The Thread of general TWD-related questions



  • For gamedelvers, are there any traces of unsual dialogue lines/prompt for hub areas, namely where Sarah is concerned?

  • What would Carver have thought about Kenny if he had seen Kenny kill Jane, get the kids to Wellington, and then keep them safe and hapoy for a year?

  • In s3e2 if you shot Conrad, Tripp goes "I know, i just wish......"

    What was he gonna say?

  • ...He could've been there to help him? I don't immediately recall the exact moment, but I believe the implication is that he thinks walkers got him.

    Also, watching videos for context, I notice telling him Conrad lost it is fairly ambiguous and he never questions what happened to Clementine(who just about everyone says ran off, for some reason).

    In s3e2 if you shot Conrad, Tripp goes "I know, i just wish......" What was he gonna say?

  • What happens if you reveal that Clementine was New Frontier if you shot Conrad?

  • JAVIER: She used to be part of The New Frontier.

    TRIPP: What?! She was?!

    JAVIER: Said coming to Richmond was too dangerous for her.

    TRIPP: I just don't know what the hell is going on anymore.

    JAVIER: This isn't what any of us wanted. But right now, we need to find Kate and Eleanor.

    You know the rest. Paul/Jesus says nothing and Gabe doesn't scold you for revealing it.

    DabigRG posted: »

    What happens if you reveal that Clementine was New Frontier if you shot Conrad?

  • Huh. How underwhelming.

    Thanks anyway!

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    JAVIER: She used to be part of The New Frontier. TRIPP: What?! She was?! JAVIER: Said coming to Richmond was too dangerous for her.

  • No problem! :)

    DabigRG posted: »

    Huh. How underwhelming. Thanks anyway!

  • How would you rank the vocal songs?

  • What is a sunk discussion?

  • edited September 2017

    Fuck, Marry, Kill?: Go! :lol:

  • Discussion that cannot be bumped even if it's commented on it.

    DabigRG posted: »

    What is a sunk discussion?

  • edited September 2017

    Ah, okay, that explains that several weeks ago. Thanks!

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Discussion that cannot be bumped even if it's commented on it.

  • edited September 2017

    The flaw with that is that he waited until after Kate had successfully talked her down to go on the attack, meaning he fractured a woman who was too distracted grieving to do anything to hurt anyone at that point. This especially apparent after the patch fixed Fern and several other character's facial animations.
    Simply disarming her(non-literally) and leaving her be would've sufficed at that point.

    I'm pretty sure David was already acting as Fern's expression starts to change. Not to mention that he was probably analysing the situation trying to find the best possible way to disarm her rather than carefully analysing her facial expression.

    Unless you believe David realized Fern wasn't going to shoot anymore (which honestly we cannot be 100% sure would happen) but still decided to break her arm because it pleased him?

    He should've taken that issue up with her then, particularly if Javier rejected her. Instead, he decided to be his usual physically abusive, sore loser self and beat up his brother just because somebody [else?] preferred his company.

    In both scenarios, Kate implies she and Javi have been in love. One of them is particularly provocative (like seriously, kissing in front of him right after breaking the news???) and on the other, she seems to willingly not clear things up by rephrasing. She could've fully predicted David's anger at Javi, so she was either incredibly dumb and ignorant, or she did it on purpose.

    And as I said, David is to blame for his actions, just saying that so is Kate for provoking him, willingly or not.

    And really? False hopes? I'm sorry, but when exactly . I know there's interactions and events we don't see onscreen, but at no point did Kate let on that she wanted to continue being his wife, even determinately before the climax.

    Not outright refusing his affection in episode 3? Not immediately clearing things up? That would've probably been the best time honestly, further lying probably only made David feel more betrayed.

    More like the developers being lazy and/or forcing drama once again, but whatever. I'd honestly have to look this scene up for full context, but honestly I always took the latter scenario as being a case of her letting it slip without fully considering what happen until it was too late.

    Though I'd like to believe the writers had made something more complex than just forcing drama by not having Kate clearing things up, it's most likely due to that.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I'm 100% on David's side at the Fern situation. He was decisive and effective at dealing with an imminent threat to Kate and Javi in the bes

  • I'm pretty sure David was already acting as Fern's expression starts to change. Not to mention that he was probably analysing the situation trying to find the best possible way to disarm her rather than carefully analysing her facial expression.

    Unless you believe David realized Fern wasn't going to shoot anymore (which honestly we cannot be 100% sure would happen) but still decided to break her arm because it pleased him?

    Personally, I'd be paying more attention to where the gun is aimed than her expression at the moment. With that said, I just rewatched that scene for the sake of clarity and at the moment he picks to grab her arm, she hadn't really moved the gun yet if she was actually going to.
    Really, it's just one of those situations where he used more force than necessary given he had successfully directed the gun away from anyone and she was indeed distracted and/or caught offguard when he grabbed her anyway, so it wouldn't have been very hard to disarm her properly. Throwing the gun down afterwards was also a dumb move on his part on the off chance she would've actually retaliated.

    Also, while I don't think he did it just for the sake of it, his line on the roof doesn't exactly make him look much better.

    In both scenarios, Kate implies she and Javi have been in love. One of them is particularly provocative (like seriously, kissing in front of him right after breaking the news???) and on the other, she seems to willingly not clear things up by rephrasing. She could've fully predicted David's anger at Javi, so she was either incredibly dumb and ignorant, or she did it on purpose.

    And as I said, David is to blame for his actions, just saying that so is Kate for provoking him, willingly or not.

    I honestly don't know what else to say at this point. In the latter scenario, I personally took it more as her saying Javier rebuffed her than anything else, but a verbal backspace still would've been nice. But then we probably couldn't have our dumbass fight at the end, now could we?

