New details from recent livestream, discuss it here
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New details from recent livestream, discuss it here
What's this? Did they confirm they'd be talking about it? Not that I don't believe you - this is just the first I've heard of it.
EDIT: Oh, you mean this? I missed that:
Yea apparently no one knew about it. The stream is usually super busy but there are only 9 people watching.
As nice as surprise reveals are, Telltale should probably stick to announcing things ahead of time as well on occasion!
They did it 2 hours ago. Was gonna make a thread for it but you beat me to it.
The highlights:
So, it already aired? Seems like there has been some miscommunication somewhere.
The bit about some Season 1 staff returning to work on this seems interesting as well.
I told yall Christa would be comin back lol
Yeah they linked the Skybound twitch stream when it was actually the official twitch stream.
You can watch the VOD here, Job talks right in the beginning (skip to 2:10:30)
Be glad to hear if Sean has returned, ultimately just glad some of S1's staff is returning! Telltale actually takes us into consideration ;_;
Finally some news!
Wow, this got very little fanfare.
Extremely little, I haven't missed a live stream in years, this being the first.
If I had to guess, it would be Mark Darin, he wrote Starved For Help in S1. He's the only one that I know of that worked on S1 and is still at TellTale.
There's also the fact that he was in the video update Telltale did for TWD. So yeah, my money's on him.
Starved For Help was probably the best S1 episode - so if it is him, it would give me at least some hope...
Oh that's some great news, can't wait!
How sudden and random. Wish it had been more substancial, though.
Yes!!! And have him file DMCA takedowns on The Final Season's playthroughs of any youtubers he deems unworthy!
Seriously though, having Vanaman's name in your game wouldn't be the best idea right now.
Maybe they could also mean Gary Whitta might return too.
They say that for just about all of their sequels; they even said that for Batman The Enemy Within and Minecraft Season 2, both which rely heavily on references to their first Seasons. I would not worry about reading too much into that.
Might as well bring Omid and the Cabin Group back along with him.
I wonder if this means The Final Season will have more tie ins with the comic...or its possible it might end with Clem arriving at a community in the comics.
That means either Christa or Lily will be making their return. Maybe even Molly but I doubt it. As for themes, I hope they Make a inner group conflict again similar to the Motor Inn Group.
I’d hope around May since it’s my birthday month. Wouldn’t mind for a June or July release.
Hopefully they stick with their original idea and not changing the story so many times like in ANF.
I hope it comes out in the summer so I can stay up for the midnight release.
Me too, but then again I want to play it as soon as possible.
When I look back in retrospect I wish the season 1 cast was never killed off. I know they weren't planning for anymore installments at the time but the characters were way more interesting than anyone else in the other seasons. I think Clem, Lee, Kenny, Ben, Omid, Christa, Carley/Doug, Katjaa, and Duck should've all especially lasted on. I feel like every season has been about introducing characters and killing them off immediately and we don't have much time with them anymore like we did in the first season. Most of the main characters were fleshed out before they died but I feel they still could've lasted longer.
I guess now that the final season is looming I'm just really bummed and disappointed at how it all turned out. I think they tried to turn Clementine into a solo badass way too young and now they struggle trying to find out what story to tell with her. Had Lee and the others been around another season or two I think it'd be more natural and season 2 and possibly 3 would've been regarded higher.
The ending of season one really got the game noticed and recognized so I wonder if it would've been as successful. I dare say yes because I was on board from the beginning. It's just a shame. I hope that season 4 can end on a respectful note for Clementine but for the overall story of everyone we've come to know in each of the seasons. Even the New Frontier characters. I like Javier but let's face it he's not Clementine or Lee tier.
Depressed monologue over.
True. I really hope Telltale releases their episodes on the actual date and not early in some areas because then I always try and figure out how to play it early and it’s just really annoying.
I agree with everything here, especially the first paragraph. Killing off most of your main cast, especially when it's the originals, doesn't really bode well for keep emotional attachment around.
Killing all the characters was part of why the game was so awesome. Because each death was done very well, and at the end only a few people made it. It worked for a standalone game, but the sequels were just repeating the formula. So it doesn't work anymore. Also, Omid and Christa were wasted, they should've been a part of Season 2 along with Kenny. It would've created a nice contrast with old and new characters interacting with each other.
Telltale couldn't market the fountain of youth properly....would have been nice to know this was coming.
