Season 4: I Hope It Settles Old Grudges From Previous Seasons (Lilly, Bonnie etc)
I really really hope we see a return of some of the characters who crossed us then up'd and vanished in previous seasons. I mean characters like Lilly who shot Carly damn thanks to Lilly poor Lee went out without ever getting some much needed romance to get over his awful ex. Also Bonnie and that annoying Russian deserve some payback. However one character I would like to see return who I'd say many fans liked, was Molly who featured in one or two episodes I believe back in season 1.
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Well I do not think Clem has anything against Lilly...Lee told her that Lilly was hurting inside and made her do a bad for Bonnie...I fault her for thinking it was ok to take all the food...but not for leaving or for Clem getting shot.
Season 4: I Hope It Settles Old Grudges From Previous Seasons (Lilly, Bonnie etc)
If Lilly returns, it would be interesting to see Clementine’s and her’s relationship. I think that Molly’s arc is complete, not really fussed over, hopefully just keeps her unknown. Agreed, with Bonnie and Arvo, we gave them so many chances, they do not deserve another.
As much as I'd like to see Lilly and Bonnie come back, you know who really deserves closure?
Honestly I forgot about her, they just threw her and Omid under the bus at the start of season 2. If she does come back I'm sure she will be as bitter as ever.
I'm sure there are other characters who I can't think of who could return but I always liked Molly's character. Felt like she was someone for Clementine to look up to and it would be interesting to see how her character developed if she is still out there. Like Kenny's arc pretty much ended in season 1 but he kept coming back for more lol.
Christa deserves closure for sure! Her arc is not complete, felt like Telltale just didn’t want her anymore
While I would like to see Lilly or Molly again, the only ones I have an interest in returning is Christa for a heartfelt reunion, and Arvo and Bonnie because as opposed to Lilly, they are people that Clementine actually have a beef with, and it would be interesting to be given a choice to forgive them or not, or just straight up shoot them
I just wanna kill Arvo, but I think the stupid shit is already dead, he wouldn't last a day alone.
Bonnie probably won't return since she can be dead. Like she is for me. We do need Arvo, Mike, Christa and Lily back though
Mike can also be dead.
Didn't they edit out the option for Clem to kill Mike?
Yeah, but there are people who still have him dead in their saves (or have access to the option to).
well its non canon now so its not gonna be taken into account when it gets imported.
Yeah but imagine how infuriated we will be when we are forced into going along with Lilly and she has this whole forced redemption arc even though I would realistically just shoot her in the face immediately.
Lilly doesn't get redemption, she comes back so we can kill her lol. Its depressing that she is likely the only one apart from Clementine to survive the original group.
Oh good, just what we need--MORE gratuitous negativity and distracting wankery!
Personally, I really don't see any need for returning characters with previously bad blood with Clementine--if they ever truly had one to begin with. Aside from the obligatory Arvo(who had his story/character arc & dynamic with Clementine derailed/hijacked by Kenny anyway), the few characters that even remotely applies to are either already determinantly dead(Bonnie, formerly Mike, originally Tavia) or too old news/irrelevant to really matter(Lilly, Vernon, Tavia(again), Mike, Joan). Meanwhile, Sarah-Black(or rather, Purple) there really shouldn't be brought back unless they plan on actually doing something constructive/substantial with him and Becca never really got officially placed into the role & is way past obsolete at this point. And after all the excess screentime, focus, and "fanservice" Kenny got, Lilly more than deserves to come back with her own [little] story arc since she kinda got misdirected into a weird limbo by a intended tie-in deal gone wrong.
Just introduce a new villain that ACTUALLY acts as a personal antagonist as well as a proper Evil Counterpart for Clementine in what they initially teased as "Her Story" and save yourselves some trouble.
Though considering how many opportunities they've missed at this point, not to mention the critical issues with the last eight episodes and Clementine herself, I kinda doubt it'll be worth getting to invested in without enough package in the deal. But then, that might just be me not having any real reason or drive to be interested in The Final Season.
