That's so trueee, Clem became a responsibility we didn't have a problem with. And even though some we may not look at her as a priority, you just help but to care♥
Yeah, I definitely don't want her to have an ending. Would be pretty awesome to rewrite her story into a comic book. Then we(twd telltale fo… morerum) could vote on which choices Lee and Clem choose. Maybe add some dialogue, and then add stuff after this season is over.
Ok, I sound insane, but here me out. When I got introduced to Tt's TWD, I downloaded the demo for S2 on my ps3. In the demo, it's just the intro of S2, up until Clem falls into "the fuckin river". Just that little taste got me hooked. I immediately downloaded S1, and fell in love, with Clem, and Lee. But mostly Clem. She was so innocent I didn't want anything to happen to her. Even knowing she was going to be ok, I didn't want anything to scar her. Emotionally and physically. Everything I did as Lee was for her.
Then when S2 came out it was like the greatest gift, given to me. I got to play as the kid I was trying to protect. And what better way to protect her, amiright? I lov… [view original content]
Same, I don't want telltale to force anything. And I'm willing to give give them the time they need to at least find their rhythm they had in S1, or even something close to it.
Very much so. I have to see it through. I just pray Telltale goes back to their roots and lets us talk about our past experiences, lest they fade away in vain.
Yes, they could have developed every cabin member but decided not to because killing them off one by one was more important to them.
Well i am glad Kenny came back. I would have been glad any Season 1 character had come back, i wanted Omid and Christa around longer than the disgraceful time they were given in S2. Even if the cabin crew and other characters were developed and well written, i still would have preferred the S1 characters.
I could say the same about Kenny and Jane; their stories weren't all that interesting to see in Season 2, and yet the two hogged up the majo… morerity of the spotlight in Season 2 while Clementine and the Cabin Group were both pushed to the side.
Kenny's arc in Season 2 is basically the same as it was in the previous season, except more lazily told when it involves his partners. Jane's arc is basically the opposite of Molly's arc from Around Every Corner when it comes to their own sisters.
Season 2's story suffered because the writers didn't feel confident enough to tell a new story without resorting to reusing old stories in Season 1, which was why Kenny was brought back to use as a crutch, while Jane was created to add an opponent for Kenny for the sake of making a 'compelling' drama in the finale.
The Cabin Group weren't seen as interesting simply because they naturally weren't interesting, but because the writers just didn't want to te… [view original content]
TT is the Oprah of stories XD and I agree, I'd hate it if TT just started throwing anything out there and expecting it to sky rocket cause of the name. Like I said, I'm more than willing to give TT all the time they need to get their rhythm back to make something if not close to, then something similar to S1. I think they can do it.
I'm sure they'll be able to create a story that'll get some people attached to the new characters. Some people liked ANF. I'm done after Cle… morementines arc, personally. Ending the series won't change the fact I have no interest in spinoffs and constantly changing the focus of the story game by game, it makes character attachment pointless if I'm playing the game because I like the series. And if that's gone, I don't see the point. It's certainly not the innovative gameplay that's keeping me around.
Much like Michonne and ANF, I'm simply going to lose interest if they're focusing on people I don't care about and never asked for. I'm just not going to stick around with the series if it's all going to boil down to Oprah saying "You get a story! You get a story! EVERYONE GETS A STORY!" I mean, hell, I am a huge fan of 24. I own every season and the movie on DVD, and a few on iTunes. I didn't watch Legacy because, despite loving the original serie… [view original content]
Out of all the new characters introduced in ANF I wasn't attached to any of them. I'm not even attached to Clementine who's been the central focal point up until now
Well I love TWD but I hated the flatness of ANF, which even made me avoid this forum (that I love deeply); I'm all about giving second chanc… morees, so I'm waiting for the final season. Not super waiting like I wait for TLoU2, but still waiting. I'm not going to preorder or buy it immediately after it releases though.
Ok lol. I guess you didn't mind the short 1 hour episodes, the 90% of sitting through cutscenes and dialogue choice (choices hardly having a… moren impact), the 2 to 3 scenes of gameplay, the very few amount of hubs and no character development/interaction? Not to mention a full priced game which was a big issue for me.
But hey that's fine! If Season 3 had replicated Season 1 by having 2 hour plus episodes, 90% gameplay, a dozen hubs, puzzles, optional sidequests, fantastic character development/interaction and choices feeling like they matter (as in not being forgotten about in later episodes like in Season 3), if ANF had that, then we wouldn't even be having this conversation.
