After a that character's death has been spoiled for me I've just about lost all motivation to watch.
I'm not caught up so please don't say anything that I don't know about.
To clarify I love the Walking Dead, I think it's a fantastic show and I've never agreed with the hate it gets. But now that this character is dead, I'm extremely angry and disappointed. I'm disappointed that it was spoiled and furious that it even happened. I'm talking about Carl. While at first I just wasn't certain that he was dead, I now know for sure because someone spelt it out to me. I've no clue of the circumstances, how and why, I just know that he's dead. I know Carl wasn't exactly a fan favorite but I expected so much more from his character. I thought this is the season he'd finally shine. Carl was my favorite and he was so under used, and that's why I'm so angry, they hadn't given him a great arc yet and for some reason they killed him off. Why do this? Like what's the mindset of the writers that they thought it was a good idea? Carl has done basically jackshit since the prison. He lost his eye and it made me think "finally they're doing something with him!" and he barely changed. Then there was his interesting dynamic with Negan. I thought "Okay they must be giving him some focus now!" And now he's dead! I'm just so drained from finding out about this that I just don't feel motivated to watch the show. Hopefully I'll get back into it but as of right now... I just don't care. Rick could turn into a fucking Dragon and I wouldn't give a shit.
For one, after Glen and the dumpster, I wouldn't call anything certain.
For another, last year, the actor playing Carl was talking about going back to school and apparently now, he has a band. Maybe the actor just wants out.
Back to the first point. I wouldn't assume anything until the mid-season premier. For all anyone knows, he could be immune or something.
Honestly, same.
I haven’t watched since the season 7 episode 2, mainly because the season started off really slow and I just lost interest after the season 6 finale.
They could have made so much better choices on how to handle Carl, maybe actually giving him sone character development in the 4 seasons he did nothing but sit around.
Carl was a favorite of mine from the comics and the show both, but I really don’t know what they’re doing. It’s odd, but Andrea and Carl were my top favorite characters in the comics and now that they’re both gone it’s kind of just
I really don’t feel like any characters are showing their potential at this point, from what I’ve heard, and that discourages me from continuing to watch.
Carl's death was spoiled for me on Facebook. FRICKIN' FACEBOOK.
I do not watch the show, but I hate that someone else told me instead of me actually watching the show, y'know?
The showrunner (Gimple) told Carl's actor (Chandler Riggs) that he will be on the show for 3 more years so his dad bought a house for him in Georgia. Then Gimple fired him and killed his character. There's nothing more to talk about, Carl is 100% dead.
I don’t blame you. Kinda got disinterest in watching the show after Negan showed up. I’ve got no interest for this all out war crap with some guy bashing heads in and being a tyrant when there’s so much shit going on in the world right now. I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s one factor behind the ratings dropping, people don’t want to be reminded of that.
I miss the old formula of where they just tried surviving after the prison fell, not all this communities at war crap. Carl’s death is just an attempt to boost ratings along with all the other controversies behind it. Honestly I’m sorry they killed off your favourite character in a dick move
I've been mostly happy with the show. I've always liked it. I don't think anything else the show has done has made me this angry though.
I'm also very disappointed.. he was one of my favourites and I always hoped they would do more with his character. It was starting to finally seem like they were going to and.. now he's dead? It would make sense if it were because of the actor's personal life and studying and such, that would be completely understandable. I've been reading mixed information though, so I don't really know what's true. He was also one of the rare original characters, not many left.
I suppose it's understandable if the actor wanted out but even so I'd still be disappointed. For him to just be dead now, it feels as though all the development he was going through (as slow as it might've been) never went anywhere.
Honestly I don't even care, I hated Carl since Season 1 and all the way up to his death, the character just wasn't interesting to me, more interesting were Rick's reactions to shit Carl was doing (Executing a surrendering kid, killing his mom, Rick about to cut his arm, etc.).
Now I'm curious to see how Rick and the other are gonna react to his death.
