Not just that but at the start of No Going Back she vows to Clem that she’ll never leave her again and look what happens in S3? Lol.
I’m not Jane’s biggest fan, i never found her appealing and never understood how some people fell for her bullshit ways.!She only gave a shit about herself most of the time. She cared for Clem sure but i would be willing to bet that she’d never sacrifice herself to keep Clem and AJ safe the way that Kenny did. Do people think she would have begged Edith to take the kids into Wellington? Hell no! It would have been all of them or nothing. That’s why i would never choose Jane over Kenny. The fact she can’t be trusted is the main reason as i previously discussed with you.
Lol man YouTube comments are a battlefield! It's like, we've known Kenny since the beginning and to have people just turn on him instantly t… moreriggers you (including me) I guess Jane doesn't appeal to us as much as Kenny because she's like a hermit. Keeps everything to herself, by herself and in it for herself. We know this because she hung herself leaving a 13 year old with a few month old baby in a walker apocalypse allll because she was pregnant -.- ..wat
she’d never sacrifice herself to keep Clem and AJ safe the way that Kenny did. Do people think she would have begged Edith to take the kids into Wellington? Hell no! It would have been all of them or nothing.
Dude this! And the thing that makes it worst is it's so obvious. It actually makes me question if people shot Kenny/abandoned him just to be spiteful... Jane's one of those people you come across to find out more about yourself and question your own dignity. AND HERS! XD
Not just that but at the start of No Going Back she vows to Clem that she’ll never leave her again and look what happens in S3? Lol.
I’m … morenot Jane’s biggest fan, i never found her appealing and never understood how some people fell for her bullshit ways.!She only gave a shit about herself most of the time. She cared for Clem sure but i would be willing to bet that she’d never sacrifice herself to keep Clem and AJ safe the way that Kenny did. Do people think she would have begged Edith to take the kids into Wellington? Hell no! It would have been all of them or nothing. That’s why i would never choose Jane over Kenny. The fact she can’t be trusted is the main reason as i previously discussed with you.
It actually makes me question if people shot Kenny/abandoned him just to be spiteful...
Oh they do dude! There are some people so blinded by hate that they do it based on maybe one thing he did to upset the player and he or she have held a grudge ever since! Take the meat locker scene for instance, some haters have hated Kenny for what he did to Larry and never got over it despite the fact that not only was it LARRY, you know the guy who punched Lee and left him to die? The guy who was literally horrible to every single character he spoke to, Carley, Doug, Duck, Mark etc for no good reason, and the fact that Kenny did what he did to Larry to keep everyone safe from him who was certain to turn after his heart attack. Yeah they hate him for that yet they fail to understand the reasons behind his actions and just hate on him for doing an unpleasant thing. If he hadn’t done that, they would have all died. Fact. That’s what you need to do to survive in that world.
Some people don’t like him because he argues with people. That to me is honesty, telling you exactly what he feels. Asshole or not, it’s realistic, it’s as human as you can get. If those “haters” want someone who is cute, sweet natured, and has an unrealistic one dimensional personality then fine but i would never trust someone who is always nice, plus that just comes across as boring. Everyone has 2 sides to themselves.
she’d never sacrifice herself to keep Clem and AJ safe the way that Kenny did. Do people think she would have begged Edith to take the kids … moreinto Wellington? Hell no! It would have been all of them or nothing.
Dude this! And the thing that makes it worst is it's so obvious. It actually makes me question if people shot Kenny/abandoned him just to be spiteful... Jane's one of those people you come across to find out more about yourself and question your own dignity. AND HERS! XD
maybe one thing he did to upset the player and he or she have held a grudge ever since!
Dude yes! These type of players are toxic lol. They spoil the whole theme of the game by holding grudges, cause they spend soo much time waiting for payback when the story is passing them by. Especially against someone who's been true since the beginning. Cause Kenny could've abandoned the group at anytime (Kinda like Jane did in S2 after getting laid) but he stayed, he knew he had to takeover with Lee being.. </3 But the rant is much needed man! Sometimes I feel like I write too much too but whatever haha.
That to me is honesty, telling you exactly what he feels. Asshole or not, it’s realistic, it’s as human as you can get.
And exactly! If players constantly continue to say "They put themselves in their positions" It's bullshit to me, cause I couldn't imagine anyone traveling with someone (Kenny) for a few years and them eventually getting into a fight with a complete random person (Jane) and is confused on who to kill and let live. All because he's had a few outbursts like every normal person gets!
It actually makes me question if people shot Kenny/abandoned him just to be spiteful...
Oh they do dude! There are some people so bl… moreinded by hate that they do it based on maybe one thing he did to upset the player and he or she have held a grudge ever since! Take the meat locker scene for instance, some haters have hated Kenny for what he did to Larry and never got over it despite the fact that not only was it LARRY, you know the guy who punched Lee and left him to die? The guy who was literally horrible to every single character he spoke to, Carley, Doug, Duck, Mark etc for no good reason, and the fact that Kenny did what he did to Larry to keep everyone safe from him who was certain to turn after his heart attack. Yeah they hate him for that yet they fail to understand the reasons behind his actions and just hate on him for doing an unpleasant thing. If he hadn’t done that, they would have all died. Fact. That’s what you need to do … [view original content]
Im really glad you agree! It’s nice to have someone who isn’t always shitting on my defence of Kenny. Had so many people here hating on him which is totally fine but i draw the line of those i told you about who say extreme things that i feel his character does not deserve.
maybe one thing he did to upset the player and he or she have held a grudge ever since!
Dude yes! These type of players are toxic lo… morel. They spoil the whole theme of the game by holding grudges, cause they spend soo much time waiting for payback when the story is passing them by. Especially against someone who's been true since the beginning. Cause Kenny could've abandoned the group at anytime (Kinda like Jane did in S2 after getting laid) but he stayed, he knew he had to takeover with Lee being.. </3 But the rant is much needed man! Sometimes I feel like I write too much too but whatever haha.
That to me is honesty, telling you exactly what he feels. Asshole or not, it’s realistic, it’s as human as you can get.
And exactly! If players constantly continue to say "They put themselves in their positions" It's bullshit to me, cause I couldn't imagine anyone traveling with someone (Kenny) for a few years and them eventual… [view original content]
Im really glad you agree! It’s nice to have someone who isn’t always shitting on my defence of Kenny. Had so many people here hating on him … morewhich is totally fine but i draw the line of those i told you about who say extreme things that i feel his character does not deserve.
