No, he clearly got kicked out b/c he was betting on his own games, which was stated in the games.
What I'm implying is that regardless of the nature of the scandal, if he was a top player, then whether you're a fan or not, chances are more people should've recognized him. I was just using the steroid scenario as a reference.
No, he clearly got kicked out b/c he was betting on his own games, which was stated in the games.
What I'm implying is that regardless of… more the nature of the scandal, if he was a top player, then whether you're a fan or not, chances are more people should've recognized him. I was just using the steroid scenario as a reference.
No, he clearly got kicked out b/c he was betting on his own games, which was stated in the games.
What I'm implying is that regardless of… more the nature of the scandal, if he was a top player, then whether you're a fan or not, chances are more people should've recognized him. I was just using the steroid scenario as a reference.
They were all so forgettable or just their arch made no sense at all.
For example, I liked Kate, but she was still forgettable and her character was all over the place (omg lets leave Richmond, omg lets not leave Richmond)
Tripp had potential but instead he was sorta just there and didnt seem to really give a shit about Prescott other than "gosh darn they got Prescott"
Sadly Id say Javi was probs my favorite character to actually come out of ANF, but even he was just all fucking over. He kinda just felt like a hollowed shell that the character is suppose to fill in to make him the "player" but unlike Lee, who was just "convicted convict, arrested, car crashes and now there is zombies." Lee didnt have any real history to him, everything he experienced for the first time, we did too. Javi however was 4 years into this so we already feel a rather big disconnect with all his family drama and predetermined relationships. Also how he can smash a mans skull in without any real hesitation or guilt, it all feels off, like has Javi done something like this before?
So in conclusion, Javi was the best character from ANF because he was a meme goldmine.
I think Aerie is referencing the media coverage Mark Mcquire? Macguiver? I don't know, I've been drinking way too much tonight, happy birthday to me btw, there was that whole hubbub back in the 2000s, it cast all kinds of doubt on the batting record and was so big that even if you weren't a fan of baseball, you heard about these players and what they did.
From what I've heard, initially Javier was meant to be an egotistical party boy and he was kicked out for drug abuse, not gambling so you're not far off the money there.
Yeah, Conrad recognizes Javi, but I don't watch baseball, but I've heard about most of the steroid scandels with top players, so it seems like more people should've recognized him.
From what I've heard, initially Javier was meant to be an egotistical party boy and he was kicked out for drug abuse, not gambling so you're not far off the money there.
Nah, someone reliable told me. The idea was that Javier would be an asshole but getting kicked out of the league would force him to face reality and try to make up for his attitude/actions which is why he looks after David's kids. Makes sense to be honest, the flashback in the beginning where David comments about Javier not being close to the family makes no sense considering in the next couple of flashbacks he spends time with them.
I wish I had them reliable sources, too.
Anyway, this is very interesting and would have been great for his character development!
Thanks for sharing, Gray.
Nah, someone reliable told me. The idea was that Javier would be an asshole but getting kicked out of the league would force him to face rea… morelity and try to make up for his attitude/actions which is why he looks after David's kids. Makes sense to be honest, the flashback in the beginning where David comments about Javier not being close to the family makes no sense considering in the next couple of flashbacks he spends time with them.
From what I've heard, initially Javier was meant to be an egotistical party boy and he was kicked out for drug abuse, not gambling so you're not far off the money there.
For example, I liked Kate, but she was still forgettable and her character was all over the place (omg lets leave Richmond, omg lets not leave Richmond)
And you know what the sad thing about that is? She really didn't have to be, but they increasingly chickified, sidelined, and neglected her and more or less treated her as just a love interest and a designated contrarian.
However, I do have to point out that her motivation wasn't all over the place: she clearly wanted to help save Richmond because she felt responsible for it and related the devastation to losing Mariana.
Tripp had potential but instead he was sorta just there and didnt seem to really give a shit about Prescott other than "gosh darn they got Prescott"
Honestly, one of the reasons he sucked was because they insisted on pretending he was important regardless of how it reflected his character consistency, which ironically made it more apparent how little characterization and effectiveness he actually has.
They were all so forgettable or just their arch made no sense at all.
For example, I liked Kate, but she was still forgettable and her ch… morearacter was all over the place (omg lets leave Richmond, omg lets not leave Richmond)
Tripp had potential but instead he was sorta just there and didnt seem to really give a shit about Prescott other than "gosh darn they got Prescott"
Sadly Id say Javi was probs my favorite character to actually come out of ANF, but even he was just all fucking over. He kinda just felt like a hollowed shell that the character is suppose to fill in to make him the "player" but unlike Lee, who was just "convicted convict, arrested, car crashes and now there is zombies." Lee didnt have any real history to him, everything he experienced for the first time, we did too. Javi however was 4 years into this so we already feel a rather big disconnect with all his family drama and predetermined relationships. Also how he can … [view original content]
I have a bunch of favourites from ANF but everyone here knows that I’d go gay for Javier. He’s soooo cool and most of the time funny and badass and that bat of his... mmmmm. I need some more Javier in my life. I also like his accent, it kinda sounds like a Boston/New York accent imo but then again i’m not great with eastern accents, I only know my southern and sometimes western
all in all for a third in series i think they did alright(could always do better but meh thats life) introducing a new pro-tag. I mean they had to try to create some one after the legacy of lee and clem how many of us could say we could play a good hand after that. Javier may of been able to be all over the place but if nothing else he was well voiced came of charming and bad ass when you wanted him to and you did want to see him win.
Why do you like Ava again?
It's pretty simple for me. She surprised me at every turn. I thought she would just be a generic goon that was only there to introduce Clem to the New Frontier (this was when I had enough faith in telltale to think they would give such a good design to an extra) so seeing her in episode 3 was a pleasant turn of events.
Ooooh, a positive ANF themed thread--how rapt! Good thinking for a topic either way, babe!
