As an artist myself, I can honestly say that the new graphical update doesn't look good. At all.
"Let's just make the shadows a bit darker... yea... they'll pay $50 for that!!!"
Please look closely at these and tell me which one genuinely looks better:
(DISCLAIMER: Many of you may know that I give TWD a lot of crap. But, correction, I give ANF a lot of crap. I may hate ANF, but I still adore the story of season 1 and, for the most part, I enjoyed season 2. This post isn't about me shitting on the game, its about me explaining to you that the "update" is anything but that.)
I find it shocking that someone looked at this and thought it was enough of an improvement to charge people $50 for this, even if they already bought every installment that it comes with. "Spent $25 preodering each season, spending nearly $100 on point and click games? You don't get the new graphics in an update, you need to spend $50 more." Not to mention it doesn't even come with the finale season. But this isnt a rant about it not being an update, it's about it being an outright downgrade.
I have to be honest here. If you're really going to spend $50 on an old game you already have and played over and over for the last 6 years, just because it has some extra shadows and polygons that arent even noticeable, you're walking up to a thief and saying "Here's my wallet. Don't bother holding me at gunpoint. Just take it."
The shadows don't even look natural. They look like a flashlight was held to the characters faces, leaving overly dark shadows on the character's faces that don't correlate with the lighting in the current setting at all. I don't expect everyone to know how lighting works when it comes to things like art and graphical design. But, as a person who genuinely loved TWD (More season 1 and 2) and is professional artist who literally draws hyper realistic portraits, I can genuinely and honestly tell you that the lighting looks horribly off, and doesn't even constitute as an improvement. They added shadows to an engine who's foundation wasn't made for it. You cant build a new house on an hold, broken foundation.
TL;DR: The "update" is not better. As an artist, I can say that the shadows do not match the setting that the characters are in. They merely added a couple polygons and super dark shadows to make it look different, and are trying to charge you $50 for it.
I think the collection looks better....sorry.
I think the textures look a lot more detailed and visually appealing compared to the original, but the lighting is really weird. Feels like I'm looking at a shot from The Green Mile half the time.
I kinda like it.......
Be sorry for your terrible judge of video game graphics! what @Dont_look_back would probably say to you right now
But as it would turn out, I am not Dont_look_back, and I think I agree with you
Daze shitting on Jane every chance he gets
Looks pretty good to me. I'm not gonna buy it anytime soon but I still think it looks great.
/r/gatekeeping much ?
I think it looks better in some ways and worse in others. The lighting is iffy, in that it works for some scenes (The Gauntlet) but not others (Clem's house). The only real overhauls I noticed are Christa's head and Lee's eyes. It bothers me that the bodies of the models (and from the looks of it, Clem's head) have barely been updated, which makes it look like they didn't update the models (in terms of vertex/polygon count) at all. Still would like to get this on PC.
Telltale will never fool me into buying the collection just for graphical update. It's a middle finger to everyone who already owns the games digitally.
In some ways, it looks better and in some ways, it looks worse.
I feel like this whole thread was made only so DLB could plug her art page.
I think that considering the recent lay-offs Telltale is far from being in a stable economical state, I wouldn't doubt it if this was what they came up with when thinking "how can we make as much money as possible in the most inexpensive way there is?" I'm not going to say there wasn't some effort put into this, but it's easy to tell that this was a pretty superficial update which seems to only focus of making the textures of a few character and walker models more high res, adding this extremely odd lighting and voila, pay us 50 dollars you slav-... um, customers! Definitely a great deal if you're new to Telltale's TWD but a terrible one if you already own these games, as you said, it's literally throwing your money away.
Still salty over them making that PS4 theme pre-order exclusive... >:(
Pretty much agreed with the rest of comments.
I have never been able to property enjoy Season One's looks, partly because of its permanent washed-out color palette that made most models look as if they were covered in dust; and partly because of the low resolution of some models themselves. This was somewhat solved in Season Two, Michonne and A New Frontier.
And yet, I don't think I can be pleased by the look Collection offers Season One, either. Some models' resolutions have been expanded, and that's notable. They also improved a small handful of animations, going by the promotional trailer. But the new lighting floods the characters and environment with saturated lights and dramatic shadows. I did not realize this when I watched the preview, but, after speaking to some people—whom you can find on the thread—I can't unsee it. You might find this look appealing if you are into the look of into graphic novels, but it is a downgrade if you prefer a more organic approach to visuals.
This is definitely not worth your money if you've already played Season One. If you're—trigger warning: sensitive vocabulary—a newcomer, I guess it doesn't really matter which one you buy.
LMAO Daze I hate you.
LMFAO. Nah. Didn't even link my page anyways, just one piece.
Screw you least she was not like moron Kenny who got himself killed because he did not wear a seatbelt...she hung around!
The textures could use a little increase in resolution since they still look blurry.
I don't know where to post this, but if anyone want to see the new horrific episode menu of the collection, it's up on youtube by AFguide or something like that.
Really dislike that, no fan at all.
Another 'improvement' on this collection. Fans want the old menu, why take ut the fuck away? Makes no sense
A New Frontier is not canon to me.
I hope you can live with yourself after making that joke.
I'm surprised people were given early access to it. Anyway I totally agree, I really like the the texture/model updates but man - the new menu UI sucks massive donkey dick. What worries me is ANF credits music plays during the S1 episode credits... they better have not fucking removed the S2 credit songs.
Completely agree.
The lightning is what turning me off this collection thingy. The extra models and higher quality textures is good. The lightining on the original looks so much better. Lee's eyes in the collection are very weird, pretty sure that's because of these weird shadows too. The contrast between light and dark is too strong, they need to tonemap this better.
Honestly hope to GOD that Telltale doesn't use this dog dick of a menu system in S4...
No regrets...well except with all of S3..
The one on the right looks awful in my opinion. Why anyone would spend money on an upgrade 5 year old game that was never about graphics in the first place, I don't understand.
I gotta say, it does look horrible. The textures are better but the new lighting and shadow system is underwhelming as fuck.
IKR??? What is the point of remastering the games if they are already released digitally in console stores?
. > EVERYONE hates the new menu and is begging Telltale to go back to season 2's menu
. > Telltale: "We should replace the season 1 & 2 menu with the season 3 menu. They'll love it, who cares what our customers want!"
Exactly. I don't understand either. Look at the parts of the game that they didnt show in their comparison video. It either looks the same as before or worse. They didn't even think to give lee proper hair lol. Not to mention you get a shit ton of less trophies. Sorry to whoever bought this but you got ripped off.
Graphical Update, MY ASS!!!