I think Kenny, his character, was a good man, with flaws like everyone else. His character was somebody who did the best with the hand that life had dealt him.
He went through a lot, a lot of loss, yet he still pushed forward for those he cared about, and even in his final moments, when he was crippled and couldn't move, he still protected his loved ones by giving his life for them, and in so doing, went down like a boss.
Can you explain this? Cause honestly, he was probably the most consistent and/or fleshed out of the ANF cast and that's just on the offset.
LOL! Gabe was written inconsistently like everyone else from S3. He tells you to shoot Conrad, then changes his tune episodes later and makes Javier look like a total dick for shooting him. Thats one example of bad writing. Every episode like with most characters, they changed personalities
Unlike... like, Gabe or something. Who's not a good character, he is a tool if anything to the writers, changing personality like Hugh Hefne… morer changed his playmates.
Can you explain this? Cause honestly, he was probably the most consistent and/or fleshed out of the ANF cast and that's just on the offset.
At least it wasn't out of character like Jane but a car accident was still the worst decision for his death. Unforgivable.
I thought at first that Jane’s death was out of character too but then I thought more about it and i think it was in character because taking the easy way out is something i feel she was selfishly capable of
Eh. Wasn't exactly what I had in mind, but I thought it was actually a clever middleground. Too bad the Kensplainers didn't like it anyway.
Please don’t say Kensplainers. It’s one of the most stupid made up terms ever invented! And @DabigRG clever middleground? That’s like saying killing off Rick in similar circumstances was clever! Just no! A character that’s been around from the start deserved so much better! I would have said the same thing if it was a character i hated too. It was just awful, lazy and unforgiveable what Telltale did with Kenny’s S3 death
Eh. Wasn't exactly what I had in mind, but I thought it was actually a clever middleground. Too bad the Kensplainers didn't like it anyway.
Meanwhile, Jane's flashback just sucked in general.
Not really. One of the things that pisses me off about that scene was that, if you were paying attention, it actually would make sense for him to seemingly change his stance there considering him being a bit dodgy about actually killing people was a recurring theme with his character. There's even some lead in to it depending on what you say to him earlier in the episode. Heck, you really didn't even have to be hyper analytical to get that considering he deliberately cheats around shooting Conrad on the road if you don't stop him and expresses some degree of shock when Conrad is actually dead on the floor in Part 2. So that really isn't an example of him changing his personality all of a sudden(which only Tripp, Joan, and arguably Clementine(in the long run) are truly guilty of, from what I've seen) so much as just relapsing for the sake of drama.
The problem is that they force that scene purely based on the choice to shoot Conrad(which at least 80% of players did) rather than actually taking your interactions and relationship with Gabe himself into account despite your relationship with Javier's family being a huge theme and all the moments where you get to pick sides with him, resulting in people who logically shouldn't get the scene getting it anyway. It's like we were playing Season 2 again and got the drama overriding choices like where Nick and Sarah became determinant again after all the buildup with those two. So really, it's just another contender for the ultimate proof that Telltale doesn't know how to effectively(and consistently) integrate the story with your gameplay/choices like they did originally.
Can you explain this? Cause honestly, he was probably the most consistent and/or fleshed out of the ANF cast and that's just on the offset.
… more
LOL! Gabe was written inconsistently like everyone else from S3. He tells you to shoot Conrad, then changes his tune episodes later and makes Javier look like a total dick for shooting him. Thats one example of bad writing. Every episode like with most characters, they changed personalities
Pretty much. And while you can probably chalk it up to the writing of Season 2.5 being very wish-washy with her characterization between episodes, it's not hard to analyze Jane throughout Season 2 and come to the conclusion that she's actually quite fucked up in the head.
At least it wasn't out of character like Jane but a car accident was still the worst decision for his death. Unforgivable.
I thought… more at first that Jane’s death was out of character too but then I thought more about it and i think it was in character because taking the easy way out is something i feel she was selfishly capable of
Please don’t say Kensplainers. It’s one of the most stupid made up terms ever invented!
I know, it's just a shorthand at this point to avoid saying Kenny fans in general when that's not what I mean.
That’s like saying killing off Rick in similar circumstances was clever!
I still haven't watched the TV show(and it's unlikely that I will), but I know the difference there is that Rick is the protagonist of the show from start to current checkpoint, whereas Kenny was the tritagonist/deuterogonist of the game's Season 1 who ended up coming back not too long afterwards despite his character clearly being finalized and stuck around eating up way too much focus in a story that really had nothing to do with him. I believe Daryll probably would've been a better comparison and I know pretty much nothing about him other than Troy(or rather, the first design of Carver as an original character) possibly being modeled after him.
A character that’s been around from the start deserved so much better! I would have said the same thing if it was a character i hated too. It was just awful, lazy and unforgiveable what Telltale did with Kenny’s S3 death
Hey, it's still a far better sendoff(and flashback) than most characters get. I don't understand why you guys threw such a fit and act like it wasn't--I mean I do, but let's not open that axiology flavored can of worms right now.
And I don't hate Kenny, btw. I've just had way more than my fill of him and believe it was way past time for him to retire. Ironically, I recall either you or @wdfan indirectly explaining why they had to get him out of the picture this time around once and it was retroactively very true.
Eh. Wasn't exactly what I had in mind, but I thought it was actually a clever middleground. Too bad the Kensplainers didn't like it anyway.
… more
Please don’t say Kensplainers. It’s one of the most stupid made up terms ever invented! And @DabigRG clever middleground? That’s like saying killing off Rick in similar circumstances was clever! Just no! A character that’s been around from the start deserved so much better! I would have said the same thing if it was a character i hated too. It was just awful, lazy and unforgiveable what Telltale did with Kenny’s S3 death
@wdfan indirectly explaining why they had to get him out of the picture this time around once and it was retroactively very true.
I doubt that was me. What I probably said was that I didn't expect him to be around for long. That would have also likely have been before I realised how bad season 3 would be. As for his season death, it weren't just Kenny fans that hated it. Almost everyone, including Jane fans thought it sucked at the time. There was a handful of people that thought it was good, or didn't think it was completely terrible (in the same way season 3 has fans)
Please don’t say Kensplainers. It’s one of the most stupid made up terms ever invented!
I know, it's just a shorthand at this point … moreto avoid saying Kenny fans in general when that's not what I mean.
That’s like saying killing off Rick in similar circumstances was clever!
