The Thread of general TWD-related questions



  • It was Bummer dad, gosh!

    "Downer dad" returns lol

  • Because some people are just naturally built that way. Plus, having a settlement to live in and/or some adequate survivals skills is a factor as well.

  • I think Joan ate too much cakes lol

    Some people like Oak and Brie got lucky and stumbled upon places with tons of food. Other people like Brenda and Joan used violence and manipulation to stay better fed than most.

  • That's probably the case. :D

    OsoroS posted: »

    I think Joan ate too much cakes lol

  • Those cakes were built on the pain and suffering of others. And they went straight to her thighs.

    OsoroS posted: »

    I think Joan ate too much cakes lol

  • t̶h̶i̶c̶c̶ cough

    Those cakes were built on the pain and suffering of others. And they went straight to her thighs.

  • :lol:

    OsoroS posted: »

    t̶h̶i̶c̶c̶ cough

  • Repeats

    Are Season 2(particularly the 2nd half) and ANF examples of the consequences of commercialism?

    For the sake of recapping general impressions, who had the best/worst 400 Days cameos?

    What virtues/vices/whatever did Clementine learn from each person?
    If Luke was trying to be a Paragon, what would be his opposite?
    Was Kenny's line about Wellington in Amid the Ruins added at the last minute or something?

    I forget where I read/heard but apparently Brian Bremer was unavailable during the production of Amid the Ruins and that's why Nick just turned up ...turned. Is that true?

    If anyone has any fitting knowledge, who do you think was responsible for creating each character? Here is the tally I have:

    Sean Vanaman: Lee?, Clementine?, Kenny, The Stranger, Chuck, Christa, Omid, Nate(?), Russell, Luke?, Pete?, Nick?, Rebecca?, Alvin?, Carlos?, Sarah?,
    Mark Darin: The St. Johns?, Jolene, Eddie, Wyatt
    Gary Whitta: Molly, Vernon, Oberson, Shel, Becca
    Jake Rodkin: Nate?, Tavia?
    Sean Ainsworth: Vince, Arvo?
    Nick Breckon: Bonnie, Victor, Winston, "Ralph", Carver?, Walter, Matthew, Sarita?,
    Pierre Shorette: Troy?, Reggie?, Mike?, Jane?
    Andrew Grant:
    JT Petty:
    Eric Stirpe:
    Brad Kane:
    James Windeler:
    Luke McMullen:
    Adam McDouglas:

    What type of Singer do you think each character is?

    How does a thread about Alternate Universes sound?

  • edited September 2017

    Does anyone know how/if the old Vine ads for Season 2 can be recovered?


  • Any hint in the game's files as to what this might've been about?

  • None. I included this as part of a video that should be out soonish but it seems to me that it's just a cut examine option. You can hear what sounds like rain so Clementine probably had the option of looking through the cabin window from the outside.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Any hint in the game's files as to what this might've been about?

  • Okay. That is indeed an option I thought was an obvious omission.

    Really have been looking forwards to your next video, btw. :smile:

    Graysonn posted: »

    None. I included this as part of a video that should be out soonish but it seems to me that it's just a cut examine option. You can hear what sounds like rain so Clementine probably had the option of looking through the cabin window from the outside.

  • m

    DabigRG posted: »

    Any hint in the game's files as to what this might've been about?

  • Gotta love that Caucasian hand there.

  • Are the walkers/world lasting longer than they should be? Like I don't know too much about their lifespans, but I seen this theory that after a while they'll just start to decay to a point where they're no longer a threat and just be bones. However, I don't think the game's universe is at that point in time yet. Just a thought ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  • If Mariana had stayed Gabe's cousin as written, what would her relationship to David be?

  • What race is Dr. Lingard?

  • Probably neutral.

    DabigRG posted: »

    If Mariana had stayed Gabe's cousin as written, what would her relationship to David be?

  • Caucasian-American???

    DabigRG posted: »

    What race is Dr. Lingard?

  • I think so, too.

    Melton23 posted: »


  • Should have Javier's flashbacks had hubs? Do you like this idea?

  • You mean it wasn't? :joy:

    No, I meant what would they be called in relation to each other instead of father and daughter?

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Probably neutral.

  • edited September 2017

    That's an interesting question. Unfortunately, it's kind of a moot point outside of Thicker than Water's flashback given that the space you're given otherwise is so limited.

    Though I guess it would've been theoretically possible to have one to search the house before the decision to leave it in Above the Law.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Should have Javier's flashbacks had hubs? Do you like this idea?

  • Hmm, uncle then. Since Anita was both Javier and David's sister. Though I remember someone saying that David(and Gabe(?)) didn't exist in the early drafts.

    DabigRG posted: »

    You mean it wasn't? No, I meant what would they be called in relation to each other instead of father and daughter?

  • [Russell's voice]: That's fucking racist, man!

    DabigRG posted: »

    Gotta love that Caucasian hand there.

  • White, did this really need asking?

    DabigRG posted: »

    What race is Dr. Lingard?

  • It was just an old question for a while back that I felt like asking now for the sake of it. Back then, I initially assumed he was some form of Asian distorted by whatever he was using to get high, but it became clear later that he's just a Southern white guy.

