Should Clem have been allowed to kill David?
Well, why not? The Kenny-haters got their chance to put a bullet through Kenny's head, didn't they? (Not that it satisfied them. Nothing ever does.)
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Well, why not? The Kenny-haters got their chance to put a bullet through Kenny's head, didn't they? (Not that it satisfied them. Nothing ever does.)
Actually, it would've been in the side/stomach for them.
On topic though, that would likely require a sequence where [playable]Clementine gets into a no holds barred confrontation with him. And I think we all know how that would go.
I personally would rather have seen Kate or Javi do it, but I'd be okay with Clem or (on-screen) Gabe doing it instead.
Hey, putting a bullet through Kenny's stomach was satisfying enough for me. It came a bit late, sure, but got satisfied nevertheless. Though I guess having it go through his disfugured face would've been way cooler!
As for Clem killing David... What exactly for? Keeping her sick baby alive? Something she wouldn't have been able to do herself in the wilderness for sure?
Or maybe for kicking her out of his community after the ignorant dumbass steals medicine she had been told, by a professional doctor at that, didn't work?
Yeah, that was [part of] my thought as well.
Eh, Gabe sure, if absolutely necessary. Clementine and/or Javier, yes maybe. But Kate, likely no.
Call it a product of how shallow the conflict a lot of people thought was supposed be going on between them, but really Kate and David didn't have too much of a beef or other intense feelings with each other to warrant that type of thing.
The only way I can see her even considering killing him is if he's actively attacking Gabe or maybe Javier.
Yeah Dave was a moron mostly. Didn't really treat anyone right besides Ava. I'd had settled for a salt lick than bullet. In spite of this he was the most interesting of the Garcias. I'd like to had known how his past with Ava went. Wonder if it was all business or pleasure..
Wow. You don't have a lot of faith in Clem, do you? It begs the question why you play these games at all. I'd trust AJ with Clem more than a self-righteous pseudo-psycho.
That "professional doctor" you're defending was a strung-out junkie who was roughly on Carlos's level in terms of being a reliable source of medical know-how. Maybe a little lower. Either you didn't play the game or simply glanced at a youtube playthrough, because I can't otherwise fathom why you'd say that, unless you were just trolling.
What she means is that the main reason Ava and Lingard eventually went along with David's decision was because they knew AJ was unlikely to get better and that him being sick could probably get him and Clementine killed. Better he eventually pass away in safety and comfort of relative civilization than out in the wilderness where he could make Clementine be lunch.
Okay, no. He likely examined AJ when he wasn't high and he was still the doctor of Richmond for a reason. Plus, everyone thought AJ had little chance of making it(including Clementine herself, hence why she joined up and tried to steal in the first place) and Lingard pointed out that the Vacumycin was essentially a painkiller rather than anything that would actually help AJ's symptoms, assuming you even chose to inject him with it. AJ eventually getting better was seen by David as a miracle for a reason.
Also, nothing in game suggested Carlos wasn't at least a decent doctor beyond him not immediately clearing Clementine for what we know was dog bite.
If she had killed David, Clem's character would've been seen as a villain through newcomers eyes because we ARE playing as Javier. So imo, no.
It's not about having faith in Clem. It's about not being delusional and realizing that a baby suffering from severe pneumonia would've died within a day in the wilderness. It's already unrealistic enough he survived in a community able to reliably supply water, food, medical care, clean clothing and warmth, not to mention all-around safety.
I'm by no means defending Lingard's drug abuse? And perhaps you were the one who either didn't pay attention or are willfully ignoring facts to further your point. Here's a simple truth for you, whether you want it or not, Lingard abusing drugs during the night by no means makes his medicinal knowledge any less factual and reliable when sober. I mean, were you not paying attention in the part where he stops Kate from dying from internal bleeding? Or maybe you are also oblivious to the fact that he was renowned oncologist post-apocalypse?
Unreliable doctor indeed! Clem disregarding this professional's advice and causing valuable medicine to go to waste is foolish whether you want it to be or not.
But whether or not it's foolish doesn't even really matter to the topic. She had been told she could not have that medicine and she was aware of the consequences of tampering with it. She did it regardless and got caught. Shouldn't have been surprised there'd be consequences.
Eh, not really. It would ultimately depend on the context of the incident where she kills him, but chances are it would be at least a little justified/warranted given her bitterness over not being able to cure AJ and/or David being David.
Also, her more or less being the mascot and whatnot.
