The Thread of general TWD-related questions



  • edited September 2017

    Well, crap.

    If that's what the rules say, I guess.

    Just a friendly reminder, please don't discuss game modification on Telltale's forums. Thanks.

  • I can't imagine Gabe hurting anyone. Him frowning all the time gives of the impression of a bully, but he is actually very nice and good natured. I know someone's gonna disagree, but that's the truth.

    I can imagine him hurting someone if he feels he needs to, but he wouldn't get as nearly violent as David if he could help it. And he can.

    They pretty much wasted the boy. :(

    True day. :pensive:

    I can see him knocking out guards in order to save his uncle, I mean, he risks his life(determinately) to look for us and break us out of quarantine.


    Just imagine him being present during the Javier vs Badger confrontation(which should have been longer, btw).
    Badger: [starts talking shit about Mariana]
    enter image description here

    Badger: [tries to attack Javier again]
    enter image description here

    *Holy shit! *

    Dat animation, tho.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    I can't imagine Gabe hurting anyone. Him frowning all the time gives of the impression of a bully, but he is actually very nice and good nat

  • How can people like David but hate Kenny? They're literally the same person, not to mention David is probably worse than Kenny.

  • edited September 2017

    Just imagine him being present during the Javier vs Badger confrontation(which should have been longer, btw).

    Badger: [starts talking shit about Mariana]

    Gabe:enter image description here

    Badger: [tries to attack Javier again]

    Gabe: enter image description here

    Literally how people write Gabe in's actually very stupid and cringy.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    I can't imagine Gabe hurting anyone. Him frowning all the time gives of the impression of a bully, but he is actually very nice and good nat

  • That's a good fuckin question! :p

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    How can people like David but hate Kenny? They're literally the same person, not to mention David is probably worse than Kenny.

  • How would AJ's life be going if Carver remained in control of Howe's and raised him there?

  • So I heard something like this back when Episode 5 got released, but I'm not sure.

    Is the "Your Experience" with David thingy glitched, so that you can't get to Brotherly, only Heartfelt?
    Because the choices screen says I turned away from him when he needed help or something, even though I didin't.

    It's kinda bugging me so help pls

  • Yes, Deltino mentioned it a while back. Granted, there have been a few patches since then, but apparently that wasn't one of the fixes then.

    Dan7Bip5 posted: »

    So I heard something like this back when Episode 5 got released, but I'm not sure. Is the "Your Experience" with David thingy glitched, s

  • Except I don't write Gabe fanfictions. And I know it's stupid. :unamused: Rude...

    Are there even Gabe fanfics? All I remember is sending you a fanfic where Gabe doesn't exist.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Just imagine him being present during the Javier vs Badger confrontation(which should have been longer, btw). Badger: [starts talking

  • I dislike both.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    How can people like David but hate Kenny? They're literally the same person, not to mention David is probably worse than Kenny.

  • edited September 2017

    Probably better off...

    I'm also pretty sure Carver would raise him to be a strong ruthless leader, something he also seemed interested in having Clem become. I'm convicted the community would've prospered had our group of "heroes" not let a huge herd inside.

    Carver was really the good guy in S2.

    How would AJ's life be going if Carver remained in control of Howe's and raised him there?

  • edited September 2017

    David thought pragmatic and was ultimately right with his plan of leaving Richmond. I guess Kenny was similarly right and pragmatic before his family fell, but afterwards he just became a moody uncle whose every action ended up backfiring on himself and the group, he seemed more moved by anger than by logic after that particular event.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    How can people like David but hate Kenny? They're literally the same person, not to mention David is probably worse than Kenny.

  • edited September 2017

    Fair point. That's not at all like the stuff David pulled at times, eh'righ?

    David thought pragmatic and was ultimately right with his plan of leaving Richmond. I guess Kenny was similarly right and pragmatic before h

  • To be fair, the herd was likely gonna break it's way in anyway given that Troy dented the garage door and Bonnie said there was another breach hours beforehand.

