Creating YOUR Character
Okay so, I know some people may strongly disagree with me on this topic. But, in any Telltale game, you get to create the character the way you want them to be. Whether making them a good or bad person, caring or hateful, you get to choose which path they go on.
This is a topic that I want to discuss about the minority, myself included. I know there is going to be some ignorant commenter that is going to come after me.
I had an idea for part of the game, that not everyone has to do.
It may be strange and odd, but I'd like to see the company taking in feedback from fans of the game and having them help with the story.
In The Walking Dead: A New Frontier, you play as Javier. In the game, there are several romantic instances with Kate, including the option to kiss her as she comes out of the truck, or holding her hand in the kitchen.
I think it's a nice touch, having the main character caring about another like this, but, I want another option. Because this is a TellTale game, I like the idea of the creators stretching ideas out, and giving the player options to create their own character, and to have many different choices in the game.
Many don't realize but, not everyone in the apocalypse is heterosexual. And I don't wanna be that one person who constantly wants everything to be gay, but I'd like to be able to create my character based on me. I know for a fact that not every player is straight, so what I'm saying is that It'd be a cool idea to give those specific players the option to create the character and make them be like them.
The only lgbt characters we've seen in the walking dead games were Walter and Mathew, who were unfortunately killed off within minutes. In the game, you have the choice to kiss Kate, and the choice to hold her hand, but what about those who refuse to do both?
My idea for the game is to create an LGBT character, but not everyone has to do it. If you do in fact agree to both actions ( kissing Kate and holding her hand,) then you create Javier to like Kate, but If you refuse, then, there could be an option in the next episodes with a male character, and to have romance with him. Like I said, I know many ignorant people will immediately decline and say that "a gay character would ruin the story."
Which isn't exactly fair, or true, since some of the best games have lgbt characters. (The last of us, Life is Strange) And a major repetitive similarity I've seen in the gaming industry, is that, when a game does in fact have LGBT, it's almost always a female/female couple every time. And it saddens me that people are alright with the idea of two girls kissing then two boys kissing. And I think companies know this too, which is why they keep doing female/ female relationships. It seems that television is the only platform that allows two boys to kiss on screen.
But, it's 2017 and I want to see a change. There are gay people in the apocolypse. They didn't just disappear, or all die off, they're there, even if you forget about them. So, why can't Javier be one of those people?
Like i previously stated, I'm not trying to force an lgbt sticker on every single thing, I just wanted to put input for an option for those who are apart, or do support LGBT. And as I also stated, it's a choice not everyone has to make, you can choose to kiss Kate, or to refuse, and after all, every decision affects the future
But,oh, there were already some gay chars. Like, Gabe is gay, Lee was gay (he didn't get laid once and he definitely had a crush on Kenny, my char didn't even want to sneak on Danny St. John when Lee and Kenny were hiding in the stud) and Luke was gay too (he only liked Jane because of the short hair). St. John's were gay, too (traded sex against supplies with the bandits and when they stopped delivering, they got mad) . Just some examples.
But back to your suggestion, also the char's voice and gestures could change if he becomes gay.
I really liked Walter and Matthew's inclusion in the game not only because they were gay, but because they were also great characters who were defined by their generosity and goodnature as opposed to their sexuality. I honestly dont care if a character is gay or straight as long as they are well written. I also think it'd be cool to determine the characters sexuality, like in the Dragon Age games.
I really liked Walter and Matthew's inclusion in the game not inly because they were gay, but they were also great characters who were defined by their generosity and goodnature as opposed to their sexuality. I honestly dont care if a character is gay or straight as long as they are well written. I also think it'd be cool to determine the characters sexuality, like in the Dragon Age games.
Dont wanna offend you, but what do you want from gay characters? You want them to shout aloud about their sexual orientation or would you be satisfied just to see a gay couple? Explain!
Now...what did you like about Matthew? He was on screen literally less than 2 minutes.
I think its a waste of time in a Walking Dead game to spend time on a gay romance, I already think all the time spent on the Kate romance is wasted as well, since there is very little actually enjoyable content so far, way too much action and romance, and way too little actual world building and tension, heck 30 minutes after we arrive at Prescott, its already burned to the ground
How about a necrophile, who gets off when Zombies appear ? And keeps himself some Zombies
But you see, Javier's not a character who's personality is completely shaped by your choices. He has certain established qualities to him (though not many), with his sexuality clearly being one of the them.
Can someone summarize what the fuck this thread is about as explained in the OP?
EDIT: Okay, I finally get it going over the OP a few times. Just a heads up that this isn't about LGBT stuff specifically. Just things you'd like to see done with characters in the future.
I don't think that's best, because what if the games impact the comics? How will Javier be portrayed?
I'd like to see the one or other additional LGBTQ character as well. But not only because they are part of that particular group, they need to be well-written and have a purpose in the story, just like any other character. Great examples are Walter & Matthew in Telltale's TWD, Bill & Frank, Ellie & Riley (TLoU), Max and Chloe (Life is Strange), Leonardo da Vinci (Assassin's Creed) and Ciri (Witcher 3).
Don't know about Javier. From what we've seen so far, it looks like he always had eyes for Kate. That's what fits his character so far. It's not even about him being hetero/homo/bisexual. It's just that giving us the power to be able to choose Javier's preferences doesn't feel "right" imo.
Honestly, this isn't a game format that would lend itself well to that. It would require more branching than the Telltale format is willing to commit to even for important plot related choices, and if they did expect the love interest ( determinant ) to die the very next episode.
For games with those selections, I would suggest titles such as Dragon Age, and Mass Effect.
A necrophile would be damn hilarious in a ZA
I agree with you it would be cool to see Javi have a gay storyline if you wanted to go that route.
There were gay characeters in The Walking Dead: Michonne.
Oh yeah, Zachary and Dr. Jonas.
Well it's been confirmed that Javi is bisexual. I believe Adam Douglass said that in a comment on twitter.
In The Finale Season I want a female character like Carol in the TV Series. She is freaking badass.
. * Looks up who Carol is *

Um...Nanu Nanu?
I'm still not 100% sure if this is meant to be characters in general or just the main one?