    White, did this really need asking?

  • Hmm, uncle then. Since Anita was both Javier and David's sister.

    Doy! :p Thanks!

    Though I remember someone saying that David(and Gabe(?)) didn't exist in the early drafts.

    Oh, who knows at this fuckin point. I personally doubt it, but this damn thing has been through so many rewrites that the waters are muddier than sunken army boots.

    Though I swear if it turns out that Mariana was one of the first characters they made...

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Hmm, uncle then. Since Anita was both Javier and David's sister. Though I remember someone saying that David(and Gabe(?)) didn't exist in the early drafts.

  • Who are the top 5 most talked about characters from what you've seen?

  • Where do you think each character would lie on the character alignment system?

  • edited September 2017

    There was actually thread about that made by Shoula just over a year ago.

    However, I'll give some thoughts off the top of my head:

    Lawful Good: Lee(Most likely) Clementine(Season 1) Katjaa(I guess) Lilly Bonnie Shel Pete Alvin Sarita Mike Edith Pete(Michonne) Gabe Tripp Ava
    Lawful Neutral: Larry Andy(I guess) Brenda Christa Vernon Roman Becca Carlos Tavia Arvo Norma David(I guess) Max Clint
    Lawful Evil: Carver
    Neutral Good: Carley(Passively Good) Doug Mark Chuck Omid Leland Luke Sarah(Leans towards Chaotic) Matthew Walter Reggie Mariana Eleanor(Leans towards Chaotic)
    True Neutral: Ben(He's ultimately Good, but I can't think of where else to put him) Jolene Molly Russell(Leans towards either Lawful or Good) Wyatt Dee(Leans towards Chaotic) Eli
    Neutral Evil: Justin Troy Joan(TTW)
    Chaotic Good: Kenny Duck Vince Danny (Prisoner) Eddie Stephanie Nick Rebecca(I guess) Sam Kate(This was surprisingly hard to decide, btw) Conrad Joan(Odd example, fits better here initially)
    Chaotic Neutral: Michelle Jane Nate Lingard(I guess) Michonne
    Chaotic Evil: Danny(St. John) Randall Badger

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    Where do you think each character would lie on the character alignment system?

  • How would you feel if season 4 featured a Comic/TV settlement i.e, the Kingdom, Hilltop,etc?

  • I’d love it, actually, if the settlement only plays a minor role. Like if it appeared for only one episode, that’ll be perfect.

    Have Clementine stop by one of the settlements during her journey to rest and load up on gear. It’ll also be a nice place to have her get some character development when she talks to one of the comic characters (like Maggie talking about the risks of being a mother in the apocalypse or Carl talking about how to never give up on hope in others).

    How would you feel if season 4 featured a Comic/TV settlement i.e, the Kingdom, Hilltop,etc?

  • When do you think we’ll hear more news about The Final Season? Like maybe a teaser or even a full trailer?

    My guess is NYCC for a few details about the story and possibly The Game Awards for a full trailer.

  • Was the "Clementine in the forest" thread deleted or something?

  • Thank you for giving your thoughts! I have a somewhat vague sense of the alignment system so I can't really validate any of them, but they look about accurate. The only one I'm kinda iffy about is Lingard, I feel like he would border more on good considering the selflessness he displayed in his bio, though i suppose some of his actions in game like wasting medicine balances it out.

    DabigRG posted: »

    There was actually thread about that made by Shoula just over a year ago. However, I'll give some thoughts off the top of my head: Law

  • Oh, who knows at this fuckin point. I personally doubt it, but this damn thing has been through so many rewrites that the waters are muddier than sunken army boots.

    True true!

    enter image description here

    Though I swear if it turns out that Mariana was one of the first characters they made...

    What are you gonna do about it? :smiling_imp:

    DabigRG posted: »

    Hmm, uncle then. Since Anita was both Javier and David's sister. Doy! Thanks! Though I remember someone saying that David(and

  • That's pretty much a reason why. His reliance on drug abuse to cope, belief in a curse that tells him when someone is likely doomed, inability to adequately stand up to David or Joan regarding their harsher decisions, not wanting to live anymore especially with David as good as dead, and deciding to use AJ's whereabouts to convince Javier/Clementine to do the deed for him leaves him as a guy who, while definitely the goodest member of the Council and a lifesaver/humanitarian by trade, is too hampered by his depression to do much of anything without someone to motivate him. Which really doesn't take much to begin with.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    Thank you for giving your thoughts! I have a somewhat vague sense of the alignment system so I can't really validate any of them, but they l

  • edited October 2017

    I posted this in my episode rewrite thread a week or two ago, but since it's been some time, I guess it wouldn't hurt to share it here as well:

    Since I'm planning on finally doing my own rewrites for ANF, should I even bother doing anything with Gaybentime?

  • I think a simple nod to that thing would be okay, not the way TTG overblows it in everyone's face. Think of that scene in ep 4 where Gabe hands her a gun, that scene has more of a purpose than their other cringy moments.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I posted this in my episode rewrite thread a week or two ago, but since it's been some time, I guess it wouldn't hurt to share it here as we

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