Can animals turn?
How come we've never seen any walker animals?
Are they immune?!?
Are they relevant to the plot? Or will it just end up turning the game into something it isn't?
Like in last of us, we see a few zoo animals escape completely unbothered. Giraffes, those little monkeys, etc.
But me personally, it really isn't that big of a deal. Just out of curiosity.
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I believe that animals are immune because the virus has always been showing walkers as people. Also in The Last of Us the infected are not dead but infected as their name states, hence why it can affect animals as well.
If your talking about the walking dead universe, this is what I think.
People turn when why die because everyone has this illness, right. Well, animals don't really catch the same things as people do. so, maybe that's why you don't see any turned animals. Plus, when they get bitten there usually eaten alive, there's really no time for then to turn if they where going to.
Yes indeed, that should've been added
Now that I think about it, I've never seen an animal with a common cold. Or cough for that matter
But I do still feel like Telltale can break this boundary and introduce a few. Then again I don't really think that many of us care for action in these installments at all.
They probably die from the bites but I doubt they’ll come back because of them, seeing as animals do not always get the same illnesses and diseases as people do.
I always looked at it as them never being caught in a position to become infected/bitten. Only animal who I'd say was close was Shiva, even though she got bombarded by walkers. I always thought supposed she somehow was able to break loose, still being bit several times, what would've been the aftermath?
Well that blows. I really looked forward to seeing a group of travelers square off with a grizzly walker or something
Nah it seems to only affect humans. I’m pretty sure we would have seen some zombie animals by now because they wouldn’t have all avoided being bitten or devoured. Imagine flies or zombie birds flying around? Humans wouldn’t have lasted long at all unless they permanently stayed indoors which obviously couldn’t last
I thought about almost every animal to insects being infected. And it is kinda weird that we never see any flies hovering around walkers or corpses. Maybe planning for world domination! But throughout the show I've only seen three animals. 2 deers and Shiva
There might've been more but that's all I can remember. As far as the game we've seen plenty of birds, a moth, cows, horses and sam. And they all seem to be doing alright.
There's a pack of dogs in Fear The Walking Dead, they fight with some walkers but they end up eaten by said walkers.
I literally just watched that episode
lol. Took me a while to get into it because of all the horrible reviews. They were actually right. My best description of Fear is like if Lifetime were to give the franchise a shot. It's like a long drawn out soap opera type of show. But I only watch it cause there's nothing else 
Hah, I just watched that part recently, too. Fuck those dogs.
The horse Rick rode in Season 1, Hershel’s horses, the chickens, horse Aaron was trying to get. There have been loads
Exactly! Like all of these animals. In tip-top shape? Bunch of baloney lol I guess an infected animal would cost way too much and too time consuming to create. They'd be way too OP lol If you thought a horde of human walkers were unstoppable, imagine a flock of walker crows or an entire pack of undead hungry horses
Thought of another, the snake Daryl kills and eats in front of Beth haha
There is also the dogs that Rick’s group eat lol
There’s a horse in the first episode, and a horse on Hershel’s farm I believe. In the comics, flies are also seen on just about every walker, at least at the start of the comics. There are also three aggressive dogs that appear somewhere between season 5 and 6.
edgy Daryl. A snake walker (or however the move) would be deadly, automatic fatality.
Yep, aka Rick's transportation. If that horse would've made it, we'd never meet Glenn
. And Hershel did have a few horses as well. Can't really remember season 5 and 6 my memory is fuzzy lol.
No they don't turn.
Okayyy and there we have it guys, we're gonna wrap it up right here! thanks for all your inputs and opinions. It was a fun discussion but @cutupuss- has sealed the deal! I would like to thank all of our sponsors, this was a great turnout. Salutations!!
Here's evidence:
All humans carry the infection.
if a human were to bite another human they would give them an infected bite and kill them.
Sam the dog bit clementine and she didn't turn = sam the dog did not carry the infection = dogs can't turn
Good point. Now aside from that my only other question is, supposed Sam got bitten but somehow managed to break free. While he carries the infection, it does nothing at all to him? And if he does get into another Clem situation, what's the outcome?
I just feel uneasy about the writer's logic with this.
Well if we don't think about writers logic and think about real life terms then clementine would've died way back in S1 E1 when she cut her finger as it definitely would've gotten infected. If not that then what about getting zombie blood in your eyes/mouth (other entrances.. ) when they walked through the zombie herd with guts on them that surely would've killed them.
Ahh looking back now, if the infection had been even more severe, S1 would've lasted a few hours. Tops. So I'll continue to be convinced they're lucky lol. And when did she cut her finger in E1??
When she helped you push the desk away from the pharmacy door.