Javier Season 4?
Maybe not right away but I think they have to have Javier show up at some point in the final season as a supporting character or cameo. Maybe to give us a little more closure with him or Clementine needing his help and the fact she knows where he is.
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Oh goody. Another excuse for Striduh to complain.
Either way, what closure? Javier didn't really have much of an arc within the actual/present story of ANF and the game ended in such a way that he more or less decided what he was gonna do/be, with little to no stable support to back him. His story is done.
Granted, he might indeed get an appearance if Richmond is indeed a possible ending or if I get my wish for a cast roll type thing, but there is little reason for him to show up in the story proper.
Other than Clem and AJ, there should be no returning characters from previous seasons, and after the results of ANF, let’s keep Javi as far away from this game as possible and focus on Clem.
Javier was the best thing about ANF, so I agree. It would be nice to see Clementine finish off with a nice group in a safe community. She's always been on the move and hasn't really stayed in a big community for a while, plus they've already kinda set it up with the ending of ANF.
They really don't need to have the final season be action packed at all. I would be happy with Clem finding AJ, and just spend the rest of the season getting to know what her life is going to be like after season 4. Although, I think they're planning on adding Clem to the comics by the end. Which I wouldn't be against either.
I dunno, I'd personally like to at least maybe get some closure on Christa since she was so nonchalantly wrote out of Season 2 after five minutes into Episode 201.
Javier will only show up in Ep.5 if you decide to return to Richmond. Other than that, there won’t be a good enough excuse for him to just show up out of nowhere. Besides, his arc is already over. He’s with his family in a (possible) safe place. That’s a good enough closure for his character, not to mention that suits him well.
Only way I can see Javier making a comeback is either by flashbacks or rescuing Clem when she needs help the most. Or she'll decide to stay with Javi and the Garcia gang somewhere within New Richmond which would basically be a rehash of like the Wellington ending at season 2's finale.
This was also one of the first options I thought about(with Gabe, Kate, David(?), and/or Conrad also showing up to help), but I don't think it would be very likely to happen. There would have to be a big conflict/threat that would require him and some Richmondites showing up and while there is still time, I don't think the threat will be as being as the New Frontier was. Not to mention he'd have to know she's in trouble.
Agreed. Maybe just a quick visit with Javi. Stauffer has said that some VA from S1 are contracted to play.
she will most likely be at the place Clem is heading to.
When I saw the title of this thread

Yes please, gimme some javi
The only recurring character I want to see is Kate because she disappeared in my ending for no goddamned reason, leaving me with no closure whatsoever.
I have no doubt that if kate comes back this season, she'll just be killed off the same episode or be just a minor cameo. You saw how they pretty much discarded Conrad's character after the choice in S3E2 right? After that decision he was only given a minor role no matter how long he got to live. He could've helped when we were cleaning up the walkers in Richmond, but he just completely disappeared during that part and came back later for some minor dialogue.
Edit: I guess you could say that having him optionally kill Badger was good use of him after the decision. I just wish he did more.
He can also save Javier twice, the second being if you fail the prompt with the runaway truck.
Really, the deal with Conrad is that killing Badger(regardless of whether he does it or not) was the driving motivation of his arc. Once he was taken out, Conrad had little to no relevance with the rest of the story, hence his decision to move on, one way or another.
Besides, you shouldn't expect a character to be hyper present after they've become determinant anyway, especially when they often have little to do with the events of the later episode(s).
Honestly, if she does show up, I hope Telltale fulfill their supposed intention and use that opportunity to actually expand on and develop her character without David, Javier, or even Gabe around to just attach her to.
Though, now that I mentioned that, that would make the chances of Richmond or at least Javier making an appearance a little more likely.
Javi + Kate = Best appearence
There are so many logical ways to tie in our s3 endings, they better not pull some shit like they did with the s2 endings. It is the final season, they should pull no punches and take every opportunity to be amazing that they can.