    Probably better off... I'm also pretty sure Carver would raise him to be a strong ruthless leader, something he also seemed interested in

  • edited September 2017

    Absolutely. I hated David before episode 5 released. Mainly because of his interference on the deal we had made with Clint and him killing Clint later on. But who knows, perhaps it really was a trap and they would never let us leave. We shall never know.

    I'm really just focusing on his character's current state, aka his decisions in episode 5, which were all good.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Fair point. That's not at all like the stuff David pulled at times, eh'righ?

  • edited September 2017

    I'm not sure. First off, the herd only directly hit Howe's because Clem turned on the speaker system, effectively turning every single walker at Howe's. Then, they have Troy, who was probably checking on the dented garage door, open the door to catch them and don't bother to close it, again, effectively giving the walkers a direct, exposed and unguarded way in.

    Since both the breach and the dent were brought to Carver's attention, we can assume they were dealt with or at least being closely watched, Carver was not stupid.

    DabigRG posted: »

    To be fair, the herd was likely gonna break it's way in anyway given that Troy dented the garage door and Bonnie said there was another breach hours beforehand.

  • edited September 2017

    How do you feel about playing as an adult female(ex. Ava, Lilly, Christa)?

  • enter image description here
    enter image description here
    enter image description here
    Yeah, all good.

    Absolutely. I hated David before episode 5 released. Mainly because of his interference on the deal we had made with Clint and him killing C

  • Eh, perhaps. Bonnie and Luke's comments didn't give me much hope that they'd be ignored anyway, but the walkers approaching a single side of the building is definitely a factor.

    Carver was not stupid.

    Neither was Carlos.
    "Smug son of a bitch, but a smart man."
    * Asks an eleven year old how big a "little house" is *
    "William Carver is a dangerous man. He's very intelligent."
    * Leaves tortured Alvin untied in his office with a pistol in his drawer *
    Not stupid at all.

    I'm not sure. First off, the herd only directly hit Howe's because Clem turned on the speaker system, effectively turning every single walke

  • He broke the car, too!

    DabigRG posted: »

    Yeah, all good.

  • I agree that Carver would have kept AJ safe and raised him into a ruthless leader.

    Carver was really the good guy in S2.

    I just cant agree with this statement at all. Sure our group fucked his base up and got some regular folks killed, but Carver himself was an evil fuck. Even before we meet him he has killed many people, used his torture chair on people, and it is implied that he raped Rebecca. Carver was decent at holding things together but he wasnt a good man, at least not anymore.

    Kenny was really the good guy of s2 imho. The shitty cabin group and Clem drag him into their mess and screw up his whole life yet all he does he try to protect Clem and the group and eventually is the only other adult who actually gives a fuck about AJ.

    Probably better off... I'm also pretty sure Carver would raise him to be a strong ruthless leader, something he also seemed interested in

  • The game always says you didnt stand with David even if you did. The max relationship points with David is 8, that choice is worth 2 so the max anyone can get is heartfelt.

    (I should have gotten the brotherly relationship too and am also irritated by this bug)

    Dan7Bip5 posted: »

    So I heard something like this back when Episode 5 got released, but I'm not sure. Is the "Your Experience" with David thingy glitched, s

  • edited September 2017

    I'm 100% on David's side at the Fern situation. He was decisive and effective at dealing with an imminent threat to Kate and Javi in the best way possible. Sure, he could've stood back and let Kate and Javier's life left at Fern's whim - a woman who had just lost her whole family and was acting irrationally - but again, you don't gamble with lives.

    As for the going all pissy at Javier part... He was... totally justified? That stupid fucking dumbass Kate just proclaims her undying love for Javier in front of him without properly ending things with David and after giving him false hopes through the entirety of episode 3, then the two morons also think that the best way to break the news to David is to passionately kiss in front of him? Did they expect no emotional reaction? No anger?

