Life Is Strange - True Colors Out Now, Bonus Episode "Wavelengths" September 30th



  • Liar..Arcadia bay is destroyed!

    chloe dies


    Let me guess... Kate becomes the protagonist?

    chloe dies

  • Funnily enough, the very description was from his stream actually.

    It was great to see someone else ripping the episode apart for it's lack of even basic-level writing to be honest. Glad someone else enjoyed it.

    If you haven't, I'd recommend watching AdumPlaze's videos of Before The Storm. He's the same guy that does the channel YourMovieSucksDOTorg, and he just rips the game apart, it's quite entertaining.

  • I'm going to go ahead and start ignoring ignorant comments like yours as they are about as lacking of understanding as Chloe is from the game.

    This is literally the second post I've made about the game's content within a nearly three-week span. Chill.

    Troll, why don't you go somewhere else if you do not like the game.

  • Yes, please!

    I KNEW IT Let me guess... Kate becomes the protagonist?

  • Well she has a point dude. We get that you don’t like the game so why are you here? Negativity causes arguments and your negative views are obviously going to upset those that like it.

    I highly disagree with you. I actually sent you a comment a while back giving you my opinions in why i like LIS but i guess you didn’t see it. I basically said that if anything Telltale should take a page from Dontnod’s book on writing because I feel their stories are way better than what TT have given us with their most recent games and their characters in my opinion are developed really well.

    At least LIS gives you a game to play and doesn’t make you sit through 90% cutscenes, piss poor length episodes and one dimensional undeveloped characters. We should talk sometime about LIS privately, even though you don’t like it.

    I'm going to go ahead and start ignoring ignorant comments like yours as they are about as lacking of understanding as Chloe is from the gam

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    We get that you don’t like the game so why are you here?

    But it's just his opinion

    He's got a right to share it, after all, doesn't he

    dan290786 posted: »

    Well she has a point dude. We get that you don’t like the game so why are you here? Negativity causes arguments and your negative views are

  • I just played the ep. And I can agree with Creeper1846.
    Way better than episode 1, the story is a lot interesting now and yes there is A HUGE PLOT TWIST at the end. Definitely 10/10
    Anyway I can't say much about it without giving spoilers. I loved it and especially a scene in particular ( based on your choice ) ;)

  • I played it already too. I know Xbox is probably the least popular platform for LIS but it's actually surprising how few youtube videos there is right now of ep 2. All with really low views as well. Is before the storm really performing that poorly? LIS used to have its own active forum too but it's stone cold dead as well.

    But seriously, gotta love how with as few videos as there are out right now. Theres not one but at least two with MAJOR spoilers directly in the thumbnail.

    I really don't get why people get more and more dense about spoilers by the year. it's gotten so bad you need to avoid the internet almost entirely. Just looking at trailers will give you recommended spoiler thumbnails. Honestly IMO even mentioning plot twists is enough to bother me. If I know to expect it now....I consider it a spoiler.

  • edited October 2017

    I know Xbox is probably the least popular platform for LIS but it's actually surprising how few youtube videos there is right now of ep 2. All with really low views as well.

    I wouldn’t say it’s the least popular platform but because of how quick the official life is strange takes the videos down. I think it also might have a small amount of views because when I try looking for a Let’s play they are from small youtubers and thier videos are very buried when you search for them. Also many people are avoiding it because they want to be loyal or don’t want to be spoiled.

    PHub07 posted: »

    I played it already too. I know Xbox is probably the least popular platform for LIS but it's actually surprising how few youtube videos ther

  • edited October 2017

    He has yes you’re right, it’s just that sometimes i wish he wasn’t negative about almost everything on these forums, not just this game that’s all.

    Deltino posted: »

    We get that you don’t like the game so why are you here? But it's just his opinion He's got a right to share it, after all, doesn't he

  • Gee, I hate this game so much as you but I don't come here every day to just bitch about it like you do. It's embarassing.