I still haven't watched the TV show(and it's unlikely that I will), but I know the difference there is that Rick is the protagonist of the show from start to current checkpoint, whereas Kenny was the tritagonist/deuterogonist of the game's Season 1 who ended up coming back not too long afterwards despite his character clearly being finalized and stuck around eating up way too much focus in a story that really had nothing to do with him. I believe Daryll probably would've been a better comparison and I know pretty much nothing about him other than Troy(or rather, the first design of Carver as an original character) possibly being modeled after him.
… [view original content]
I still haven't watched the TV show(and it's unlikely that I will)
Why dude? Seasons 1-4 are pretty good anyway.
Hey, it's still a far better sendoff(and flashback) than most characters get. I don't understand why you guys threw such a fit and act like it wasn't--I mean I do, but let's not open that axiology flavored can of worms right now.
Oh dude it wasn’t! Come on! Imagine fans reaction if out of the blue Daryl stuck a gun to his head and committed suicide for no reason? That would have been the worst writing decision imaginable because everyone knows he’s not like that or wouldn’t die in that way which is why it was the same issue with Kenny’s S3 death.
I would have preferred his Season 2 death way WAY more than S3’s handling of that monstrosity of a flashback
Please don’t say Kensplainers. It’s one of the most stupid made up terms ever invented!
I know, it's just a shorthand at this point … moreto avoid saying Kenny fans in general when that's not what I mean.
That’s like saying killing off Rick in similar circumstances was clever!
I still haven't watched the TV show(and it's unlikely that I will), but I know the difference there is that Rick is the protagonist of the show from start to current checkpoint, whereas Kenny was the tritagonist/deuterogonist of the game's Season 1 who ended up coming back not too long afterwards despite his character clearly being finalized and stuck around eating up way too much focus in a story that really had nothing to do with him. I believe Daryll probably would've been a better comparison and I know pretty much nothing about him other than Troy(or rather, the first design of Carver as an original character) possibly being modeled after him.
… [view original content]
I’d also add that sparing Conrad has absolutely no effect on Clementine either despite her angrily saying at the time “how could you” or didn’t she call him a traitor? Regardless, the following episode she treats Javier exactly the same, not even a mention or any distate towards him. That pissed me off and showed again Telltales lazy side. They could have have perhaps had someone else save Javier from the walkers instead of Clem hitting them with the baseball bat, or have a scene of a hostile moment. Same with the choice to kill Lingard, it’s like anytime Javier goes against Clem it’s forgotten about.
I see what you are saying about Gabe but he is still inconsistent like the rest.
I couldn’t figure out what type of character he was because he was generally different in each episode
Not really. One of the things that pisses me off about that scene was that, if you were paying attention, it actually would make sense for h… moreim to seemingly change his stance there considering him being a bit dodgy about actually killing people was a recurring theme with his character. There's even some lead in to it depending on what you say to him earlier in the episode. Heck, you really didn't even have to be hyper analytical to get that considering he deliberately cheats around shooting Conrad on the road if you don't stop him and expresses some degree of shock when Conrad is actually dead on the floor in Part 2. So that really isn't an example of him changing his personality all of a sudden(which only Tripp, Joan, and arguably Clementine(in the long run) are truly guilty of, from what I've seen) so much as just relapsing for the sake of drama.
The problem is that they force that scene purely based on the choice to shoot Conrad(which at… [view original content]
I’d also add that sparing Conrad has absolutely no effect on Clementine either despite her angrily saying at the time “how could you” or didn’t she call him a traitor? Regardless, the following episode she treats Javier exactly the same, not even a mention or any distate towards him. That pissed me off and showed again Telltales lazy side.
That was one of the only major criticisms I had with Above the Law. Which is sad because it was one of the only things Clementine had going for her in terms of being relevant to the story.
They could have have perhaps had someone else save Javier from the walkers instead of Clem hitting them with the baseball bat, or have a scene of a hostile moment.
Or really, just Javier either retrieve the bat himself or simply get up and stomp the damn walkers with his sneakers. Cause if you really look at the scene, it looks like Clementine just picked up the bat while it was still fairly close to him, casually strolled over the two walkers, and started to beat them while they were still on their damn backs themselves!
So it's just a forced moment top to bottom for the sake of a trailer shot.
Same with the choice to kill Lingard, it’s like anytime Javier goes against Clem it’s forgotten about.
Yeah, that was definitely one of the moments where even I think the segregation was complete bullshit. Honestly, that and especially Gabe suddenly having a crush on her always just screamed of being the moment where they started blatantly trying to shoehorn Clementine into a part of the story that had nothing to do with her and really didn't need her(hmm...deja vu).
I couldn’t figure out what type of character he was because he was generally different in each episode
Well, how so? Cause from what I observed(which was a lot, btw), his mood generally made since given the circumstances aside from certain moments in the last two episodes.
I’d also add that sparing Conrad has absolutely no effect on Clementine either despite her angrily saying at the time “how could you” or did… moren’t she call him a traitor? Regardless, the following episode she treats Javier exactly the same, not even a mention or any distate towards him. That pissed me off and showed again Telltales lazy side. They could have have perhaps had someone else save Javier from the walkers instead of Clem hitting them with the baseball bat, or have a scene of a hostile moment. Same with the choice to kill Lingard, it’s like anytime Javier goes against Clem it’s forgotten about.
I see what you are saying about Gabe but he is still inconsistent like the rest.
I couldn’t figure out what type of character he was because he was generally different in each episode
When I was first introduced to Kenny in Season 1, he seemed like a good fellow. Took a liking to his family of Katjaa and Duck. When the incident on Hershel's farm happened, I helped save Duck then tried to help Shawn, but alas. I didn't hold anything against Kenny then, spur the moment a split second decision we don't have time to weight pros and cons, we do what comes to mind. In the drugstore, I answered something like that to Kenny and told him to try and let it go. Kenny saved my Lee's life and I'm thankful for that, especially when he called me a good friend.
Then Episode 2 came around and surely the days turned sour: Kenny's eagerness to hit the coast seemed to be kind of reckless, but he was just doing what was best for his family. I tried to be the voice of reason among him, even though his stubbornness didn't help matters. When the St. John meat locker incident happened, boy howdy...
Thats when things changed. I tried to save Larry, and if it didn't work, then I would do what Kenny suggested, but when he called me worthless and dropped the salt lick upon Larry's head, I was shocked and appalled by Kenny's action. After all was said and done after leaving the farm, Kenny said what I thought about what happened in the locker, throughout repeated playthroughs of the game, I always chose silence. Ever other answer I felt would just make things worse then they already were.