    Not outright refusing his affection in episode 3? Not immediately clearing things up? That would've probably been the best time honestly, further lying probably only made David feel more betrayed.

    Yeah, unfortunately, one of the closest things to character development she gets in her increasingly conditional screentime is being able to actually break things off with David herself. It just so happened that she ended up inadvertently allowing his reaction to build up over time and then immediately followed it up in the worst way possible without fully considering the repercussions of doing so.

    Though I'd like to believe the writers had made something more complex than just forcing drama by not having Kate clearing things up, it's most likely due to that.

    Yeah, as much leeway as I try to give them on many things, From the Gallows is clearly not a very well thought out finale, let alone an episode.

    The flaw with that is that he waited until after Kate had successfully talked her down to go on the attack, meaning he fractured a woman who

  • Why don't TT allow game modifications to be discussed, if you don't mind me asking?

    Just a friendly reminder, please don't discuss game modification on Telltale's forums. Thanks.

  • So here's a muddy little question that relates to my criticism of the notion: Did you think it was supposed to be implied that David had some form of PTSD going on?

  • This might sound silly: Did anyone else think it was a little weird/disappointing that Michonne was able to take down Norma so quickly?

  • edited September 2017

    If ANF had retained the Save File Chapter option that Season 1 and Season 2 had, what would you have called each chapter?

  • What Character Alignment would Joan's characterization in Above the Law fall under?

  • Chaotic Good, I assume?

    DabigRG posted: »

    What Character Alignment would Joan's characterization in Above the Law fall under?

  • Would you prefer it if S4 went back to having little time skips between episodes like S1 had? Or do you prefer the continuous stories of S2 and 3 where the just pick up right from the end of the last episode?

  • Little timeskups would be great! It would make the story longer. Not the actual season, but the story that it tells. It makes no sense for two characters to go from hating each other to beig bff in 2 days, more like 2 weeks or 2 months could at least make them trust each other, even though they may still not like each other.

    Would you prefer it if S4 went back to having little time skips between episodes like S1 had? Or do you prefer the continuous stories of S2 and 3 where the just pick up right from the end of the last episode?

  • edited September 2017

    I was wondering what is the New Richmond's leaders relationship to each other?

  • Season 2 had time skips; they just failed to do or elaborate upon anything sustantial.

    Would you prefer it if S4 went back to having little time skips between episodes like S1 had? Or do you prefer the continuous stories of S2 and 3 where the just pick up right from the end of the last episode?

  • Friends and colleagues, if that's what you mean.

    Lingard is a friend David made at some point who had turned to occasionally getting high to cope with the loss of his lover. David gradually helped him mostly kick the habit by the time they moved into Richmond and he was most likely the one who nominated Lingard to be a Councilor in the event that his medical expertise wasn't recommendation enough.

    Meanwhile, Clint and Joan were apparently also friends who met David running failing orchard by a river, so Clint his experience from his hobby to help save it and they stayed there for a while until they trusted the wrong people. When exactly did those two meet isn't really elaborated on.

    Joan is implied to have earned a lot of clout amongst them and their followers, likely due to her diplomacy skills playing a role in getting them more organized and prospering after they moved [back?] into Richmond.

    OsoroS posted: »

    I was wondering what is the New Richmond's leaders relationship to each other?

  • Eh, maybe, maybe not. Anything Good seems both about right and also a bit off all things considered. I do know I'd at worst say Lawful Evil in the sense that she's putting the well-being of her people above others with some regret being bottled up, but I can't decide on a set alignment of anything better.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Chaotic Good, I assume?

  • edited September 2017

    Hmm, yeah, Lawful Evil sounds about right. Though It's hard to define her.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Eh, maybe, maybe not. Anything Good seems both about right and also a bit off all things considered. I do know I'd at worst say Lawful Evil

  • edited September 2017

    What happened several weeks ago? And you're welcome!

    DabigRG posted: »

    Ah, okay, that explains that several weeks ago. Thanks!

  • My attractiveness thread got that label put on it and I couldn't tell if it actually affected anything.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    What happened several weeks ago? And you're welcome!

  • Dang it! I am sorry for what happened. :( I love stuff like that and thought of bumping it a while back...

    DabigRG posted: »

    My attractiveness thread got that label put on it and I couldn't tell if it actually affected anything.

  • Thanks for explaining all of this!

    DabigRG posted: »

    Friends and colleagues, if that's what you mean. Lingard is a friend David made at some point who had turned to occasionally getting high

  • In Ties That Bind Part 1 why is it that Max is willing to shoot Javi in the head for refusing to open a door but when Javi assaults one of Max's men suddenly he has to answer to Richmond's justice system?

  • Probably because he believed Javier was about to pull something there and he was already on edge due to a previous encounter; the Lonnie situation had Javier unarmed and right where he can neutralize him non-fatally. Also, mostly because these games sometimes insist on bluntly punishing you for doing nothing, for some reason.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    In Ties That Bind Part 1 why is it that Max is willing to shoot Javi in the head for refusing to open a door but when Javi assaults one of Max's men suddenly he has to answer to Richmond's justice system?

  • Why is everyone in TWDG section so lazy? Get your shit together, guys.

    enter image description here

  • Lol, guilty as charged. :lol:

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Why is everyone in TWDG section so lazy? Get your shit together, guys.

  • edited September 2017

    Does David's treatment in the last few episodes count as bordering on a Draco in Leather Pants-type fanfic? If not, then what exactly would the problem be identified as?

  • To Model-fiddlers: Do characters like Carley and Sarah have ears underneath?

  • Apparently, if Gabe dies, one of the photos at the memorial is him without a hat. Is this true or was Edgy just being facetious?

  • Is Kate's poster shirt still in the game?

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