Gary Whitta (writer/story consultant for Walking Dead Season 1) returning to write Season 4

On the Blog post promoting The Walking Dead Collection, Telltale confirmed Season 1 story consultant Gary Whitta is returning to help write Season 4.
Speaking of Clem and the final season, we’re also thrilled to announce that Gary Whitta (Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, The Book of Eli) will be returning to Telltale's writers room as a Story Consultant for the upcoming season. Whitta was part of the BAFTA-award winning team of writers on the first season of the Telltale series and will be collaborating with Telltale and Skybound on the final chapters of Clementine's storyline. When we asked Whitta about his return, he had this to say:
“Collaborating with Telltale on the first season of Clementine's journey through the world of The Walking Dead was one of the highlights of my career, so reuniting with them to now bring her story to a close with this final season feels like a homecoming. Clementine has become not just one of the most compelling characters in the Walking Dead pantheon but one of the great video game characters of all time. I hope we're able to do justice to her and to her millions of fans. This one feels special.”
So does that mean we re getting some season 1 level writing too? ((Hopefully))
Chances are extremely high that this’ll be better than season 3, maybe season 2. If we get something better than season 1 though I’ll dress up as a banana and slide across supermarket floors
YES! Oh now I am excited!
I like that idea can i join u as a orange?
Lol Gary Whitta only wrote Around Every Corner. Granted, i loved the episode especially the length but this won’t save them. He wrote that episode on his own but this time i’d bet my bottom dollar he’ll have 2 or 3 other writers with him on one episode which will then be crap imo. Unless they miraculously make the entire Season 4 the exact same style that Season 1 was gameplay wise as well as character development, then this won’t make a difference
Telltale are taking the Final Season very seriously by the look of things. I have a really good feeling for The Final Season.
OMG, that means all the characters in Season 4 are going to die.
Jokes aside, while I'm glad they brought back at least a Season 1 writer, S1 Episode 4 which is the episode he wrote was kind of weak and slow but I hope he learned his lesson and improve the pacing.
Hahahaha, Wyatt's face in this pic is the same as Gary's Twitter Profile Pic.
This definitely sounds promising. I hope Gary can bring some of that Season 1 magic into the Final Season.
That's cool and all, but I'm not as excited as everyone else. Yes he did have a huge role as Season 1's narrative consultant, but he also wrote Around Every Corner (not particularly my favorite episode of the series) and co-wrote the shit-fest that was After Earth. He seems like a guy who comes up with great ideas and storylines (Rogue One), but isn't the best when it comes to the actual writing and execution of them.
If you join me then you can either be pumpkin Rick and I’ll be the banana or the other way around
Be sure to post footage of it, if so on here..
Eh, I honestly feel like Around Every Corner was all around stronger than every other episode post S1.
It’ll go viral. “Guy sliding across supermarket floor dressed as pumpkin Rick shouting I’m pickle Riiiiicckk!”
I felt that Episode 105 was the strongest, but I didn't really have anything against Episode 104 to be honest.
I did like how it was more interactive than other episodes in the series, but I don't know how much Whitta contributed to that aspect in particular.
Yeah, I'm really hesitant to say that him joining the team is a good thing. Rogue One was absolute garbage (imo) and it worries me when he writes someone like Molly, who I personally hated as a character because she sucked the life out of what TWD is, and now has a say in how Clementine should behave and I really hated her edgy """badass""" routine in ANF.
I hope he proves me wrong.
Ep.5 had the strongest emotional send off for the cast. I felt bad for Ben even though I felt indifferent towards the character until he stood up to Kenny backyard. Then soon came the moving departure of Lee and Clem. Plot wise I believed episode 2 of season 1 had the strongest writing of season 1. Not to say anything bad of the other episodes. Just I loved the way the deal went south with the St. Johns ultimately & indirectly stirring up the pot with the bandits for episode 3. Episode 4 of S1 might of been slowest of all .. but the content and character dialogue was still significantly of higher quality than anything season 2, the mini-series and season 3 cooked up so far. A House Divided and Thicker Than Water appeared to attempt to be on season 1 level content but not quite all the way there let alone better to me.
Taking a screenshot of this for reference.
I agree, Around Every Corner was a solid episode but its biggest problem was how it kept building things up and sort of fizzled out by the end with characters like Molly and Vernon sort of leaving the plot without much explanation. Crawford was interesting if a bit generic but it never amounted to much other than boring fetch quests.
I guess we’ll see this goes, I’m not super familiar with Gary’s work other than what I’ve experienced and it’s been either bland or just mediocre.
Couldn't have said it better myself, AEC had so much build up, a huge amount of potential, but the payoff on all of it was really weak.
Ah each to their own i guess. Around Every Corner was one of my fav episodes they ever made. I liked the whole feel of arriving in Savannah, the opening got me on the edge of my seat, i thought the mansion was a cool and lucky place the group found, then the whole scene in the attic and choices of what to do with the dead boy. Then of course finding out there are no boats left put the group in a depressed state so to speak, then finding out the mansion had a boat the whole time was a nice twist. Then my favourite part was the exciting mission heading to Crawford where I expected we’d be fighting humans only to discover they were all dead. I think my fav part about Ep4 is how much interaction/gameplay we were given during that episode. People say the episode dragged but i would rather it drag on than be over in 5 seconds like all of Season 3’s episodes.
sigh i really miss Season 1. Why have you gone so far off the rails these days Telltale?
Brilliant! I know I was always in the minority of this but Around Every Corner is actually one of my all-time favourite episodes so this has gotten me significantly more excited now because of it.
I actually liked Around Every Corner (and Rogue One), so even though it's not my favorite, it does give me hope.
Same. In regards to Around Every Corner, I did enjoy the story, but it's my least favorite episode because of how much backtracking there was.
Now if only Sean Vannaman would write a treatment, or return to help them, they could really get the S1 and S2 feel back.
I loved around every corner. Its highly underrated.
If thats **the **announcement of some of the season one people who worked on it,then jesus.....
I'd rather join as A Clementine personally in this pun intended fruit basket.
And your comment is under liked. Around Every Corner was better than even Long Road Ahead I felt. My fav was still Starved For Help though.
Ehh.... Around Every Corner was my least favorite season 1 episode because of the dreadfully boring and overly long Crawford fetch quest and the entire character of Molly in general. I'm not too thrilled with this.
what was the problem with Molly?
I wouldn't trust a guy with a MC storymode character as his profile pic
Please don't make comments like that, as elitism does not contribute to good discussion.
She's a boring, cringe-y, Mary Sue Creator's Pet that said sarcastic shit at the worst time like a child. Even Lee was getting pissed at her for it. "Not the time, Molly." He's says that no matter what. I'm so glad she's gone.
I didn’t like Molly either. She was as you stated, sarcastic all the time, she would have left Lee and Kenny to die if Clementine hadn’t been there to guilt trip her, she lied about being in Crawford (choosing not to tell someone you were in Crawford is the same as lying), also trying to cover up that she knew where the medication was when Christa asked how she knew that. Yeah I wasn’t Molly’s biggest fan that’s for sure
Woah, woah, woah! Am I seeing people say that there was something they didn't like about Season 1? Stop the presses!
Obvious sarcasm and fun teasing brought to you by eRock92, Skybound Entertainment, and viewers like you. Thank you!