Should Clementine live or die in The Final Season?
Do you think that Telltale should let Clementine live or die in The Final Season?
Please explain why you think she should or shouldn't.
I personally feel as if she should live in The Final Season.
What about you?
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I think it should be up to the players to decide Clementine's fate because we shaped her to a good person or a tough survivor and I think this Season will finally allow us to decide how we will end Clem's story. Do we let her live and continue living on her own, do we let her sacrifice herself in order to save AJ, or do we let her live in a community where she will be safe and happy? Literally anything can happen this season so let's hope TellTale gives us their absolute best!
Depends on how it is portrayed, which is far too early to speculate.
You said this perfectly. We just need to hope TellTale pulls it off.
Thank you! I believe they can! Their writers and game developers have so much potential with this series now that it is ending because TellTale doesn't have to worry about determinant status of characters to much since they won't have to import that choice into another season.
pull a sopranos, and have an ending where people are confused if she lives or dies
You know what, I've thought about that myself. In fact, there's one specific scenario that was the candidate: Like, I don't know if they're the ones who came up with the full thing or I just mentally added on to it, but I swear there was someone who at least inspired the idea of having the Final Season end with a big dumb throw down between Clementine and Arvo(or some other opponent).
It would in like a burning barn or something and the fight would end with the floor/roof collapsing with both getting debris'd; AJ would have been taken to safety by an ally of Clementine by this point, if you're curious. Then, after the credits roll, you just get this image of the rubble the day after the fire and you just see someone silhouetted moving away from the wreckage, stopping with the camera shifting to focus on what could be Clementine's heavily damaged hat before the figure picks it up, and there's a slow fade to black as the ambiguous figure limps into the sunrise with the hat in what may be their "good" hand.
End of the game series, bitch.
Damn, you should work at Telltale.
Oh boy, working almost exclusively on licensed products for numerous, partially overtime hours in a cubicle filled office space where flattery and giving away credit will get you further than honest etiquette and diligent dedication--SIGN ME THE FUCK UP!!!
No, but really, I appreciate the compliment.
I suppose a good dramatic ending could be clem having to cut her bitten arm off like Lee, but managing to survive it unlike him. Not only dramatic, but poetic. (ie the next generation is stronger than the last shown literally)
Oh fuck, I see an recurring arc with a chekgov's gun! Also, possible karma.
Sure, why not?
Live. We need more leads like her, and killing her off would send a bad message.
I think there will be 2 endings. The first Clem lives, but AJ dies. The other is AJ lives, but Clem dies. I hope to god this doesn't happen but I feel like it will.
Im hoping one of the central themes of the season will be: how far are you willing to go? What will you do to survive? And then Clementines status will be determined by what you did, and I want both “bad” and “good” choices to have both negative and positive effects
I just think she shouldn't get through unscathed if they won't kill her off, at least take a hand or an arm. Maybe an eye...
The whole three seasons send bad messages
Ch'yeah, seriously.
Though Season 1 arguably less so.
I would like a more resolved ending but what you described was an epic scene. I love the burning building scenario. I would love to see a climactic fight scene in a burning building.
Good point.
I enjoy reading these deeply well thought elaborations.
I see where your point is however.. Most of this would really feel as a big repeat of the season 2 endings where the player decides Clementines fate among several confusing options of which is the best (which might spark arguments up again like with the Kenny or Jane sides bickering about why their choices were the superior. Choose for her to go alone with AJ, Choose for her to be with Kenny, Wellington, or Jane. IF there were more seasons to go beyond this upcoming one I'd have to agree that maybe various multiple endings work the best still.
If I'm not mistaken Clementine was supposed to have been shaped into 42 alternate Clementines based off season 2 choices which never worked out in the proper way. She's basically more tough now than good no matter what and Instead of dozens of different routes and paths for this character to take yet again. I'd only like one or two options like with season one where you either shoot Lee or allow him to transform into a monster off screen. Being the last season with Clem I am unable to currently see how so many different versions of an ending will matter when there is to be no fifth season with Clementine like with New Frontier. Something concrete and firm that is executed logically would stand the test of time more effectively than trying to remember which of the 10 mediocre endings you or I got 5 years later compared to 1 phenomenal ending that will last in memory or maybe 2 at the most.
