Life Is Strange - True Colors Out Now, Bonus Episode "Wavelengths" September 30th



  • I feel sorry for Chloe. I don’t hate her like the typical fans do just because she has an attitude or does bad things. There are lots of reasons as to why she became that way and we know why. As i said i feel sorry for her. Glad i don’t hate her

    Though I don't believe she's the terrible person you're making her out to be. Stealing money from a person who was more-than-likely

  • Haha it’s interesting to see you guys argued about this. Makes a nice change

    Troll, I do not have to...because I already did, a few pages back...and shut you down....but you are back with the same are like

  • KSDIS1 i am glad you finally see the issue i had with ECIT. This is just like with Kenny the way he views Chloe. Now you know why i get so worked up when i hear the shit he sprouts about him and you feel the same the way he talks about Chloe. I’m on your side here too because despite Chloe’s faults, i like her

    Oh sure...she does some bad things....she does some good things...people are like that. Just like how Kenny beat carver to death when it wo

  • Her character IS a thief, she IS a lazy twat with no comprehension of other people's feelings when acting like a cunt, and IS not someone who exactly deserves any empathy.

    And stuff like that being said makes you no better really, brings you down to the same level.

    I would be someone who would want to try and help this kind of person, not talk shit about them and list their faults

    So what? Blame the player for a choice the game openly allows you take as the character? That's some next level denial of any blame placed o

  • Thank you!

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I can see you're not interested in an actual discussion and that you're just going to keep ranting about Chloe in the most disgusting way possible so I'm not going to waste my time.

  • I like Life Is Strange, if you don’t why are you here?

    Refer back to my previous comment. being defensive It's cool if you yourself can't come up with any fair assessments or argume

  • presenting one thought about a characters' condemnable actions has drawn out extremely defensive, overly emotional responses from people who can't so much as listen to others' personal opinions of a fictional shitty video game written by a small team of out-of-touch amateur writers.

    Its like with Kenny, all you ever do is sprout negativity in the 3 or so years ive known you. Why do you rarely have anything positive to say?

    I love Life Is Strange and i think the writing is excellent. If anything, Telltale these days should take note of Dontnod’s development of their characters because they are certainly better developed than what Telltale have these days. If you’d like me to explain i’d be more than happy to.

    They are by no means perfect though, the animation, lip syncing and stuff are terrible, and some of the use of their slang in the game are cringeworthy but so what i say. I like the game they made. At least it wasn’t 90% cutscenes with little gameplay and hubs like TT’s most recent shit!

    Anyway, i just think sometimes you should take Thumper from Bambi’s advice, “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all”

    What are you on about? This is the first time I've said anything about how detestable Chloe's actions are in Before the Dank, and rather

  • For what?

    dan290786 posted: »

    Thank you!

  • I can see you're not interested in an actual discussion and that you're just going to keep ranting about Chloe in the most disgusting way possible so I'm not going to waste my time.

    For saying that to him. He needed to be told that

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    For what?

  • Anyone notice that Rachel´s screams sound like a Hawk?

    ( skip to 1:09 )

    Here the scream of a Hawk

  • I have really hard time to make out the words in this one.

  • I know right, most of the people just talk bad about Chloe because they don't like her.

    Ooh sounds just like the Kenny haters too! Talk shit about him all the time despite the good things that he also does

    MegaXD posted: »

    I know right, most of the people just talk bad about Chloe because they don't like her. Thanks AgentZ46

  • Full season 1 on sale for 5$ on Xbox One right now. Grad dat ish.

  • Found this on Twitter/ Facebook.

    enter image description here

  • edited October 2017

    I like the game too. I hope it is coming soon .....

  • edited October 2017

    Ooo like that key art but still need a release date (hopefully this month). Didn’t the first life is strange episodes come out every two months?

    Edit: one more thing I noticed
    enter image description here
    enter image description here

    The words “Betray” is there and some weird markings.

    Found this on Twitter/ Facebook.

