I agree. A series of stories released as DLC like 400 Days or even as a shorter minigame wouldn't run the risk of derailing the fourth season either. Best of both worlds bc I do want to find out what happened to certain characters.
I hope we get some resolution for those threads, but I feel like we might not.
What I feel would be best for that, is if after Clementine'… mores Final Season is complete, Telltale doesn't reboot the series with someone new just yet. Maybe they could make a few mini-series chronicling the events of the missing characters. What happened to Lily, Christa, Mike and the Gang... I'd even go to say we should get a small Kenny series about how he escaped and what he did between Seasons 1 and 2.
It would have been cool if those characters had been the group in season 2 instead of Luke's faction, not that there weren't some interesting dynamics there too. False advertising was the central issue with 400 Days. It should have been marketed as an introduction for a character who would play a role in season 2. Keep the mystery of which character by having them all go to Carver's camp at the end.
Kenny returning? I think I'd rather shoot myself in face. . I apologise. I didn't mean for my previous comment to sound rude. What I was trying to express is that no charactet from previous seasons should reappear. I'm not a Kenny junkie, and I agree that he's become way too idolized. I loved him in Season 2, but I'd never want to bring him back. Sorry for the confusion.
Sooo, youre calling out any other returning character as a cheap plot device but not Kenny? Kenny bias much? Kenny should absolutely not hav… moree returned, yes it was a nice reunion, but it weakened the hell out of Season 2s story, Kenny comes in and steals the spotlight as well as the entire plot from under the nose of all the new characters who end up with little to no development at all as a result.
Not to mention that Kenny had a perfectly good character arc in season 1 which concluded well, only to throw all that on the floor and bring him back and give him a, totally over the top, and frankly quite out of character at times, new story arc that made little to no sense
Yes there are possibilities. Where exactly was Christa and Clem when they got separated? It wasn’t that near Virginia surely? I still stand by what i have always said. Kenny’s return was a stretch for realism but i accepted it because they hadn’t had a returning character at that point before but doing it again for Christa or Lilly would just feel like fan service to me and that such a long time has passed, i can’t see either coincidentally finding each other again unless Clem went back to those same area’s on the chance Lilly/Christa was still there
I sorta agree with that, but only determinantly. In Lilly's case, she was either stranded (so her hitching a ride soon enough while fending … morefor herself seems Kenny-levels of lucky, even with 4 years of ZA) or she stole the RV (which was running low but still could've taken her north enough to let her keep going). With Christa, she was already close to where Clem is now and seems to be a pretty capable survivor outside of when Clem is involved, so her only hindrance would be whether or not she escaped the group that attacked them in All That Remains.
Whatever character they decide to bring back (if any at all), my only wish is that Telltale gives them a truly meaningful role in the overarching story and enforcing it's themes, as well as reigning them back just enough to keep them from stealing screen time from the new characters. I don't want Telltale to feel pressured into inserting returning characters purely because fans feel they still have a score to settle, or just due to a lack of closure in general, and not have a solid plan on how their presence effects the story.
I'm mostly worried that if that were the case then we'd get something like Jesus in A New Frontier, a character who was essentially just there for fan service and could've been taken out of the story completely with very little needed to be altered. Or something similar to Kenny's return in Season 2 that, while I did enjoy his extended arc, did undoubtedly take away development time from some of the new survivors introduced in that season, namely the cabin group.
That said, if any character were to return I would personally prefer it to be someone who has yet to actually meet Clementine, the one exception being possibly Christa if they really play with her complicated relationship with Clem well enough (I'd be interested in seeing how she reacts towards AJ given how she probably fell into PTSD from her miscarriage and the death of her husband)
On the subject of returning characters, here are some quick thoughts on those I'd like to see:
I think the Fairbank family from Michonne would be a great addition to The Final Season, possibly providing Clem the revelation that not all families fall into complete dysfunction at the first sight of tragedy or loss, as the Fairbanks seemed sound enough despite the sudden deaths of multiple family members. The kids themselves could be a good contrast to both Sarah and Gabe with the right character development. Both not feeling the need to prove themselves like Gabe but still doing their best to adapt to the world around them and also having an chance to actually put skills Clem taught them to good use unlike Sarah (sadly). i don't know if Sam's determinant status lowers the chances of the family appearing or not however (I don't believe characters who's fates are too drastically determined by player choice have a chance of appearing but you never know.)
If written well enough I feel that Nate could become an excellent antagonist or even reluctant supporting character for Clementine with a bit more characterization. Given enough screen time to flesh out I can see him being a Anti-Kenny of sorts (right down to both of them having the same hat design with different colors) and maybe even serve as the flip side to Kenny's other extremist foil Carver.
