How would you Re-Introduce missing persons in S3 from previous seasons?
In no order:
- Christa
- Lily
- Arvo
- Mike
- Bonnie
- AJ
- ANF characters (still alive but whereabouts unknown)
Doesn't have to be everyone
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In no order:
Doesn't have to be everyone
Well I know that if Telltale introduced these characters in The Finale Season, they will be killed off like Jane/Kenny’s lame deaths in ANF...
I feel like if TT isn't in the mood to create new characters, bringing back recent characters would be the ultimate crutch for them and the writing process wouldn't be that difficult. And not to mention a final conclusion for everyone's burning questions.
They wouldn’t kill them all of cos there will be no new game after TFS so they won’t need to be carried over, therefore they would likely live
I thought this was gonna be another "Who would you want to bring back thread," but this is honestly way more interesting.
There are numerous ways as to how I think Arvo could return to the story really, though that's partly due to the fact that it was also one of the few points of interest for "Season 3" in the many months before the cover art went up.
I also have a few ideas for Lilly as well and at least one for Danielle, Christa, Adam, Tavia, Mike, AJ, and determinately Bonnie and Kate. Meanwhile, characters like Becca and Jaime are kinda obsolete at this point, so no real attention there.
Arvo-We would found him when he looking for suplies and finally get a chance to beat him up, he would get a little cameo
Lily-I think she could been with New Frontier
Bonnie-She can die so for me she is not important
AJ-He has a story so I do not thinking about this
Christa-Maybe leader some other fraction
Mike-He can been with New Frontier too
Thx RG, I feel like if TT isn't up to creating a whole new character and dealing with the stressful writing processes, bringing back characters from the past can be used as a crutch for the writers. I hope TT doesn't go the route where they make previous characters become some bloodthirsty killing machine over the time their status was unknown. That old One with nature thing going on. It would also be interesting to see how TT would write characters from Clem's past, looking for her + AJ all this time.
I always had a hunch Arvo would return, but only in passing though. Wouldn't know how that'll work, but I wouldn't mind seeing that. I also hate the thought that if they bring back a character they'll make it as to where they pose more of a threat than an actual reunion of some sort.
And I feel like bringing back Kate would be interesting to see. But then again the Anti-ANF fans would go ballistic! XD
And I might add, I never really thought of Michonne's story crossing over either, but I see it as something possible.
Ha, to me Arvo does deserve to be castrated and nothing less : ) But I feel like TT would make Clem go the "maturing" path and make us feel some what guilty if we choose to avenge. And I could definitely see the possibility of Mike + Bonnie being in The New Frontier with their personalities. However, Clem was ANF for a short period of time and got to know the members. I'd think if they were ANF the story would've been longer with Clem's vendetta. And also, I'm not too sure, because in the finale of S2 I think their plan was to go North, but I can be wrong. And with The New Frontier being in Richmond, VA I'm not too sure where S2 took place and if Richmond was north of their location.
And as for Christa, last time we seen her she was pretty shook up with everything going on from her baby and Omid (I'm Omid). Could resist XD. However, still very determined about survival, kinda like David with better people skills. As for being a leader of a faction I wouldn't put it past her, but I can see her as a lieutenant or something of that hierarchy.
I just want playable Clementine and make Arvo the worst day for his life
Yeah we definitely will be Clem in the final season, as for Arvo, we can only hope ;_;
For his sake, better not be in this game.
For everyone except AJ: I wouldn't include them at all. Some things are better left a mystery. Also, it gives the fans something to explore and imagine with their own fan fictions. There are some cool stuff I've come across regarding Lilly, Christa, and Molly. Not every loose end needs to be tied.
For AJ: I'd have Clem become tired and weary due to some event/encounter and be brought to shelter by a group (sort of like how she met Luke and Pete, except not as extreme). After finding out she is at McCarroll Ranch, she gets up in her unwell state and frantically looks for AJ. After scrambling and people from the group getting a hold of her, she is taken to a building. There, she sees some children playing with old toys. She spots AJ walking across the room and calls for him. He stops, looks at her, makes a face, and goes back on his way.
This seems a bit cold, but it's like how I felt when I came home from college and saw my 2 year old nephew. We were buddy-buddy before I left. After I was gone for 4-1/2 months, it took him a couple days to remember who I was. With Clem being away from AJ for what is rumored to be up to a year, I'm sure it will take several days before AJ can remember that this is the person he was with for a long time.
Lol i was wondering for a minute who the hell Danielle was till i looked her up. She's dead dude, raped and murdered 99.9% likely. Adam probably devoured along the way
I wouldn't reintroduce them because I don't want the legacy of Lilly/Christa to be ruined by TT
Technically, Jolene said she was taken away by the bandits with the implication that she never saw her again, so that kinda leaves some ambiguous room for her to have survived. Also, I really don't want to consider that possibility to much.
And Adam explicitly going missing while his dad was teaching how to hunt seems too specific an relevant opening to ignore.
I realize both were probably killed, either relatively soon after they disappeared or some time later, but the options are technically there.
They are there yes but if we went down the "realistic" road people seem to hate when its to do with TWD, i can't see it dude. I like your optimism though
Has to be some sprinkles somewhere. Even during these days.