Episode 3 when Kenny, forgive me, lost both his family members, I cut him some sympathy, I even let Lee handle Duck. But when coming to terms with stopping the train, I had to knock some sense into him AKA I fought him. Another instance of trying to mend our friendship came in the first part of Episode 4 Around Every Corner, regarding with dealing with the zombie Fivel in the attic. I could have done the job myself and I would, but instead I chose to try and help Kenny out of his funk, by letting him put down Fivel.
I liked in Episode 5 when trying to make it through to the other side of the house in the attic, the moment me Kenny Christa and Omid discussed events. It was a nice character building moment. I lost the walkie in the warehouse and Christa went in after it. Kenny jumped in and helped her out and for a moment I thought that was Kenny's last good deed.
Season 2 proved otherwise. It was good to see him alive again (hugged him). But as the episodes progressed, the more things change, the more they stay the same. Kenny's emotional moments where I would have to yo-yo him back, were beginning to aggravate me. I just don't know what to say. Many of the fans of this franchise would follow Kenny into the worse lurker herd imaginable on a whim of praise (Kenny is god, ugh). But for me, after he lost Sarita, things were back to where they were before and getting worse. I tried to help him with Clementine but the stubborn fool just wouldn't listen.
The final choice still affects me to this day, Yes I shot one of my oldest friends for the sake of Jane, a newfound friend I gained respect for. Thinking of my choice, I feel like Anakin Skywalker hacking off Mace Windu's sword arm in Episode III. As he lay dying, he said I made the right choice. I was upset (like Anakin saying afterwards "What have I done?") and I let Clem give some comforting words and he passed with a smile.
What can I say about Kenny? He was a good and honest and dedicated individual. But as time went on he became more and more unreasonable. It was hard to get him to listen to reason. I just don't know. But I will say this: I didn't love him nor did I hate him.
He was a good man. And thats all I have to say about that. Pardons to all the Kenny fans on this forum.
I doubt that was me. What I probably said was that I didn't expect him to be around for long. That would have also likely have been before I realised how bad season 3 would be.
Well, it wasn't actually about "Season 3" in and of itself. IIRC, it was an argument for why he was given so much importance in Season 2 when very little of the story was meant to have him as the focus and why he was so prominent instead of being a supporting character that threw his two cents in with Clementine on occasion. Something about how he wouldn't observe from the sidelines or something like that.
As for his season death, it weren't just Kenny fans that hated it. Almost everyone, including Jane fans thought it sucked at the time.
Huh. I don't recall that(the Janiacs), but I think it's a little safe to take your word on it.
There was a handful of people that thought it was good, or didn't think it was completely terrible (in the same way season 3 has fans)
@wdfan indirectly explaining why they had to get him out of the picture this time around once and it was retroactively very true.
I … moredoubt that was me. What I probably said was that I didn't expect him to be around for long. That would have also likely have been before I realised how bad season 3 would be. As for his season death, it weren't just Kenny fans that hated it. Almost everyone, including Jane fans thought it sucked at the time. There was a handful of people that thought it was good, or didn't think it was completely terrible (in the same way season 3 has fans)
Well, a combination of lack of time, strong enough interest, and the heavily serialized and violent nature of the show, which is on like Season 8 now from what I recall. I mean, there's a considerable difference between an overglorified DLC with stylized graphics and a live action show that is very serialized. The sheer number of episodes/Seasons is inherently intimidating to approach and I'd rather watch a show of that nature from the very start to feel the proper [likely unpleasant] experience. And not gonna lie, but it seems like the more I heard/saw about it here recently, the [even] less interest I've had in watching it or reading the comic for that matter. At the very least, Bossman did recommend some of the better and/or more important episodes to me a while back, so time will tell if I ever do watch it..
Also, Zombies and gore are really kinda out of my field of interest to begin with and I'm not really that into live action shows in general, with L&O SVU being a recent exception.I really only got into these games because I saw magazines, fanart, and occasionally "fanart" of characters like Lee, Carley, and especially Clementine flying around for while. Eventually, [Super Gaming Bros] a let's play channel I was really into at the time happened to have a playthrough up through at least 3 episodes on they're playlists for a while and I eventually worked up the curiousy/nerve to watch it one day(same happened later with Five Nights at Freddies, which I didn't know anything about outside of what the cover art told me). I just remember loving Starved for Help in particular(mostly because of Larry, Brenda, and Jolene of course) and was entertained more than enough to wait for Season 2 to either be covered by them(which they still haven't done, btw) or be completed to enjoy as a whole myself--the latter of which I didn't get until just last May/June before I joined here.
Oh dude it wasn’t! Come on! Imagine fans reaction if out of the blue Daryl stuck a gun to his head and committed suicide for no reason? That would have been the worst writing decision imaginable because everyone knows he’s not like that or wouldn’t die in that way which is why it was the same issue with Kenny’s S3 death.
Okay, now you're getting Kenny mixed up with Jane.
I would have preferred his Season 2 death way WAY more than S3’s handling of that monstrosity of a flashback
Eh, either one would work, but I agree that Season 2 should've been THE end for his character, dead or alive.
I still haven't watched the TV show(and it's unlikely that I will)
Why dude? Seasons 1-4 are pretty good anyway.
Hey, it's sti… morell a far better sendoff(and flashback) than most characters get. I don't understand why you guys threw such a fit and act like it wasn't--I mean I do, but let's not open that axiology flavored can of worms right now.
Oh dude it wasn’t! Come on! Imagine fans reaction if out of the blue Daryl stuck a gun to his head and committed suicide for no reason? That would have been the worst writing decision imaginable because everyone knows he’s not like that or wouldn’t die in that way which is why it was the same issue with Kenny’s S3 death.
I would have preferred his Season 2 death way WAY more than S3’s handling of that monstrosity of a flashback
I still haven't watched the TV show(and it's unlikely that I will)
Why dude? Seasons 1-4 are pretty good anyway.
Hey, it's sti… morell a far better sendoff(and flashback) than most characters get. I don't understand why you guys threw such a fit and act like it wasn't--I mean I do, but let's not open that axiology flavored can of worms right now.