Anyway, I'm aware that I tend to be more acce… morepting, patient, and/or optimistic ulilitarian-esque than a lot of people, so my list would theoretically be very long. So for now, I'll drop a few names out there that I think had the most going for them, whether immediately or potentially:
* Gabe, probably the example that got the most mileage. Still don't like how he got cheapened and/or sold short in the end, though.
* Ava. Nuff said. Another character that got sold short at the last minute.
* Conrad, who almost singlehandedly did for the heroes what Max did for the villains in Part 2 and that's sayin somethin. While maybe not quite to the level of most of these characters, he really was a breathe of fresh air start to finish despite all the issues with this installment's story.
* Joan, who was probably too good to be true. Seriously, she was l… [view original content]
Well, somewhat similar to you, she was just full of pleasant, even amazing surprises.
First and foremost, because of her design. After the novelty of the possibilities for interesting stories if Arvo returned eventually wore off, I basically had nothing that interested me about "Season 3". Sure, some of the stuff that could come from Clementine and Javier both being playable had some potential and seeing Kate on poster gave off the impression of "Jane-done-right/justice"(to the point that I actually thought she was Jane at first), but little about what was being promoted really got me interested again...and then I saw her face.
I had sooo many questions: Who is she? Why does she look nothing like the other, more mundane characters? What's her backstory? Is she a citizen of "Saloon Town"? How does she know Clementine? Are they partners? She singlehandedly revitalized my interest in this series and I didn't know a damn thing about her yet.
Then the first two parter came out and she managed to get herself ranked above Kate in a single 5 minute flashback. She was just so unfailingly chummy and somewhat compassionate with Clementine and AJ despite...well, pretty much everything else making her seem creepy, her stutter under distress(which I'm sure was just a very well-timed audio error) was a really neat quirk to give her, and then she revealed herself to be a member of the New Frontier, which I never considered.
Needless to say, she had a LOT of potential to be a memorable major character in the story, which her status as the very first member Clementine met back when the New Frontier were good people, immediate soft spot for her and AJ due to being [fellow(?)] kids, her brief surprise appearance of the trailer for Above the Law, her history with David in the episode proper, and Ms. Hutchinson alluding to a cut flashback involving a Carver-like character in an interview back in December consistently added to. This was setting her up to FINALLY give Clementine a perfect "Evil" Counterpart and I already told you about my theory regarding her and Conrad that Thicker than Water seemed to inadvertently reinforce. Also, her fast rapport with Gabe.
I had a lot of these same thoughts and was subsequently disappointed when she became determinant in episode 4--until Joan revealed that she killed whoever you chose to save instead, which made me think "hey, Telltale's finally surprising us in here in a good way, maybe they'll actually make determinant characters count!" Alas, they needlessly killed off her and Tripp when pretty much everyone else ended up being determinant, and in barely any interesting way if/at that.
Well, somewhat similar to you, she was just full of pleasant, even amazing surprises.
First and foremost, because of her design. After th… moree novelty of the possibilities for interesting stories if Arvo returned eventually wore off, I basically had nothing that interested me about "Season 3". Sure, some of the stuff that could come from Clementine and Javier both being playable had some potential and seeing Kate on poster gave off the impression of "Jane-done-right/justice"(to the point that I actually thought she was Jane at first), but little about what was being promoted really got me interested again...and then I saw her face.
I had sooo many questions: Who is she? Why does she look nothing like the other, more mundane characters? What's her backstory? Is she a citizen of "Saloon Town"? How does she know Clementine? Are they partners? She singlehandedly revitalized my interest in this series and I didn't know a damn thing about her yet… [view original content]
until Joan revealed that she killed whoever you chose to save instead, which made me think "hey, Telltale's finally surprising us in here in a good way, maybe they'll actually make determinant characters count!"
Yeah, that saved what would've otherwise been a choice with little to no logical(or even emotional for that matter) contest.
Alas, they needlessly killed off her and Tripp when pretty much everyone else ended up being determinant, and in barely any interesting way if/at that.
Yeah. What's worse is that regardless the mildly clever way of factoring the physical differences into the events, they still sold what was obviously the superior character in every way short as quickly as possible to try and make Tripp stand out at the last minute.
I had a lot of these same thoughts and was subsequently disappointed when she became determinant in episode 4--until Joan revealed that she … morekilled whoever you chose to save instead, which made me think "hey, Telltale's finally surprising us in here in a good way, maybe they'll actually make determinant characters count!" Alas, they needlessly killed off her and Tripp when pretty much everyone else ended up being determinant, and in barely any interesting way if/at that.
Well, somewhat similar to you, she was just full of pleasant, even amazing surprises.
First and foremost, because of her design. After th… moree novelty of the possibilities for interesting stories if Arvo returned eventually wore off, I basically had nothing that interested me about "Season 3". Sure, some of the stuff that could come from Clementine and Javier both being playable had some potential and seeing Kate on poster gave off the impression of "Jane-done-right/justice"(to the point that I actually thought she was Jane at first), but little about what was being promoted really got me interested again...and then I saw her face.
I had sooo many questions: Who is she? Why does she look nothing like the other, more mundane characters? What's her backstory? Is she a citizen of "Saloon Town"? How does she know Clementine? Are they partners? She singlehandedly revitalized my interest in this series and I didn't know a damn thing about her yet… [view original content]
Was going through older threads and felt like reposting stuff like this.
Kate was always one of my ANF favorites in part because she was the only character who seemed to come with any built-in complexity as a person, with her free-spirited nature and mannerisms being eclipsing in the face of the binding roles of responsibility she'd accepted and maintained from her pre-apocalyptic life. The sexual tension between her and Javier didn't bother me in part because it was an extension of that duality and seemed like it would be a key to delving into her character. So not only do I genuinely believe she survived the crash for a number of reasons, but I really hope she does in favor of actually getting to do stuff.
Yeah, if only you actually got to BE her partner with Clementine as the lead role, eh? That would make for a fun story.
Kate being Jane? What the hell, you know that would be impossible, right? Piss kenny supporters right off, that's for sure.
