Walking Dead New Frontier was amazing.
I don't get all of the hate for it. I personally hated Season 2 because the writing was awful. I actually plan on making a YouTube video about the flaws of that game in the future. I will say that the ending with Kenny saying goodbye to AJ and Clem and leaving them at Wellington was the best part of the season. Now before I played New Frontier, I heard that it was awful. I pulled out my torches and pitchforks with the mob because I assumed that the disaster of Season 2 had returned. I was confused at first because Mini Series Michonne was incredible and I found it amazing. "How and why are they reverting back to Season 2 ?" I thought as I read angry New Frontier topics.
Wow, Walking Dead New Frontier was amazing. From start to finish it was a great game and I must say that the ending was on par with the ending of Season 1 with Lee. I was crying lots during this season and that ending hit me hard with two tragedies at once. I couldn't breathe when I saw one character that was bit. I kept saying No over and over. We talked for awhile and I gave them a gun and walked away. I lost my breath completely when I heard the gunshot. The ending was great though and the game was a roller-coaster of emotions. I look forward to Walking Dead The Final Chapter. It's supposed to conclude Clementine's story and maybe even Javier's.
The writing and acting was top notch. Not once did I cry more than once per season before I played New Frontier. The guy I fight with the most is a very good villain in my opinion. He's not entirely bad or good, he's flawed and he's like a version of Magneto. My relationship with David is like the relationship of Professor X and Magneto, it's a destructive one and yet when they work together, they can do much good. The one scene with them and their father was great and that's exactly what I loved about this season, it brought in the equation of humanity and Trust.
Are you joking?
Are you high?
If you liked it, that’s great, I’m glad to hear you were able to get enjoyment out of it. For me, it’s easily the worst Telltale game I have ever played.
Telltale flat out lied to us multiple times in its advertising of the game, such as saying how the first episode was too big and had to be broken into 2 parts, yet both were barely over 70 minutes. When you combine them, they’re just about on par with the length of one episode from Season 1. They said this would be the biggest season of TWD, another lie as the game is shorter than both Season 1 and Season 2. Other than Episode 4, no episode was longer than 90 minutes. Shit on S2 all you want, but at least the episode lengths were consistent (always 90-100 minutes). They charge us more for less content and try to tell us how this season is going to be the biggest season yet, bullshit Telltale. Clementine being a co-playable character, another falsehood, I wouldn’t call getting about 5 minutes worth in a flashback in 4 of the 5 episodes being a co-playable character. Telltale turns the face of their franchise, the essential main character from both seasons, into a glorified side character and shoves her away in favor of Javi and bringing in new comers. All the stuff about how our S2 endings would matter and that there were 42 different variations of Clementine based on our choices is another one, previous choices had little impact on Clem’s character and how they resolved our S2 endings is one of the most insulting and blatant “fuck you” moments I have ever seen in a video game. Jane and Kenny’s models were atrocious, Jane’s death was incredibly out of character, Wellington falls to a small group of bandits, and Kenny is fucking paralyzed, by default, the alone ending is the best one, and even that one is kind of dumb. Telltale thought that people would be satisfied with that, disregarding the climax of the final episode of S2, where people speculated for over 2 years how our endings would matter and have a huge influence on the next installment? Guess what, we didn’t,and fans were livid, and rightly so. Telltale intended that to be it regarding Kenny and Jane, but they bowed into the backlash and decided to bring them back for an Episode 4 flashback (where they greatly improved the models). Yeah that’s great and all, but they were just trying to stop the fire that they caused.