    I'm going to go ahead and start ignoring ignorant comments like yours as they are about as lacking of understanding as Chloe is from the gam

  • edited October 2017

    it's not the official release date yet and people want to avoid spoilers and the youtubers that are uploading the videos are really small so of course is not going to have a lot of views, I saw one youtuber that had like 20 subs. Wait until the OFICIAL release date when people will start playing it and the big youtubers start uploading the videos about the game. I already can see the thumbnails that everyone will use lmao

    PHub07 posted: »

    I played it already too. I know Xbox is probably the least popular platform for LIS but it's actually surprising how few youtube videos ther

  • The episode does release tomorrow, but remember to wait until after the release before you begin commenting spoilers. Please use spoiler tags for at least the first day of release.

  • edited October 2017

    Finally I can talk about this ep! As I said before it was perfect 10/10

    so here are the spoilers the plot twist with that woman (Sera or Sarah) being Rachel’s mom was super surprising. I loved the whole scene of being in the Ambers house as well. Seeing Rachel keep on all that anger then letting it out was tense. I loved the play I pretty much guessed every line and got only got one wrong. Now I wished I told Rachel we were something more because the kiss scene was cool. Like I said amazing ep 10/10

  • It's on Steam now. 5.9GBs.

  • edited October 2017

    Yeah I was surprised as well when Rachel's dad revealed that Sera is her mom ( I always thought they look very much alike ). The cliffhanger is killing me lol.
    In the fight scene I thought Rachel was going to burn the house. And I choose " something more " so yeah the option to ask for a kiss was there and tbh I am surprised I didn't thought it would come in this ep.

  • Loved ep 2 and the twist at the end was awsome.

  • edited October 2017

    Another thing to add is that scene where you break into Drew’s place was really well done as well I gave Dameon the money. Also the whole cabinet of beans in Franks RV was hilarious!

  • The entire series is awesome and is my favorite game series of all time! It is an excellent experience that no other game offers. Before the Storm is shaping up to be just as good as the first season! I hope Deck Nine makes the last episode very powerful in terms of emotions. Episode 2 was awesome! Also Don'tNod's season 2 should be pretty good even though I think it was confirmed to not feature any of the characters from season 1.

  • edited October 2017

    Finished Episode 2.

    Okay, so the episode started off a really uneasy meeting with Principal Wells, which leads to Chloe getting expelled. Five minutes later, she leaves her mark in the bathroom. By that, I mean covering every inch of the girls bathroom with graffiti. And then David announces his plans to move into Casa Price, and Chloe runs away to the junkyard. Sorry, Joyce.

    Spending time in that junkyard and then putting her junk truck together was pretty cool. I even found Chloe's trademark beanie. It was nice of Rachel to give Chloe a lil therapy, and I also liked setting the hideout in the junkyard. But I didn't expect was for Frank to show up with Mr. Amber's girlfriend, who's name turns out to be Sera, in his RV. Pompidou was so cute as a puppy. Why couldn't he be that cute when Max came back? And Frank likes beans so much, he's got a cabinet full of the stuff. And spilled on the floor. Didn't think he'd want me to get money from Drew. I didn't really wanna deal with him again after defending Nathan from him. But then it turned into a shitshow when this guy, Damon, came to collect and hurts Drew and Mikey.

    You know what else was interesting about this episode? Samuel was around for Chloe to chat with. Missed that old squirrel-loving janitor's words of wisdom. And what really surprised me was that Sean Prescott himself was there. "Oh, hey, Chloe, you never mentioned to Max that you also met Sean Prescott face-to-face before." That's what came to mind after that tense little chat with him. Can't believe that Chloe actually got to speak with him at one point. You know what I can believe? Victoria trying to sabotage Rachel with drugs. Too bad that didn't work out the way she thought it would.

    That play... Oh, my god, that play. Of all the things Chloe would be doing, I did not expect her to be the one to temporarily fill in the role of Ariel for Juliet. Though, I suppose that's her Karma for talking shit about how it's gonna suck. I actually took some time to memorize the script before stepping onto the stage. It was hard for me to take it seriously, but I did well. Flawlessly followed the script and then improvised when Rachel changed it up a little. That romantic moment Chloe and Rachel had together after the play was very sweet. On the one hand, I was happy for them. :) But I also felt sad knowing what eventually happens to Rachel. :(

    And finally, Dinner with the Ambers. "That was your mother." James says- o.o Wait, what the fuck?! 0_0 Talk about a major plot twist. Holy shit, I did not see that coming. And that preview for the last episode didn't really show much, except that Chloe needs to desperately get to somewhere in her new junk truck. Maybe to find Rachel? Anyway, this episode was very cool. Really looking forward to seeing how this mini series ends. And to see what keeps the duo from leaving, long enough before Rachel disappears and Max comes back home.

