TWD Favorite Posts 2017
What are some of your favorite comments, replies, or even small-scope threads in this community? They can be a friend's, an enemy's, an animal's, a moderator/staff member's, or even one of your own! Feel free to link them for greater context!
Note:These are not restricted to posts that were done in 2017. That just indicates the year this thread was made.
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~ @Deltino
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
~Me, @Deltino, and @A-IBRAHIM0702
So we're finally having a POTY, Post of the Year, ceremony.
Saw a Youtube comment about how apparently the "talk" with Clem in ANF at dr.Lingard was SJW and leftist propaganda. Cracked me up good. There was also a really long explanation of why, but it mostly boiled down to: "You can't talk about such things in a game" and "I don't like this scene so it has to be removed". Probably the best thing i've read about TWD in a long time.
Well, more like I assumed there were similar threads in the past and thus I decided to label the current year for the sake of distinction. Any year will work, as one of my links shows off.
Huh. Maybe I should've had this be an any post thread rather than just trying to keep it isolated to here.
~ @fallandir and @Deltino
~ @J-Master @RavenSnowstorm and @Kennyshouladiedins1
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
~ @Kennyshouladiedins1
~ @wrestlingdead12 and @DabigRG
Just say "Me".
I liked when Alyssa answered a bunch of my lore questions about Eleanor, Tripp, Conrad, Joan, Clint, Lingard, and Javi.
Me too.
Yeah, me too.
Links to AMAs for those who are curious.
Above the Law(not many answers and nonspecific, but still)
Thicker than Water
From the Gallows(when Vengeful is mainly referring to)
Yeah, I probably could do that, couldn't I?
You did above, on the second post~
What can I say, I'm forgot I even made certain threads. How am I supposed to efficiently keep continuity going?
Yeah, TWDG section is so lazy right now... You can see your last 5 discussions at the bottom at least.
At the bottom of...?
Of your profile page. I didn't finish my sentence, sorry.
Okay, I see what you mean. I thought you could actually find links to my topics in general but it's just my most recent posts.
If there was a search function it would have been easier to find them. But there isn't...
Wait, don't you bookmark your topics?
Sometimes. I think subsequent posts/visits or something in a thread you follow unchecks it or something because that's been a persistent problem in the past.
Also, I legitimately don't check that anymore for whatever reason. Oops.
I wonder if the forums were better before I joined...
It's good to save them on your browser, so you can find them easily.
Somewhat. I joined a couple of months before ANF was first teased and there was a lot more discussion and posting going on around that timeframe. Droughts in that recent past weren't this bad, from what I can tell.
True dat.
Youtube comments praising the name of anf's bitch: elawhore
I recall seeing that a few times here as well. At the very least, it's a semidecent pun.
The fuck?
~ Me
~ @ZombiePizza and Me
That kinda makes me wish I joined earlier.
You can see all of your discussions now!
~ @Pharmacy_Rage
Guess now would be a good time to give this another shot.
~ @Everyone'sClemInTime
Surprised anyone remembered that post...
I honestly forgot it(Somehow
) until I went delving through older threads for specific information.
Thank you!
Happy to see some familiar faces are still kicking it around here...
You're very welcome! I did a post full of questions and answers in the Details thread a month or two ago if you'd prefer having them more "organized."