The characters were terrible. I can only really handpick a few characters I can say I liked from this season (other than Clem), that being Javi, Mari, Tripp, and Ava (who both had laughable deaths in Episode 5) everyone else was insufferable and very one dimensional. Eleanor is there, she’s a doctor, and there’s this really stupid and pointless thing between her and Tripp which goes nowhere and just sort of pops up out of nowhere, and that’s it. She also rats out Javi’s plan no matter what and, as a result, is partly responsible for Tripp’s death if it happens, yet she blames you, and then she’s gone from the rest of the final episode. David was all over the map and inconsistent, especially in the final episode (holy fuck was he a train wreck in that episode). His motivations, his behavior, his entire character would change on a dime. In episode 3, he was hell bent on doing anything for Richmond, Episode 5, he wants to get the hell out of their, what brought that on? Gabe is a fucking prick, he whines about how he needs to step up, does absolutely nothing to prove it to anyone nor does he go through any character growth, and then bitches about how people are treating him like a kid. He’s ungrateful and stupid, ratting out Javi for killing Conrad, even though it was to safe his live since Conrad was pointing a gun at him to take Clem as a prisoner. A character that showed a lot of potential early in the game is squandered and butchered, turning into nothing but a pathetic love interest for Clem, which was so poorly done and conceived that I wanted to bash my head against the wall. And of course, the worst characters of them all, the most infuriating, idiotic, manipulative, and self-centered character in the game...Kate. I could not stand her and the pathetic love triangle surrounding her, David, and Javi. I did nothing, even before David showed up, to even show that I liked her more than a friend, and she’s going off about how there’s always been something more between them, there were “hot” moments, and blah blah blah. Half the time, her words or actions with Javi are in the presence of David, trying to get a reaction out of him. Even before the apocalypse, she was like this, such as with the cup and trying to keep Javi’s hand where it was. And in the most obvious example and one that proves her ultimate bitchiness, she either goes up and kisses Javi right in front of David, or she goes up to him and says how she couldn’t believe she loved either of them. Both of these are the direct instigator of the “climactic” fight with David. Shit on the S2 fight between Kenny and Jane all you want, but that one is Shakespeare level writing compared to this train wreck.
The romance in this game is atrocious, the writing is sub-par, the graphics of the previous seasons fit the game much more than this one, the pacing is rushed throughout the whole game, there are even less hubs and opportunities to interact with characters than S2, Telltale relied way too much on action for a game that is merely QTE’s and button mashing, there are plot holes you can drive a truck through, unresolved plot points that they either have no intention of continuing or purposely left open to bait a sequel, and the painfully obvious rewrites that went on behind the scenes show in most of the episodes. How many screen shots did Telltale release before the game, and how many of them actually ended up, in some way, in the final product? Almost none of them, yet they’re still putting them on the back of the game’s physical release like they’re actually in the game. And as I mentioned earlier, whose bright idea was it to turn Clem into a side character, after the main focus of the previous seasons was on her? Probably the same person who wanted Telltale to focus on attracting new comers, instead of outright continuing what they started. She ended up contributing nothing to the overall story, her one reason for being in the game, getting AJ, is pushed off for this last season. You can cut her out entirely, and nothing would have changed, and while I love Clem more than anyone in this series, I can say the game would have been immensely better than what it was without her. It would allow more time to focus on Javi and his story, rather than trying to shoehorn in Clem for the old fans and balance these two things together I’m episodes shorter than the average class length at my school. And notice how the advertising and trailers for the game changed as the series went on, the promo art and trailers all started highlighting Clem more and less on Javi, gee, I wonder why? Maybe because people were infuriated over the treatment of Clem and how the season was going, even Clem’s own voice actress, and Telltale realized that they fucked up and were trying to salvage a sinking ship.
I also enjoyed Walking Dead A New Frontier! However if I were to rank all of the Walking Dead games in order I would go with:
Walking Dead Season One
Walking Dead Season Two
Walking Dead A New Frontier
Walking Dead Michonne
I love all of the Walking Dead games...it even says in my bio. But Season One and Two were far better. I am not saying that I hate A New Frontier but the earlier Seasons of Walking Dead were just incredible. I am happy that you enjoyed A New Frontier as I also loved the experience!
I agree with many people, when I played The Walking Dead A New Frontier we were lied to and disappointed, it seemed like TellTale was in a rush to release the game. If they had made Episode 1 both parts of Ties that Bind it would've been better and perhaps the Javier and Richmond conflict could've been made longer which would let you decide the outcome of New Richmond and key characters. I will admit I enjoyed the game but it wasn't my favorite TellTale game.
How were the characters one dimensional ? The romance wasn't forced. I look at it like years have passed and that David asked you to look after his wife and kids if he ever died in the Army. Javi does this and when he's alive, he's unsure about his path now. It's not as easy to just say "Here David, you can have them now". Gabe was a teen trying to cope with everything and it gets harder without Mariana to help him. Some people said "How could he betray Javi and leave with David ?" It's not that easy to be honest. I can say with confidence that picking parents isn't easy and he most likely left with David to try and beg him to stay and not leave again.
Kate wasn't one dimensional at all. David suffered ptsd from warfare and he became a severe alcoholic, that isn't uncommon. He obviously was abusive because how he hit Javi a lot and how Kate confided in him. When her hand was cut, he was more worried about the glass than her hand. When she had Javi put his hand on the wound, I backed away, Kate I can't do that to my brother. Years into the apocalypse, they started dating after believing David to be dead and they had much in common. Javi always was running away from his family and just like Lee, the apocalypse gave him a chance at redemption. Javi now takes care of the family in place of David.