If the writers are careful enough to not go too far with his bumbling and inadvertantly turn him into the scrappy Eddie could be a welcoming comic relief somewhat reminiscent of Omid. Should Eddie and Clem meet his lightheartedness could possibly remind her of Omid and subsequently Christa, rejuvenating her hopes of finding her, which could parallel Omid's own quest of finding Wyatt should he still be searching for him (could also double as dramatic irony should Wyatt have joined Carver's group since Clem never caught his name during his S2 cameo and thus can't tell Eddie she's seen him.)
While they technically can meet Clem, Shel and Becca never have any significant interaction with her outside of their cameo in S2. It's pretty easy to see the contrast between Shel's and Carlos's parenting styles and how their respective children adapted to the apocalypse because of them, and this could pose another interesting possible foil callback to Season 2 to be explored should Shel and Becca be brought back. This is also the one possible bad blood scenario I could get behind the most, as I could see Shel and Becca having opposing attitudes towards Clem because of it the calamity that occurred at Howes: Shel being willing to let bygones be bygones and and Becca holding nothing but resentment towards Clem due to the incident and maybe becoming something of a begrudgingly courteous rival of hers. Of course since them appearing at the Howes disaster is determinant it's a bit iffy as to if their return is possible.
Even if Telltale doesn't bring back any of these characters (which is very likely, Christa being the exception) I'll be okay with it (albeit somewhat disappointed) as long as Telltale does a stellar job with the characters they do make or bring back.
Whatever character they decide to bring back (if any at all), my only wish is that Telltale gives them a truly meaningful role in the overarching story and enforcing it's themes, as well as reigning them back just enough to keep them from stealing screen time from the new characters
possibly providing Clem the revelation that not all families fall into complete dysfunction at the first sight of tragedy or loss,
According to Telltale themselves, that's what the Garcias were, hence Clementine's renewed attitude at the end of ANF.
Makes that Teamup to Save Richmond ending all the more stupid, doesn't it?
Shel and Becca
Uh...I have...conflicting thoughts on this that I don't really think are major enough to bother talking about right now, but I sorta get what you're saying.
Whatever character they decide to bring back (if any at all), my only wish is that Telltale gives them a truly meaningful role in the overar… moreching story and enforcing it's themes, as well as reigning them back just enough to keep them from stealing screen time from the new characters. I don't want Telltale to feel pressured into inserting returning characters purely because fans feel they still have a score to settle, or just due to a lack of closure in general, and not have a solid plan on how their presence effects the story.
I'm mostly worried that if that were the case then we'd get something like Jesus in A New Frontier, a character who was essentially just there for fan service and could've been taken out of the story completely with very little needed to be altered. Or something similar to Kenny's return in Season 2 that, while I did enjoy his extended arc, did undoubtedly take away development time from some of the new survivors in… [view original content]
According to Telltale themselves, that's what the Garcias were, hence Clementine's renewed attitude at the end of ANF.
Yeah I remember that. All things considered they were a pretty functional family before David was back in the picture. Surviving 4 years in nothing but a van is pretty impressive. I just think The Fairbanks could provide another example of one where the parental figures aren't currently in a state of conflicting alliances when she first meets them
Makes that Teamup to Save Richmond ending all the more stupid, doesn't it?
Yes I suppose so, though admittedly Gabe's death scene is pretty much my favorite moment out of the entire game purely because it had the most emotional impact in my opinion (determinant kiss aside).
If only Telltale wasn't so ham-fisted with both David and Gabe's more negative traits as well as Gabentine. Then Telltale probably wouldn't have felt the need to make them determinant in response to the backlash, especially Gabe.
Uh...I have...conflicting thoughts on this that I don't really think are major enough to bother talking about right now, but I sorta get what you're saying.
I understand. This was just me throwing ideas out there on how these characters could possibly be implemented, I didn't mean thats how I expect to come back or anything. As long as the reappearance of any character is done meaningfully I'll be fine with however Telltale interprets their own characters. I'll elaborate a little further on the three though:
When I said Nate could be an Anti Kenny I didn't mean he's the other side of Kenny that Carver isn't (I highly doubt Kenny is a pervert). I should've worded it a bit differently. What I meant was Nate's reemergence could fulfill a sort of twisted trinity of the 3 main ways the ZA can break an average man in the apocalypse along with Carver and Kenny. At the most basic, Carver focuses on the future, Nate focuses on the present, and Kenny focuses on the past. Carver gave up his humanity to build a better tomorrow, Nate gave up his humanity in order to thrive in the liberating lawlessness of the new world, and S2 Kenny lost his last shred of humanity after seemingly failing to rekindle the family he lost after Jane deceived him into thinking AJ died.
