Will Telltale show off a Reveal trailer for Season 4 at the Game Awards

Okay so we're only like a few months away until Season 4 releases if you think about it. I am saying this now that Telltale will probably show us a Reveal Trailer for Season 4 at this years Game Awards like they did with ANF, But except that it was a 5 minute Trailer. I say they will show us a reveal trailer or a 5 minute Trailer. What do you guys think.
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The Game Awards is this December. So likely Telltale will give us at least an actual release date with a teaser trailer.
Definitely. I mean they love showing stuff off at The Game Awards,
It’s a safe bet they will, especially if they’re aiming for a March/April release. If not, I’ll be extremely disappointed.
I bet it will be touted as the largest season yet with a premier episode so large...they need to split it in two. Good times.
This is what I predict would happen, yes. Telltale generally makes major announcements at the end of each year.
Season 4 is coming around Q2 2018, and we've yet to hear tons of info, so news at Game Awards 2017 would definitely make the most sense.
Yup. If not that, then something from them.
I know they said early 2018, but I don't think it'll be that early. There may be some information, but I'm not sure about a trailer.
I have to agree, I think it's still a bit early for a trailer. I wouldn't expect something like that until 2018.
I'm assuming that, if most lessons haven't been learned for not repeating previous seasons' bad traits, they'll put out a teaser/info that won't be accurate to the final product, and that, if those lessons WERE learned instead, we'll get a bunch of new straddling-spoiler-territory details.
Telltale should at least give us some information at The Game Awards, we have had no information so far and it premieres in less than half a year away.
I certainly hope to see a trailer or some new details at the Game Awards. When are the game rewards and where could I watch it?
You can watch the live celebration on Thursday, December 7 across all major digital, gaming, and social platforms. The program will also be distributed in multiple languages.
That is great!!!! Thank you so much for informing me. I can't wait to watch it!!
Either we will be getting information, release date or a teaser trailer. By the looks of things this doesn’t look good for The Walking Dead with no news
we might get a teaser of the walking dead the final season and telltale announcin.g a new IP
I dunno...do they go ahead and do a teaser or two....or do they just continue to work on S4 and TWAU S2 without comment until spring? So far nothing has been mentioned and perhaps that is for the best right now.
Seems a bit fishy that there is no information yet...
I believe that they will show the game at the Game Awards because that is a big event that is viewed by millions of gamers from all over the world. TellTale's best chance to show off the game would be at The Game Awards since they are hoping for a Spring 2018 release date. I hope to see both The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us Season 2 at The Game Awards.
I guess they will, I hope tt's twd final season with Clem will be worth it, I feel like this game has been drawn out though... So, while I am ready to see it end, I will miss it also, so I am not really not sure how I am feeling
This is why I'm glad they're closing the arc now. It's at the sweet spot where closing the story isn't premature but also isn't overdue.
Does anyone know if Telltale will be at The Game Awards today?
I doubt Telltale will even be there
I'm wondering if telltale will even be there tonight. From what I can see it doesn't look like it.
I hope so! If they do, I wouldn't expect anything big. Maybe a small teaser at most. I hope I'm wrong.
Anything yet?
When do you think we will get information about Season 4?
PAX South (January 12th-14th) or PAX East (April 5th-8th) are possible dates where they could get publicity unless they decide to just announce things on their social media.
If they're planning on releasing the episode like they said (Somewhere in April / May) then my bet is on PAX South