My Javi does what is best for the family, that's why I try to get the family and leave New Frontier while David is negotiating. I believe that if he's wrong, he'd want the family to leave him and take care of the kids and Kate. The flashbacks were great and at times there were good parts to David and that's why at times, I liked or hated him, he's multi dimensional. I remember getting angry at him for kissing Kate and for calling Gabe his son. He couldn't possibly know that by now this was my family now.
I love Season 1, but that took place at the start of the outbreak, this was a good continuation of it and it was great. People say "Clem acts different". She's spent years on her own and she's lost everything that she's loved. Lee, Kenny (lost somewhere), Aj, Christa, Omid, Wellington, when does it all end ? She's different now because she's like Rick, time changes people.
I'm not high at all, I felt close to all of the characters, when they died, I felt it. I loved the flashbacks, I loved Clem's flashbacks, I loved the characters. As I stated, I pretend that I couldn't catch up to David (no motorcycle) and so when I lost him and Gabe, that hit me hard. I didn't want David to die, he was still my brother. Losing Gabe, I was close to him the entire season and that moment was powerful. When Kate said that she was pregnant, I thought about Gabe and Mariana.
I enjoyed reading your comment. My Javier went went after Gabe and David along with Clementine who honoured those loyal in her. Kate died in my play through. Just curious but when does Kate say she is pregnant?
The fight between Javi and David didn't happen out of nowhere. This was 100% Kate's fault because she never keeps her mouth shut about love.
Don't pretend this wasn't Kate's fault for the fight between David and Javi. She has terrible motivations.
Continuation my ass. Clementine had ZERO reasons to be in this season and Javier and his family came out of nowhere.
So we should just forget about our choices we made for her character in the previous seasons? What is the point of adding choices mechanics if they don't matter? This is a fucking video game, not a movie.
The only one that got me the most is Mariana. Others?

"This is a game, not a movie."
Umm, what ? It's both.
No, we shouldn't forget about past choices, they aren't forgotten. It would be bad writing if Clem was rainbows and sunshine like in Season 1 after being on her own for years.
You fail to realize that there never was going to be a happy ending for the family. David would never accept that he lost his family and we had to tell him sooner or later that she was not his wife anymore. It was bad timing on her part, yet she was angry that he'd risk the lives of everyone by trying to escape in that herd. Not to mention she found inner strength to confront his abuse finally.
My plan was to go get them after he had cooled off and after we sealed the breach. I was devastated at their loss. David wanted us to go back to being a normal family and that wasn't going to happen. It hurt me badly, but I couldn't change that.
OK so I made up the pregnancy part, she only says let's start a family.
So you didn't cry during the Ledge speech by David ? Truck explosion, Death of Gabe, Death of David, The father flashback ? Clem flashbacks ?
Honestly i like New frontier too it has Some good scenes but the pacing is too rushed compared to the other Games pretty much the only characters i gave a shit in game were:
Gabe,David and Mariana ((Also Conrad if you count being impressed at telltale actually trying to keep a Determinant alive for several episodes and having him appear in all of them.))
There were some good scenes like David s farewell in the ending where Gabe lives and Kate dissapears and the Fight between David and Javier was great ((If you completely ignore the part where telltale fucked you over and made David go mad no matter what you do.))
Other than Javi, did anyone of them go through any real change, did any of them develop in anyway from how they acted in the beginning of the game? Gabe didn't, Kate didn't, Tripp didn't, Eleanor sure as hell didn't, Joan didn't, Clint didn't, Badger didn't, etc. For supposedly being such a character and story driven game, ANF was severely lacking in both of these departments. Seriously, here's the run-down:
The only characters that actually seemed to have more to them were Max (who I definitely want to add to my likable characters list, he wasn't that bad of a guy, he just completely disappeared after Episode 3), Dr. Lingard, and Conrad (who first becomes determinant after Episode 2, where most of his development comes afterwards). Other than that, these characters were pretty standard and boring. There was an AMA or something a few months back where some of the writers and developers gave histories and stuff to characters like Eleanor, and everyone was wondering why stuff like that wasn't in the game and we had to find it out through something like that. Seriously, when you have to give that much information about characters through those channels instead of including it in the game, that's a pretty big indicator that you failed in properly developing them.
