Asian and Black, m'kay?
No one can be 100% of certain color, you don't know with whom your ancestors fooled around with do ya?
Idk man...
I understand really lightskinned black people exist but this is a little too light. She certainly has one parent who's got a good amount of white in them who passed it on to her.
I don't think she is.
People seem to be having a really hard time accepting that.
My sister looks exactly like that. But I did have a great-grandfather who looked white. His mom was white/black and his dad was white.
So you're not totally wrong.
Both our parents are black tho.
She's not that light.
When a person isn't male or female, in either gender (like me, I'm agender/I have no gender) or anatomy (like intersex individuals, who have genitalia that are halfway between a penis and a vagina).
Are we really arguing over this again? She looks mixed...I mean I get want sole ownership of this great character because of the criminal lack of great African American characters in games But she looks mixed...which sorta point to one thing...She is an American girl.
I am cool with it
Yeah she does look tanned. But even if she was black (African American Sorry I do not use that term much as I am not from America) I am cool with it
yeah that's exactly why it matters that she's black.
So if it turns out she is half black..half are going to be upset? Do you hate Asians?
Lol what? I wouldn't have any problem with that. No, why would I hate Asians?
I knew someone would take it as I hate asians or hate biracial or something. I don't. That's ridiculous to think.
If TTG were to say Ed was half Black American and half Latino, I'd go along with it. It would be a stretch, but I'd buy it more than Clem's mom being half Black American and half Asian.
Yeah that would be a huge stretch. I don't think her mom is, but i understand why people do.
No one knows her race, and neither do you.
Accepting what? Or if you meant to write 'excepting' ... Excepting what?
lol yeah I meant accepting.
Uh...yeah someone does. I'm pretty confident about this, but I could obviously be wrong.
I don't know why you all are bucking against this so hard.
she is black 100% there is no argument.
deal with it guys
does her heritage realy mather?
Maybe their grandparents are not all black. Genes may have a stronger effect in one generation opposed to another, depending on many factors and gene combinations.
That was something I considered as well.
I feel like you guys not accepting that Clem is black and try to put her in all these other races in really sad. I don't have a problem with biracial people or people of other races. It's just very important that we have a black female character as a lead in video game. Do y'all not understand how big of a deal that is? I'm tired of seeing video games with "everyman" white dudes. "Everyman" is like supposed a character the player and put themselves into because they're a blank slate. White people are always a blank slate, but other races come with stereotypes, so we can never be "everymen." See how fucked up that is?
We have a black girl that's starring in a video game as the lead and everyone loves her. Like everyone. She's the only thing that's keeping this telltale walking dead shit afloat. She and Lee, another black character, are the reason telltale is even where they are today. People got sick of seeing the same shit in every game and telltale gave them something new. They gave a black male who wasn't a thug, although he went to jail but still, or spoke in slang or whatever other bullshit stereotype they give us. He was just a guy. An "Everyman." Do you see how great that is?
It's whenever I bring the fact that Clem is black is like something about that doesn't sit right with y'all. Like you can't you accept that your favorite character is a dirty black person, So you try to make her look better by saying she's only black or a parent is only half black or not black at all. I know you're probably not thinking about this consciously, but it's definitely what you're doing. Is like because being a 100% black is a dirty or bad or inferior you add some race to it to make seem better. Black people have doing that for years. "Oh my grandma was indian(native american)", "Yeah my mom is mixed(even if she isn't)." I know I might sound crazy to some of you and you're gonna disregard what I'm saying, but this is very important to me and it should be important to everyone because it matters. It really does.
Literally no one is making a big deal out of her race except you, and no one has been racist or mentioned racism except you. What her race is doesn't matter to us because all races are equal and she's the same person no matter her race. Simple as that.
We get it, you want more black female characters but that doesn't mean that every character with dark skin is instantly 100% black because you want it and think its important. Sure I think its important too but Clem is part African american and Asian, I believe I read in an article where Kevin Bru stated this (I cant seem to find it right now but its floating around somewhere)
Us saying "hey shes actually mixed not 100% black" isnt bc we have a problem with her being black its simply because we have eyes and we can see she is not 100% black. Calm down.
Other than that I dont think telltale has outright said what Clementine is, only mentioned that she has some african american and asian in her, so until they outright say it maybe we shouldn't make any assumptions period.
Yeah, I know that every dark skin isn't instantly 100% black...that would be weird to think.
I understand why you guys are saying that and it makes sense, but all I'm saying is that black people can look like that too, but it's like every time I say it people disregard it. I'm just trying to get you to see where I'm coming from.
Yes we all see where you're coming from.
But that is exactly what you are doing here. Without any proof from the developers themselves saying she is 100% black, you're saying she is as if its fact when it's not.
I guess, in a way, you can say your clementine is 100% black. But, mine is not. Not because I have something against black people, but its just how I view her.
That way we all get what we want, work w/ you?
I'm not doing that. Clem is light-skin and I'm saying she's black. There are lots of races that are dark and not black.
Yeah, If that's works for you.
It's stupid to argue with people online over something that's already made. I don't own the character and whatever I say she is doesn't matter if that creators say she's something else. It's better to just make your own stuff.
Admittedly, I really wish we had more Michelle for a similar reason, among others.
Eh, for better or worse. Or both at the same damn time.
Well, he could be an absolute scumbag that applies to most of that. And we love him for it(among other things).

I personally don't care much either way, but she's definitely got black hair at least.
You have been doing it lol
You said I'm saying that every dark-skin character is instantly. I'm not.
yeah I know I said that earlier
So it's a fact that she's a totally black, even though her mom is Asian?
Season 2 Concept Art
I don't see how she could get much more lighter than that...
Yeah, still not that light.
Either way she is certainly black to some degree, and it is definitely possible she is 100% black.
You could maybe ask Telltale staff about her ethnicity the next time they're around the forums or host an AMA to get a definitive answer.
oh yeah i could
No, not really, Clementine's mother doesn't look african-american to me, she looks asian, Clementine too. Her skin tone it's too light in S1 and S2, too light to be considered african-american. Her skin got a little darker in ANF but that's obviously due to the sun.
I would've said before that she is mixed from her father's side but it was comfirmed that Ed is not his biological father. Maybe she is kind of mixed but saying she is 100% black? i dont think so... she doesnt even have an african-american accent.
What is an African American accent? I don't think there is one monolithic African-American accent. That is a silly comment.
Um..Do you not see her mom's hair? She's very clearly black. As is Clem. Their are not too light to be considered black. I feel like you haven't seen too many black people in your life. Or, hear me out, her skin got darker because sometimes lightskin people get a little darker as they get older. it happens. You saying it's "obviously from the sun" really like you don't want to say she's black.
What the fuck is an "african american accent"?
are you trolling?
her mom isn't asian tho?
No i'm not 'trolling' and btw i'm not from US, i dont know if my comment about the accent is considered offensive? i've meet a lot of different people from the US and they all had different accents, they didn't sound the same to me. Ohh... and what about Diana's hair? maybe she got a new haircut, never considered that? anyway i'm not sure why is this a big deal, does it matter her race?