Eddie isn't exactly like Omid, obviously, but at the same time Clementine hasn't encountered anyone remotely similar to Omid since his death to my recollection, unless you count Reggie but to me he seemed more awkward than funny (though I did enjoy his character don't get me wrong.) Eddie's appearance could also show to Clem that there are still people out there willing to make light out of and in spite of the grim situations they find themselves in (which could also be applied to Nate in a much more demented fashion.)
I'll admit that "nothing but resentment" is a bit too extreme, and Shel should be distrusting of Clem to some degree, but I still think Becca being a rival to Clementine would be pretty fitting. Maybe she could develop from a slightly antagonistic rival to a more friendly, teasing one as the story unfolds. I think it would go along with her character nicely since Becca seems to be the kind of person to want to one up people.
Whatever character they decide to bring back (if any at all), my only wish is that Telltale gives them a truly meaningful role in the overar… moreching story and enforcing it's themes, as well as reigning them back just enough to keep them from stealing screen time from the new characters
possibly providing Clem the revelation that not all families fall into complete dysfunction at the first sight of tragedy or loss,
According to Telltale themselves, that's what the Garcias were, hence Clementine's renewed attitude at the end of ANF.
Makes that Teamup to Save Richmond ending all the more stupid, doesn't it?
Shel and Becca
Uh...I have...conflicting thoughts on this that I don't really think are major enough to bother talking about right now, but I sorta get what you're saying.
It would have been cool if those characters had been the group in season 2 instead of Luke's faction, not that there weren't some interestin… moreg dynamics there too. False advertising was the central issue with 400 Days. It should have been marketed as an introduction for a character who would play a role in season 2. Keep the mystery of which character by having them all go to Carver's camp at the end.
I've said it before, but I'll say it again; I don't want any villains in the final season. I'm tired of there being villains in every single piece of entertainment, ever. I mean I understand why people do this, you have to root for someone in a story. But here's the thing; we're always going to root for Clementine no matter what her story is. How about we get a good feel-good story for once in a Telltale game? Have Clementine find AJ, and have her return to Richmond with Javier to see what her life is going to be like, considering this is going to be the last time we see her.
You could also bring back season 1 characters if you want, since we've already got writers returning. I don't really care if it doesn't make sense story-wise. These characters deserve better, and I prefer stories that go out with no loose ends.
Also, Bonnie is a determinant character, so good luck with her returning!
I think that telltale should have a Season 4 dlc where we find out what happened to characters like Molly, Lilly, Mike, Bonnie (for people who have her alive), and Arvo. It would be styled like 400 days, where we play though the different characters stories. I think that most of us walking dead fans would love for telltale to do this.
I know that the way these characters have been treated is cruel and they don't deserve it. But you know why we like them so much? Because they are suffering in such a way! And somehow through all the shit that is thrown at them, it doesn't change them for the worse. It's something that we, in a way, aspire to be like, and these survivors are setting a good example for what humanity should be able to endure.
I've said it before, but I'll say it again; I don't want any villains in the final season. I'm tired of there being villains in every single… more piece of entertainment, ever. I mean I understand why people do this, you have to root for someone in a story. But here's the thing; we're always going to root for Clementine no matter what her story is. How about we get a good feel-good story for once in a Telltale game? Have Clementine find AJ, and have her return to Richmond with Javier to see what her life is going to be like, considering this is going to be the last time we see her.
You could also bring back season 1 characters if you want, since we've already got writers returning. I don't really care if it doesn't make sense story-wise. These characters deserve better, and I prefer stories that go out with no loose ends.
Also, Bonnie is a determinant character, so good luck with her returning!
I think that telltale should have a Season 4 dlc where we find out what happened to characters like Molly, Lilly, Mike, Bonnie (for people who have her alive), and Arvo. It would be styled like 400 days, where we play though the different characters stories. I think that most of us walking dead fans would love for telltale to do this.
That's something I've been wanting as well.
That and/or an encyclopedia detailing various points about all the characters lives and giving some incite as to what the missing characters mindset and intentions were after they left the spotlight.
I think that telltale should have a Season 4 dlc where we find out what happened to characters like Molly, Lilly, Mike, Bonnie (for people w… moreho have her alive), and Arvo. It would be styled like 400 days, where we play though the different characters stories. I think that most of us walking dead fans would love for telltale to do this.
I think that telltale should have a Season 4 dlc where we find out what happened to characters like Molly, Lilly, Mike, Bonnie (for people w… moreho have her alive), and Arvo. It would be styled like 400 days, where we play though the different characters stories. I think that most of us walking dead fans would love for telltale to do this.