Really? Because at every turn, both before and after David showed up, and even before the apocalypse, I rejected her advances, I barely sided with her, and showed 0 romantic interest in her, and yet here she is, throwing herself after me. If she's got problems with David, how about she tries talking them out with him instead of immediately trying to go after his younger brother behind his back. That applies to both before the apocalypse and after they're reunited. That flashback (which comes in Episode 4 mind you, well into the series, you'd think something like that would be more towards the beginning) says to look after them, which he did, but it doesn't mean to start hooking up with her. And again, my Javi never did anything with Kate, but here's Kate insisting there's something more. You know, if there actually was something more that I didn't choose and happened non-determinately, then maybe it would be in the game's best interest to actually SHOW that scene, but no such scene exists to my knowledge. So yeah, when it came time to finally end it, I picked that option without a second's hesitation. But even then, she still insists there was something there, and will then pretty much use it against me in the next episode to instigate a fight between Javi and David. You're right, it's not easy to just hand them over, but it's also easy to tell Kate that she needs to talk to her husband and discuss the issues plaguing their marriage, instead of trying to drag me into the middle of it all.
And how does that justify his stupid, irrational, and just plain bad decision making throughout the game. I'd get it if the game was having him make these mistakes early on, learn from them, and then improve and come to the realization that he can actually start to do these things on his own, but the game doesn't do that. He's still screwing up in the final episode, making the same poor decisions that he was making in the beginning of the game. Considering what Clem has been through, she still seems perfectly able to handle herself extremely well, and that includes seeing people murdered at the age of 8 and 9, being imprisoned by cannibals, seeing her dead parents, growing up feeling guilty about Lee and Omid's death, stitching up her own arm, being shot, being forced to choose between an old ally and a new mentor, and surviving on her own for God knows how long. Gabe sees her sister die, 4 years into the apocalypse, and he continuously acts like this throughout the game and doesn't change at all. And yet, Gabe thinks that his words alone should be enough for people to think that he's capable of more, but his actions prove otherwise, so when people are trying to actually help and protect them, he starts whining. Actions speak louder than words Gabe, start proving yourself and maybe you can sit at the big boy's (and girl's) table.
Really, because what I heard was, when Clem expressed shock at Gabe's decision, Gabe saying how David was his father and that was the reason why he was going, even though 30 minutes earlier, he was saying how Javi was more of a father to him then David was. If there was a reason for you to think that, then you're clearly seeing something that I (and most players) are not. If Gabe really wanted to stay and not leave, wouldn't it have made more sense for him to side with Kate and go back and help Richmond? All David says he cares about is his family, but if his family is insisting that they go back, help everyone at Richmond, and create a community that's safe to live in, don't you think that David would probably stay and help them? How does Gabe willingly leaving with his father in anyway show that he was trying to convince David to stay?
I refer to above, she's there as a love interest and to cause tension between David and Javi, there really wasn't any purpose to her character other than that. She doesn't have that much of a character other than that, it certainly doesn't help that her motivations change on a dime, almost as much as David's. Episode 3, she wants to get the hell away from Richmond, come Episode 5, she wants to help them, but why? Other than walking through a hallway of people, what brought that on. Most of Episode 3, she spent in a hospital bed (which begs the question why did she not trust Richmond? I mean, they gave her medical care, they saved her from dying, and patched her up so good after being shot that she's good as new the very next day, but she hates it there, why? Is it because of David, that appears to be the only reason) and Episode 4 was spent in hiding, she never interacted with the people of Richmond, she didn't have any reason to want to help them, especially when most of the previous episodes was about her wanting to get away.
Also, your whole spiel about how Kate isn't one dimensional focuses more on Javi and David's characters and barely on Kate. Once again, this proves that her "character" is rooted in causing tension between the two brothers.
If they were already dating, then why was there that big conversation in Episode 4 about them possibly starting a relationship? Why was there no non-determinant evidence to them actually beforehand? Why was everything a choice on my part as Javi to reject or welcome her advances if they were already dating by that point? They weren't dating by that point, Kate developed feelings, but that's as far as it went in my game, it sure would have been nice if the game tailored the story to the choices I was making, but alas, I didn't, which is why I say it was forced.