I mean in TT's defense, Clem's been through some rough times, especially in S2 which gave her tough skin. But I don't think she should've transitioned into this complete hardass. But then again it could just be her being extremely cautious in any scenario avoiding what she's been through in the past.
ANF didn't introduce anyone that I grew attached to (it actually had the opposite effect where it seems I'd rather never see any of those ch… morearacters again), everyone from past Seasons is dead or missing (literally everyone) so I guess in the end any talk of attachment comes down to Clementine: am I attached to her?
I look upon S1 and 2 Clementine moments very fondly and I'm sure that will never go away, but present Clementine is... not inspiring much positive stuff in me anymore. I can't relate to her motivations (finding AJ) any longer, she wasn't particularly smart or had a pleasant personality or arc last Season... I'm honestly not sure if I still care about her, I'm definitely slightly interested in playing as her again in The Final Season in hopes that that S2 feeling will be back but... she's just so different. And then there's AJ, which is what's probably the biggest deal breaker about her character right now. I don't know. It's conflicting.
Yes, they could have developed every cabin member but decided not to because killing them off one by one was more important to them.
Which is why I feel that Season 2 is a disservice to me as a whole, because the writers had taken the lazy way out by using the new cast to fill up the deaths-per-episode quota, instead of actually giving each character a purpose of being in the story to begin with.
This also ended up highlighting one of the main problem that some have with Telltale's story-telling formula as of late; too many characters are being written to die for cheap drama instead of actually developing as a character, and it happens too frequently to the point where the audience starts to not care about the survival of the cast.
Yes, they could have developed every cabin member but decided not to because killing them off one by one was more important to them.
Well… more i am glad Kenny came back. I would have been glad any Season 1 character had come back, i wanted Omid and Christa around longer than the disgraceful time they were given in S2. Even if the cabin crew and other characters were developed and well written, i still would have preferred the S1 characters.
Yep, they should have had at least more people survive from Season 1 into Season 2 and made them a relevant part of the story, even if that meant shorten the amount of cabin members or something. Most people i know only cared about Clem and Kenny and Omid and Christa before their exits. They didn't care about anyone else, even when they tried
Yes, they could have developed every cabin member but decided not to because killing them off one by one was more important to them.
… more Which is why I feel that Season 2 is a disservice to me as a whole, because the writers had taken the lazy way out by using the new cast to fill up the deaths-per-episode quota, instead of actually giving each character a purpose of being in the story to begin with.
This also ended up highlighting one of the main problem that some have with Telltale's story-telling formula as of late; too many characters are being written to die for cheap drama instead of actually developing as a character, and it happens too frequently to the point where the audience starts to not care about the survival of the cast.
I'm the loyal, 'ride or die' type, even to people/things that might not always deserve it. So I'd say yeah, I'm still attached. I'm one of the people with the blessing/curse known as low standards, so the bar to disappoint me is pretty damn low. And even S3 wasn't able to go below that bar.
Now, before anyone goes off accusing me of being a raging idiot (which for the record, I will not deny), I'll admit two things; it's definitely not as good as the first two seasons, and I took S3 a bit less seriously than I did the first two, which might have something to do with why it didn't disappoint me as much. I don't know. But either way, I'll admit at the very least that I do find it inferior to the first two seasons... just not as inferior as most. But I ain't gonna sit here and make excuses about how it's still a good story and that you're all wrong, because honestly, most of you bring up good points-- there are indeed a lot of problems with it, and I can acknowledge those. But even in lieu of those problems, it's still just not enough to make me hate it. I don't know what else to say here. I simply don't hate/dislike it like most people do, and I'm not entirely sure why. I mean come on, you can't tell me you haven't felt the same way about something before. You never had some shitty song that you actually don't mind when it comes on? Some bad movie that you can't help but find kinda entertaining? That crap show no one takes seriously, but you secretly watch it at night with the volume turned all the way down to hide the shame?
But at any rate, I'm still attached and invested in this series, and moreover, I'm still loyal to it, even in spite of recent events. Maybe TWD is a sinking ship these days... but fuck it, it's a ship I'll happily go down with.
Gentlemen, you're thinking about this all wrong. It's about the practicality.
You can call it ANF or call it S3. Calling it S3 is easier: that's an entire letter less to type out compared to ANF!