  • I noticed that, too. I think the markings are supposed to be "Prescott" with the other letters missing and the other word is "Deceit". "Prescott" and "Deceit". Hmm... this is troubling.

    What also worries me is the word "Betray". The way they look in that picture, I wonder if it entails Rachel's trust in Chloe?

    Creeper1846 posted: »

    Ooo like that key art but still need a release date (hopefully this month). Didn’t the first life is strange episodes come out every two months? Edit: one more thing I noticed The words “Betray” is there and some weird markings.

  • Firehawk

    Anyone notice that Rachel´s screams sound like a Hawk? ( skip to 1:09 ) Here the scream of a Hawk

  • I saw it too on Instagram
    They're playing with us... Coming soon when? It could be tomorrow.. Next week... Next month... Next year... WHEEEEN I CAN'T WAIT ANYMORE

    Found this on Twitter/ Facebook.

  • enter image description here
    Someone on twitter pointed out that the Raven is in between Chloe and Rachel I don’t really see it but I belive it.

    Creeper1846 posted: »

    Ooo like that key art but still need a release date (hopefully this month). Didn’t the first life is strange episodes come out every two months? Edit: one more thing I noticed The words “Betray” is there and some weird markings.

  • Chloe looks so good in that artwork


    Vanzam posted: »


  • It's there. You can see the beak eflecting the light

    Creeper1846 posted: »

    Someone on twitter pointed out that the Raven is in between Chloe and Rachel I don’t really see it but I belive it.

  • It says "Wise" in very light gray letter, close to the bottom left corner.

    E .. S .. C .. T



    Plus, see how the T is on Rachel and, unlike the othe letters, is white and looks more like a cross. I wonder if there is some religious reason behind all this shit? Maybe Kate is comign back?

    Rachel looks angry and sad, I believe she was betrayed. Chloe also looks kinda angry. Could she be the one that betrayed Rachel? If it was the case, it would onluy reinforce the theory that this and the first LiS game take place in different timelines. Because I firmly believe Max is trying to fix things again.

    Found this on Twitter/ Facebook.

  • Tomorrow comes the trailer....


    Tomorrow comes the trailer....

  • Shit. This episode is going to be intense. " Betray " in the key art. The Raven between Chloe and Rachel. Both seem to be very sad in the teaser trailer, especially Chloe. The fire has not yet been erased, I can't wait for the trailer!

    Tomorrow comes the trailer....

  • Room 110 is Logan's dorm room in the original game. I wonder if they're keeping that as canon or if it's Drew's room in this game.

    Tomorrow comes the trailer....

  • Good catch. I would say that it might've been Drew's room before it was Logan's, maybe. At least Drew seems more relevant to the plot than Logan ever was. Or I guess it could just be an optional place/scene too.

    Room 110 is Logan's dorm room in the original game. I wonder if they're keeping that as canon or if it's Drew's room in this game.

  • I'm going to guess it'll come out in 2-3 weeks. Wouldn't mind if it already came out next week though.

  • Wow that was a surprisingly great trailer! And it's releasing next week! Sweeeeet.

  • This is going to be the longest week ever...

  • This is going to be we run into those skivvy dudes again.

  • Sketch central

    This is going to be we run into those skivvy dudes again.

  • Best news of the week! After that there will be less than half of the story left, I honestly keep forgetting there's going to be only 3 episodes and not 5..

    Does it come out at the same time as ep 1?

  • edited October 2017

    Two weeks early? Damn, Telltale take notes!!!

  • Dude: "Who are you?"

    Chloe: "shit"

    accurate description

  • Anybody download a new patch for Before the Storm on PS4 (and I'd assume the other platforms as well?). It's almost half the size of episode 1, at 2.52GB (episode 1 is 5.44 GB by comparison, though that value accounts for the presently available deluxe edition stuff). With that size I'd assume it might already preload stuff for episode 2. If not, then it's probably be a load of fixes.

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