Why does nobody have a "normal" name?

If you think, it's a bit odd how nearly all of the main characters have odd and unique names:
Clementine (Could've just called her Banana and it would have the same effect)
Lee (not very common)
Kenny ^
Katjaa (I know its foreign but still)
Christa (Not common)
Omid ^
Duck ^
Russel ^
Shel ^
Doug / Carley ^
Javier (maybe common in spanish)
Gabriel (^ )
This pattern means we're probably gonna still see characters called like "Octavia" or "Durnworth" or something odd like that, infact, create your own name by just getting half the name of a fruit/plant/animal and combining it with "el" or "a"
orangel - clems bff
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About half of the names on this list are very common
name 6
Carley, Doug, Russel, Lee, Kenny, Gabriel.
Clementine is actually the female variant of Clement I believe
Well, what kinda names do you want to show up? It’s not like it’s an anime or in space where the main characters have weird names.
They’re better off doing that rather than giving them boring names. Like if Lee was renamed Bob and Clementine was renamed Emma, it would make their character seem odd. It’s too simple.
Besides Clementine all those sound normal. If anything I always thought why didn't the game come up with more unique creative names.
Some fiction writers are wary about having a big portion of their cast with common names—maybe because they fear it would make their story feel generic aka not memorable—and thus end up with a pool of names that sometimes fans had never even heard.
Eh, I don't know. I've never met a Tripp. This used to bother me a lot, but I'm used to it now.
Most of those names are pretty commonplace. I don't know what you're on about.
Carley? Lee? Kenny? If you went to a highschool full of 1000 kids not one would be called that.
So you've met a few clementines and carley's then?
I've been to school with a girl named Carley. She was a special education student, who loved to sing and had a big fascination for dogs; sang about them most of the time. And I've heard of a few Clement's around state from the customers I talk to.
What drugs are you on? ?
Those characters are much older than high schoolers though. Kenny is in his fourties at least.
Actually, why are there so many common names? Luke, Jane, Nick, Mike, Bonnie, Kate, David, Matthew, Sarah......all super common. Lilly and Ava were really popular baby names in the 2000s. Shel is probably a nickname. Leland are Tripp are the only ones I would really consider unusual.
There was a carley and Lee at my primary school and a woman i work with has a husband called Kenny...
I think Shel is short for Shelby
I think I'd be more upset with names that were purposely uncommon. It irks me a little to see common names that have had the spelling changed just to be unique. Telltale, please, don't do that to me.
Shel can also be short for Michelle as i knew someone who shortened their name like that.
Just remember that just because you don't know many people with these names doesn't make them uncommon names.
SOME of the names are unique. I have no idea how common names like Clementine, Javier, and Arvo are. But Gabriel, Carley, Doug, Kenny? What rock have you been living under to think that those aren't normal names?
I actually know someone called Clementine and Javier. A lot of the names there are actually pretty common, especially Lee and Kenny.
I'm not from USA, but aren't Ben, Mark, Molly, Nick, Luke, Walter, Mike, David, Max normal names?
Ben, Luke, Nick, Pete, Matthew, Michelle, Sam... there's quite a few common names.
Lol what?? Lee is an EXTREMELY common name in the UK and anywhere else! Carley not as common but there are plenty around. Kenneth is a very common name, maybe not the nickname of Kenny but rather Ken.
Carley is actually pretty common and so is Lee. Kenny not as much...
better question is why nobody has last names
Lee has - Everett.
That’s true, I only really remember García and Everett.
Lee Everett
Shawn/Hershell Greene
Ben Paul
David Parker
Andrew/Danny/Brenda St. John
Oberson Crawford
Adam/Tess/Lizzie Campman(?)
Marcus Crabtree
Nick/Peter Joseph Randall
William Carver
Alvin Rebecca Carver Jr.
Samantha/Greg/Alex/James/Sophia Fairbanks
Randall/Norma Monroe(?)
Javier/David/Gabriel/Katie/Hector/Mariana/Salvador Rafael Garcia
Paul Monroe
Dr. Paul Lingard
Clinton Barnes
AJ doesn't really have a last name though.
Oops, in reply to @DabigRG.
I know, I just love how, let's say, "colorful" that name is.
“Colorful” is one way to describe it ?
Now that I think about it, I remember hearing someone named Clemente in one of those old mafia films. Think it's the Godfather, not sure though.
Another small Clementine name related fact, world war 2 British prime minister Winston Churchill’s wife's name was Clementine.
It’s a pretty old fashioned name now compared to others but there are still people who use that name.
Hamid is a super common name especially among Iranians and their neighbours.
And I feel like the rest of them have pretty common names as well.
... I hate you.
ed and diana churchill?
I'd say that weirdest and most uncommon name is Oberson (Crawford). That, that really is something strange. All the other names though, they are fairly common.
Also should be noted that "Duck" is just a nickname, he really is Kenny Junior.