Oh dude it wasn’t! Come on! Imagine fans reaction if out of the blue Daryl stuck a gun to his head and committed suicide for no reason? That would have been the worst writing decision imaginable because everyone knows he’s not like that or wouldn’t die in that way which is why it was the same issue with Kenny’s S3 death.
I would have preferred his Season 2 death way WAY more than S3’s handling of that monstrosity of a flashback
I still haven't watched the TV show(and it's unlikely that I will)
Why dude? Seasons 1-4 are pretty good anyway.
Hey, it's sti… morell a far better sendoff(and flashback) than most characters get. I don't understand why you guys threw such a fit and act like it wasn't--I mean I do, but let's not open that axiology flavored can of worms right now.
Oh dude it wasn’t! Come on! Imagine fans reaction if out of the blue Daryl stuck a gun to his head and committed suicide for no reason? That would have been the worst writing decision imaginable because everyone knows he’s not like that or wouldn’t die in that way which is why it was the same issue with Kenny’s S3 death.
I would have preferred his Season 2 death way WAY more than S3’s handling of that monstrosity of a flashback
Okay, now you're getting Kenny mixed up with Jane.
How am i mixing it up?? I’m not lol. Im trying to tell you that by using Daryl as an example, killing him off in the way i described is as bad as the way in how they killed Kenny off in S3. Fans and even some haters even admitted that his death was ridiculous and disrespectful not only to the character but Gavin Hammon as well. That’s how Telltale operate these days, when they don’t have a clue what to do, they kill off determinant characters in as quick a way as possible. Conrad was an exception for the first time ever but he still became an unimportant character once he became determinant
Why dude? Seasons 1-4 are pretty good anyway.
Well, a combination of lack of time, strong enough interest, and the heavily serialize… mored and violent nature of the show, which is on like Season 8 now from what I recall. I mean, there's a considerable difference between an overglorified DLC with stylized graphics and a live action show that is very serialized. The sheer number of episodes/Seasons is inherently intimidating to approach and I'd rather watch a show of that nature from the very start to feel the proper [likely unpleasant] experience. And not gonna lie, but it seems like the more I heard/saw about it here recently, the [even] less interest I've had in watching it or reading the comic for that matter. At the very least, Bossman did recommend some of the better and/or more important episodes to me a while back, so time will tell if I ever do watch it..
Also, Zombies and gore are really kinda out of my field of interest to beg… [view original content]
Well, how so? Cause from what I observed(which was a lot, btw), his mood generally made since given the circumstances aside from certain moments in the last two episodes.
Well i guess to me he seemed like a little scared naive kid in Episode 1 and then episode 2 he got angry and kept moaning about fucking up, then another episode he’s acting all brave and shit. I dunno, i guess i am nitpicking but I didn’t like his character at all or anyone from that game. To be honest i am surprised i am even discussing it. I just get angry when i think of how shit it all was
I’d also add that sparing Conrad has absolutely no effect on Clementine either despite her angrily saying at the time “how could you” or did… moren’t she call him a traitor? Regardless, the following episode she treats Javier exactly the same, not even a mention or any distate towards him. That pissed me off and showed again Telltales lazy side.
That was one of the only major criticisms I had with Above the Law. Which is sad because it was one of the only things Clementine had going for her in terms of being relevant to the story.
They could have have perhaps had someone else save Javier from the walkers instead of Clem hitting them with the baseball bat, or have a scene of a hostile moment.
Or really, just Javier either retrieve the bat himself or simply get up and stomp the damn walkers with his sneakers. Cause if you really look at the scene, it looks like Clementine just picked up the bat while it was still fairly close to… [view original content]
Ah, okay. Again, he's one of the only characters who actually made coherent sense in and of himself for the most part, but I suppose I can see why someone would think that given how bad the storytelling generally was at times.
Well, how so? Cause from what I observed(which was a lot, btw), his mood generally made since given the circumstances aside from certain mom… moreents in the last two episodes.
Well i guess to me he seemed like a little scared naive kid in Episode 1 and then episode 2 he got angry and kept moaning about fucking up, then another episode he’s acting all brave and shit. I dunno, i guess i am nitpicking but I didn’t like his character at all or anyone from that game. To be honest i am surprised i am even discussing it. I just get angry when i think of how shit it all was
He's my favorite character from anything ever and I just wish he had his own DLC or mini-season. I wish he had been around more than he already was and that he is either mentioned or remembered in TFS to come full circle. To me, TWDG is his story too, as well as Clem's and Lee's. Come at me, Kenny haters.
He annoyed me in season 1 but I ultimately thought he was an okay guy. Didn’t cry for him like I did Lee, but he was fine. Felt super bad for him.
I ended up “putting him down” in season 2 because he just got too bad. He saw too much tragedy and it messed him up, and by that point I was too afraid to even speak to him on the off chance that he’d explode. He was too touchy. I think putting him out of his misery would have been a “Lee” thing to do.
Kenny was a very well written and tragic character. He was a good person but loosing his family, twice, weighed down on him and caused him to become emotionally unstable. I really grew an attachment to both Kenny and Jane during season 2 the choice for me was so devastating. When the fight broke out between the two I tried to stay as neutral as possible. In the end as much as I loved Kenny I wasn't just going to sit by and let him kill Jane. I chose to shoot him but I felt so awful doing it. The worst part about it all was that before he died he forgives Clem telling her that she only did what she had to. As sad and tragic as this is, it is my favorite ending to his story. When I found out that Jane set the whole thing up I was so pissed. She proved that Kenny had lost it and was dangerous however, in that act she also displayed how dangerous she was. As much as I loved Jane my Clementine couldn't stand being around her after she had caused Clem to kill her oldest living friend. My version of Clem decided to raise AJ on her own, taking half a page from Kenny and half a page from Jane. I did feel bad about leaving Jane but I was too angry to choose the other option. This is also my favorite way Jane's story can end.
I have to say I was really upset by Jane too if this had happened in real life I'd still go with Kenny over Jane as much as I first liked Jane but I was like crap how could you do that both at the time she left the team and then did that to Kenny, AJ and Clemintine!
Honestly i feel like i probably wouldnt Hold Kenny as one of my favorites if other characters from season 1 had managed to live up to season 2/Dint get immediatelly killed off .
Kenny was one of the best things about Season 1...a perfect redemption arc for him....Season 2...overused and a crutch that was used as a tool to glare over the lack of character growth of any of the new cast.
