The OP will post three different characters; everyone else will answer appropriately as per their preference. [Try to] Have fun!
Fuck Marry Kill GO!
Disclaimer: The above three choices are just a banner for artistic purposes. The point of the thread is to post your own trio for others to choose among and/or answer other people's posts to your preference.
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W...why did you put Clementine in a FMK game? 0.0
EDIT: Reopening the thread as they weren't specifically limiting it to those three characters - it was just a fancy banner (with, perhaps, questionable choices for a FMK game). But, yeah, preemptive warning - please don't leave creepy answers, even as a joke.
I... don't see any suitable category I'd be willing to put Clem into so I'll just start my own FMK game.
That's part of the point. Not stopping anyone from just commenting or asking questions if they'd like, though.
Now, let's see what you got here
Fuck Lilly, Marry Eleanor, Kill Jane.
Off to a nice start!
I believe it was fuck Lilly...Marry Jane...and Kill Eleanor.
It's his choice who to Fuck, Marry and Kill, in case you don't know the rules.
I didn't misspeak, Shoula.
You should know that by now.
Cause fun. Isn't that reason enough?
But, b-but what happens if you don't wanna do any of those things? o.o
...Rocks fall?
FMK: Kenny, Carlos, Tripp?
The game my do it in order...thems the rules.
Well, F + U then.
Ohhh....let me play!!
F....Kenny.....crazy is fun!
K...Tripp....sorry Tripp.
Nah, but seriously though, you don't have to adhere to the order of the characters presented. The choice is ultimately yours.
K... ARVO!
Huh. Okay, but I don't think you understand how this thread works.
There's nothing stopping you from replying to your own post, FYI.
f: no one
m: no one
k: everyone
I'm not gay, but I'll bit for the sake of the game.
Fuck Arvo, Marry Javier, Kill Kenny.
FMK: Christa, Luke, Conrad?
F: As much I hate Tripp, I'd still let him "do" me. He's too manly.
M: Carlos seems like he'd make a good husband. Legit.
K: I don't hate Kenny, but I just couldn't do either of those things with him. Sorry. I still love him though.
Fuck: Molly
Marry: Omid
Kill: A New Frontier
bite me (ง •̀_•́)ง
Fuck Jane, Marry Lilly, kill Eleanor
F Kenny, M Tripp, K Carlos
F Luke, M Christa, K Conrad
F: Vince
M: Danny
K: Justin
I'm seriously still the only Like on this comment?
Fuck: Molly

Marry: Eleanor
Kill: Lilly
Apparently so.
This seems lazy somehow, but go you anyway.
Fuck Lilly, Marry Eleanor, Kill Molly I guess.
Fuck Danny, Marry Vince, Kill Justin.
No homo.
If I were to choose between those three I'd go with: Fuck Lilly, Marry Eleanor and kill Molly (nothing against Molly though)
Molly and Eleanor I really liked (including their personality), whereas Lilly just isn't my type. I wouldn't have minded Lilly being with Lee but considering her asshole father and what she did, that bitch should've been the one shot and left beside the road, not Carley or Doug.
Eh, Lilly's a butterface at least. Plus, her intelligence, hidden compassion, the whole Well Done Daughter Gal thing, and her dedication to looking out for the group even though she probably should've taken some time off does make her respectable, pitiable, and somewhat appealing.
Can't say I really care about Molly one way or the other and she came off as intentionally trying to get under your skin anyway, so I guess she dies by default. Somebody pointing out that she looks like a sissy boy wouldn't do her many favors either.
Fuck Lilly, Marry Eleanor, Kill Jane.