The Walking Dead Delayed
The Walking Dead has Been delayed to summer 2018.
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The Walking Dead has Been delayed to summer 2018.
Sounds good. Maybe this next game will be better than ANF. It's too early to tell, though.
I was about to cry a river until I read the actual interview. Sounds better than expected.
Well i am glad to hear this however I won’t believe anything till i see it. They’ve lied before, example, “Ties That Bind was soooo big we had to split the episode into 2 parts”, both episodes ended up scraping an hour length and Around Every Corner was an extra half an hour longer than both those episodes combined. Says it all really. If Telltale actually just make their future games exactly the same way they made TWD Season 1 minus the lagging and glitching, then i may restore faith in them.
I hope with the delayed it will be better than ANF
Keep in mind that telltale has let go a few employees who may have had something to do with the dip in quality and lies
This is a good thing. This game has to be good. If Clem's story ends on a whimper rather then a bang then allot of Telltale fans will lose faith with them. Clem is the face of Telltale whenever they like it or not so she better be respected!
season 4 is delayed... Im both angry that im gonna have to wait more and glad that they want to polish it more.
Im surprised anyone is even looking forward to S4 after the last game
People said the exact same thing after Season 2...
Hopefully it's enough time to get shit together
I have no problem with this at all.
Im sure they did. I already had my doubts when they said we’d be playing as a new protagonist
They delayed ANF and look how that turned out like
Oh thank god-I mean OH MY GOD!
This is definitely good news though. That early Spring release had it feeling like they were trying to get it out of the way and be done with it. I’m glad It’s delayed, so it’ll give them more time.
Good news: It won't be released early
Bad news: It's not a sign of ending up as a good game.
Im just giving Telltale the benefit of the doubt and hoping that they actually have a decent sequel. i mean they had other good games like Borderlands , Wolf and currently ((althought more my opinion than anything.)) Batman season 2.
It's more because they recently started development, not because they want to work on it more.
Really you guys need to stop falling for this crap.
Remember how the 400 days characters would have a "butterfly effect"?
Remember they said season 3 would be bigger? Lol wrong. Got split.
Remember they said Clem would be different? Lol wrong, all she got was a different scar.
"you'll play as both Clem and Javy" L M A O
"Clem watching Carvers death will impact how she views things" ???
"Clem's not taking the backseat!!" LOL
Wouldn't be surprised if finding AJ at the end of s4 ends up being a cliffhanger.
Not to mention the monstrocity they call a remaster.
All the luck in the world to the people who are only doing their job by making a video game, because I know it can be stressful... but seriously, I hope you guys don't fall for any of this.
They delayed no man’s sky countless time and look at how that turned out
I think we should give it a chance. It is the finale season and we will play as Clem one last time. I would defently give it a chance.
Lol, they delayed Duke Nukem Forever countless times and after 15 YEARS development, look how that turned out.
Still not getting my hopes up.
Considering they were previously guestimating an April/May release and they commented on a "Summer" release, that doesn't sound severe enough to count as an actual "delay" considering they never pushed the April/May guess super hard. But, to each their own I suppose.
Agreed. The way I see it, another month or two isn't that big a deal no matter how you slice it at THIS point.
As well as a few short interactions here and there. Not to mention her choice at the end of Episode 5 being based upon choices made in the flashbacks.
I don't think they even specified as to WHEN AJ would be found. Could happen any time.
In any case, I'm probably gonna just wait for GAMEPLAY to come out before making a decision. I'm not buying unless I see AJ in the first episode (FLASHBACKS don't cut it for me).
Of course probably story-wise, but technically wise, means we'd probably get fewer bugs and glitches. Maybe a couple of more scenes and stuff. Can't hurt, can it?
Hopefully it works out. Don't want another Duke Nukem Forever.
Oh, so that's what this is about. Okay then.
I don't really care enough to be really effected by this news, but okay. Fire & Ice for the win!
As much as I want to be cynical and assume the worst about the delays and the potential disappointment we'll face, I'd like to hope that the final season will be seen as an improvement over ANF in many ways.
The game could be delayed 10 years and still be complete shit in the end. Its a matter of telltale actually wanting to put the quality effort and passion into the series which if it takes till the summer to do is far preferable than what we got with ANF.