Well, to speak personally, Kenny worked best in Season 1 in part because he was meant to be a darker foil to Lee who had his character arc with and then without Katjaa&Duck across the entire season, which served to highlight what Lee didn't have with Sam, what he was able to accomplish with Clementine, and was [determinately] capable of not dealing with and accomplishing despite his past. It was good for what it was, but what it was was a story about a man doing whatever he had to protect everything he cared about before losing everything and becoming a pretty hostile & miserable person throughout both sections, which was driven home by having characters like Lee, Lilly, and Ben(and arguably Larry and The Stranger) to interact, compare, and contrast with throughout the journey.
When he returned in Season 2(aka The Real Clementine's Story), it didn't really work in part because Clementine is a very different character from Lee, he was mostly reliving a weak replay of his arc from Season 1 aside from being Luke's rival(which is a topic unto itself), and he ended getting most of the focus in a story that really had nothing to do with him.
To get back to your question, however, the other characters are arguably much more distinct and had more to offer story-wise for both Lee and Clementine. It helps that most of them ironically got less screentime and focus than Kenny did even back then.
Not just that but at the start of No Going Back she vows to Clem that she’ll never leave her again and look what happens in S3? Lol.
I’m not Jane’s biggest fan, i never found her appealing and never understood how some people fell for her bullshit ways.!She only gave a shit about herself most of the time. She cared for Clem sure but i would be willing to bet that she’d never sacrifice herself to keep Clem and AJ safe the way that Kenny did. Do people think she would have begged Edith to take the kids into Wellington? Hell no! It would have been all of them or nothing. That’s why i would never choose Jane over Kenny. The fact she can’t be trusted is the main reason as i previously discussed with you.
Dude this! And the thing that makes it worst is it's so obvious. It actually makes me question if people shot Kenny/abandoned him just to be spiteful... Jane's one of those people you come across to find out more about yourself and question your own dignity. AND HERS! XD
Oh they do dude! There are some people so blinded by hate that they do it based on maybe one thing he did to upset the player and he or she have held a grudge ever since! Take the meat locker scene for instance, some haters have hated Kenny for what he did to Larry and never got over it despite the fact that not only was it LARRY, you know the guy who punched Lee and left him to die? The guy who was literally horrible to every single character he spoke to, Carley, Doug, Duck, Mark etc for no good reason, and the fact that Kenny did what he did to Larry to keep everyone safe from him who was certain to turn after his heart attack. Yeah they hate him for that yet they fail to understand the reasons behind his actions and just hate on him for doing an unpleasant thing. If he hadn’t done that, they would have all died. Fact. That’s what you need to do to survive in that world.
Some people don’t like him because he argues with people. That to me is honesty, telling you exactly what he feels. Asshole or not, it’s realistic, it’s as human as you can get. If those “haters” want someone who is cute, sweet natured, and has an unrealistic one dimensional personality then fine but i would never trust someone who is always nice, plus that just comes across as boring. Everyone has 2 sides to themselves.
Sorry for the rant lol.
Dude yes! These type of players are toxic lol. They spoil the whole theme of the game by holding grudges, cause they spend soo much time waiting for payback when the story is passing them by. Especially against someone who's been true since the beginning. Cause Kenny could've abandoned the group at anytime (Kinda like Jane did in S2 after getting laid) but he stayed, he knew he had to takeover with Lee being.. </3 But the rant is much needed man! Sometimes I feel like I write too much too but whatever haha.
And exactly! If players constantly continue to say "They put themselves in their positions" It's bullshit to me, cause I couldn't imagine anyone traveling with someone (Kenny) for a few years and them eventually getting into a fight with a complete random person (Jane) and is confused on who to kill and let live. All because he's had a few outbursts like every normal person gets!
Im really glad you agree! It’s nice to have someone who isn’t always shitting on my defence of Kenny. Had so many people here hating on him which is totally fine but i draw the line of those i told you about who say extreme things that i feel his character does not deserve.
Yep! no new character coming out of the woodworks can replace the stache
I think Kenny, his character, was a good man, with flaws like everyone else. His character was somebody who did the best with the hand that life had dealt him.
He went through a lot, a lot of loss, yet he still pushed forward for those he cared about, and even in his final moments, when he was crippled and couldn't move, he still protected his loved ones by giving his life for them, and in so doing, went down like a boss.
LOL! Gabe was written inconsistently like everyone else from S3. He tells you to shoot Conrad, then changes his tune episodes later and makes Javier look like a total dick for shooting him. Thats one example of bad writing. Every episode like with most characters, they changed personalities
I thought at first that Jane’s death was out of character too but then I thought more about it and i think it was in character because taking the easy way out is something i feel she was selfishly capable of
Please don’t say Kensplainers. It’s one of the most stupid made up terms ever invented! And @DabigRG clever middleground? That’s like saying killing off Rick in similar circumstances was clever! Just no! A character that’s been around from the start deserved so much better! I would have said the same thing if it was a character i hated too. It was just awful, lazy and unforgiveable what Telltale did with Kenny’s S3 death
Not really. One of the things that pisses me off about that scene was that, if you were paying attention, it actually would make sense for him to seemingly change his stance there considering him being a bit dodgy about actually killing people was a recurring theme with his character. There's even some lead in to it depending on what you say to him earlier in the episode. Heck, you really didn't even have to be hyper analytical to get that considering he deliberately cheats around shooting Conrad on the road if you don't stop him and expresses some degree of shock when Conrad is actually dead on the floor in Part 2. So that really isn't an example of him changing his personality all of a sudden(which only Tripp, Joan, and arguably Clementine(in the long run) are truly guilty of, from what I've seen) so much as just relapsing for the sake of drama.
The problem is that they force that scene purely based on the choice to shoot Conrad(which at least 80% of players did) rather than actually taking your interactions and relationship with Gabe himself into account despite your relationship with Javier's family being a huge theme and all the moments where you get to pick sides with him, resulting in people who logically shouldn't get the scene getting it anyway. It's like we were playing Season 2 again and got the drama overriding choices like where Nick and Sarah became determinant again after all the buildup with those two. So really, it's just another contender for the ultimate proof that Telltale doesn't know how to effectively(and consistently) integrate the story with your gameplay/choices like they did originally.
Pretty much. And while you can probably chalk it up to the writing of Season 2.5 being very wish-washy with her characterization between episodes, it's not hard to analyze Jane throughout Season 2 and come to the conclusion that she's actually quite fucked up in the head.
I know, it's just a shorthand at this point to avoid saying Kenny fans in general when that's not what I mean.