I still say Becca is the "Evil" counterpart that should have been. Ava was never really sinister despite her appearance. I trusted her almost from the beginning. Maybe they made her too nice, If I had to criticize her.
Well, somewhat similar to you, she was just full of pleasant, even amazing surprises.
First and foremost, because of her design. After th… moree novelty of the possibilities for interesting stories if Arvo returned eventually wore off, I basically had nothing that interested me about "Season 3". Sure, some of the stuff that could come from Clementine and Javier both being playable had some potential and seeing Kate on poster gave off the impression of "Jane-done-right/justice"(to the point that I actually thought she was Jane at first), but little about what was being promoted really got me interested again...and then I saw her face.
I had sooo many questions: Who is she? Why does she look nothing like the other, more mundane characters? What's her backstory? Is she a citizen of "Saloon Town"? How does she know Clementine? Are they partners? She singlehandedly revitalized my interest in this series and I didn't know a damn thing about her yet… [view original content]
Yeah, if only you actually got to BE her partner with Clementine as the lead role, eh?That would make for a fun story.
Well, I meant more like Clementine's equivalent to Kate/Gabe, but whatever.
Though, while I don't doubt that Ava wouldn't have been a great sidekick, it would also risk dredging up old wounds from Season 2.5.
Kate being Jane? What the hell, you know that would be impossible, right? Piss kennyfags right off, that's for sure.
Yeah, I realized that after thinking about it for a bit. Still, her pose on the cover combined with the tone made her seem like she'd be a more appropriate variation of Jane's shtick.
Well, one of them, anyway.
I still say Becca is the "Evil" counterpart that should have been.
Yeah, I did have her high on my return in "Season 3" lists because of that. However, it quickly became clear that she's more than a bit obsolete by that point.
Ava was never really sinister despite her appearance. I trusted her almost from the beginning. Maybe they made her too nice, If I had to criticize her.
Well, that'd be part of the beauty of it: she would contrast the fact that Clementine has become very bitter and harsh despite some still referring to her as a light or whatever by being a pleasant and mild with a super creepy appearance. The fact that she's keeping AJ after Clementine got herself kicked out while still a member of the New-Frontier/Marauders would simultaneously make her superficially the "evil" one and raise questions about her and Clementine's deeper/current characters.
Yeah, if only you actually got to BE her partner with Clementine as the lead role, eh? That would make for a fun story.
Kate being Jane? Wh… moreat the hell, you know that would be impossible, right? Piss kenny supporters right off, that's for sure.
I still say Becca is the "Evil" counterpart that should have been. Ava was never really sinister despite her appearance. I trusted her almost from the beginning. Maybe they made her too nice, If I had to criticize her.
Well, I meant more like Clementine's equivalent to Kate/Gabe, but whatever.
You mean mostly off-screen and underdeveloped? Hmm. Anyway, I still have a hard time not seeing Clem and Ava as being near the same age. She is really short. And Jane and Clem's relationship was nothing bad, despite being contradictory to her stoic appearance in episode 3. It's what came at the end that was questionable.
Yeah, I realized that after thinking about it for a bit. Still, her pose on the cover combined with the tone made her seem like she'd be a more appropriate variation of Jane's shtick. Well, one of them, anyway.
One of what?
Yeah, I did have her high on my return in "Season 3" lists because of that. However, it quickly became clear that she's more than a bit obsolete by that point.
Well, only if the story veers in that direction. But no, you're right. Becca would have worked well in season 2 but that's long over. She really has no place now, and that fucking sucks.
Well, that'd be part of the beauty of it: she would contrast the fact that Clementine has become very bitter and harsh despite some still referring to her as a light or whatever by being a pleasant and mild with a super creepy appearance. The fact that she's keeping AJ after Clementine got herself kicked out while still a member of the New-Frontier/Marauders would simultaneously make her superficially the "evil" one and raise questions about her and Clementine's deeper/current characters.
Yeah, I guess keeping AJ is the "Evil" thing but the writing in that scene is so weird. It's like there's two different writers on scene, and one wants to make Ava genuinely sympathetic and the other wants to make her into sort of a holier-than-thou cunt who maybe feels some guilt so she brings her some stuff.
Yeah, if only you actually got to BE her partner with Clementine as the lead role, eh?That would make for a fun story.
Well, I meant… more more like Clementine's equivalent to Kate/Gabe, but whatever.
Though, while I don't doubt that Ava wouldn't have been a great sidekick, it would also risk dredging up old wounds from Season 2.5.
Kate being Jane? What the hell, you know that would be impossible, right? Piss kennyfags right off, that's for sure.
Yeah, I realized that after thinking about it for a bit. Still, her pose on the cover combined with the tone made her seem like she'd be a more appropriate variation of Jane's shtick.
Well, one of them, anyway.
I still say Becca is the "Evil" counterpart that should have been.
Yeah, I did have her high on my return in "Season 3" lists because of that. However, it quickly became clear that she's more than a bit obsolete by that point.
Ava was never really sinis… [view original content]
I think maybe the idea is that he spent his whole career as a smooth ladies man, probably clean shaven. So the beard thing might throw off people that could potentially recognize him.
Or maybe it's just poor writing.
Yeah, Conrad recognizes Javi, but I don't watch baseball, but I've heard about most of the steroid scandels with top players, so it seems like more people should've recognized him.
You mean mostly off-screen and underdeveloped? Hmm.
Shut up. That's not what I meant at all.
Anyway, I still have a hard time not seeing Clem and Ava as being near the same age. She is really short. And Jane and Clem's relationship was nothing bad, despite being contradictory to her stoic appearance in episode 3. It's what came at the end that was questionable.
One of what?
Well, I was referring to how they were supposed to portray Jane(and Carlos before her) as being more logical and task-orientated compared to the rest of the group, with little in the way of empathy and emotions taken into account. So basically, Kate would direct Javier to be more focused on getting things done compared to Ava trying to keep Clementine's newfound bitterness in check. Granted, I realize she sorta was something like that at times, but it was seldom really highlighted or given much dazzle because of the timing of these moments and how kept in the kitchen she was.