The way Chandler was offed by Gimple is still pretty retarded (The whole lying to him and then firing him thing) but Carl's death was pretty well done compared to what we've seen in the show.
Gimple's a bit of a dick for doing that
Why do people have to be so dramatic so what a big character died get over it, it's just a show characters died all the time, You know what I say well done AMC for having the balls to kill a important character well fucking done. sorry have I sound rude I just go overboard sometimes.
I was hoping that's what this was about.
Sorry to hear that for real, dude.
If it's any consolation then it's very likely that he will be better in death than in life. I am expecting Rick to go crazy and have a breakdown which adds some drama and spice to the story. Like you said, Carl wasn't really contributing much anyway for a few seasons now, so I don't really see much point in being upset. He had potential a long time ago but the writers ruined him.
Glenn and Abraham were both tied as my favs and they died in the same episode. Now just picture what my face was like when I watched that episode. Yeah.
I'd agree if it was someone like Daryl, Carol or even Michonne. You know characters that the writers actually used. Carl had tons of potential and they couldn't be bothered to do anything with him. I honestly thought that Carl would outlast even Rick.
I still watch the show, but I'm kind of done with it. I think the series should of been ended after Season 6 Episode 9, "No Way Out". That could of been a great ending; at least in my opinion. That was the last good episode. I'm finding it hard to stick with TWD, as all forms of media have kind of been ruined for me.
The comic hasn't been good since the end of All Out War Part 2.
The show hasn't been good for almost two full seasons now.
ANF failed to meet expectations.
I'm almost tempted to jump back to FTWD, which I haven't watched since the midseason finale of Season 2. I've heard that Season 3 was pretty good.
It's kind of sad for me, as I grew up with these comics; with this franchise. I'm sad to see the decreasing quality.
I agree Carl had a lot of potential but it is what it is, nothing we can do about now, I am quite sad we won't see some of his amazing comic book storylines. ”SAD FACE"
I felt the same in all honesty, I haven't even seen this Season yet but I've seen enough to make me feel like it's no longer worth my time, the quality has dipped so much farther down. I still don't understand why Rick didn't freaking use Lucille to clobber Negan in the mid-season finale and now Carl is bit and will surely die? What's going to happen with the future of the show? Carl plays a large role in the comics as of post-All Out War. I have a feeling that the cast will just find other projects and eventually leave the show.
Actually, going off of the Comics and whatnot I feel as if he was suppose to outlast Rick, but AMC changed it so that the Actor could go to College. They essentially BROKE Canon.
Oh, he's a true piece of shit, pardon my French
Well no kidding. The show has done that almost every season. Andrea being a big change. What I find funny is that they bring in Negan who everyone wanted...."Ohh bring us Negan...he is awesome!" So they did...and people had the audacity to be horrified and angry when people started to die.
Negan is a perfect example of being careful for what you wish for.
Now I do think it is time for Gimple to go however...a new showrunner could infuse the stories with some needed punch.
I was spoiled Carl got bitten. I was planning of returning to watch this series again, I never even finished Season 7. After hearing these shitty news, I'm fucking done. The show lost its mojo since Season 6. The last episode that I enjoyed the most is No Way Out, the mid-season premiere, after that I began to lose my interest. Not because I like Carl, it's because it changed too much from the comics and I'm not even a Comic reader. I know that Carl and his girlfriend Sofia are still alive in the comics and now they got killed earlier in the show.
I was actually about to stop the series after Beth Greene's death and I kept going for some reason. Now after Carl's, I'm 100% convinced.
I think they’re gonna have that Benjamin kid from the Kingdom replace his role from the comics. That’s a pretty dumb move to pull. Nobody even gives a fuck about him.
I think Enid might take his place and Alpha's daughter might be a guy in the show, that's what I'm thinking but then again they might come up with a different storyline to start the war,
Chandler Riggs is not a good actor and honestly should find other interests
His disaperence in the latest seasons made his death less impactfull to me tbh. HE was like an extra charecter that needs to get thrown out of the show although his future was bright but with gimple's existence as show runner I'm glad he's fucking dead.