    * I took the blame for Rachel. I was going along with it right up until Wells threatened to remove her from her role in the Tempest play.
    - I told Elliot I intended to go. Mostly because Rachel was performing and I figured she'd like for me to be there.
    - I agreed to start over with David. I said that mostly for Joyce.
    * I refused to empty my pockets. Off to a great start at starting over.
    - I put the singing man bobble head on the dashboard. Now the truck is complete.
    - I didn't pay off the debt with Frank. I already gave him the money Chloe owed him before in the first episode.
    - I didn't tell Steph Rachel was single. The way things were going on between Chloe and Rachel, I'd say they were already becoming an item. Sorry, Steph.
    * I gave Damon the money. I thought it would be the right thing to do. I didn't think Mikey would get hurt, too. Shit.
    - I didn't return Drew's money to him. Didn't get the chance to since I already handed it over to Damon.
    - I told Samantha to get Nathan some space. Figured that would be the best thing to do.
    - I confronted Victoria and got her to drink her own spiked tea. Nighty-night, Queen Bitch.
    - I told Rachel I'd like to go to Los Angeles. That was the plan that she tells Max when they reunite three years later.
    * I asked Rachel for a kiss. Like I said, no secret how their relationship turned out.
    - I attacked James. Didn't see the point in calming Rachel. Might as well let the cat out of the bag.

  • Great second episode. Not 10/10 imo as people have been saying but its at least 9/10 easily for atmosphere and the strong writing alone. I said this about the last penultimate episode this series has had, so don't let me down this time.

  • Great episode, up there with the "Dark Room." Which I thought was the best episodic episode of any game. So good for the guys at Deck Nine! Samuel's voice actor was some of the worst voice acting I've ever heard, though.

    I can't wait for the final episode, it looks like they've been saving all the action for the finale. Which is great, because the first season's finale was a hot mess.

  • Samuel's voice actor was some of the worst voice acting I've ever heard, though.

    Yeah I hated that Samuels voice actor changed the new one wasn’t that good. Although I should have expected that because pretty much every voice actor changed.

    Great episode, up there with the "Dark Room." Which I thought was the best episodic episode of any game. So good for the guys at Deck Nine!

  • I should have known

  • Yes the twist was interesting. I would imagine the explanation is that Rachel’s father knew her real mum had a drug addiction and was unable to bring Rachel up? And Rose played out to be her real mother? I guess that we’ll find out in the last episode.

    It was really good. I will miss Arcadia Bay and these characters when it’s finished. Telltale should really take note of both Life Is Strange games. These are what we want in our games, not sitting through 90% cutscenes or having hardly any gameplay or character development. At least Dontnod give us that.

    Finished Episode 2. (Spoiler)

  • Most of you say Episode 2 was the best so far, but for me personally, I did NOT like it. I'm not trying to be an asshole who finds terrible reasons to hate this game but I don't see any highlights about it. The only ones that I can see is Baby Pompidou (How can you NOT love puppies and kittens?), the gameplay content Telltale games had been lacking recently (Especially ANF) and the goddamn length (Mini-series doesn't mean it should have short length, Telltale). Other than that, there was nothing that impressed me. I started to hate Chloe even much more because in some points, she only has negative options which make her act like a bitch. I know prequels should not have continuity errors but the lack of silence option is disturbing as hell.

  • Telltale should really take note of both Life Is Strange games.

    Oh God, please, don't make them take note on how to make the voice-acting, dialogues and characters be similar to LIS ones cause those are easily one of the worst things about this franchise. Other than that, true, they are really being lazy when it comes to gameplay and length.

    dan290786 posted: »

    Yes the twist was interesting. I would imagine the explanation is that Rachel’s father knew her real mum had a drug addiction and was unable

  • No I agree that Telltale does dialogue better...I think after all these years...they just KNOW how to get their voice actors and dialogue to flow....LOGIC on the other hand and tightly making a script that feels like it is devoid of any common sense is something that Telltale has had trouble with...ANF primarily(the wounds run deep and still weep) But driving for emotional impact and quiet moments that add so much to a game...Telltale could learn(Which is sad...because TWD S1 and TWUA did that so well).