Honestly, I'd be very disappointed(albeit not surprised from a cynical standpoint) if she did wanna hurt Lilly without any real provocation or reason.
Yeah, at least assuming you were on good terms and/or tried to save Luke. The latter point is notable in that, if you actually pay attention to her wording and body language at specific points, it's kinda apparent that she never really trusted Arvo to begin with and was just going along with Mike.
It would be an opportunity for Telltale to makes our saves matter. The reunions in question could differ considerably depending on whether Lee parted ways with Lilly on good terms or ditched her and whether Clementine tried to help Luke or shot the walkers. They really wrote themselves into a corner with Arvo imo. He shoots Clem no matter if she defends him constantly. I also agree without a group he would be unlikely to survive and Mike and determinant Bonnie weren't the most altruistic companions a boy could want.
Yeah, they really kinda did. I actually really like the idea of him being driven and darkened to the point that he'd be willing to actually hurt her when he obviously couldn't even fake having the ability to do so in his introduction, but Kenny really diluted the buildup and impact of it way more than he should've.
Well, Mike was. He was probably gonna be a little more sketchy originally, but honestly, one of the main things that really made his underplayed character click with me on later research influenced watches/playthrough was his sense of camaraderie and protectiveness.
I hope we get some resolution for those threads, but I feel like we might not.
What I feel would be best for that, is if after Clementine's Final Season is complete, Telltale doesn't reboot the series with someone new just yet. Maybe they could make a few mini-series chronicling the events of the missing characters. What happened to Lily, Christa, Mike and the Gang... I'd even go to say we should get a small Kenny series about how he escaped and what he did between Seasons 1 and 2.
No...first off it would raise questions like...well if Kenny escaped why did he not try to get to the Marsh House? Plus I think it is just one of those him meeting Sarita would be a waste because she was killed unceremoniously like she was nothing. I mean sure Kenny went all Emo...but we knew nothing about her...she was a non-character.
Lily and Christa...sure...Bonnie and Mike...don't give a crap....unless it is to put a bullet into Arvo.
Yah. And I think Christa would be more inclined to help Clementine with AJ, since she almost became a mother herslef. For all I know, Lilly didn't have any kids, or desired to raise any, since she was in the air force trying to make her dad proud. And we can't really trust Bonnie anymore. (Did we trust her in the first place?) Things could've changed in these past few years, but I'm still leaning on Christa helping out.
Technically she and Mike let Arvo get hold of a gun. Not completely their fault no, but they trusted him too much and they shouldn’t have
Vernon coming back would be interesting though ridiculous as well. I imagine him showing up on the boat he stole haha. He was after all as Joyce said "lost with that goddamned boat" rather than outright saying he was "dead"!
It would never happen but damn it would be interesting to me.
Oh man I forgot about Vernon, when there was finally a bit of hope them guys came and had to screw everything up for the season 1 group by stealing that boat.
Little did she/we know that Vernon and the boat became one the moment he stepped on it and thus decided to go pursue his new destiny as a faux-submarine.
I made a thread awhile back questioning if TellTale should bring back characters given their shoddy treatment in the past. I mean, Christa and Omid were poorly done and the 400 Days cast in season 2 were extremely lackluster, but Jane, Edith and especially Kenny's treatment in season 3 were just... insulting. If you can't do it right, don't do it at all.
Yeah the 400 days cast actually had some interesting characters too. My favourite being the guy who was bound for prison when the outbreak hit.
No offense to you or any of your opinions, but, as I've said in other threads, I would rather not have any character return in person. This feels like it would just be used as a cheap plot device imitating the absolutely heartwarming and unexpected return of Kenny in Season 2. I am looking forward to some SWANKY flashbacks (you know, the gross character models used for Kenny and Jane in ANF
). Seriously, though. I would love to get some Lee flashback action in the Final Season. Maybe like a scene between him and Clem we never saw while playing Season 1. Speaking of Lee, my hope is that we get to meet his wife this season (wait a minute- didn't I just say I don't want Season 2 copied? I'm such a freaking hypocrite). We get some kind of insight on the man was before his apocalypse, his life before. Maybe his wife could be the leader of McCarroll Ranch, and she refuses to part with the baby. Thus, Clem forms a conflicted friendship with this woman, who turns out to be kind of mentally broken. That could be the big twist at the end of episode 1: that the woman who's taking care of AJ is Lee's ex-wife. Clem could find a photograph or something. I should probably stop, since I've gotten off topic, but yeah, that's my basic opinion.