It doesn't seem cold at all in my opinion. I can really see that or something along those line occurring. And yeah I remember Clem asking Javier if he thinks AJ will remember her, Javi was sure he would but I bet he had some doubt there. But your theory is great, I'd like to see something like that happen in one of the episodes.
And yeah that's also true, giving us the freedom to create our own stories in our own way is reasonable, I can live with that. However, I wouldn't mind a cameo, even if it's for a split second haha.
I don't know its like a bug to me, like we're all aware these people are missing, not really missing just on their own. And I just feel like TT has the ability to do something with it, and make it work. I think they can make them coexist, hopefully it won't be a disaster >.< Clem will need help searching for AJ, better to tag along with the people she has history with. (even if it's rocky) And I know for a fact a vast majority of the community doesn't want any cameos from the ANF crew lol
I like the danielle theory, plus around that time she was around Clem's age. So now, if she did manage to escape, she'll be a year younger or older than Clem. And knowing TT if they do decide to go this route, She'll probably be a badass too (being she escaped and survived on her own) and they'll be two rebellious kids on a mission, finding their way and giving each other edgy haircuts and nicknames.
I think it'd be nice to see these characters and others during a final curtain call type thing where we get images of them during either where they are in the present or at least some small indication of what type of stuff they got up to soon after they left.
Ex. Lilly at a camp looking wistful, Molly climbing buildings or fighting "geeks" outside of the city, Paige, Alex, James, and determinately Sam playing in wherever it was they were going, etc.
Yes, even if it's this, this I will be okay with happening. Even if it's after the credits haha.
When else would it be?
Id have at the very least one of the 3 season 1 characters show up . Preferably Molly or Lily. Molly because i think she deserves to be more than a character who just appears for one episode and Lily because having Lily resurface and meet Clementine after she passed thought the same pain as Her: Lee s death , Kenny s death ((Determinant.)) , Jane s s suicide , the loss of 2 groups , Tripp s death? ((Not sure if Clem cared about Tripp that much althought she might have since he did give her Shelter in his group when she needed it.))
id want to see one of these characters shown up and either get separated from them again or Just plain having then live instead of predictably having them live to episode 5 only to become determinants.
Just have Christa show up, when Clem says she thought she was dead maybe just rip Wiggums kid and say nope. Or she got lucky. I dunno. Just make sure the Garcias are fucking dead at this point.
Please for the love of all good things, get rid of that Joan display pic! Ugh lol
Yeah, seriously.
He needs to.
It would be very interesting to see Christa taking care of AJ and having absolutely no intention of giving him back, because she treats him as a replacement for her lost child.
Also I think it will be a pretty intense chase scenario from the beginning of the season until the very end, with AJ always being one step ahead of Clementine, which is quite weird considering he can't walk yet.
When I read I hear it Joan's voice lol
Very plausible, I can see Christa being over-protective being she's lost everyone she cares about, including Clem. Moreover this being all the seasons' theme. (losing someone and going ape-shit to protect them, or avenge them)
And I can see this going the same route as to Kenny losing Duck, treating Clem as a replacement (then AJ). Same outline, getting abandoned from your group, surviving alone (feeling alone) and getting a hold onto someone that brings some sense of clarity back to you, that no one dares to fuck with.
True, plus we don't know exactly how long Christa has been alone or even if she's lost her mind already from being in the wilderness all this time. Kinda like Morgan from the show. I've seen this theme appear plenty of times in the game and in the show. Person goes off the wall then befriending a child bringing them back their sanity, then ultimately being separated.
I can see Clem crossing paths with a lot of scavengers lying about seeing AJ just to get what they need and using her. And as for the ANF family, I'd like to see either a missing Kate/David joining forces with Clem, Mostly David though being he has the closest relationship amongst the rest of the Garcia's. He's even considered AJ being a second chance for him.
I'd prefer more ._. I imagine this going 2 ways, being used by Clem for motivation to get through or as deja vu and ultimately putting Clem in Lee's shoes and reliving S1 over again but in her way
if that makes sense.
I think Molly would be a suitable partner for Clem being they're on the same page, as for surviving and getting to what they need. Jane wasn't the best imo, being she had a lot of personal issues and demons she needed to deal with on her own. Really a distraction if you ask me. And if anyone returns I honestly can say I don't think TT will keep them alive for more than 4 episodes, being they wanna put this story to rest, I don't think they'll keep entertaining the thought of this going on forever.
Lol, she was such an uninteresting character. One minute she was all calm and then turned into this psychotic person for no reason. Just bad writing, no explanation behind it
She was probably a nobody back when everything was okey, then just went mad with power >: )
She was really similar to Carver with the I'm doing what I have to for the good of the community thing.
We know AJ is going to be in the next season in some way so I don't feel like speculating on that. I think Lilly, Christa, Bonnie, Mike, and Arvo are the only characters with any relevance going forward. I feel like Christa is more likely than Lilly since Clem was looking for her. Arvo probably wouldn't have survived without Mike and determinant Bonnie's help but I think seeing all three again is unlikely. Telltale would have one of them relate how the other(s) died and you could choose to forgive that person or walk away. I don't think Telltale would give us the option to kill them.
Actually, Norma was the better/easier comparison.
With that said, Joan's characterization shift did feel like she got a Titan-fueled blood transfusion from Carver between episodes. Which couldn't have been more than an hour, mind you.
Sorta, but not really.
Not really a fan of that last part, but whaddya gonna do?