Character Look-Alikes Thread
I don't know if this has been made before but anyways post look-alikes here!
EDIT : I know they look alike but please don't post pictures of the same character from a different thing (example : Glenn from the game, Glenn from the comic, Glenn from the show)
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Steven (from TWD show) looks a little like his game character (Glenn) imo.
Ron from TWD TV Show:
Gabe from TWD: ANF:
I forgot who this image belonged to so sorry for not giving credit, whoever took it!
Oh my god hat and everything
Well it's supposed to be Glenn so not very surprising
Oh my goodness....
Chet and Luke
Credit to @DabigRG
Kenny and some random Guy from Batman
Credit to @Poogers555
Edit : His name is Chip, anD I WILL ReSpECt hIM
His name is Chip, anD YOU WILL ReSpECt hIM.
See, running from walkers can pay off lol
Bet ya he's reading about boats
It's.... it's uncanny 0.0
There you go
I'm surprised you didn't use Luke.
I can't see the third picture.
It's Wyatt the Dillweed.
Oh, okay then!
The things a google search will get you.
She's kinda cute though
One of my cousin's children looks like Clementine, and she's almost her age in Season 1. Hazel eyes and everything. Hate to share and not post a pic, but I'd rather not.
When I went to see Epic in the cinema, the only thing I could think of is "damn, this guy Nod looks just like Luke"
Oh my goodness, you're right! Generic white "dreamboat" for the win.
Spot on! XD
Wyatt missed auditions for Skyrim lol
Wyatt reminds me of a Doonesbury character for some reason.
I was about to say that when I first played him