I agree, there were good parts to David, the problem was that he had a worse temper than Kenny, and that's saying a lot. But unlike Kenny, whose motivations were always clear and his reasoning for acting the way he did was well developed and brilliantly shown throughout the series, David's motivations kept changing. There were good parts and bad parts about Kenny, but at least they were consistent with who he was as a character, they didn't just change for no reason. David says he wants to protect Richmond, but then wants to run away. David says that family matters to him, but goes on about saying how he's a soldier, not a family-man, then tries to murder his own brother. David says they should have gotten rid of AJ, but then takes him away from Clem after kicking her out. That's not a multi-dimensional character, that's a poorly written character.
No offense dude, but that's fucking dumb. He kissed his wife after being separated for years, and Gabe is his biological son, how in the hell do you expect him to act? Hell, we, as the player, really haven't spent that much time with Javi and Gabe to justify an emotional attachment to them yet, at least not one so strong that you'd get angry at something as simple as that. Seriously, what else would David refer to Gabe as if not his son? Javi's son? That kid? The creation of his sperm?
The difference is that we've seen Rick from beginning to now, there are a lot of gaps in Clem's life that we have not seen. What also makes it worse is that this Clem, often times, goes against the Clem we have crafted over the previous two seasons. We haven't done that with Rick, there is only one Rick, there are numerous variations of Clementine, and Telltale dumbed it down to one, instead of having actual player choice have an impact on her personality and character. I get that she's not the same girl and that she's changed, that's completely expected, I just expect that it fit in line with the work I've done over the previous installments and make it feel like the time I spent was worth a damn. Comparing her to Rick is like comparing apples to oranges, it's a false equivalency.
Really, even the ones that completely ruin our S2 endings and renders the point of having multiple different endings completely pointless? Granted, the Clem flashbacks were often times the best part of the episodes, so why am I criticizing this point? It was the only time this game felt like Telltale's The Walking Dead.
So he's still your brother, but Gabe is no longer his son, or Kate no longer his wife? I'm asking because I'm trying to understand your logic here.
No, it's a game. That's like saying a dog is a cat, or a boy is a girl, they're two different things.
I refer to above when I say that past choices were forgotten or blatantly ignored for laziness, like our Season 2 endings. We're not asking Clem to be rainbows and sunshine, she wasn't even like that in Season 2, but we are asking that Clem fit with the choices we made, and she barely did. For the most part, she's the exact same, regardless of what we may have done in previous GAMES. And I wouldn't be as pissed at this if Telltale didn't try to tell us how previous choices would heavily influence her behavior and attitude.
Considering how he just broke a girl's arm and hit his son, no, I really didn't.
I was shocked, but I sure as hell didn't cry. And then she somehow survives, which really ruins it in retrospect.
David's death was off screen in my game, which pissed me off, and I cheered when I saw Gabe bit. Don't believe me, here's my play through (skip to around 40:35):
It was good, but not cry worthy. I mean, it sounds like you're trying to put these scenes on the same level as something like Lee's death from Season 1, and they're not even close to reaching that same level.
I cried in frustration at Kenny dying, I was unfazed and disappointed with Clem joining the New Frontier when I refused Ava's offer, I was pissed when David took AJ away, and I was mildly satisfied (but at the same time angry) that Telltale gave us another flashback with Kenny just to try and appease us for being (rightly) angered by his treatment in Episode 1. But no, I did not actually cry. The only time I may have come close to feeling something came after the Episode 3 flashback, when Clem said she hoped AJ would be the one that didn't die, but the impact of the scene is destroyed by immediately jumping back into the action. You never have a second to grieve, to take the scene in, to appreciate what just happened, it just throws you back into the walker killing, ruining what should have been a highly emotional moment thanks to poor pacing.
Oh boi, I'm gonna grab some popcorn.

I only took a peek at the title and I already know that this thread is gonna be soo salty.
ANF was fucking terrible.
You misspelled "terrible" at the title.
No, it's not terrible at all.
Season 2 was terrible and you should go back to the ending and leave Kenny for Wellington. Wellington has no dumb flashback of Jane or Kenny.
Again, Clem has good memories from her past and yet after being alone for years, she's like Michonne now. You guys really need to read what I wrote.
Yes, the Gabe ending and Father flashback were on level with Season 1 ending.
The Wellington flashback may just be the most idiotic of all the flashbacks. This heavily guarded and walled in sanctuary, which had so many people within that it had to start turning them away, fell to a small group of bandits in a matter of minutes. Somehow Edith, Clem, and AJ were able to escape outside the walls without being spotted, yet we have no idea how they were able to do that. What can be argued as one of the main points of Season 2, getting to Wellington, is completely tossed away, just as badly as them tossing away characters like Kenny and Jane. We never got to explore Wellington, interact with its people, it never felt like a home, thus, when it fell, it had the same emotional impact as when Prescott fell...nothing, absolutely nothing. And if you're argument for this is essentially "You picked the wrong ending, go back and change it," then that's a shit argument.
