Javier's not coming back.
Why do I see all these comments expecting a choice between Javi and someone else? His entire freaking family is determinant, along with most of Richmond. Clementine left at the end. Didn't people see that?
At best, we're going to get a few Javier flashbacks/ end cameo.
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I think the belief is that if we didn't see Javi die, then there is every possibility that he could be featured in season four. Same as Kenny in terms of season two...
I feel Javier had a good ending to his story considering the fate of 97% of the cast. I don't see the point in bringing him back just to have him there like Kenny in S2.
Where do you think he could come into play in the story? And keep in mind that none of the determinant characters from season 3 will appear.
He most likely will show up in The Final Season. Telltale themselves confirmed this. However, he won’t play a major role and will show up in Episode 5 if Clem decides to return to Richmond. As for his family, We won’t get more than a line or two from any of them if they’re alive in your gameplay.
Storytelling-wise, it won’t make sense if he played a major role in The Final Season.

I don't know. I was only answering the question of why some people are expecting him to return. I have no idea what role (I mean, I hope as an ally) he will play in season four. My point was just that it'd be plausible for him to return.
Javier is the only good ANF character but he doesn't deserve to come back. This is Clementine's story, not his.
He also represents bad memories and might give some folk season 3 PTSD.
Okay, that is fair.
This is my belief, too. He shouldn't return, but Javi was the one of the only ANF characters worth anything.
I don't know if you've played Mass Effect 2, but in THAT game most of the Normandy's Crew was determinant including Commander Shepard HIMSELF. Almost ALL of em managed to show up if not Survive through the course of Mass Effect 3.
Why is this a thing?
Yes, if we're being reasonable here, it's unlikely that Javier will show up with any major role to play given that he's been given a conclusive if unstable ending staying in Richmond. At most, he'll show up in a possible ending where Clementine and/or AJ returns to Richmond and as a part of a big congratulations thing at the end.
He's NOT a determinant character HIMSELF, so he very well COULD for all we know. I wouldn't count him out just yet.
Actually, I think that depends on what the Writers plan on doing Next Year. On the ONE hand, I feel like the more Logical Route (From a Business Standpoint) would be to settle the AJ situation as Early as the first half of Episode 1. That being said, I think that it's not only POSSIBLE but LIKELY that we'd be seeing Javier and Possibly Even Gabe and the others by the second half of Episode 2. If you wanna use Season 1 a guide, we'll probably wind up seeing New Richmond get Raided in Episode 3, followed by an open War with another Faction through Episodes 4 and 5. This is all Pure Speculation from a Writing Standpoint, mainly running under the assumption that we'll have longer and Slower Episodes.
TWD version of Vietnam flashbacks...
I would prefer if we keep Richmond out of Season 4 completely, Richmond was to me, the most boring place in TTs TWD.
I think they SHOULD settle the thing with AJ quickly and focus on more interesting things, AJ is boring, he is a nonexistant character that is only there to move the plot forward with the only motivation towards him being: He is a baby
Uuuuuuuh hold on a sec... do you mean Javi should be dead?! In my story he survived... or maybe i didn't understood what you all mean alluding to him.
Worst-Relationship-Possible here is referring to how a select few people seem to think Javier will have an active major role to play in the Final Season, is all.
But this is Telltale we're talking about here. They'd never go through that much trouble for a game.
Not really. If Commander Shepard dies in Mass Effect 2, the save can't be imported IIRC. As for the others, while yes they were determinant, a lot of them had replaced 'filler' characters to progress the story if they died. Although despite that I still loved how they handled it (the amount of alternate paths in that game was pretty damn unbelievable until that ending happened).
I wouldn't call Telltale on the same level as Bioware -- because they had a pretty good and undeniable opportunity at the end of season 2 to make the choices matter in the next season. We obviously know how much of a BS that turned out to be.
Personally I hope Javier doesn't come back. Work on a new group that actually doesn't die.
You know, as Low Tier as ANF was, I don't think it would make much sense for Telltale to make an Entirely new group and NOT bring back the one from Richmond. The writers already fucked up with Jane and Kenny. I don't think Fucking over the Richmond group would do any good for Telltale's reputation at this point.
In TWD especially in Tell Tales -TWD everyone offs eachother. I think that Javi will be back and i hope that the relationship between Clem and Gabe evolves.
In any case I think the beat to do is to use a mixture of new, somewhat old and old.
I might be the only one but I thinkntell tale would benefit from releasing the whole game at once.
Fair enough, I suppose to an extent that Javier could come back. But his write-off at the end was as if he isn't going to return for the final season. I wouldn't have had a problem if he went with Clementine at the end, but he doesn't. Unless if Clementine goes back to Richmond or Javier calls it quits at Richmond. I guess most of my judgement comes from ANF being terrible overall.
About Clem and Gabe... well making a love story between them is a waste of time for TellTale because >! in some endings, Gabe dies and those who have this ending would be missing a big part of the story
New Richmond was a confusing and annoying place and I don't even want to have an option to return. First we are at war with the place, we kill lots of their people, and now suddenly Javier is expected to step up and lead them? Fuck no, there is so much bad blood there that if Javier were smart he would leave the second the opportunity presents itself.
It's only one ending. One ending that's unnecessary, a copout, and a likely tonal zigzag, but one ending nonetheless.
Yeah, but still, who got this ending will miss a lot of the story... btw maybe it will be replaced with something else, dunno, I don't make games xD
Honestly, I have a feeling that Telltale shot themselves in the foot with making Garcias the protagonists. If they move over them in Season 4, it'll make ANF seem absolutely pointless. Why did they even bring this "new protagonist" bullshit if they won't develop it further? On the other hand, as some people pointed out already, it has always been Clementine's story so keeping focus on Javier also makes little sense.
Which is why it needs to be 50/50 split to neither clementines story will be ignored or thrown out the window, and a new frontier wouldn’t seem pointless with adding Javier and his family. Doubt telltale would do it but they totally should have Javier follow behind Clementine to help her. And idc if it gives the choice at the end to save one or the other, having it 50/50 would just make more sense. Clementine finds A.J. and then what? That sounds like it would only take at least an episode so something has to happen, Javier sounds like he could possibly further the story, or at least drag it out until the episode we do find AJ
That arose because he was the "new protagonist" at the time--a main, playable character besides Clementine and Michonne. Unless I'm forgetting something(which very well could be), they never said he'd be sticking around at the forefront beyond that. They had another story that they wanted to tell tandem with Clementine's for one installment and that's what they ultimately did. Now that A New Frontier is over, Javier(and 75% Gabe) has been put on a bus for the indefinite future.
I still don't understand the point. Yeah, they told another story aaaand... what did it give to the franchise? Why would I care for Garcias after two seasons of Clementine? What's so special about them and their story? They could just make a spin-off like Michonne but I suppose ANF is considered Season 3. Idk, maybe the idea was decent but the execution sucks. Now Telltale are literally cornered with what to do next.