    As for the other scenario where Kate is not romanced (mine), she deliberately lets the fight play out by not denying her involvement with Javi, leading David to think Javier was lying. And curiously enough, in this scenario she seems to have no reason at all to tell Javi she ever loved him... it's almost as if she says the line "I can't believe I ever loved either of you" to purposefully put the brothers against each other. Maybe in an attempt to villainize David and get Javi on her side? ... or even get rid of David in the fight she could totally predict would occur?

    Not saying David cannot be held accountable for his actions here, but Kate is the catalyst for the fight in both scenarios. She knew what that information would awaken in David but she does it anyways - perhaps even purposefully.

    As for him hurting Gabe - both accidents which Gabe himself didn't seem to mind that much.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Yeah, all good.

  • And I know it's stupid. :unamused: Rude...

    Lol I mean when people write Gabe doing that kind of stuff in stories, not when you did it.

    Are there even Gabe fanfics?

    Yeah, its called Wattpad. Gabentine stories galore that are so OOC and cringy.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Except I don't write Gabe fanfictions. And I know it's stupid. Rude... Are there even Gabe fanfics? All I remember is sending you a fanfic where Gabe doesn't exist.

  • I guess you're right about the Alvin part, though I'm pretty sure Alvin wasn't able to walk 10 steps without falling down.

    When you compare this little overlook to the amount of stupidity of all the other S2 characters... yeah, Carver is a wise godsend.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Eh, perhaps. Bonnie and Luke's comments didn't give me much hope that they'd be ignored anyway, but the walkers approaching a single side of

  • Gabe caused the accident, David's plan would've worked.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    He broke the car, too!

  • I meant that mostly as a joke, I don't think "good guys" existed in S2 at all - especially with Carver - one of the main reason I liked it so much.

    I wouldn't say Carver was "evil". I think he was just, as I said, ruthless. He stopped at no means to get his ends, and honestly, I can't blame the man for going after what he believed to be his son. I find it a perfectly justifiable reason to follow the cabin group down.

    As for torturing Alvin... yeah, I got nothing. Though it was never clarified what exactly Alvin did to that "George" guy.

    I don't exactly disagree with that about Kenny. He seemed to be faring better with Sarita by his side and all, and then with the cabin group's mess, he ended up losing Matthew, his eye, Sarita... and it all went down from there.

    I agree that Carver would have kept AJ safe and raised him into a ruthless leader. Carver was really the good guy in S2. I jus

  • Lol I mean when people write Gabe doing that kind of stuff in stories, not when you did it.

    Oh, okay then! :sweat_smile:

    Yeah, its called Wattpad. Gabentine stories galore that are so OOC and cringy.

    enter image description here

    Did you like the one I sent you, though? ;)

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    And I know it's stupid. Rude... Lol I mean when people write Gabe doing that kind of stuff in stories, not when you did it. A

  • Did you like the one I sent you, though?

    Honestly, I can't really remember it that much. Mind sending it again?

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Lol I mean when people write Gabe doing that kind of stuff in stories, not when you did it. Oh, okay then! Yeah, its called W

  • edited September 2017
    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Did you like the one I sent you, though? Honestly, I can't really remember it that much. Mind sending it again?

    • Asks an eleven year old how big a "little house" is *

    Clementine then said: "It's big..."

    DabigRG posted: »

    Eh, perhaps. Bonnie and Luke's comments didn't give me much hope that they'd be ignored anyway, but the walkers approaching a single side of

  • edited September 2017

    I think she was trying to get rid of David when telling him she couldn't believe she loved either of them since all the arguments leading up to it was her asking Javier to come with her and leave David behind, but shes stupid and didn't expect a fight to occur but rather him just leave like how he does after the fight.

    I'm 100% on David's side at the Fern situation. He was decisive and effective at dealing with an imminent threat to Kate and Javi in the bes

  • It's actually quite good! If only there were more chapters to it.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Here you go, buddy! Gabe is not in it.

  • Agreed! I hope the author continues it.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    It's actually quite good! If only there were more chapters to it.