To answer the question proper, one of the many personas the writing and story directing staff of Amid the Ruins tried to give their edgy OC to make her seem as superficially appealing as possible under the guise of making her "complex."
Well, only if the story veers in that direction. But no, you're right. Becca would have worked well in season 2 but that's long over. She really has no place now, and that fucking sucks.
Yeah, pretty much.
It's especially wasteful since, aside from Bonnie and maybe Tavia, she's the only 400 Days Character with any real relevance to Season 2's context. In fact, you could argue she had the most.
Yeah, I guess keeping AJ is the "Evil" thing but the writing in that scene is so weird. It's like there's two different writers on scene, and one wants to make Ava genuinely sympathetic and the other wants to make her into sort of a holier-than-thou cunt who maybe feels some guilt so she brings her some stuff.
I honestly didn't have that scene in mind when I typed that, but it definitely fits the bill.
And I didn't really get that latter point, honestly. It just seemed like she genuinely wanted to check up on Clementine and try to help her be able move on to some semblance of a positive outlook.
Well, I meant more like Clementine's equivalent to Kate/Gabe, but whatever.
You mean mostly off-screen and underdeveloped? Hmm. Anyw… moreay, I still have a hard time not seeing Clem and Ava as being near the same age. She is really short. And Jane and Clem's relationship was nothing bad, despite being contradictory to her stoic appearance in episode 3. It's what came at the end that was questionable.
Yeah, I realized that after thinking about it for a bit. Still, her pose on the cover combined with the tone made her seem like she'd be a more appropriate variation of Jane's shtick. Well, one of them, anyway.
One of what?
Yeah, I did have her high on my return in "Season 3" lists because of that. However, it quickly became clear that she's more than a bit obsolete by that point.
Well, only if the story veers in that direction. But no, you're right. Becca would have worked well in season 2 but that's long over. She… [view original content]
Um, maybe there was some kind of relationship between the two? I can't even remember at this point, and I'd probably rather not. Buut I'm probably gonna have to replay the game at some point. Especially since animations were apparently fixed?
To answer the question proper, one of the many personas the writing and story directing staff of Amid the Ruins tried to give their edgy OC to make her seem as superficially appealing as possible under the guise of making her "complex."
Oh puh-leez. Anyway, Kate wasn't like that at all and the one of the more notable things she did was freak out and freeze up when Javier gets attacked by a little boy zombie.
Yeah, pretty much.
Yep. RIP wasted characters, I guess.
It's especially wasteful since, aside from Bonnie and maybe Tavia, she's the only 400 Days Character with any real relevance to Season 2's context. In fact, you could argue she had the most.
What's that relevance? Something about being an edgy cunt and also having a sister? snicker
Yeah, I guess keeping AJ is the "Evil" thing but the writing in that scene is so weird. It's like there's two different writers on scene, and one wants to make Ava genuinely sympathetic and the other wants to make her into sort of a holier-than-thou cunt who maybe feels some guilt so she brings her some stuff.
I honestly didn't have that scene in mind when I typed that, but it definitely fits the bill.
And I didn't really get that latter point, honestly. It just seemed like she genuinely wanted to check up on Clementine and try to help her be able move on to some semblance of a positive outlook.
She expects her to take it way too well, considering she's only 13. I guess in a way, she's not holier than thou, it's almost like she has a higher opinion of Clem than she should.
I dunno, like I said, I just think the writing in that scene is weird. They purposefully make some of Ava's responses very vague and avoiding what Clem is accusing her of doing.
Honestly, screw ANF. I'm still stuck on season 2, totally not over it. I wish I could do a full fanfic rewrite, but I'm just not cut out for that. I could maybe edit a story, add some suggestions but not full out write one.
You mean mostly off-screen and underdeveloped? Hmm.
Shut up. That's not what I meant at all.
Anyway, I still have a hard time … morenot seeing Clem and Ava as being near the same age. She is really short. And Jane and Clem's relationship was nothing bad, despite being contradictory to her stoic appearance in episode 3. It's what came at the end that was questionable.
One of what?
Well, I was referring to how they were supposed to portray Jane(and Carlos before her) as being more logical and task-orientated compared to the rest of the group, with little in the way of empathy and emotions taken into account. So basically, Kate would direct Javier to be more focused on getting things done compared to Ava trying to keep Clementine's newfound bitterness in check. Granted, I realize she sorta was something like that at times, but it was seldom really highlighted or given much dazzle because of the timing of these moments and … [view original content]
Um, maybe there was some kind of relationship between the two? I can't even remember at this point, and I'd probably rather not. Buut I'm probably gonna have to replay the game at some point. Especially since animations were apparently fixed?
Oh puh-leez. Anyway, Kate wasn't like that at all and the one of the more notable things she did was freak out and freeze up when Javier gets attacked by a little boy zombie.
At the beginning of the outbreak.
And I was referring to her preference to simply keep moving and avoid trouble where possible rather than stay in one place.
What's that relevance? Something about being an edgy cunt and also having a sister? snicker
Her apparent "friendship" with Sarah and the fact that she was the type of person who would subscribe to Carver's BS.
She expects her to take it way too well, considering she's only 13. I guess in a way, she's not holier than thou, it's almost like she has a higher opinion of Clem than she should.
Pretty mcuh this.
I dunno, like I said, I just think the writing in that scene is weird. They purposefully make some of Ava's responses very vague and avoiding what Clem is accusing her of doing.
I guess. Really, Ava did what she could to help Clementine and AJ even when it would've been easier to keep quiet and/or outright yield to David and only agreed in the end because of his authority had a positive to it.
Honestly, screw ANF. I'm still stuck on season 2, totally not over it. I wish I could do a full fanfic rewrite, but I'm just not cut out for that. I could maybe edit a story, add some suggestions but not full out write one.
Shut up. That's not what I meant at all.