Honestly, I feel like that ultimately kinda had to happen. The Season 2 endings placed Clementine in a location that were states apart from each other and a New Frontier(or "Season 3," as it originally was) needed a set location to take place in. The story/tone was meant to be more adrenalized than previous seasons, with necessitates a larger Clementine to get back in on action and the only way to do that is to void those endings to get her to move towards Richmond. The episodes in the final product being so short and Kenny in particular being too hard to implement just ensured it.
However, given this is meant to be THE finale, they have little to no reason not to pull out the stops and just say anything goes.
Agreed. Can't say I'm anywhere near particularly excited for it, though.
She? Do you mean Javier? If so, I doubt it because he’s staying at New Richmond to either run the place or help his family cope with their losses. Besides, he couldn’t have gone to the ranch Because he would’ve told Clem if he was going.
I honestly don't think the s2 endings ending would have been that hard to actually implement. We could have had a s2 ending flashback in each episode leading up to the reveal of what happened in episode 5. Kenny/Jane/Edith could have simply shown up in later episodes and had a determinant dialogue here or there. Hell, they could have just made the flashbacks that we did get at least 20 minutes for some closure. But no they took the laziest possible route with a <5 minute flashback. I remember people were joking about how they were going to disregard our endings but then it literally happened.
I can only assume he was thinking of Kate in that moment because that's the only way that would make any sense.
I would like to see Javier again, even if not as a PC, but another side of me doesn't want him to come back so he doesn't die a shitty death.
Though I really want to see what him, Kate, Gabe and Mariana've been through during the 4 years of the apocalypse. Sooo, yeah, I wouldn't mind a DLC about that.
Javier has no reason to appear in Season 4, his story was finished well. You want him to get what happened to Kenny/Jane and Omid?
The difference is that Kenny and Jane were determinant characters subject to very different alternate endings and the former in particular would've been too difficult to implement into ANF in a minor enough manner and Omid's death was meant to signal a more desperate tone where Clementine has to make survival decisions herself.
Javier showing up (on the off chance that he does anyway) will likely be either in flashbacks/cameos, an unlikely big climactic battle, or at the very end for those who choose to do so. All of which are relatively negligible to the story of "The Final Season" outside of shamefully rare recurrence and present continuity.
Actually for the people who are saying Javi's story is complete, no, just no because David or Kate can still be missing and probably Clem and AJ will run into them with hopes of getting back to New Richmond. Javi can possibly lead a search for them and what if Jesus gave Javi that awesome kingdom armor he was wearing near the end? Seeing Javi in that armor would be pretty cool, maybe your decisions at the end of the game which says rather Javi will cut corners or be good will determine (if we as Clementine) see him or his group stealing from random survivors. Also I like the idea of Javi returning in a form of final battle scenario but for a final battle there should be choices that determine which character lives or dies and TellTale should try to make it as emotional as possible.
We’ve seen what Javier can do and what he’s survived, I doubt he’ll die
CoughCough Lee CoughCough
Do you not remember that Kenny and Jane didn't die naturally?
On the AMA Telltale staff said that they don't have intentions of killing him [like Kenny and Jane]. I hope that makes you feel better.
But yeah, if he ever died, I will start a riot.
And you believe them? Even the fact that they said Episode 1 was split in two because it was too big?
It was too big!
For the shorter episode lengths they were going for.
And why wasn't Season 1 Episode 4 split in two? It was WAY longer than both Ties That Bind episodes combined.
I don't know what to believe anymore, tbh. And yes, splitting Episode 1 was bullshit.
Because that was Season 1, which as the first installment didn't have many real expectations or audience demographics at the time.
Telltale has since found credence in making shorter, easier to digest episodes, whether it actually works out or not.
And how is it worth 24.99£? A New Frontier was never worth the price.
What, are you Asian or somethin? That some kinda yen sign?
Anyway, I have no knowledge as to the price tags on these games. I bought the collections and season pass-ish retail versions after all.
£ - British pound.
Ah! Interesting.
What's the conversion rate on dat?
U never never knew of the pound sign’s existence?
Jane hated herself and both Kenny and Lee were because of Clementine
I heard of pounds and I may have seen the sign once, but otherwise no.
Gemme dat tall disk named javi anytime