It's basically that most of the people hating on ANF will be back once the next game comes out. Sure, one bad instalment can ruin the whole franchise, but it was more disappointing than it was bad. Sooner or later people are gonna get bored of sitting on their ass and typing angry comments and they will come back to check S4 out. Maybe out of pure curiosity, maybe because a sentiment or just to make memes, but some of us are used to TWD series being one of the best of TT's titles, so it's no use in saying that ANF destroyed the whole franchise.
Now, before anyone goes off accusing me of being a raging idiot
I'm the loyal, 'ride or die' type, even to people/things that might not always deserve it. So I'd say yeah, I'm still attached. I'm one of t… morehe people with the blessing/curse known as low standards, so the bar to disappoint me is pretty damn low. And even S3 wasn't able to go below that bar.
Now, before anyone goes off accusing me of being a raging idiot (which for the record, I will not deny), I'll admit two things; it's definitely not as good as the first two seasons, and I took S3 a bit less seriously than I did the first two, which might have something to do with why it didn't disappoint me as much. I don't know. But either way, I'll admit at the very least that I do find it inferior to the first two seasons... just not as inferior as most. But I ain't gonna sit here and make excuses about how it's still a good story and that you're all wrong, because honestly, most of you bring up good points-- there are indeed a lot of problems with i… [view original content]
Season 2's story suffered because the writers didn't feel confident enough to tell a new story without resorting to reusing old stories in Season 1, which was why Kenny was brought back to use as a crutch
To be fair, it's more or less been confirmed that Kenny was always considered to return in some shape or form since the earlier drafts.
But you're right regardless.
Jane was created to add an opponent for Kenny for the sake of making a 'compelling' drama in the finale.
Actually, I'm pretty sure Jane was originally created as a plot device to help get the group out of Howe's and then help exacerbate the tension in group, particularly where Luke is concerned. It was people talking about her that gave the writers of Amid the Ruins the excuse they needed to overindulge with her.
I could say the same about Kenny and Jane; their stories weren't all that interesting to see in Season 2, and yet the two hogged up the majo… morerity of the spotlight in Season 2 while Clementine and the Cabin Group were both pushed to the side.
Kenny's arc in Season 2 is basically the same as it was in the previous season, except more lazily told when it involves his partners. Jane's arc is basically the opposite of Molly's arc from Around Every Corner when it comes to their own sisters.
Season 2's story suffered because the writers didn't feel confident enough to tell a new story without resorting to reusing old stories in Season 1, which was why Kenny was brought back to use as a crutch, while Jane was created to add an opponent for Kenny for the sake of making a 'compelling' drama in the finale.
The Cabin Group weren't seen as interesting simply because they naturally weren't interesting, but because the writers just didn't want to te… [view original content]
Yeah this kind of reaction towards those who claim to like the game seems pretty common on here. I mean I get it, A New Frontier did appear to be a lazy middle finger to long term fans of the franchise with those pre-release grandiose marketing lies, the apparent mistreatment of the last major choices of Season 2, the drastic shift in tone from previous games and the shorter episode lengths. I suppose a lot of fans just became so embittered by those things I listed that they can't really fathom how anyone can possibly like the game despite its flaws, which I guess I can understand.
Personally I'm glad you enjoyed the game even though I don't really share the same opinion. Hopefully nearly all of us will agree that The Final Season is good so we wont have these kinds of reaction towards those who enjoy it.
As much as I like Kenny, I gotta be honest, he should've died in No Time Left. His character arc ended perfectly at the alleyway with Ben. Constantly berating him after finding out that he's the one responsible for the death of his family (even though he never meant for that to happen), to understanding where he's coming from with his own grief. Finally ending it to where he shoots him while incapacitated, so that he wouldn't suffer from getting eaten by the walkers surrounding them.
Kenny being in Season 2, essentially caused most of the plot to center around him, rather than the Cabin survivors, whom by that point are pretty much irrelevant, aside from maybe Rebecca & Luke. Even though they basically are just waiting to be killed off, just like the rest.
Season 2's story suffered because the writers didn't feel confident enough to tell a new story without resorting to reusing old stories in S… moreeason 1, which was why Kenny was brought back to use as a crutch
To be fair, it's more or less been confirmed that Kenny was always considered to return in some shape or form since the earlier drafts.
But you're right regardless.