    Also soundtrack...Music adds a lot to LiS and the emotions they try to drive. The Characters I would argue are is the dialogue choices and because there are only 3 ep for BtS...they force Chloe into being ...well bitchy...where as if this was a full 5 episode...they could take their time with the David/Chloe confrontation.

    I am a fan of All 3 companies....Telltale...when they do something right...I am often amazed...right now though I think they are trying to regain their groove, Batman is a great move in the right direction and the fact that they are asking us the fans here our opinions is a lot better than when ANF was in development.

    Dontnod and Deck 9 need to work on dialogue and find a better Voice over house to do their work....the directing is failing the actors...and some of those actors(Mostly secondary ones) have no business being in voice acting. However...I am excited to see what they come up with next and feel that they will learn.

    But yes there are Lessons Telltale could use...just as there are lessons Dontnod and Deck 9 could learn...and the best part...we get to see the results.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Telltale should really take note of both Life Is Strange games. Oh God, please, don't make them take note on how to make the voice-a

  • I don't really care much for Before The Storm actually

  • I thought you hated LIS so why are you playing BTS? I still disagree with you. I enjoyed it, lengthy episode with enough interesting things to do and i liked the things that happened in the episode. The play scene was great for me because i studied theatre at college and brought back some memories.

    Fair enough on your opinion. I don’t hate Chloe though

    AronDracula posted: »

    Most of you say Episode 2 was the best so far, but for me personally, I did NOT like it. I'm not trying to be an asshole who finds terrible

  • I thought you hated LIS so why are you playing BTS?

    Who said I'm playing Before The Storm?

    dan290786 posted: »

    I thought you hated LIS so why are you playing BTS? I still disagree with you. I enjoyed it, lengthy episode with enough interesting things

  • Oh God, please, don't make them take note on how to make the voice-acting, dialogues and characters be similar to LIS ones cause those are easily one of the worst things about this franchise.

    Granted i will admit that the voice acting in both LIS games are pretty weak especially given that most of the VA’s are unknown or have never done anything else before or after it. The dialogue is a bit cringey at times too yes. What i was actually meaning when i said that Telltale should take note is that they need to give us the amount of gameplay and hubs that Dontnod give us and no 90% cutscenes are shitty one dimensional characters and although you don’t like the way the characters are portrayed in LIS, i do feel that the development of the LIS characters are very well done compared to Telltale’s games after TWD Season 1 in my opinion. At least we are given interaction to know their backgrounds and personalities including like when you view the things they have in their dorm rooms for example, the pictures of their family/friends or whatever. These little things are what i really like in games because it opens up more to the imagination if you get me? So overall i do think Telltale should learn a thing or two from them in that respect.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Telltale should really take note of both Life Is Strange games. Oh God, please, don't make them take note on how to make the voice-a

  • I think that was very well said, thank you

    No I agree that Telltale does dialogue better...I think after all these years...they just KNOW how to get their voice actors and dialogue to

  • Ok then, why are you even watching it if you don’t like it and will obviously continue to not like it? Lol

    AronDracula posted: »

    I thought you hated LIS so why are you playing BTS? Who said I'm playing Before The Storm?

  • Because it's so bad it's good.

    dan290786 posted: »

    Ok then, why are you even watching it if you don’t like it and will obviously continue to not like it? Lol

  • Um ok? Disagree but ok :/

    AronDracula posted: »

    Because it's so bad it's good.

  • Life Is Strange: Before The Storm is a well-written story with profound themes and character development. Deck Nine has introduced compelling new ideas in their prequel while remaining respectful of the original source material. Is the voice acting, dialogue options, and regular characters always the best? No, but neither has the voice acting, dialogue options, or regular characters in Telltale Games' games. There's room for improvement in areas, but that will come in time. Life Is Strange: Before The Storm has significantly improved in the areas where Life Is Strange lacked, but it has also worsened in other areas where it was once better in. The story relies on the elements that made Life Is Strange what it was: emotional depth and relatable content. From the friends and enemies, who clearly have their own personal problems and redeeming qualities, to the realistic looks at differing reactions to pain.The not-so good dialogue, in some cases, actually melds together into believable conversations and satisfying narrative. There are cringeworthy moments, but that's to be expected.

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