Good ANF Characters
When it comes to The Walking Dead games, characters are a very important part of our experience. They are the reason we are immersed in these games.
While ANF had poorly written characters, it had good characters as well that showed a lot of promise but were either given cheap deaths or disappeared and were never mentioned again.
In your opinion, who were some of the good characters in The Walking Dead: A New Frontier and why?
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David before Ep5.
Not really any good characters this season besides Clementine, and I’m not counting her as one.
Javier was alright but was basically a generic PC.
David was good up until Ep.5 where they pretty much cemented him as a villain.
Jesus was good but he was there for fan service.
I actually like Kate, but not as much as before. Still, she’s a good character.
Dr. Lingard. He felt like the most realistic and relatable character. Plus, he's also another determinant character that can survive the season, which a lot of people seem to forget or don't know. Like, yeah, not as much as Conrad, but Dr. Lingard is more of an interesting character to me. Conrad just felt like yet another Kenny clone, in my opinion.
Dr. Lingard is indeed one of the most interesting characters and is one of my favourites, too.
Conrad was pretty much his own thing, I never saw him as a copy of Kenny.
David and Lingard had potential, but the game was too obsessed with awesome QTE action sequences and making Xavier look like a dumbass, so we never really got into the any meaningful character development.
David almost felt like a season 1 character......until the stupid fight with Javier that gave me Kenny VS Jane deja vu. I guess the game had been building to that point but really only makes sense if you've been romancing Kate and giving David the cold shoulder/bucking him at every turn. Our choices regarding Javier's relationships with Kate and David should have been factored into that scene instead of having a fight for the sake of having a fight. Other than that, I think most of the characters had potential but were either sidelined or had their characterizations drastically changed mid story to fit the writers' uncertain narrative.
Eh...somewhat, but kinda like Gabe, seeing Conrad as a Kenny-type character is very on the fringe since he only really has the killed love interest and to an extent the Shadow Archetype aspects, brings a few new things to the table, and serves a considerably different function in the story, for better or worse.
I think we can all agree with that.
Ooooh, a positive ANF themed thread--how rapt! Good thinking for a topic either way, babe!
Anyway, I'm aware that I tend to be more accepting, patient, and/or optimistic ulilitarian-esque than a lot of people, so my list would theoretically be very long. So for now, I'll drop a few names out there that I think had the most going for them, whether immediately or potentially:
All the other characters were either okay, negligible, or really shouldn't have been as prominent as they were, to put it gently. Also, Mariana.
Chocolate cake. It was a lie, but it was beautiful.
Dats Black Forest Gateau, baby.
B-But what about the creamed spinach?
Lingard? Relatable? Sorry but im not a drug addict or a doctor, no way in hell can I relate to him
He means in the sense that Lingard fell into a depression after seeing so many die due to the outbreak has him at a point where he doesn't have much faith left in most things and doing much, namely continuing to live or wanting to die, is rooted in small pushes.
You don't need to be a drug addict or a doctor to relate to him.
Yesss! I love her!
My favorites were David, Tripp, Javier, Gabe, Kate, Dr Lingard and Conrad.
Tripp....fuck off
i liked Javi and Gabe. Clem is of course number one in my heart.
David, Mariana, Javier & Conrad.
Yay, Mariana!
Aw, why did you edit Ava out? Both her and Conrad are good characters.
Her death was bull lol
Had to make Tripp stand out somehow, eh?
Agreed. She didn't deserve to die like this.
Lol Tripp too </3 those deaths were horrible cop outs. Ava's death didn't make any sense, what walker plans when and when not to attack?! .-.
To be fair, while the timing was indeed weird/rigged, it technically jumps out at the same time in each scenario. It's just that Tripp is physically bigger and therefore able to counter the initial shock a little better.
He doesn't count.
I laughed when I saw this, but you're are right.
The only character who elicited some form of interest out to me in ANF was Ava, and I'm still disappointed that her relationship with Clementine in the present time wasn't explored, especially with how Clementine never comments on Ava's death at all.
Everyone else were either generic, unlikable, or inconsistent and nonsensical. David to me was the worst offender (though Conrad and Gabe are close to the bottom as well), who easily ranks as the most overrated ANF character out of the entire cast.
Javier, Gabe, Mariana and Ava.
Yeah true, but still, those are a few more death scenes that'll never sit well with me. Don't know what it is in the TWD world, some deaths just leave me dumbfounded. Like Omid's -_- Maybe I'm over analyzing but some things just don't seem logical.
I'm a bit iffy on Ava, she just seems like she has all the best qualities of Jane. And yep, Mariana was probably my favourite character in the first episode. Her and Javier's relationship was cute af. It felt like a fresh breeze in The Walking Dead, which is why I was so mad when Telltale killed her.
I suppose you could call her a great combination of Mike and Jane, if you really wanna get fancy with comparisons.
She was also stuttering in the first episode too, whatever happened to that? That was something unique to her.
Yeah, that was something I picked up on as well(unsurprisingly). It almost seems like it may have just been a very well timed/covered up audio hiccup.
I suppose you could also argue that she grew out of it or that there simply weren't many opportunities for her fear/trauma to be brought up.
Ava is indeed a very interesting character and I am happy to see people appreciating her.
I was bothered by the issues you stated as well. The lack of reaction to her death, not only by Clementine, but the other characters really annoyed me. She deserved better than this. I expected David's reaction to be stronger... He doesn't even react to Lingard's death.
Can I just say that I don't get how can Conrad be overrated? Like, the guy was spared by only 10%(including me) and he doesn't have many fans to begin with. He was handled very well in Episode 3 and I wanted to see more of him. Gabe is more hated than loved, if you ask me.
I agree that David is overrated. He was basically the Kenny of the season and got the most attention.
Conrad , Ava, David Pre episode 5 fight ((Althought even after that bullshit i still thought his death scene if you go to save him and Gabe solo was extremely well made.)) Javier and Gabe.