That's something I've been wanting as well.
That and/or an encyclopedia detailing various points about all the characters lives and giving some incite as to what the missing characters mindset and intentions were after they left the spotlight.
I agree. A series of stories released as DLC like 400 Days or even as a shorter minigame wouldn't run the risk of derailing the fourth season either. Best of both worlds bc I do want to find out what happened to certain characters.
It would have been cool if those characters had been the group in season 2 instead of Luke's faction, not that there weren't some interesting dynamics there too. False advertising was the central issue with 400 Days. It should have been marketed as an introduction for a character who would play a role in season 2. Keep the mystery of which character by having them all go to Carver's camp at the end.
Kenny returning? I think I'd rather shoot myself in face.
. I apologise. I didn't mean for my previous comment to sound rude. What I was trying to express is that no charactet from previous seasons should reappear. I'm not a Kenny junkie, and I agree that he's become way too idolized. I loved him in Season 2, but I'd never want to bring him back. Sorry for the confusion. 
Yes there are possibilities. Where exactly was Christa and Clem when they got separated? It wasn’t that near Virginia surely? I still stand by what i have always said. Kenny’s return was a stretch for realism but i accepted it because they hadn’t had a returning character at that point before but doing it again for Christa or Lilly would just feel like fan service to me and that such a long time has passed, i can’t see either coincidentally finding each other again unless Clem went back to those same area’s on the chance Lilly/Christa was still there
Whatever character they decide to bring back (if any at all), my only wish is that Telltale gives them a truly meaningful role in the overarching story and enforcing it's themes, as well as reigning them back just enough to keep them from stealing screen time from the new characters. I don't want Telltale to feel pressured into inserting returning characters purely because fans feel they still have a score to settle, or just due to a lack of closure in general, and not have a solid plan on how their presence effects the story.
I'm mostly worried that if that were the case then we'd get something like Jesus in A New Frontier, a character who was essentially just there for fan service and could've been taken out of the story completely with very little needed to be altered. Or something similar to Kenny's return in Season 2 that, while I did enjoy his extended arc, did undoubtedly take away development time from some of the new survivors introduced in that season, namely the cabin group.
That said, if any character were to return I would personally prefer it to be someone who has yet to actually meet Clementine, the one exception being possibly Christa if they really play with her complicated relationship with Clem well enough (I'd be interested in seeing how she reacts towards AJ given how she probably fell into PTSD from her miscarriage and the death of her husband)
On the subject of returning characters, here are some quick thoughts on those I'd like to see:
I think the Fairbank family from Michonne would be a great addition to The Final Season, possibly providing Clem the revelation that not all families fall into complete dysfunction at the first sight of tragedy or loss, as the Fairbanks seemed sound enough despite the sudden deaths of multiple family members. The kids themselves could be a good contrast to both Sarah and Gabe with the right character development. Both not feeling the need to prove themselves like Gabe but still doing their best to adapt to the world around them and also having an chance to actually put skills Clem taught them to good use unlike Sarah (sadly). i don't know if Sam's determinant status lowers the chances of the family appearing or not however (I don't believe characters who's fates are too drastically determined by player choice have a chance of appearing but you never know.)
If written well enough I feel that Nate could become an excellent antagonist or even reluctant supporting character for Clementine with a bit more characterization. Given enough screen time to flesh out I can see him being a Anti-Kenny of sorts (right down to both of them having the same hat design with different colors) and maybe even serve as the flip side to Kenny's other extremist foil Carver.
If the writers are careful enough to not go too far with his bumbling and inadvertantly turn him into the scrappy Eddie could be a welcoming comic relief somewhat reminiscent of Omid. Should Eddie and Clem meet his lightheartedness could possibly remind her of Omid and subsequently Christa, rejuvenating her hopes of finding her, which could parallel Omid's own quest of finding Wyatt should he still be searching for him (could also double as dramatic irony should Wyatt have joined Carver's group since Clem never caught his name during his S2 cameo and thus can't tell Eddie she's seen him.)
While they technically can meet Clem, Shel and Becca never have any significant interaction with her outside of their cameo in S2. It's pretty easy to see the contrast between Shel's and Carlos's parenting styles and how their respective children adapted to the apocalypse because of them, and this could pose another interesting possible foil callback to Season 2 to be explored should Shel and Becca be brought back. This is also the one possible bad blood scenario I could get behind the most, as I could see Shel and Becca having opposing attitudes towards Clem because of it the calamity that occurred at Howes: Shel being willing to let bygones be bygones and and Becca holding nothing but resentment towards Clem due to the incident and maybe becoming something of a begrudgingly courteous rival of hers. Of course since them appearing at the Howes disaster is determinant it's a bit iffy as to if their return is possible.