"Lost" can often be used to mean fatalities as in soldiers lost during the war. Or they lost their mother to breast cancer.. Joyce from 400 days also said Brie was "lost" and she was blatantly shown to be violently killed back at that elementary school classroom that Lee and gang was in. Like as in Carly was "lost" in similar fashion at the drugstore with her first death. When it came to walker attack kills, I think Carly, Sarah and Brie probably got it the worst for the series thus far unless season four tops those which I doubt. I genuinely got a bit anxious for Sarah because my Clementine wanted to save her both times.
Sooo, youre calling out any other returning character as a cheap plot device but not Kenny? Kenny bias much? Kenny should absolutely not have returned, yes it was a nice reunion, but it weakened the hell out of Season 2s story, Kenny comes in and steals the spotlight as well as the entire plot from under the nose of all the new characters who end up with little to no development at all as a result.
Not to mention that Kenny had a perfectly good character arc in season 1 which concluded well, only to throw all that on the floor and bring him back and give him a, totally over the top, and frankly quite out of character at times, new story arc that made little to no sense
It also said this at the end of Season 1:
And we all know what happened when Kenny was “lost” lol. Lost could mean many things as you pointed out. I know deep down that Vernon is probably dead but technically the way Joyce said it was never clear enough to suggest he had officially “died” is all i am saying. I always think it’s fun to keep the mystery going in some ways haha
To be fair i couldn’t see Telltale writing good development for the cabin crew characters even if Kenny hadn’t returned anyway. I say this because of the way it had been going from the get go. We didn’t get a lot of development in Episode 1 or Episode 2 leading up to the ski lodge anyway. Not to mention the constant rewrites they did throughout the game. Telltale were all over the place and have been since 2013. I get what you are saying though
If you think Vernon could make a interesting comeback to the story.. then let me ask you.. how? I'd think he'd be last place for returning characters. I'm sure Omid or Christa told Clem about his betrayal. But he kind of didn't really effect nor hurt Clementine as much as possibly the rest of the group since he weasely hijacked the group's ⛵ boat during Clementine's kidnapping by the Stranger.
I already killed Bonnie so only to left to kill is Arvo and Lilly
Dude you’re right and I don’t ever expect him to lol! I was just saying i like the mystery of never knowing for certain his actual fate. It’s the same for Lilly and Christa, for them to show up again is just so unlikely and silly given the last known locations.
I think if all these characters do come back then Clementine shouldn't act shocked or amazed and should just go with it. When Kenny came back it was amazing and shocking, so i'm glad that was Clementine's reaction to it. Acting shocked or surprised when it keeps happening would look stupid. I think a lot of fans basically admitted defeat after how bad season 3 was and just want their favourite characters back now.
I would like to see Kenny back in season 4 because I believe that he has the charisma, the personality, the strength of character and the fanbase to save the series. And not in some small ass cameo either. As the main character please. Kenny isn't a cameo character. It didn't work for him in season 3 at all. I don't really care how he comes back, as long as he does.
Another character I would really like to see back is Becca from 400 days. Great character - caused a stir among the fanbase and I know she will have great character dynamics with Clementine.
I sorta agree with that, but only determinantly. In Lilly's case, she was either stranded (so her hitching a ride soon enough while fending for herself seems Kenny-levels of lucky, even with 4 years of ZA) or she stole the RV (which was running low but still could've taken her north enough to let her keep going). With Christa, she was already close to where Clem is now and seems to be a pretty capable survivor outside of when Clem is involved, so her only hindrance would be whether or not she escaped the group that attacked them in All That Remains.