Jane was created to add an opponent for Kenny for the sake of making a 'compelling' drama in the finale.
Actually, I'm pretty sure Jane was originally created as a plot device to help get the group out of Howe's and then help exacerbate the tension in group, particularly where Luke is concerned. It was people talking about her that gave the writers of Amid the Ruins the excuse they needed to overindulge with her.
Yeah this kind of reaction towards those who claim to like the game seems pretty common on here. I mean I get it, A New Frontier did appear … moreto be a lazy middle finger to long term fans of the franchise with those pre-release grandiose marketing lies, the apparent mistreatment of the last major choices of Season 2, the drastic shift in tone from previous games and the shorter episode lengths. I suppose a lot of fans just became so embittered by those things I listed that they can't really fathom how anyone can possibly like the game despite its flaws, which I guess I can understand.
Personally I'm glad you enjoyed the game even though I don't really share the same opinion. Hopefully nearly all of us will agree that The Final Season is good so we wont have these kinds of reaction towards those who enjoy it.
If i had known how the latter half of Season 2 would be, I would say him dying in S1 would have been a blessing and should have happened. I say that only because maybe then the Kenny haters (the ones who speak vile and wish death on him, those extreme types i mean) would possibly not be as shitty about his character.
As much as I like Kenny, I gotta be honest, he should've died in No Time Left. His character arc ended perfectly at the alleyway with Ben. C… moreonstantly berating him after finding out that he's the one responsible for the death of his family (even though he never meant for that to happen), to understanding where he's coming from with his own grief. Finally ending it to where he shoots him while incapacitated, so that he wouldn't suffer from getting eaten by the walkers surrounding them.
Kenny being in Season 2, essentially caused most of the plot to center around him, rather than the Cabin survivors, whom by that point are pretty much irrelevant, aside from maybe Rebecca & Luke. Even though they basically are just waiting to be killed off, just like the rest.
Its not just the episode lengths dude! I gave you the list above as to why we hate S3 compared to S1. If the game was a much lower price, I wouldn't probably be as annoyed. A lot of why I don't like it is that Telltale think its acceptable to charge people more or the same price as Season 1 for much much less quality.
As i said it's fine that you like it. Not trying to change your mind.
Why do you like it then? What was it that changed your life? Do you like it more than the previous 2 games?
As i told Melton, im not trying to change his/her mind. I'm more disappoined a fellow fan likes it though to be honest but Melton is entitled to it. I just can't understand why after playing Season 1 though
Yeah this kind of reaction towards those who claim to like the game seems pretty common on here. I mean I get it, A New Frontier did appear … moreto be a lazy middle finger to long term fans of the franchise with those pre-release grandiose marketing lies, the apparent mistreatment of the last major choices of Season 2, the drastic shift in tone from previous games and the shorter episode lengths. I suppose a lot of fans just became so embittered by those things I listed that they can't really fathom how anyone can possibly like the game despite its flaws, which I guess I can understand.
Personally I'm glad you enjoyed the game even though I don't really share the same opinion. Hopefully nearly all of us will agree that The Final Season is good so we wont have these kinds of reaction towards those who enjoy it.
I mean I feel like it's just the feeling of wanting to know what's gonna happen next and not wanting be left out if it's good. Cause to me I always felt like TT can do something similar to S1, it'll just take a little while, and every season that came out after S1 I was gullible enough to believe it'll be up to par with S1. S2 was was kinda close in my opinion with S1 cause of some of the difficult choices, but after that to me it just went downhill.
But hey that's fine! If Season 3 had replicated Season 1 by having 2 hour plus episodes, 90% gameplay, a dozen hubs, puzzles, optional sidequests, fantastic character development/interaction and choices feeling like they matter
Ok lol. I guess you didn't mind the short 1 hour episodes, the 90% of sitting through cutscenes and dialogue choice (choices hardly having a… moren impact), the 2 to 3 scenes of gameplay, the very few amount of hubs and no character development/interaction? Not to mention a full priced game which was a big issue for me.
But hey that's fine! If Season 3 had replicated Season 1 by having 2 hour plus episodes, 90% gameplay, a dozen hubs, puzzles, optional sidequests, fantastic character development/interaction and choices feeling like they matter (as in not being forgotten about in later episodes like in Season 3), if ANF had that, then we wouldn't even be having this conversation.
