What is the role of Avesta in future episodes?

Some people here said that she could be Talia al Ghul and i think that they are right. So i have a little theory about what here role will be in the future episodes. Ra’s al Ghul is the leader of Sanctus. Avesta didn’t agree on what here father was doing so she left him. Later on she joined the Agency to righting the wrongs of the past. That makes here similiar to Bruce because he is also righting the wrongs of his father. Then a choice in episode 5 will be to choose between Avesta or Selina what Bruce’s future wife is going to be. What do you guys think will be the role of Avesta in the next episodes?


  • Oh, I was hoping for this sort of culmination in the last episodes! The most thrilling experience and choice of the season... Bruce choosing his future wife.
    I'd prefer Alrfred personally. Bruce is already well familiar with him. Alfred is trustworthy. Alfred knows how to cook, clean house, he can take care of children, he can help Bruce with Batman buisness and shares his morals views. He wouldn't mind lovers (which is a bonus) and will welcome new friends in their family nest, because he cares about Bruce social adaptation.
    So, I think Alfred is the best wife for Bruce, but regarding Avesta's role in this final story arc of the season, I think she might try to steal Bruce from Alfred, but we all know who's going to win!

  • Okay first off the reveal will not be Alfred being related to Avesta. It would just be confusing and unnecessary. Not going to happen

    Her being Talia Al-Ghul is possible as many other people have pointed out, but I find it much more likely that she is still part of the League of Shadows and is using her position within the Agency to obtain the devastating biological weapons.

    Another theory I have is that she could fall victim to these biological weapons while trying to infiltrate the Bodhi Spa and could transform into Poison Ivy somehow. No real evidence for this besides her startlingly green eyes.

  • edited December 2017

    I stand by that she will end up as a romance option, it really felt like that in Episode 1. Just depends if they want to do more with her, though she could end up as a villain but that would be too similar to last season.

  • Still the same for me. I want her to to be romantic option still and I don't her to be a villain in the end like they did before in first season.

    Zjaa6 posted: »

    I stand by that she will end up as a romance option, it really felt like that in Episode 1. Just depends if they want to do more with her, though she could end up as a villain but that would be too similar to last season.

  • edited December 2017

    I hope we at least find out how she discovered Bruce was Batman.

  • That would be interesting to know

    I hope we at least find out how she discovered Bruce was Batman.

  • Clearly a minor character now and why is everyone saying she's Talia? No proof there and it's too late to introduce even more villains. There's already too much.

  • Talia should be introduced in this series at some point. She is the biggest love interest along side Selina.

  • Season 3 would be great.

    Zjaa6 posted: »

    Talia should be introduced in this series at some point. She is the biggest love interest along side Selina.

  • Is it just me or does an unusual number of villains/anti-heroes have green eyes? Both the Riddler and Selina have green eyes.

    Okay first off the reveal will not be Alfred being related to Avesta. It would just be confusing and unnecessary. Not going to happen H

  • I just want a second romance at some point, it could really be interesting story wise. Not always one for love triangles, but with the characters and writers in this game it could work well.

  • Both John Doe and Avesta have green eyes to. Although Avesta is not a villian some people think that she is actually Talia Al Ghul. If that is indeed the case all villians/anti-heroes have green eyes. I personally think that the green eye thing has something to do with Sanctus.

    ShampaFK posted: »

    Is it just me or does an unusual number of villains/anti-heroes have green eyes? Both the Riddler and Selina have green eyes.

  • Statistically only two percent of the population has green eyes, so it is strange that so many of the villains in TT's Batverse have green eyes.

    Both John Doe and Avesta have green eyes to. Although Avesta is not a villian some people think that she is actually Talia Al Ghul. If that

  • I am really curious what will happen with these characters in the last few episodes and into next season.

  • Its indeed strange. I hope there is a explanation for it in the next episodes.

    ShampaFK posted: »

    Statistically only two percent of the population has green eyes, so it is strange that so many of the villains in TT's Batverse have green eyes.

  • She can be Bruce's agency ally and his lover.

  • Bane done also

    ShampaFK posted: »

    Is it just me or does an unusual number of villains/anti-heroes have green eyes? Both the Riddler and Selina have green eyes.

  • I'm pretty sure she's Talia al Ghul. As to how she will play a part in the story, I think that SANCTUS are in Gotham to find the Lazarus Pit and Ra's is their leader so Talia is helping them within the GCPD. Personally I would take anything that introduces Ra's al Ghul in the game but the only problem is that the moment Ra's is mentioned basically every last bit of realism is taken away with all the immortal stuff

  • You are thinking too small. There are many ways Telltale could introduce Ra's without delving into supernatural territories. Like, make Ra's a title and not just a person, this title would be passed from generation to generation.
    The Lazarus Pit could be reworked as well to make it work within Telltale's more "grounded" Batman universe.

    Anyway I'm not expecting Ra's to be introduced, not this late. But for season 3 who knows.

    I definitely stand by my previous speculations that Avesta is at the very least linked to the League of Shadows, either Talia or her sister whose name I forgot.

    Tasos_12io posted: »

    I'm pretty sure she's Talia al Ghul. As to how she will play a part in the story, I think that SANCTUS are in Gotham to find the Lazarus Pit

  • Talia is Batman other main love interest so I'm curious how they would integrate that. It would also make sense if she's Talia because she found out Bruce was Batman.

  • Talia's sister is Nyssa.

    You are thinking too small. There are many ways Telltale could introduce Ra's without delving into supernatural territories. Like, make Ra's

  • edited January 2018

    They can make Ra's immortality like in Batman Begins and Batman Dark Knight Rises. I want to know ,if its true the Avesta is Talia, if we gona choose btw her and Selina. If we choose Talia,are we gona get Damian in the future in maybe S4. They can introduce one Robin in S3 (Dick). But if we choose Selina the Damian thing is not gona work... but thats in the future. We dont know yet if we gona get a season 3.

    Tasos_12io posted: »

    I'm pretty sure she's Talia al Ghul. As to how she will play a part in the story, I think that SANCTUS are in Gotham to find the Lazarus Pit

  • Talia is huge love interest like Selina, it would be interesting if they brought her in or if she already is here.

  • edited January 2018

    Quote from Telltale Batman Reddit ama
    "Iman continues to be relevant as the season progresses. She's got a lot of work left to do. Glad she left a strong impression! -Kent"

  • That would be an interesting choice.

    MareCZV posted: »

    They can make Ra's immortality like in Batman Begins and Batman Dark Knight Rises. I want to know ,if its true the Avesta is Talia, if we go

  • Rereading this it sorts of imply she will be more than a side character, that fed my speculation that Avesta is just a cover.

    Quote from Telltale Batman Reddit ama "Iman continues to be relevant as the season progresses. She's got a lot of work left to do. Glad she left a strong impression! -Kent"

  • This game has really created great speculation and has kept you guessing.

  • Maybe sanctus will set up next season.

  • I want an Avesta vs Selina choice for romance.

  • Let's hope her future is by Bruce's side.

  • She is boring as fuck and has had barely any real role after episode 1. Why are people so obsessed with her?

  • edited January 2018

    People liked her because she was a great character in Episode 1.

  • To each their own! She didn't leave an impression on me, unlike Riddler, Joker and Harley have done. Felt kind of bland

    People liked her because she was a great character in Episode 1.

  • Because of the mystery around her character.

    Journey95 posted: »

    She is boring as fuck and has had barely any real role after episode 1. Why are people so obsessed with her?

  • Fans took a liking to her

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