I read what you wrote, and much like with your argument of going with the Wellington ending, it's bad. I refuted your points in my post, maybe you should read what I wrote.
Look dude, I've been trying to be quite respectful to you, we had differing opinions on this season, you tried to give your reasoning for liking it, I discussed mine for hating it. We could have had an intelligent discussion about the season, but not only have you not really given proper reasoning or explanations as to why you feel this way, your posts have continually gotten more aggressive and fail to respect those who disagree with your opinion. When you do that, expect some pushback and some retaliation.
So this guy, who appeared for 5 minutes in the final episode, who we knew would die because he turned in the first episode, carried the same emotional impact as the character who we played all of Season 1 as and who we saw go through his own journey of redemption, dying from a bite after spending his last day rescuing a young girl he had developed a father/daughter bond with and having that same girl either leave us to turn or to have her shoot him in order to prevent it? I mean, I can kind of get the Gabe one, but really, the father one? I can't speak for everyone, but you're probably one of the few who may have felt some sort of emotional impact from that scene. It's not a bad scene and does play a role later in the episode, but there's nothing really emotional about it, especially since we know the outcome.
My argument is bad ?
I haven't been aggressive with anyone. I said that Season 2 was bad and thus the writers of TNF had to ditch all but the Wellington ending. I'm saying that I feel that people aren't looking at the bigger picture. Why did I get emotional with the Father scene ? I'm thinking of how this man wanted his sons to work together because they were on opposite sides constantly and it was sad because neither could honor his wishes.
New Frontier overran Wellington and thus it wasn't just simple bandits.
David keeping Aj wasn't bad writing at all. Aj was deemed to be very sick and couldn't stay with Clem because David felt that he would be a liability to Clem. I disagreed with him refusing medicine to a toddler and yet I can see why he would. The toddler already has a slim chance of surviving even with the medicine and he doesn't want to waste it. Aj got better and then David grew attached to him because he missed his family. David raised Aj because he was his second chance at being a dad again.
You said that Kate was generic love triangle, I disagreed and explained why.
The parts about if Javier wants to date Kate is asked so that the player isn't forced into anything.
Again, I promised David that I'd take care of his family if he died in the Army. The outbreak happens and he is assumed dead for years. Overtime, I hit it off with Kate. I took on the role of David. That is why I got angry with him trying to take my life away from me. His kids and his wife became mine and we are looking at a Rick and Shane power struggle. You have to separate the time lines for it all to make sense. It's been years, not days. Haven't you heard of adoption ? I adopted those kids.
Gabe was being sheltered like Sarah was. He wasn't a warrior like Clem was and his death hit me harder than Lee's death.
I feel that this Walking Dead game was different because you had to make the right decisions for the story to unfold into a beautiful painting. I made decisions that few did and I had a great time.
Did you not say in a previous comment that Season 2 was bad and told them to go back and change their decisions? Trying to force people to go back and change the decisions they made in their game to justify your argument is a bit aggressive and definitely not a good argument.
But most players, myself included, kept their promise to their father by not fighting David, so how can you say we didn’t honor his wishes?
That is just not true and it’s been confirmed not to be true. Wellington was in Ohio or Michigan, ANF was in Richmond, Virginia. And if ANF attacked Wellington, why would they be in Richmond when they could just stay at Wellington? And if ANF was the group that took over Wellington, why would Clem join up with them later? It was just a group of bandits that got pissed at being turned away and somehow overthrew Wellington.
No you didn’t, you talked about Javi and David a lot, but didn’t really do anything to try and insist she was anything more than a love interest and plot device to complicate David and Javi’s relationship. And if you did, then please point it out to me and I will apologize.
Good for you, I didn’t, but it doesn’t matter because the game still tries to shove her down your throat, regardless of what you choose.
But it’s perfectly okay for you to take his life away when he shows up alive? Do you ever hear yourself, Kate and Gabe are not property to claim ownership over, they’re fucking people. So by your logic, Carl and Lori were property of Shane since he was taking care of them when they thought Rick was dead. So to you, Rick is David and Shane is Javi, is that it, because if so, that’s a pretty weird interpretation of it.