Um, maybe there was some kind of relationship between the two? I can't even remember at thi… mores point, and I'd probably rather not. Buut I'm probably gonna have to replay the game at some point. Especially since animations were apparently fixed?
To answer the question proper, one of the many personas the writing and story directing staff of Amid the Ruins tried to give their edgy OC to make her seem as superficially appealing as possible under the guise of making her "complex."
Oh puh-leez. Anyway, Kate wasn't like that at all and the one of the more notable things she did was freak out and freeze up when Javier gets attacked by a little boy zombie.
Yeah, pretty much.
Yep. RIP wasted characters, I guess.
It's especially wasteful since, aside from Bonnie and maybe Tavia, she's the only 400 Days Character with any real relevance to Season 2's context. In fact, you c… [view original content]
Say what again. Say it one more time. I dare you.
See what happens.
at the beginning
I know that, I'm just saying that was some of the most screentime she got.
Also fuck that flashback, that was the perfect time to give Mariana more screentime, especially since her death is important in that episode, but what do we get? 2 Mariana lines, and instead we mostly get more Gabe whining.
Who the FUCK thought that was a good idea?
Her apparent "friendship" with Sarah and the fact that she was the type of person who would subscribe to Carver's BS.
Would she? Only if she was afraid of him. She seemed pretty rebellious of Roman, or at least mocked him a bit behind his back. I'm curious how well she actually knew Sarah. I have to think Sarah was pretty isolated, I mean how did she not remember who Carver was?
And again, having her actually KNOW Sarah gives her way more relevance than vince, wyatt or russell got.
pretty much this
Which still, kind of makes her a bitch. Hawking that shit on a 13 year old "oh you'll be fine, you'll deal with it." An unintentional bitch.
yield to David
She was never really implied to be subservient to David, at least not in his words. Yeah, I know he outranks her technically, but they're more like partners, or least that's the impression I got.
Um, maybe there was some kind of relationship between the two? I can't even remember at this point, and I'd probably rather not. Buut I'm pr… moreobably gonna have to replay the game at some point. Especially since animations were apparently fixed?
Oh puh-leez. Anyway, Kate wasn't like that at all and the one of the more notable things she did was freak out and freeze up when Javier gets attacked by a little boy zombie.
At the beginning of the outbreak.
And I was referring to her preference to simply keep moving and avoid trouble where possible rather than stay in one place.
What's that relevance? Something about being an edgy cunt and also having a sister? snicker
Her apparent "friendship" with Sarah and the fact that she was the type of person who would subscribe to Carver's BS.
She expects her to take it way too well, considering she's only 13. I guess in a way, she's not holier than thou, it's… [view original content]
That was the perfect time to give Mariana more screentime, especially since her death is important in this episode, but what do we get? 2 Mariana lines, and instead we mostly get more Gabe whining.
Who the FUCK thought this was a good idea?
Say what again. Say it one more time. I dare you.
See what happens.
at the beginning
I know that, I'm just s… moreaying that was some of the most screentime she got.
Also fuck that flashback, that was the perfect time to give Mariana more screentime, especially since her death is important in that episode, but what do we get? 2 Mariana lines, and instead we mostly get more Gabe whining.
Who the FUCK thought that was a good idea?
Her apparent "friendship" with Sarah and the fact that she was the type of person who would subscribe to Carver's BS.
Would she? Only if she was afraid of him. She seemed pretty rebellious of Roman, or at least mocked him a bit behind his back. I'm curious how well she actually knew Sarah. I have to think Sarah was pretty isolated, I mean how did she not remember who Carver was?
And again, having her actually KNOW Sarah gives her way more relevance than vince, wyatt or russ… [view original content]
Say what again. Say it one more time. I dare you.
See what happens.
I know that, I'm just saying that was some of the most screentime she got.
Eh...I can see why you'd say that, unfortunately.
Also fuck that flashback, that was the perfect time to give Mariana more screentime, especially since her death is important in that episode, but what do we get? 2 Mariana lines, and instead we mostly get more Gabe whining.
Who the FUCK thought that was a good idea?
I love that opening.
But yeah, it is funny that one of the only times I actually liked Mariana is also the most damningly obvious example of how superfluous she is.
Would she? Only if she was afraid of him.
She always seemed pretty damn harsh about Da Rulez, even if she would occasionally break them herself.
She seemed pretty rebellious of Roman, or at least mocked him a bit behind his back.
That's called being an edgy hypocritical teenager.
I'm curious how well she actually knew Sarah. And again, having her actually KNOW Sarah gives her way more relevance than vince, wyatt or russell got.
Exactly. She naturally deserved more emphasis than all of them anyway, but that adds another layer that makes her wasted utilization more legitimate.
I have to think Sarah was pretty isolated, I mean how did she not remember who Carver was?
I don't think it was that she literally didn't remember who he was, just that she couldn't really think/concentrate on the matter. She also could've been partially avoiding the question for the sake of keeping the group's secrets.
Which still, kind of makes her a bitch. Hawking that shit on a 13 year old "oh you'll be fine, you'll deal with it." An unintentional bitch.
Meh, I guess. Then again, Clementine is not like other kids/youth, after all.
She was never really implied to be subservient to David, at least not in his words. Yeah, I know he outranks her technically, but they're more like partners, or least that's the impression I got.
I didn't mean literally. Just that she gave up trying to talk him out of the issue in favor of just focusing on a positive: letting Clementine go on her own while AJ stays with them, allowing him to eventually die in relative comfort while not having Clementine get herself killed having to take care of him.
Btw, am I the only one who thought it would be revealed that she (and/or maybe Lingard) would be revealed to have been sneaking AJ medicine under the table to help him get better?
I had to go to class. Anyway, here's my rewrite thread if you really wanna post some stuff.
Say what again. Say it one more time. I dare you.
See what happens.
at the beginning
I know that, I'm just s… moreaying that was some of the most screentime she got.
Also fuck that flashback, that was the perfect time to give Mariana more screentime, especially since her death is important in that episode, but what do we get? 2 Mariana lines, and instead we mostly get more Gabe whining.