Ok lol. I guess you didn't mind the short 1 hour episodes, the 90% of sitting through cutscenes and dialogue choice (choices hardly having a… moren impact), the 2 to 3 scenes of gameplay, the very few amount of hubs and no character development/interaction? Not to mention a full priced game which was a big issue for me.
But hey that's fine! If Season 3 had replicated Season 1 by having 2 hour plus episodes, 90% gameplay, a dozen hubs, puzzles, optional sidequests, fantastic character development/interaction and choices feeling like they matter (as in not being forgotten about in later episodes like in Season 3), if ANF had that, then we wouldn't even be having this conversation.
Ok lol. I guess you didn't mind the short 1 hour episodes, the 90% of sitting through cutscenes and dialogue choice (choices hardly having a… moren impact), the 2 to 3 scenes of gameplay, the very few amount of hubs and no character development/interaction? Not to mention a full priced game which was a big issue for me.
But hey that's fine! If Season 3 had replicated Season 1 by having 2 hour plus episodes, 90% gameplay, a dozen hubs, puzzles, optional sidequests, fantastic character development/interaction and choices feeling like they matter (as in not being forgotten about in later episodes like in Season 3), if ANF had that, then we wouldn't even be having this conversation.
don't see why people hate it apart from the episode lengths
For the newcomers.
Season 1 choices having no affect at all.
Lack of gameplay content.
Unlikable characters except Clem and Javi.
Terrible graphics.
Clementine having no purpose on this game.
Choices mattering without letting the players know how they did that.
Sparing Conrad doesn't affect Clementine's relationship with Javi at all. She still sticks around for no reason.
Gabe doing nothing but cause trouble all the time.
David tries to kill me despite the fact that I've been on his side all the time and never touched Kate.
Conrad doing nothing in this game except Episode 3.
Episode 1 was split in two because it was TOO BIG.
Richmond accepts Javier as the leader despite the fact that he is the one who caused the chaos in Richmond.
Jesus having no purpose on this game.
Eleanor having no purpose on this game other than being a traitor bitch.
Marianna's death having no affect on this game other than shock value.
Walkers aren't acting like walkers during the saving Richmond part.
Clementine can kiss a boy of her age she has only known for 3-4 days and cried the way she did to Lee and Kenny (If killed in S2).
Full of bugs and glitches.
Badger kills a defenseless little girl over some fucking pudding.
Javi and his family survived 4 years of apocalypse in one fucking van.
Wellington, a community fully populated, couldn't fight a bunch of bandits.
Clementine somehow knows how to ride a motorbike.
Conrad disappears after the end of Episode 4.
Max and Lonnie disappear after exposing Joan.
Richmond people still trusting Joan despite the fact that she caused a lot of deaths of innocent people.
David kicks Clementine out of the group for stealing medicine but doesn't kick Lingard out for getting high.
David takes AJ away from Clementine when he just said they should have left him behind days ago but he changed his mind because.....
Kate, after being shot in the stomach and blown up in an armored truck near explosion, is in good condition.
Wellington wasn't attacked by The New Frontier despite the fact that one of the attackers shares the same model with one of Richmond soldiers in Episode 2. (DO YOU REALLY THINK WE'RE BLIND, TELLTALE?)
Kenny, one of the main characters of Season 1 and 2, dies by car accident.
don't see why people hate it apart from the episode lengths
* For the newcomers.
* Season 1 choices having no affect at … moreall.
* Lack of gameplay content.
* Unlikable characters except Clem and Javi.
* Terrible graphics.
* Clementine having no purpose on this game.
* Choices mattering without letting the players know how they did that.
* Sparing Conrad doesn't affect Clementine's relationship with Javi at all. She still sticks around for no reason.
* Gabe doing nothing but cause trouble all the time.
* David tries to kill me despite the fact that I've been on his side all the time and never touched Kate.
* Conrad doing nothing in this game except Episode 3.
* Episode 1 was split in two because it was TOO BIG.
* Richmond accepts Javier as the leader despite the fact that he is the one who caused the chaos in Richmond.
* Jesus having no purpose on this game.
* Eleanor having no purpose on … [view original content]
don't see why people hate it apart from the episode lengths
* For the newcomers.
* Season 1 choices having no affect at … moreall.
* Lack of gameplay content.
* Unlikable characters except Clem and Javi.
* Terrible graphics.
* Clementine having no purpose on this game.