I guess I'm going off of the comics and TV show mentality where we had a decent cast for a while we could get to know. I mean let's not make them overstay their welcome but if I'm correct isn't most of the first season's cast dead by the third or fourth month into the apocalypse? That's not very long lol. I don't have a problem with the way the deaths are written. I wish those characters were still around at least some of them anyway. We keep getting introduced to people like Luke or Javier and then they disappear the next season and we start over. There's no attachment to anyone except Clementine and I think that's why people were so passionately angry about Kenny or Jane's death, Kenny moreso. They wanted that continued attachment instead we only have Clementine and her screentime was diminished heavily. Omid's death at the beginning of season 2 almost made me quit immediately because I figured Christa was soon to be next and we're just more or less rebooting the series.
As a standalone season one is a masterpiece and it's why I play it the most. But as season one of a series it's kind of depressing losing so many good characters and then going into season 2 and 3 with each character not having many definable traits or decent quotes.
Oh, just like that? It's nice to see they care about their fans so much.
I really want to feel that magic I felt when I played your first walking dead season telltale plz end it the same way
April 24 is my pick probably
I almost forgot about Omid before I posted, to be honest.
But probably a good bet. I'm sorry, but I still just don't see them not killing her off. I'll be happy if they don't, but this is Telltale we're talking about here.
This is very interesting, both in a good and bad way. We did have Jesus in ANF and the events of the game are pretty much caught up to the comic storyline. This could just be to prevent some continuity issues, but it may also mean that we could see even more tie ins between the game and comics, quite possibly some comic characters making appearances. Again, this could be good or bad, depending on how Telltale uses them, I don't think we want another Ramsey Snow situation.
Well you did pretty much confirm back in the summer update that we would be playing as her, but the way you worded it sounded like we may not play as her, which, albeit subtly, implies there may be another playable character. After ANF, I pray to God this isn't the case, and if there is, it needs to be handled a hell of a lot better (I'm talking TFTBL style, not 95% one character and 5% the other).
Please Telltale, just leave them out. I know people want Christa and Lily back, but we've seen how returning characters can hurt the story of the game. Again, it can be done right, but I'd much rather introduce and focus on new characters rather than harp on the old ones (except Clem for obvious reasons).
So you're encouraging players to play previous seasons in order to enjoy the full experience of this next and final installment, you mean like you should have done for ANF?
Well duh, kind of expected Melissa to come back, would be really dumb to replace her after she's been playing the part for the past three season and had to deal with all of your bullshit from ANF. As for the other characters, I refer to my previous point.
Well damn, that's earlier than I thought. Really goes to show that ANF was more like a side story/stepping stone that really didn't need to be made when looking back, and while they were working on ANF, the real work was being done on this season (hopefully). Usually I'm a bit skeptical about such short wait times between seasons, but we got a new season of Batman less than a year after the first one, and it's already better than its predecessor (minus the dead Russian diplomat fiasco), so while I'm skeptical, I'm not entirely pessimistic about it.
Oh, you mean how these meetings are supposed to go? Does this mean no rewrites halfway through the game, or worse, before the game even comes out? You'd think I wouldn't have to tell such a popular gaming company like Telltale to actually plan out their stories and hammer out the kinks and key plot issues BEFORE the game comes out.
That's honestly great news. Previous games, and I don't just mean this series, have been hindered by too many writers (there were more writers on Ties That Bind Part 1 than the previous 2 seasons combined). Having a more concise writing team who are all on the same page (and aren't jumping from one project to the next or coming in halfway through and causing what it essentially one giant game of telephone) will work so much better.
Alright, those seem to be the main takeaways, some good stuff and I am honestly looking forward...wait a minute, what's this?
Telltale, don't play with me, don't you dare fucking play with me. Look, I'm not one of those people that are like "This series is nothing without Jake and Sean," especially since I enjoyed Season 2 almost as much as Season 1, and while this doesn't necessarily mean a better product, this is big news. Hell, it doesn't even have to be Sean and Jake (though it would be cool if it was), it could also mean Gary Whitta, Harrison Pink, Dennis Lenart, and probably a lot more (I believe Mark Darin is still at Telltale, and he was a major player for both Season 1 and 2). Telltale, you can't just drop a bomb like that and not give more details.
Wait, people actually think he's the bad guy because he didn't want a guy who posts anti-Semite joke videos and calls people n*****s during live streams advertising his games? Lol wtf
Sounds we are definitely, absolutely going to see either Lilly or Christa again. Either that or some s1 flashbacks (which I'm personally hoping for).
Seems like Telltale is well aware of their shortcomings with ANF, fucking sucks how much potential was thrown into the dumpster just for them to learn this lesson... sigh.
Either way I am confident that s4 will be amazing.
Only one ending? There's a lot of different types of Clementine's by now, I don't think they could please everyone with just a single ending but who knows.
...Wait, what?