Uh, actually, pretty sure that was Eleanor unless I'm simply forgetting a detail. He simply remarked that her stitch work was impressively sufficient
However, I'm sure he did actually take a look at any further treatment if it was indeed necessary.
Eleanor did, in fact, perform the operation. After that she told us that Kate was still bleeding inside.
Eleanor tells us, right after the surgery (whether we participated or not), that Kate was still bleeding inside and that it was only a matter of time. They even emphasize on Kate getting progressively worse throughout episode 2. The whole objective of the episode was saving Kate really! They group only even dares approach TNF's doorstep out of desperation due to Kate being running out of time.
Lingard does compliment Eleanor for her stich work in Above The Law, but only because it gave Kate just enough time to get to him.
Just like IronWoodLover and David, you're suffering from a dire lack of faith in Clem's survival skills, for AJ as much as herself. The fact that you brazenly think Clem would be stupid enough to let AJ eat her in the event he died is rock-solid proof of this. Did it ever occur to you that David was surprised AJ lived past his predicted expiration date because Clem knew one or two things about AJ he didn't?
Okay, YES. Take one long look at this guy, and honestly ask yourself if you'd trust any children in the care of a man who looks like a cross between a zombie and a pedophile, even in the midst of the apocalypse:
When you say he "likely examined" AJ, that's speculation with only the vaguest, flimsiest dialogue to back it up. You're basically making up excuses and justifications on the fly.
It should also be noted the game leaves Clem absolutely no choice to join the New Frontier whether you want her to or not. This is another example of the story basically bullying the player down a path he/she can do nothing about.
No, Clementine had little to no motivation to kill David. As @IronWoodLover already brought up, David kept her precious AJ safe when she, by her own foolish actions, was thrown out of the community. If anything, she should've thanked him.
Oh, okay. I haven't really touched ANF in 2 or 3 months and I'd rather not be reminded of another example of how Kate was kept in the kitchen.
Which she does without much prompting. One of the few things she does in the finale, really.
I wish there was a choice to put David down as Javier. It can be similar to the Duck situation. You can either have Gabe put his own father down or have Javier put his own brother down.
Does she? I don't even remember that. Season 3 really has just become a blur in my already terrible memory.
Dude, you can't just get by on blind faith--not all of the time. I/We simply applied/received minimal logic to/about the situation.
And I didn't specify that AJ's walker would necessarily be the one doing the eating. Clementine could easily get distracted and/or overburdened trying to save/protect him if her luck were to drop just enough.
Which is exactly why she went around bitterly thinking he died and didn't fully believe David when he told her otherwise.
Judging people by their looks. Classy.
So? That's basic common sense for me and etiquette for the characters; Clementine, Ava, and David would've likely been nearby to receive the diagnosis and prognosis and I just don't see them letting him do it while high.
Not exactly sure what you're responding to here, but I think I get the gist

Yeah, before they get the idea to swing across the bridge on the helicopter blades. I heard her exact words here varies depending on your Season 2 ending, but I honestly don't know if it matters much.
Admittedly, I was confused as to why they even bothered having an option to tell Gabe that he shouldn't have to do that if he was just gonna do it anyway. Like, I appreciate having an option to support and look out for him(or any character) in an important scene, but I think we can all agree it belonged in the apartment scene in the previous episode and not there.
It depends on the ending.
Wellington ending:
Jane ending:
Alone ending:
Kenny ending:
So, Kenny and Jane ending Clem forgives him and kinda thank him, while Alone ending Clem is just edgy and Wellington Clem just wholeheartedly berates him.
Huh, I must've gotten the Kenny one then. I still barely remember the scene, but thanks for showing all the variations of Clementine's dialogue in it, anyway.
Oh, okay. Good to know, I guess.
Ah, so this would've been the one I got if I actually played From the Gallows. K.
This is the one from the playthrough the day of release. I actually think this one is the best.
What's this--Something associated with Jane that's not only positive, but makes sense? Say it isn't so!
Uh, context?
They were talking about David's decision of giving AJ to the Ranch over keeping him in Richmond during the Winter.
...But I thought Lingard was supposed to be the one who did that? And wasn't "The Winter" before Clementine joined, hence Joan's absence and unfamiliarity with her?
DAMMIT, Telltale!
Well, I know for a fact that My CLementine from Season 2 would've killed David, and never ever agreed that taking AJ was the right thing to do. But then again, My Clementine had a very different personality than S3 Celm.