* Choices mattering without letting the players know how they did that.
* Sparing Conrad doesn't affect Clementine's relationship with Javi at all. She still sticks around for no reason.
* Gabe doing nothing but cause trouble all the time.
* David tries to kill me despite the fact that I've been on his side all the time and never touched Kate.
* Conrad doing nothing in this game except Episode 3.
* Episode 1 was split in two because it was TOO BIG.
* Richmond accepts Javier as the leader despite the fact that he is the one who caused the chaos in Richmond.
* Jesus having no purpose on this game.
* Eleanor having no purpose on … [view original content]
Its not just the episode lengths dude! I gave you the list above as to why we hate S3 compared to S1. If the game was a much lower price, I … morewouldn't probably be as annoyed. A lot of why I don't like it is that Telltale think its acceptable to charge people more or the same price as Season 1 for much much less quality.
As i said it's fine that you like it. Not trying to change your mind.
Why do you like it then? What was it that changed your life? Do you like it more than the previous 2 games?
That's so trueee, Clem became a responsibility we didn't have a problem with. And even though some we may not look at her as a priority, you just help but to care♥
Same, I don't want telltale to force anything. And I'm willing to give give them the time they need to at least find their rhythm they had in S1, or even something close to it.
Yes, they could have developed every cabin member but decided not to because killing them off one by one was more important to them.
Well i am glad Kenny came back. I would have been glad any Season 1 character had come back, i wanted Omid and Christa around longer than the disgraceful time they were given in S2. Even if the cabin crew and other characters were developed and well written, i still would have preferred the S1 characters.
Yeah, what was point of the characters if they just die no matter what? For just shock value is not a reason at all.
TT is the Oprah of stories XD and I agree, I'd hate it if TT just started throwing anything out there and expecting it to sky rocket cause of the name. Like I said, I'm more than willing to give TT all the time they need to get their rhythm back to make something if not close to, then something similar to S1. I think they can do it.
Yeah same here. I couldn't just turn off my liking for TT that easily.
True. I felt that way at first after Lee's death. But then I thought Clem's still here, so I couldn't look away.
Nope I didn't mind any of that
I mean in TT's defense, Clem's been through some rough times, especially in S2 which gave her tough skin. But I don't think she should've transitioned into this complete hardass. But then again it could just be her being extremely cautious in any scenario avoiding what she's been through in the past.
Which is why I feel that Season 2 is a disservice to me as a whole, because the writers had taken the lazy way out by using the new cast to fill up the deaths-per-episode quota, instead of actually giving each character a purpose of being in the story to begin with.
This also ended up highlighting one of the main problem that some have with Telltale's story-telling formula as of late; too many characters are being written to die for cheap drama instead of actually developing as a character, and it happens too frequently to the point where the audience starts to not care about the survival of the cast.
Yep, they should have had at least more people survive from Season 1 into Season 2 and made them a relevant part of the story, even if that meant shorten the amount of cabin members or something. Most people i know only cared about Clem and Kenny and Omid and Christa before their exits. They didn't care about anyone else, even when they tried
Then enjoy spending all your money on shite quality games from TT in the future lol. More power to you
But i have to admit, you're in a minority to not mind how Season 3 turned out though
Gentlemen, you're thinking about this all wrong. It's about the practicality.
You can call it ANF or call it S3. Calling it S3 is easier: that's an entire letter less to type out compared to ANF!
I'm the loyal, 'ride or die' type, even to people/things that might not always deserve it. So I'd say yeah, I'm still attached. I'm one of the people with the blessing/curse known as low standards, so the bar to disappoint me is pretty damn low. And even S3 wasn't able to go below that bar.
Now, before anyone goes off accusing me of being a raging idiot (which for the record, I will not deny), I'll admit two things; it's definitely not as good as the first two seasons, and I took S3 a bit less seriously than I did the first two, which might have something to do with why it didn't disappoint me as much. I don't know. But either way, I'll admit at the very least that I do find it inferior to the first two seasons... just not as inferior as most. But I ain't gonna sit here and make excuses about how it's still a good story and that you're all wrong, because honestly, most of you bring up good points-- there are indeed a lot of problems with it, and I can acknowledge those. But even in lieu of those problems, it's still just not enough to make me hate it. I don't know what else to say here. I simply don't hate/dislike it like most people do, and I'm not entirely sure why. I mean come on, you can't tell me you haven't felt the same way about something before. You never had some shitty song that you actually don't mind when it comes on? Some bad movie that you can't help but find kinda entertaining? That crap show no one takes seriously, but you secretly watch it at night with the volume turned all the way down to hide the shame?