  • I'm 100% on David's side at the Fern situation. He was decisive and effective at dealing with an imminent threat to Kate and Javi in the best way possible. Sure, he could've stood back and let Kate and Javier's life left at Fern's whim - a woman who had just lost her whole family and was acting irrationally - but again, you don't gamble with lives.

    The flaw with that is that he waited until after Kate had successfully talked her down to go on the attack, meaning he fractured a woman who was too distracted grieving to do anything to hurt anyone at that point. This especially apparent after the patch fixed Fern and several other character's facial animations.
    Simply disarming her(non-literally) and leaving her be would've sufficed at that point.

    As for the going all pissy at Javier part... He was... totally justified? That stupid fucking dumbass Kate just proclaims her undying love for Javier in front of him without properly ending things with David and after giving him false hopes through the entirety of episode 3, then the two morons also think that the best way to break the news to David is to passionately kiss in front of him? Did they expect no emotional reaction? No anger?

    He should've taken that issue up with her then, particularly if Javier rejected her. Instead, he decided to be his usual physically abusive, sore loser self and beat up his brother just because somebody [else?] preferred his company.
    And really? False hopes? I'm sorry, but when exactly . I know there's interactions and events we don't see onscreen, but at no point did Kate let on that she wanted to continue being his wife, even determinately before the climax.

    As for the other scenario where Kate is not romanced (mine), she deliberately lets the fight play out by not denying her involvement with Javi, leading David to think Javier was lying. And curiously enough, in this scenario she seems to have no reason at all to tell Javi she ever loved him... it's almost as if she says the line "I can't believe I ever loved either of you" to purposefully put the brothers against each other. Maybe in an attempt to villainize David and get Javi on her side? ... or even get rid of David in the fight she could totally predict would occur?

    More like the developers being lazy and/or forcing drama once again, but whatever. I'd honestly have to look this scene up for full context, but honestly I always took the latter scenario as being a case of her letting it slip without fully considering what happen until it was too late.

    As for him hurting Gabe - both accidents which Gabe himself didn't seem to mind that much.

    It's still a guy we're supposed to sympathize with repeatedly attacking his son, getting more violent/unrepentant each time. His previously over-idealizing son, mind you.

    I'm 100% on David's side at the Fern situation. He was decisive and effective at dealing with an imminent threat to Kate and Javi in the bes

  • I guess you're right about the Alvin part, though I'm pretty sure Alvin wasn't able to walk 10 steps without falling down.

    True. He can still crawl/roll, though.

    When you compare this little overlook to the amount of stupidity of all the other S2 characters... yeah, Carver is a wise godsend.

    Eh, I think it's been well established that the characters who were supposed to be distinctly intelligent didn't really come off as being so. Carver in particular just came off as an egotistical psycho who liked to act like he had it all together when his actions tended to show otherwise. Refuge in Audacity, if you will.

    I guess you're right about the Alvin part, though I'm pretty sure Alvin wasn't able to walk 10 steps without falling down. When you compa

  • Actually, that was the ski lodge she was referring to there. She replies to Carlos with "it's pretty small."

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    * Asks an eleven year old how big a "little house" is * Clementine then said: "It's big..."

  • I meant that mostly as a joke, I don't think "good guys" existed in S2 at all - especially with Carver - one of the main reason I liked it so much.

    Well, I'd say Sarah, Walter, Sarita, and to an extent Luke count.

    As for torturing Alvin... yeah, I got nothing. Though it was never clarified what exactly Alvin did to that "George" guy.

    I'm think it was implied he shot him when he got in the way of their escape. You have to remind Bonnie that Carver killed Alvin.

    I meant that mostly as a joke, I don't think "good guys" existed in S2 at all - especially with Carver - one of the main reason I liked it s

  • That'd be interesting. I mean, the Michonne DLC exists, but it'd still be nice to have that in the main series.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    How do you feel about playing as an adult female(ex. Ava, Lilly, Christa)?

  • Might be something for the actually trending thread, but why is it that people seem to become very narrow minded and make such a overly big deal when it comes to shipping?

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