Yeah, what the fuck is up with the trophies? It feels like Telltale thought 'Hey, Season 1 and 2 can be suppressed into like 10 trophies, and then ANF can take the rest. This guy over at PSNProfiles forum did a good count that actually made sense and worked.
D-did you just tell the internet you're an artist?! ARE YOU INSANE! I can already see them coming. Don't worry, you run, I'll hold them off as long as I can. NO, THEY DON'T HAVE TO DRAW YOU AS A SONIC THE HEDGEHOG CHARACTER! YOU SHALL NOT PASS!
Having just watched the super sad Lee death scene from No Time Left, I can safely say I agree with @Dont_Look_Back on the lighting being ... wonky. I've included two links, here: One to the original version of the scene, and one to the 'remastered' scene:
Now, I'm quite fond of this scene. It was the first ending to a game to make me bawl my eyes out - though, I picked 'leave me', but that's a separate thing altogether. One thing I really appreciated was that it was a dark and gloomy setting to a dark and gloomy scene. The lighting was gritty and bleak. As an old media studies student, I learned a lot about mis en scene, which is basically what makes an entire scene - from lighting to clothing. It's what makes a scene a scene. The lighting of the jewelery store, in my mind, was near perfect in establishing the tone.
In the new version, however, it's like there's a spotlight on them. It almost looks like they're performing in a play, or something. The grittiness has gone away because of the bright yellow light blaring in Lee's face. And I can't rightly figure out why the light is shining on them. It's a contradiction of the mood that the scene is trying to set. Lighting is a hugely important part of constructing a scene, so to see an almost objective downgrade in the lighting in this scene befuddles me. I don't like bashing on the 'new kid on the block', but that being said this game is making it rather easy to bash on.
It just confuses me. Who looked at this...
... and thought it added to the bleak 'theme' of the scene? 'cause, to me, the brightness kills the atmosphere that the dialogue and music is trying to set up.
I don’t think it looks that bad ?
Great, now they ruined one of the most iconic moments in video games with this stupid remasteration.

They removed the glass from Lee's hand, as well as the iconic credits music. No more "Take Us Back." to all the people who wasted $50 I hope it was worth it lol
So there is no point keeping Lee's infected arm in this abomination?

You get to look at his bite
Lol i don’t! The eyes freak me out. The whole purpose is just for Telltale to further milk their only real good game that they ever made
Ha it’s no different than EveryonesClemInTime or others shitting on Kenny every chance they get too