Who the FUCK thought that was a good idea?
Her apparent "friendship" with Sarah and the fact that she was the type of person who would subscribe to Carver's BS.
Would she? Only if she was afraid of him. She seemed pretty rebellious of Roman, or at least mocked him a bit behind his back. I'm curious how well she actually knew Sarah. I have to think Sarah was pretty isolated, I mean how did she not remember who Carver was?
And again, having her actually KNOW Sarah gives her way more relevance than vince, wyatt or russ… [view original content]
My favorite ANF characters other than Clementine are:
1. Javier - He was a pretty normal player character except he didn't have any problems like Lee who was an accused murderer or Clementine who is living in the zombie apocalypse all alone and is a child or teenager now.
2. Kate - Pretty standard love interest of Javier. Should've spent a bit more time explaining why she did not like David other than him yelling at her over small things.
3. Mariana - I preferred her over Gabe because she was developed similarly to Clementine as smart and respectful.
4. David - He made for a good antagonist however, instead of having him play a part in the power struggle of The New Frontier he is sidelined rather quickly while Joan and Clint remain in power.
5. Ava - She seemed to be the most skilled fighter out of the whole New Frontier group and knocked Tripp right on his ass when he tried to get tough with her. She also seemed to be a villain in the first few episodes but turned out to be a good character.
There are many more characters from ANF that were good but the story didn't have many big villains I just hope that The Final Season will include a villain at the McCarol Ranch or however it was called. Maybe some group that the New Frontier obeyed and offered food too similarly to The Saviors? I mean TellTale will do a good job with this Final Season I just hope it surpasses our expectations.
My favorite ANF characters other than Clementine are:
1. Javier - He was a pretty normal player character except he didn't have any problem… mores like Lee who was an accused murderer or Clementine who is living in the zombie apocalypse all alone and is a child or teenager now.
2. Kate - Pretty standard love interest of Javier. Should've spent a bit more time explaining why she did not like David other than him yelling at her over small things.
3. Mariana - I preferred her over Gabe because she was developed similarly to Clementine as smart and respectful.
4. David - He made for a good antagonist however, instead of having him play a part in the power struggle of The New Frontier he is sidelined rather quickly while Joan and Clint remain in power.
5. Ava - She seemed to be the most skilled fighter out of the whole New Frontier group and knocked Tripp right on his ass when he tried to get tough with her. She also seemed to be a villain in the… [view original content]
the meaning and definition of a relatable character in media
fuckin broken ass comments not letting me get my point across. the joke is that the meaning completely flew over your head idk kill me
Yeah, I'm inclined to agree. I still consider In Harm's Way the worst, but From the Gallows is just a mess.
No, he clearly got kicked out b/c he was betting on his own games, which was stated in the games.
What I'm implying is that regardless of the nature of the scandal, if he was a top player, then whether you're a fan or not, chances are more people should've recognized him. I was just using the steroid scenario as a reference.
What the heck is jackanape?
I don't know, it was the first thing that came to mind to avoid calling you Eddie Murphy.
Why'd you reply to yourself?
Fiar enough.
Mari and Ava. At the least, they shouldn't have been killed off so cheaply or been given more flashback time.
Agreed. This episode was a mess. I always had the feeling that we were in a hurry. There wasn't even ONE hub!
Though, the lack of hubs throughout the entire season was outstanding.
They were all so forgettable or just their arch made no sense at all.
For example, I liked Kate, but she was still forgettable and her character was all over the place (omg lets leave Richmond, omg lets not leave Richmond)
Tripp had potential but instead he was sorta just there and didnt seem to really give a shit about Prescott other than "gosh darn they got Prescott"
Sadly Id say Javi was probs my favorite character to actually come out of ANF, but even he was just all fucking over. He kinda just felt like a hollowed shell that the character is suppose to fill in to make him the "player" but unlike Lee, who was just "convicted convict, arrested, car crashes and now there is zombies." Lee didnt have any real history to him, everything he experienced for the first time, we did too. Javi however was 4 years into this so we already feel a rather big disconnect with all his family drama and predetermined relationships. Also how he can smash a mans skull in without any real hesitation or guilt, it all feels off, like has Javi done something like this before?
So in conclusion, Javi was the best character from ANF because he was a meme goldmine.
I think Aerie is referencing the media coverage Mark Mcquire? Macguiver? I don't know, I've been drinking way too much tonight, happy birthday to me btw, there was that whole hubbub back in the 2000s, it cast all kinds of doubt on the batting record and was so big that even if you weren't a fan of baseball, you heard about these players and what they did.
From what I've heard, initially Javier was meant to be an egotistical party boy and he was kicked out for drug abuse, not gambling so you're not far off the money there.
Did Telltale say that? I probably missed it.
Nah, someone reliable told me. The idea was that Javier would be an asshole but getting kicked out of the league would force him to face reality and try to make up for his attitude/actions which is why he looks after David's kids. Makes sense to be honest, the flashback in the beginning where David comments about Javier not being close to the family makes no sense considering in the next couple of flashbacks he spends time with them.
I wish I had them reliable sources, too.

Anyway, this is very interesting and would have been great for his character development!
Thanks for sharing, Gray.
Really now? Guess that could help explain why his and Kate's weed smoking just kinda disappears aside from an indirect reference later.
Still, I like the gambling thing better.
And you know what the sad thing about that is? She really didn't have to be, but they increasingly chickified, sidelined, and neglected her and more or less treated her as just a love interest and a designated contrarian.
However, I do have to point out that her motivation wasn't all over the place: she clearly wanted to help save Richmond because she felt responsible for it and related the devastation to losing Mariana.
Honestly, one of the reasons he sucked was because they insisted on pretending he was important regardless of how it reflected his character consistency, which ironically made it more apparent how little characterization and effectiveness he actually has.
Not to mention that he became horribly redundant.
