A New Frontier nominated on Steam "Choices Matter" award
I nearly spit my Cola over my screen when I saw this. And I hear the Final Season game has been delayed? You guys know that a delayed does not equal a good game right? Remember Duke Nukem Forever?
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They probably already had the script ready, didn’t like it, so they wanted to refine it
It wasn't delayed because they never gave an official confirmation. They guessed "possibly around April or May" at one point, and "Summer" at another point (starting in June). That's hardly a notable "delay", especially when they never gave an official confirmation but only unofficial guesses.
I have no problems at all with it being delayed. Only if it means they'll be taking the time they have to really work on this finale. But if we rush them to put it out early to a point where they're forced to put out half assed work, we can't critique : / Take your time Telltale, it'll be worth it.
This has given me crippling depression.
It won’t win the award. Most of the choices in ANF didn’t matter except for Clem’s flashbacks.
I guess you can say it’s been delayed and I’m sure there are a few good reasons for that. They either didn’t like the story so they rewrote it or they had to start fresh again after Telltale fired most of their staff not too long ago.
I disagree. There are some games that have been delayed and they turned out amazing. South Park: The Stick Of Truth was delayed for nearly 2 years and it turned out awesome. It usually depends on what they delay it for: like the graphics or the story in general. In TFS, I think they delayed it because of the story.
Are they fucking serious? A New Frontier was never something people consider Choices Matter.
Watch it win at the last minute.

Honestly, delays aren't what caused DNF to crash and burn. It took a long time to make, yeah, but time wasn't the issue here. It was the fact that the game suffered from a development cycle marred by mismanagement, lack of structure, financial and legal issues, downsizing of the studio (on more than one occasion, if memory serves correct), and switching hands with different teams over the years. For all intents and purposes, the game was basically screwed out of the gate for 75% of its development. I don't like being the cynic, but after the first 5 years, I don't think DNF stood much of a chance in this day and age.
But yes, delayed games aren't always good. But they aren't always bad, either. It really depends what exactly is going on behind the scenes, in multiple different aspects.
You have a developer that stays consistent and structured throughout development? You get a game like Team Fortress 2-- nine years in development, but look at all the praise that game managed to garner. Heck, that game's still managed to stay relevant to this day, for better or worse. Still one of the most played games on Steam... ten years later.
On the other hand... you get a developer that is practically the opposite of the above? You get a game like Duke Nukem Forever. And I think it speaks for itself.
I get it, DNF's a trainwreck, and trying to figure out exactly where it went wrong is like trying to find a needle in a haystack... but there were multiple different reasons and factors for why it turned out the way it did. You can't just pin it on a singular reason.
DNF was restarted at least once during it's delay. The test footage I've seen isn't even the same game.
Valve has had a delay on pretty much every game and each time, it's worth it.
As for the award, I wouldn't take it too seriously. There is incentive to voting, as before, and a whole lot of people are just going to vote for their favourite game/developer or just the one they've heard of. The categories might as well not exist.
The reason it's nominated is because people voted for it in the Steam Autumn sale awards, i personally voted for Batman Enemy Within.
Also i wouldn't consider the delay to be that bad, they said the final season would be around Q2 (April-June) of 2018 and are now saying "summer" which could be from June to September (but i suspect it could be early summer) which isn't too bad.
Why are yall bashing A New Frontier in particular? because its disappointing? yes its disappointing, but choices hardly matter in any game, even in games that does it well like Mass effect 1 and 2, the story still follows the same beats
Some people are really passionate about it and feel that it getting an award might undermine their feedback(or just devalue the award). Dragon Age: Inquisition ruffled more than a few feathers for getting multiple GOTY awards that year.
Mass Effect 2 is really the only story driven game I've played where choices really affected the story. Though, for that effect, you'd have to purposely make terrible choices which leads to the protagonist dying(yeah, I know even that is a debatable story effect). Speaking to that, do choices only "matter" when they affect story? I think that's they way people are reading it.
I think the franchise could do with some breathing room, honestly.