So what your saying is your choices are right and my choices, and everyone else’s choices, are objectively wrong? Then by that logic, since I enjoyed Season 2, you hated it because you made the wrong choices and didn’t get the “beautiful painting” of Season 2 like I did.
I'm not understanding you at all.
2.If you'd let someone beat you to death in real life, more power to you. Wrong choice.
You believe that ? New Frontier is a blackhole to settlements. Look at David's map. New Frontier is as serious as Negan's people.
Bad choice.
No I didn't. I said that David was an alcoholic because of ptsd based around war. He abused Kate quite a bit and she confides in Javi. She is a fragile person based around abuse. David didn't even care that she cut her hand.
Because it's the correct choice.
His life ? I want you to imagine adopting a kid and after many years the biological parents shows up and wants them back. What do you do ? David hasn't known them for years, I have. What ownership ? Invest in something for years and give it up ? This is a main problem with people that hate this game, they ignore the time line.
You got me there. Except, explain how it was logical for the Cabin group to hate on Kenny constantly for no reason. He takes first watch, they hate him. He beats up a traitor 5 seconds after the traitor screws us over and they defend the traitor after they get shot ? I said that this Walking Dead game was different btw.
Yo, sorry for intruding but:
A child that you adopted is extremely different from someone else’s wife. Plus, many adoptions are closed adoptions with the parents giving up their own rights, so it’s very unlikely they’ll show up and want the child again.
A wife, however, is someone’s lawful spouse. Kate and David never had a divorce or annulment, which makes Kate constantly trying to get with Javier morally wrong, which many players think.
I also must ask, you made up the part about Kate being pregnant, so could you share some proof the David was actively abusing Kate?
I didn't know today was opposite day! How about that.. Or perhaps you could be an undercover writer from A New Frontier. Only thing season 3 had better than the predecessor games was the graphics were best. Season 2 was a downgrade then New Frontier wrecked whatever was left that made sense with the series. Still don't care nor understand the purpose of the Garcia's being focused on so much only to go back to Clem next season as though they realized doing that was a big mistake. Which it was because I really wasn't feeling Javi having so much focus in the plot. Having followed Lee Clem and Kenny for so long to suddenly do this was a turn off. Garcia's weren't all that interesting either which didn't help.
The writing in ANF for the story and characters literally makes no sense. I'm not sure how anyone could say that it was even close to being as good as season 1 or 2.
Are you really high?
No, I don't work for Telltale. David had a short temper and he hits Javi in episode 1. Joan notices that Javi is the opposite of David. On the ledge, David asks Javi how he can be more like him.
Megami, wait until you see my Season 2 video, I've got pages written down.
There is no way you're going to be able to create a convincing argument that season 2's writing was anywhere near as inconsistent as you're implying. ANF makes zero sense in so many places.
I'm laughing so hard right now
There could be such a thing as possessing very low standards of what is personally acceptable.
Easy, people. No need to trash the OP just because they like something you didn't. It's not a crime to have an opinion different than yours.
Would be nice if they gave a logical argument though.
I cannot comprehend how someone can say that S3 was more coherent as a whole than S2 was
I mean, I'm one of the few people here that doesn't hate S2 or S3, and this is still baffling to me
Its nice that you enjoyed ANF and all but im sorry it saddens me that you accept this garbage Telltale made. This game was the biggest crock of shite i’ve played since Survival Instinct. In fact its hard to even call this a game because 90% of the episodes were cutscenss and dialogue choices:
Episodes were an hour long or barely scraped that length in S3. Season 1 on the other hand were 2 hours + long to 2 and a half hours.
As i said above, each episode was mostly cutscenes and choosing dialogue.
Telltale lied to us numerous times. They claimed Episode 1 was too big to fit into one episode which was why they made Ties That Bind into 2 parts. I felt like punching someone in the face after finding out that bullshit. What a fucking joke that was! Also they said our Season 2 ending choices would matter? Really? For 5 seconds in a shitty irrelevant flashback? They also said Clementine would have MULTIPLE personalites based on your season 2 choices. Jesus Christ again, the biggest bullshit imaginable. She literally had the same personality no matter what you chose. I remember in Season 2 how they hyped up the 400 days characters saying they would play a HUGE part of In Harm’s Way but wow...just wow! We were given, 5 second cameos and that was IT! Lies and more lies which have continued.
Little to no gameplay in S3, we maybe got 2 or 3 areas per episode in which to explore/control Javier and even then the area’s were small with hardly anything to do except twiddle your thumbs.