I have a bunch of favourites from ANF but everyone here knows that I’d go gay for Javier. He’s soooo cool and most of the time funny and badass and that bat of his... mmmmm. I need some more Javier in my life. I also like his accent, it kinda sounds like a Boston/New York accent imo but then again i’m not great with eastern accents, I only know my southern and sometimes western
all in all for a third in series i think they did alright(could always do better but meh thats life) introducing a new pro-tag. I mean they had to try to create some one after the legacy of lee and clem how many of us could say we could play a good hand after that. Javier may of been able to be all over the place but if nothing else he was well voiced came of charming and bad ass when you wanted him to and you did want to see him win.
Why do you like Ava again?
It's pretty simple for me. She surprised me at every turn. I thought she would just be a generic goon that was only there to introduce Clem to the New Frontier (this was when I had enough faith in telltale to think they would give such a good design to an extra) so seeing her in episode 3 was a pleasant turn of events.
Well, somewhat similar to you, she was just full of pleasant, even amazing surprises.
First and foremost, because of her design. After the novelty of the possibilities for interesting stories if Arvo returned eventually wore off, I basically had nothing that interested me about "Season 3". Sure, some of the stuff that could come from Clementine and Javier both being playable had some potential and seeing Kate on poster gave off the impression of "Jane-done-right/justice"(to the point that I actually thought she was Jane at first), but little about what was being promoted really got me interested again...and then I saw her face.

I had sooo many questions: Who is she? Why does she look nothing like the other, more mundane characters? What's her backstory? Is she a citizen of "Saloon Town"? How does she know Clementine? Are they partners? She singlehandedly revitalized my interest in this series and I didn't know a damn thing about her yet.
Then the first two parter came out and she managed to get herself ranked above Kate in a single 5 minute flashback. She was just so unfailingly chummy and somewhat compassionate with Clementine and AJ despite...well, pretty much everything else making her seem creepy, her stutter under distress(which I'm sure was just a very well-timed audio error) was a really neat quirk to give her, and then she revealed herself to be a member of the New Frontier, which I never considered.
Needless to say, she had a LOT of potential to be a memorable major character in the story, which her status as the very first member Clementine met back when the New Frontier were good people, immediate soft spot for her and AJ due to being [fellow(?)] kids, her brief surprise appearance of the trailer for Above the Law, her history with David in the episode proper, and Ms. Hutchinson alluding to a cut flashback involving a Carver-like character in an interview back in December consistently added to. This was setting her up to FINALLY give Clementine a perfect "Evil" Counterpart and I already told you about my theory regarding her and Conrad that Thicker than Water seemed to inadvertently reinforce. Also, her fast rapport with Gabe.
All on top of just being such a cool character.
I had a lot of these same thoughts and was subsequently disappointed when she became determinant in episode 4--until Joan revealed that she killed whoever you chose to save instead, which made me think "hey, Telltale's finally surprising us in here in a good way, maybe they'll actually make determinant characters count!" Alas, they needlessly killed off her and Tripp when pretty much everyone else ended up being determinant, and in barely any interesting way if/at that.
Yeah, that saved what would've otherwise been a choice with little to no logical(or even emotional for that matter) contest.
Yeah. What's worse is that regardless the mildly clever way of factoring the physical differences into the events, they still sold what was obviously the superior character in every way short as quickly as possible to try and make Tripp stand out at the last minute.
I just saw her as Molly 3.0
Aside from the one backstory element revealed in the AMA, I really can't see it.
Probably because they otherwise have nothing in common.
Was going through older threads and felt like reposting stuff like this.
Yeah, if only you actually got to BE her partner with Clementine as the lead role, eh? That would make for a fun story.
Kate being Jane? What the hell, you know that would be impossible, right? Piss kenny supporters right off, that's for sure.
I still say Becca is the "Evil" counterpart that should have been. Ava was never really sinister despite her appearance. I trusted her almost from the beginning. Maybe they made her too nice, If I had to criticize her.
Well, I meant more like Clementine's equivalent to Kate/Gabe, but whatever.
Though, while I don't doubt that Ava wouldn't have been a great sidekick, it would also risk dredging up old wounds from Season 2.5.
Yeah, I realized that after thinking about it for a bit. Still, her pose on the cover combined with the tone made her seem like she'd be a more appropriate variation of Jane's shtick.
Well, one of them, anyway.
Yeah, I did have her high on my return in "Season 3" lists because of that. However, it quickly became clear that she's more than a bit obsolete by that point.
Well, that'd be part of the beauty of it: she would contrast the fact that Clementine has become very bitter and harsh despite some still referring to her as a light or whatever by being a pleasant and mild with a super creepy appearance. The fact that she's keeping AJ after Clementine got herself kicked out while still a member of the New-Frontier/Marauders would simultaneously make her superficially the "evil" one and raise questions about her and Clementine's deeper/current characters.
You mean mostly off-screen and underdeveloped? Hmm. Anyway, I still have a hard time not seeing Clem and Ava as being near the same age. She is really short. And Jane and Clem's relationship was nothing bad, despite being contradictory to her stoic appearance in episode 3. It's what came at the end that was questionable.
One of what?
Well, only if the story veers in that direction. But no, you're right. Becca would have worked well in season 2 but that's long over. She really has no place now, and that fucking sucks.
Yeah, I guess keeping AJ is the "Evil" thing but the writing in that scene is so weird. It's like there's two different writers on scene, and one wants to make Ava genuinely sympathetic and the other wants to make her into sort of a holier-than-thou cunt who maybe feels some guilt so she brings her some stuff.
I think maybe the idea is that he spent his whole career as a smooth ladies man, probably clean shaven. So the beard thing might throw off people that could potentially recognize him.
Or maybe it's just poor writing.
Shut up. That's not what I meant at all.
Well, I was referring to how they were supposed to portray Jane(and Carlos before her) as being more logical and task-orientated compared to the rest of the group, with little in the way of empathy and emotions taken into account. So basically, Kate would direct Javier to be more focused on getting things done compared to Ava trying to keep Clementine's newfound bitterness in check. Granted, I realize she sorta was something like that at times, but it was seldom really highlighted or given much dazzle because of the timing of these moments and how kept in the kitchen she was.