But at any rate, I'm still attached and invested in this series, and moreover, I'm still loyal to it, even in spite of recent events. Maybe TWD is a sinking ship these days... but fuck it, it's a ship I'll happily go down with.
But what if calling it 'S3' makes me want to have a lobotomy?
Why do you need a lobotomy if you already played/watched S3
There's very little difference
rofl, good point.
It's basically that most of the people hating on ANF will be back once the next game comes out. Sure, one bad instalment can ruin the whole franchise, but it was more disappointing than it was bad. Sooner or later people are gonna get bored of sitting on their ass and typing angry comments and they will come back to check S4 out. Maybe out of pure curiosity, maybe because a sentiment or just to make memes, but some of us are used to TWD series being one of the best of TT's titles, so it's no use in saying that ANF destroyed the whole franchise.
ur a raging idiot
runs away
To be fair, it's more or less been confirmed that Kenny was always considered to return in some shape or form since the earlier drafts.
But you're right regardless.
Actually, I'm pretty sure Jane was originally created as a plot device to help get the group out of Howe's and then help exacerbate the tension in group, particularly where Luke is concerned. It was people talking about her that gave the writers of Amid the Ruins the excuse they needed to overindulge with her.
I have a feeling that you're trying to get me to dislike it
Yeah this kind of reaction towards those who claim to like the game seems pretty common on here. I mean I get it, A New Frontier did appear to be a lazy middle finger to long term fans of the franchise with those pre-release grandiose marketing lies, the apparent mistreatment of the last major choices of Season 2, the drastic shift in tone from previous games and the shorter episode lengths. I suppose a lot of fans just became so embittered by those things I listed that they can't really fathom how anyone can possibly like the game despite its flaws, which I guess I can understand.
Personally I'm glad you enjoyed the game even though I don't really share the same opinion. Hopefully nearly all of us will agree that The Final Season is good so we wont have these kinds of reaction towards those who enjoy it.
As much as I like Kenny, I gotta be honest, he should've died in No Time Left. His character arc ended perfectly at the alleyway with Ben. Constantly berating him after finding out that he's the one responsible for the death of his family (even though he never meant for that to happen), to understanding where he's coming from with his own grief. Finally ending it to where he shoots him while incapacitated, so that he wouldn't suffer from getting eaten by the walkers surrounding them.
Kenny being in Season 2, essentially caused most of the plot to center around him, rather than the Cabin survivors, whom by that point are pretty much irrelevant, aside from maybe Rebecca & Luke. Even though they basically are just waiting to be killed off, just like the rest.
Yeah I've been around since season 1 but don't see why people hate it apart from the episode lengths
If i had known how the latter half of Season 2 would be, I would say him dying in S1 would have been a blessing and should have happened. I say that only because maybe then the Kenny haters (the ones who speak vile and wish death on him, those extreme types i mean) would possibly not be as shitty about his character.
No honestly not at all. I just struggle to understand people who can like this game knowing what Season 1 was like compared to this that's all.
Its not just the episode lengths dude! I gave you the list above as to why we hate S3 compared to S1. If the game was a much lower price, I wouldn't probably be as annoyed. A lot of why I don't like it is that Telltale think its acceptable to charge people more or the same price as Season 1 for much much less quality.
As i said it's fine that you like it. Not trying to change your mind.
Why do you like it then? What was it that changed your life? Do you like it more than the previous 2 games?
As i told Melton, im not trying to change his/her mind. I'm more disappoined a fellow fan likes it though to be honest but Melton is entitled to it. I just can't understand why after playing Season 1 though
I mean I feel like it's just the feeling of wanting to know what's gonna happen next and not wanting be left out if it's good. Cause to me I always felt like TT can do something similar to S1, it'll just take a little while, and every season that came out after S1 I was gullible enough to believe it'll be up to par with S1. S2 was was kinda close in my opinion with S1 cause of some of the difficult choices, but after that to me it just went downhill.
exactly ;_;
Put this in your pipe and smoke it ; )
You have way too much time on your hands if you wrote that
I only like it more than season 2
Coherently writing down thoughts is not as impossible as you may think.