No optional side quests or puzzles like they used to have in Season 1 which added flavour to the story.
Little to no hubs. When Javier examined something he would mostly stare blankly like an idiot where as at least with Lee he would say some hilarious things to himself about what he has looked at. Also the hubs disappeared in Season 3 once you had looked at something which i hated where as in Season 1 they didn’t.
Little to no character development. What do we know about Kate’s life besides being married to David? What do we know about Tripp or Eleanor besides what we see in the game? Or Conrad? Ava? Where is the imagination or background stories to these characters? At least in Season 1 we got to know a bit about every single character. For example, we learned about the St John’s, their father Terry planned to build a 3 story house, the dairy farm once being a popular tourist place, Andy earning a college degree, Danny once winning a baseball trophy etc. Vernon had a daughter he lost in the first few weeks of the ZA, he had a brother in Macon, even the Stranger had background to his character, a little league coach, 2 children and his wife. So where is all that in A New Frontier? The only developed characters (if i can even call them developed) was Javier and David but even they were pretty weak. This has been where Telltale has badly lacked and you know that it’s bad if i care more about someone like LARRY than ANY Season 3 character because we all know what an asshole he was!!
Little to no character interaction. What ever happened to being able to talk to 4 or 5 characters and asking him or her questions to learn more about themselves? Or choosing optional dialogue which could later affect the story or the relationship between another character? Speaking of which, what ever happened to personality changes like the way Kenny, Lilly or Vernon treated Lee depending on his choices? Why didn’t they have ANF characters treat Javier differently based on his choices? Oh sure you get one scene where David fights with you at the start of Episode 4 or you hug it out otherwise but is that it?? Why do the choices not carry over (or at least feel like they do) into each episode? At least in Season 1 every single thing you said or did felt like it mattered. Why for example does Clementine not seem to treat Javier differently if you sided with Conrad in episode 2? Or why does that scene never get mentioned again? Its like it never existed? There was so much potential there like Clem could have had a bad relationship with Javier, maybe critiscise him now and again, just something to make us feel like it was worth it but no they gave us nothing.
The worst part for me was the way they handled the flashbacks/our Season 2 ending choices. That was like taking the biggest shit on original Telltale fans with how they did that. Killing off Kenny and Jane within 5 minutes, especially Kenny who had been around since the start. It was horribly rushed, badly thought of and the animation of the way Kenny and Jane looked physically made me ill and i have never felt like that about a game before, not in that way. Telltale could have easily made Kenny, Jane or even Edith somehow relevant to Season 3’s story but no they decided to take The predicable lazy route as they always do with determinant characters. Oh but sure they decided to make Conrad determinant and survive the entire season but he still wasn’t relevant really after he became determinant.
Well i have gone way overboard again with my rant lol. Apologies. I have loads more to say but i’d be here for a week. It’s fine that you like Season 3 but for the majority of us, it was a disgrace especially the price of the game being more or the same as Season 1. If it was ten times cheaper i may have not been as bothered. Maybe...
Thank you!! I forgot how awesome you were lol. I couldn’t agree more with everything you said
I already did on numerous occasions and you didn't like what I had to say.
You compared the generic, cheaply written characters of ANF to season 1 characters. Can you tell me literally anything interesting or non-cliche about the ANF characters on-par with Season 1 or even Season 2 characters? I doubt you'll be able to, they're all generic and poorly written.
You seem to ignore the plot holes of A New Frontier which are MUCH worse and noticeable than any writing in Season 2. Let me let them out for you:
So yeah, I don't see why you hate Season 2's writing more than A New Frontier's writing.
(Took me 4 hours to make this comment, Jesus Christ).
I disagree with with all of this.
This doesn't bother me at all. Michonne was three episodes long and it was great.
How is this a problem ? I enjoyed the cutscenes.
They did lie about 400 Days and I've said that they should have been the main group instead of the cabin group. The Kenny and Jane flashbacks could have been handled better. I would have written them to where they kill lots of walkers before they are taken down finally. I called it ages ago when I said that there should have been only one S2 ending and it should have been Wellington. I've already said that Clem has been alone for years without Aj and so she has taken on a Michonne personality.
Read 2.
Good riddance to them. Trying to start a train or look for a coin adds nothing to the story. There actually were hubs to talk and interact with people. The junkyard and the Bar are two examples.
Make up your own stories about them. It'd be rude to ask Eleanor or Tripp about their personal lives. Javi would already know what Kate was like before the outbreak.
Read 5.
Read 3.