I still haven't watched the TV show(and it's unlikely that I will), but I know the difference there is that Rick is the protagonist of the show from start to current checkpoint, whereas Kenny was the tritagonist/deuterogonist of the game's Season 1 who ended up coming back not too long afterwards despite his character clearly being finalized and stuck around eating up way too much focus in a story that really had nothing to do with him. I believe Daryll probably would've been a better comparison and I know pretty much nothing about him other than Troy(or rather, the first design of Carver as an original character) possibly being modeled after him.
Hey, it's still a far better sendoff(and flashback) than most characters get. I don't understand why you guys threw such a fit and act like it wasn't--I mean I do, but let's not open that axiology flavored can of worms right now.
And I don't hate Kenny, btw. I've just had way more than my fill of him and believe it was way past time for him to retire. Ironically, I recall either you or @wdfan indirectly explaining why they had to get him out of the picture this time around once and it was retroactively very true.
He's a loving bear asshole
I doubt that was me. What I probably said was that I didn't expect him to be around for long. That would have also likely have been before I realised how bad season 3 would be. As for his season death, it weren't just Kenny fans that hated it. Almost everyone, including Jane fans thought it sucked at the time. There was a handful of people that thought it was good, or didn't think it was completely terrible (in the same way season 3 has fans)
Why dude? Seasons 1-4 are pretty good anyway.
Oh dude it wasn’t! Come on! Imagine fans reaction if out of the blue Daryl stuck a gun to his head and committed suicide for no reason? That would have been the worst writing decision imaginable because everyone knows he’s not like that or wouldn’t die in that way which is why it was the same issue with Kenny’s S3 death.
I would have preferred his Season 2 death way WAY more than S3’s handling of that monstrosity of a flashback
I’d also add that sparing Conrad has absolutely no effect on Clementine either despite her angrily saying at the time “how could you” or didn’t she call him a traitor? Regardless, the following episode she treats Javier exactly the same, not even a mention or any distate towards him. That pissed me off and showed again Telltales lazy side. They could have have perhaps had someone else save Javier from the walkers instead of Clem hitting them with the baseball bat, or have a scene of a hostile moment. Same with the choice to kill Lingard, it’s like anytime Javier goes against Clem it’s forgotten about.
I see what you are saying about Gabe but he is still inconsistent like the rest.
I couldn’t figure out what type of character he was because he was generally different in each episode
That was one of the only major criticisms I had with Above the Law. Which is sad because it was one of the only things Clementine had going for her in terms of being relevant to the story.
Or really, just Javier either retrieve the bat himself or simply get up and stomp the damn walkers with his sneakers. Cause if you really look at the scene, it looks like Clementine just picked up the bat while it was still fairly close to him, casually strolled over the two walkers, and started to beat them while they were still on their damn backs themselves!
So it's just a forced moment top to bottom for the sake of a trailer shot.
Yeah, that was definitely one of the moments where even I think the segregation was complete bullshit. Honestly, that and especially Gabe suddenly having a crush on her always just screamed of being the moment where they started blatantly trying to shoehorn Clementine into a part of the story that had nothing to do with her and really didn't need her(hmm...deja vu).
Well, how so? Cause from what I observed(which was a lot, btw), his mood generally made since given the circumstances aside from certain moments in the last two episodes.
Saw this and thought, maybe I should have my say:
When I was first introduced to Kenny in Season 1, he seemed like a good fellow. Took a liking to his family of Katjaa and Duck. When the incident on Hershel's farm happened, I helped save Duck then tried to help Shawn, but alas. I didn't hold anything against Kenny then, spur the moment a split second decision we don't have time to weight pros and cons, we do what comes to mind. In the drugstore, I answered something like that to Kenny and told him to try and let it go. Kenny saved my Lee's life and I'm thankful for that, especially when he called me a good friend.
Then Episode 2 came around and surely the days turned sour: Kenny's eagerness to hit the coast seemed to be kind of reckless, but he was just doing what was best for his family. I tried to be the voice of reason among him, even though his stubbornness didn't help matters. When the St. John meat locker incident happened, boy howdy...
Thats when things changed. I tried to save Larry, and if it didn't work, then I would do what Kenny suggested, but when he called me worthless and dropped the salt lick upon Larry's head, I was shocked and appalled by Kenny's action. After all was said and done after leaving the farm, Kenny said what I thought about what happened in the locker, throughout repeated playthroughs of the game, I always chose silence. Ever other answer I felt would just make things worse then they already were.
Episode 3 when Kenny, forgive me, lost both his family members, I cut him some sympathy, I even let Lee handle Duck. But when coming to terms with stopping the train, I had to knock some sense into him AKA I fought him. Another instance of trying to mend our friendship came in the first part of Episode 4 Around Every Corner, regarding with dealing with the zombie Fivel in the attic. I could have done the job myself and I would, but instead I chose to try and help Kenny out of his funk, by letting him put down Fivel.
I liked in Episode 5 when trying to make it through to the other side of the house in the attic, the moment me Kenny Christa and Omid discussed events. It was a nice character building moment. I lost the walkie in the warehouse and Christa went in after it. Kenny jumped in and helped her out and for a moment I thought that was Kenny's last good deed.
Season 2 proved otherwise. It was good to see him alive again (hugged him). But as the episodes progressed, the more things change, the more they stay the same. Kenny's emotional moments where I would have to yo-yo him back, were beginning to aggravate me. I just don't know what to say. Many of the fans of this franchise would follow Kenny into the worse lurker herd imaginable on a whim of praise (Kenny is god, ugh). But for me, after he lost Sarita, things were back to where they were before and getting worse. I tried to help him with Clementine but the stubborn fool just wouldn't listen.
The final choice still affects me to this day, Yes I shot one of my oldest friends for the sake of Jane, a newfound friend I gained respect for. Thinking of my choice, I feel like Anakin Skywalker hacking off Mace Windu's sword arm in Episode III. As he lay dying, he said I made the right choice. I was upset (like Anakin saying afterwards "What have I done?") and I let Clem give some comforting words and he passed with a smile.
What can I say about Kenny? He was a good and honest and dedicated individual. But as time went on he became more and more unreasonable. It was hard to get him to listen to reason. I just don't know. But I will say this: I didn't love him nor did I hate him.
He was a good man. And thats all I have to say about that. Pardons to all the Kenny fans on this forum.