Even if Telltale doesn't bring back any of these characters (which is very likely, Christa being the exception) I'll be okay with it (albeit somewhat disappointed) as long as Telltale does a stellar job with the characters they do make or bring back.
According to Telltale themselves, that's what the Garcias were, hence Clementine's renewed attitude at the end of ANF.
Makes that Teamup to Save Richmond ending all the more stupid, doesn't it?
Uh...I have...conflicting thoughts on this that I don't really think are major enough to bother talking about right now, but I sorta get what you're saying.
Yeah I remember that. All things considered they were a pretty functional family before David was back in the picture. Surviving 4 years in nothing but a van is pretty impressive. I just think The Fairbanks could provide another example of one where the parental figures aren't currently in a state of conflicting alliances when she first meets them
Yes I suppose so, though admittedly Gabe's death scene is pretty much my favorite moment out of the entire game purely because it had the most emotional impact in my opinion (determinant kiss aside).
If only Telltale wasn't so ham-fisted with both David and Gabe's more negative traits as well as Gabentine. Then Telltale probably wouldn't have felt the need to make them determinant in response to the backlash, especially Gabe.
I understand. This was just me throwing ideas out there on how these characters could possibly be implemented, I didn't mean thats how I expect to come back or anything. As long as the reappearance of any character is done meaningfully I'll be fine with however Telltale interprets their own characters. I'll elaborate a little further on the three though:
When I said Nate could be an Anti Kenny I didn't mean he's the other side of Kenny that Carver isn't (I highly doubt Kenny is a pervert). I should've worded it a bit differently. What I meant was Nate's reemergence could fulfill a sort of twisted trinity of the 3 main ways the ZA can break an average man in the apocalypse along with Carver and Kenny. At the most basic, Carver focuses on the future, Nate focuses on the present, and Kenny focuses on the past. Carver gave up his humanity to build a better tomorrow, Nate gave up his humanity in order to thrive in the liberating lawlessness of the new world, and S2 Kenny lost his last shred of humanity after seemingly failing to rekindle the family he lost after Jane deceived him into thinking AJ died.
Eddie isn't exactly like Omid, obviously, but at the same time Clementine hasn't encountered anyone remotely similar to Omid since his death to my recollection, unless you count Reggie but to me he seemed more awkward than funny (though I did enjoy his character don't get me wrong.) Eddie's appearance could also show to Clem that there are still people out there willing to make light out of and in spite of the grim situations they find themselves in (which could also be applied to Nate in a much more demented fashion.)
I'll admit that "nothing but resentment" is a bit too extreme, and Shel should be distrusting of Clem to some degree, but I still think Becca being a rival to Clementine would be pretty fitting. Maybe she could develop from a slightly antagonistic rival to a more friendly, teasing one as the story unfolds. I think it would go along with her character nicely since Becca seems to be the kind of person to want to one up people.
I had all them go at the end.
I've said it before, but I'll say it again; I don't want any villains in the final season. I'm tired of there being villains in every single piece of entertainment, ever. I mean I understand why people do this, you have to root for someone in a story. But here's the thing; we're always going to root for Clementine no matter what her story is. How about we get a good feel-good story for once in a Telltale game? Have Clementine find AJ, and have her return to Richmond with Javier to see what her life is going to be like, considering this is going to be the last time we see her.
You could also bring back season 1 characters if you want, since we've already got writers returning. I don't really care if it doesn't make sense story-wise. These characters deserve better, and I prefer stories that go out with no loose ends.
Also, Bonnie is a determinant character, so good luck with her returning!
I think that telltale should have a Season 4 dlc where we find out what happened to characters like Molly, Lilly, Mike, Bonnie (for people who have her alive), and Arvo. It would be styled like 400 days, where we play though the different characters stories. I think that most of us walking dead fans would love for telltale to do this.
I know that the way these characters have been treated is cruel and they don't deserve it. But you know why we like them so much? Because they are suffering in such a way! And somehow through all the shit that is thrown at them, it doesn't change them for the worse. It's something that we, in a way, aspire to be like, and these survivors are setting a good example for what humanity should be able to endure.
That's something I've been wanting as well.
That and/or an encyclopedia detailing various points about all the characters lives and giving some incite as to what the missing characters mindset and intentions were after they left the spotlight.
ya the game shares very little with us of the characters' backgrounds except Lee, Clementine, and Kenny.
And Pete and Nick.