To answer the question proper, one of the many personas the writing and story directing staff of Amid the Ruins tried to give their edgy OC to make her seem as superficially appealing as possible under the guise of making her "complex."
Yeah, pretty much.
It's especially wasteful since, aside from Bonnie and maybe Tavia, she's the only 400 Days Character with any real relevance to Season 2's context. In fact, you could argue she had the most.
I honestly didn't have that scene in mind when I typed that, but it definitely fits the bill.
And I didn't really get that latter point, honestly. It just seemed like she genuinely wanted to check up on Clementine and try to help her be able move on to some semblance of a positive outlook.
Um, maybe there was some kind of relationship between the two? I can't even remember at this point, and I'd probably rather not. Buut I'm probably gonna have to replay the game at some point. Especially since animations were apparently fixed?
Oh puh-leez. Anyway, Kate wasn't like that at all and the one of the more notable things she did was freak out and freeze up when Javier gets attacked by a little boy zombie.
Yep. RIP wasted characters, I guess.
What's that relevance? Something about being an edgy cunt and also having a sister? snicker
Yeah, I guess keeping AJ is the "Evil" thing but the writing in that scene is so weird. It's like there's two different writers on scene, and one wants to make Ava genuinely sympathetic and the other wants to make her into sort of a holier-than-thou cunt who maybe feels some guilt so she brings her some stuff.
I honestly didn't have that scene in mind when I typed that, but it definitely fits the bill.
She expects her to take it way too well, considering she's only 13. I guess in a way, she's not holier than thou, it's almost like she has a higher opinion of Clem than she should.
I dunno, like I said, I just think the writing in that scene is weird. They purposefully make some of Ava's responses very vague and avoiding what Clem is accusing her of doing.
Honestly, screw ANF. I'm still stuck on season 2, totally not over it.
I wish I could do a full fanfic rewrite, but I'm just not cut out for that. I could maybe edit a story, add some suggestions but not full out write one.
At the beginning of the outbreak.
And I was referring to her preference to simply keep moving and avoid trouble where possible rather than stay in one place.
Her apparent "friendship" with Sarah and the fact that she was the type of person who would subscribe to Carver's BS.
Pretty mcuh this.
I guess. Really, Ava did what she could to help Clementine and AJ even when it would've been easier to keep quiet and/or outright yield to David and only agreed in the end because of his authority had a positive to it.
I'll get back to you on this. Time is short.
Say what again. Say it one more time. I dare you.
See what happens.
I know that, I'm just saying that was some of the most screentime she got.
Also fuck that flashback, that was the perfect time to give Mariana more screentime, especially since her death is important in that episode, but what do we get? 2 Mariana lines, and instead we mostly get more Gabe whining.
Who the FUCK thought that was a good idea?
Would she? Only if she was afraid of him. She seemed pretty rebellious of Roman, or at least mocked him a bit behind his back. I'm curious how well she actually knew Sarah. I have to think Sarah was pretty isolated, I mean how did she not remember who Carver was?
And again, having her actually KNOW Sarah gives her way more relevance than vince, wyatt or russell got.
Which still, kind of makes her a bitch. Hawking that shit on a 13 year old "oh you'll be fine, you'll deal with it." An unintentional bitch.
She was never really implied to be subservient to David, at least not in his words. Yeah, I know he outranks her technically, but they're more like partners, or least that's the impression I got.
Eh...I can see why you'd say that, unfortunately.
I love that opening.
But yeah, it is funny that one of the only times I actually liked Mariana is also the most damningly obvious example of how superfluous she is.
She always seemed pretty damn harsh about Da Rulez, even if she would occasionally break them herself.
That's called being an edgy hypocritical teenager.
Exactly. She naturally deserved more emphasis than all of them anyway, but that adds another layer that makes her wasted utilization more legitimate.
I don't think it was that she literally didn't remember who he was, just that she couldn't really think/concentrate on the matter. She also could've been partially avoiding the question for the sake of keeping the group's secrets.
Meh, I guess. Then again, Clementine is not like other kids/youth, after all.
I didn't mean literally. Just that she gave up trying to talk him out of the issue in favor of just focusing on a positive: letting Clementine go on her own while AJ stays with them, allowing him to eventually die in relative comfort while not having Clementine get herself killed having to take care of him.
Btw, am I the only one who thought it would be revealed that she (and/or maybe Lingard) would be revealed to have been sneaking AJ medicine under the table to help him get better?
I had to go to class. Anyway, here's my rewrite thread if you really wanna post some stuff.
the meaning and definition of a relatable character in media
fuckin broken ass comments not letting me get my point across. the joke is that the meaning completely flew over your head idk kill me
My favorite ANF characters other than Clementine are:
1. Javier - He was a pretty normal player character except he didn't have any problems like Lee who was an accused murderer or Clementine who is living in the zombie apocalypse all alone and is a child or teenager now.
2. Kate - Pretty standard love interest of Javier. Should've spent a bit more time explaining why she did not like David other than him yelling at her over small things.
3. Mariana - I preferred her over Gabe because she was developed similarly to Clementine as smart and respectful.
4. David - He made for a good antagonist however, instead of having him play a part in the power struggle of The New Frontier he is sidelined rather quickly while Joan and Clint remain in power.
5. Ava - She seemed to be the most skilled fighter out of the whole New Frontier group and knocked Tripp right on his ass when he tried to get tough with her. She also seemed to be a villain in the first few episodes but turned out to be a good character.
There are many more characters from ANF that were good but the story didn't have many big villains I just hope that The Final Season will include a villain at the McCarol Ranch or however it was called. Maybe some group that the New Frontier obeyed and offered food too similarly to The Saviors? I mean TellTale will do a good job with this Final Season I just hope it surpasses our expectations.
Good list.
I agree, we need more prominent villains.
I understood the joke.