Well, it wasn't actually about "Season 3" in and of itself. IIRC, it was an argument for why he was given so much importance in Season 2 when very little of the story was meant to have him as the focus and why he was so prominent instead of being a supporting character that threw his two cents in with Clementine on occasion. Something about how he wouldn't observe from the sidelines or something like that.
Huh. I don't recall that(the Janiacs), but I think it's a little safe to take your word on it.
Well, a combination of lack of time, strong enough interest, and the heavily serialized and violent nature of the show, which is on like Season 8 now from what I recall. I mean, there's a considerable difference between an overglorified DLC with stylized graphics and a live action show that is very serialized. The sheer number of episodes/Seasons is inherently intimidating to approach and I'd rather watch a show of that nature from the very start to feel the proper [likely unpleasant] experience. And not gonna lie, but it seems like the more I heard/saw about it here recently, the [even] less interest I've had in watching it or reading the comic for that matter. At the very least, Bossman did recommend some of the better and/or more important episodes to me a while back, so time will tell if I ever do watch it..
Also, Zombies and gore are really kinda out of my field of interest to begin with and I'm not really that into live action shows in general, with L&O SVU being a recent exception.I really only got into these games because I saw magazines, fanart, and occasionally "fanart" of characters like Lee, Carley, and especially Clementine flying around for while. Eventually, [Super Gaming Bros] a let's play channel I was really into at the time happened to have a playthrough up through at least 3 episodes on they're playlists for a while and I eventually worked up the curiousy/nerve to watch it one day(same happened later with Five Nights at Freddies, which I didn't know anything about outside of what the cover art told me). I just remember loving Starved for Help in particular(mostly because of Larry, Brenda, and Jolene of course) and was entertained more than enough to wait for Season 2 to either be covered by them(which they still haven't done, btw) or be completed to enjoy as a whole myself--the latter of which I didn't get until just last May/June before I joined here.
Okay, now you're getting Kenny mixed up with Jane.
Eh, either one would work, but I agree that Season 2 should've been THE end for his character, dead or alive.
How am i mixing it up?? I’m not lol. Im trying to tell you that by using Daryl as an example, killing him off in the way i described is as bad as the way in how they killed Kenny off in S3. Fans and even some haters even admitted that his death was ridiculous and disrespectful not only to the character but Gavin Hammon as well. That’s how Telltale operate these days, when they don’t have a clue what to do, they kill off determinant characters in as quick a way as possible. Conrad was an exception for the first time ever but he still became an unimportant character once he became determinant
Well i guess to me he seemed like a little scared naive kid in Episode 1 and then episode 2 he got angry and kept moaning about fucking up, then another episode he’s acting all brave and shit. I dunno, i guess i am nitpicking but I didn’t like his character at all or anyone from that game. To be honest i am surprised i am even discussing it. I just get angry when i think of how shit it all was
Ah, okay. Again, he's one of the only characters who actually made coherent sense in and of himself for the most part, but I suppose I can see why someone would think that given how bad the storytelling generally was at times.
He's my favorite character from anything ever and I just wish he had his own DLC or mini-season. I wish he had been around more than he already was and that he is either mentioned or remembered in TFS to come full circle. To me, TWDG is his story too, as well as Clem's and Lee's. Come at me, Kenny haters.
He annoyed me in season 1 but I ultimately thought he was an okay guy. Didn’t cry for him like I did Lee, but he was fine. Felt super bad for him.
I ended up “putting him down” in season 2 because he just got too bad. He saw too much tragedy and it messed him up, and by that point I was too afraid to even speak to him on the off chance that he’d explode. He was too touchy. I think putting him out of his misery would have been a “Lee” thing to do.
I thought he was awesome as a friend to Lee and Kenny
Kenny was a very well written and tragic character. He was a good person but loosing his family, twice, weighed down on him and caused him to become emotionally unstable. I really grew an attachment to both Kenny and Jane during season 2 the choice for me was so devastating. When the fight broke out between the two I tried to stay as neutral as possible. In the end as much as I loved Kenny I wasn't just going to sit by and let him kill Jane. I chose to shoot him but I felt so awful doing it. The worst part about it all was that before he died he forgives Clem telling her that she only did what she had to. As sad and tragic as this is, it is my favorite ending to his story. When I found out that Jane set the whole thing up I was so pissed. She proved that Kenny had lost it and was dangerous however, in that act she also displayed how dangerous she was. As much as I loved Jane my Clementine couldn't stand being around her after she had caused Clem to kill her oldest living friend. My version of Clem decided to raise AJ on her own, taking half a page from Kenny and half a page from Jane. I did feel bad about leaving Jane but I was too angry to choose the other option. This is also my favorite way Jane's story can end.
I have to say I was really upset by Jane too if this had happened in real life I'd still go with Kenny over Jane as much as I first liked Jane but I was like crap how could you do that both at the time she left the team and then did that to Kenny, AJ and Clemintine!

I think that he, as a whole, gets too much praise compared to other characters.
Yeah, don't get me wrong I loke Kenny but too many people idolize him as if he was a saint.
Lee, Clemintine and Kenny are 3 of my personal favs
Honestly i feel like i probably wouldnt Hold Kenny as one of my favorites if other characters from season 1 had managed to live up to season 2/Dint get immediatelly killed off .
Why is that?
Kenny was one of the best things about Season 1...a perfect redemption arc for him....Season 2...overused and a crutch that was used as a tool to glare over the lack of character growth of any of the new cast.
Well, to speak personally, Kenny worked best in Season 1 in part because he was meant to be a darker foil to Lee who had his character arc with and then without Katjaa&Duck across the entire season, which served to highlight what Lee didn't have with Sam, what he was able to accomplish with Clementine, and was [determinately] capable of not dealing with and accomplishing despite his past. It was good for what it was, but what it was was a story about a man doing whatever he had to protect everything he cared about before losing everything and becoming a pretty hostile & miserable person throughout both sections, which was driven home by having characters like Lee, Lilly, and Ben(and arguably Larry and The Stranger) to interact, compare, and contrast with throughout the journey.
When he returned in Season 2(aka The Real Clementine's Story), it didn't really work in part because Clementine is a very different character from Lee, he was mostly reliving a weak replay of his arc from Season 1 aside from being Luke's rival(which is a topic unto itself), and he ended getting most of the focus in a story that really had nothing to do with him.
To get back to your question, however, the other characters are arguably much more distinct and had more to offer story-wise for both Lee and Clementine. It helps that most of them ironically got less screentime and focus than Kenny did even back then.