Truthfully I believe if no other alive (one or two) ending that works great for the story for example maybe she lives and takes refuge at the Hilltop or Kingdom to open up the door to be in the comic then a well thought out and good death ending will be better than seeing something that we've seen time and again being alone walking away, walking away with a group, walking away with one other person, walking away into a unknown settlement of people. If any of those repeat for the final season I will never agree that the ending was good no matter what because it has been done before and why would it happen again when you could of left it off that way the first time?
Bout time for massive shift for these finales for a change. Clem is like the best likable character (well maybe Lee actually) but often time one of the main reasons I have seen why some argue for why she cannot die is because they enjoyed seeing this character and like the character and don't want her to die and the fact Lee died over her.. so no matter what happens in the story Clem should be immortal apparently and anything in the story that could really happen and that might cause her death in believable ways is always going to be illogical or stupid writing when the only true irrationality here is her illogical steel plated plot armor and being super badass little girl/preteen counselor to all the grown ups. This coming from a long time Clem fan that thinks outside the box. If anyone or Telltale could cook up an ending that is never before seen doesn't result in death and is still intelligently executed then I'm game for it. But I HAVE MY DOUBTS.
It took three days for someone to comment on that.
I'm sorry, I don't really intend to be the guy to say "I hope the little chicken dies," but I honestly don't give a shit about what happens in "her" story by this point.
If it makes sense for a good story I'd be happy with saying that. I cannot see them pulling off a memorable ending that's isn't redone so in fact we need more and more people to come out and say that.. if they feel it.
That doesn't sound bad. Makes me think about the Wolf Among Us ending being surrounded in mystery by the end.
Oh no, don't get me wrong, if the story ends up being goodl, that's great! And if Clementine finally joining everyone else in Heaven or Rotten World or whatever is done in a way that feels legitimately appropriate and meaningful, even better!
I'm just saying I have practically no inclination to care and/or be excited for this Final Season.
Nearly sounds like a theme park.
Fair with no word on the plot or trailer yet until probably spring. I'm getting worried that the staff has stopped those AMA threads where they ask for feedback on what could be done to further improve the next installment. Gary Whitta may be back but I don't think he's going to be enough. If they had Sean and Kirkman as well then I'd be confident in them.
I suppose it does. Probably from a show like Cow & Chicken or something.
It is a specific reference, though.
Or any real recurring or suspenseful elements to speculate about.
Well, no fresh or perhaps even relevant ones, anyway.
Was that a prominent thing back when?
Eh. A good writer's work is usually only worth their credentials when it turns out a good story of quality, consistency, and memorabilia.
Yeah I remember that silly show along with I am weasel. The 90's where all that.
Nah Never really.. though it could be a sincere sign of hope for better quality games.
Whitta has done Book of Eli Which got mostly mixed to positive reviews. Since it is the last season I would be happier if Kirkman had some sort of input into it. Sean (forgot last name) would be a good help as well but I'd be satisfied with Kirkman and Whitta helming the story. But atleast we got someone from season one returning to assist in the script. I also think Kirkman prefers to not get involved in case the game bombs and he doesn't want to be a part of it and besides he could have his hands full with that Overkill Walking Dead game.
I would be okay with it if Telltale made it make sense. For example, Nick's death, I absolutely despise the way he was killed off. It had no meaning whatsoever. It just happened, we got to him already turned, then we move on. I can't imagine what the feels would be if Telltale pulled a stunt like that on Clem. She means a lot to us. And if it's time her to go this time, I just want it to be honorable. Can't have her death be like Nick's or Ava's. She's a cornerstone in this community.
You're not as bad as everyone says you are... Annnd sce-
I actually disagree. Nick's canon death was second to Chuck's death in terms of random deaths that actually manage to have some meaning behind. May have even been a sendup to it, come to think of it.
Meh. It could even be the same basic setup, but I'm pretty sure it would be written to be a lot more built up and emotionally evocative since she is the main character after all.
Part of the reason Nick was likely killed offscreen is because despite his nuanced character arc and considerable focus, he himself had never really had much to do with the main plot and that became even more true before that point.
Yeah, and it's like, it's Clementime for god sakes lol I can't see her dying from some bite or a half assed battle scenario with some 2.0 New Frontier douches. And I think Stauffer even mentioned in an interview at one of the game conventions that just because it's the final season doesn't necessarily means Clem is going to die. I had mixed feelings about that statement at first, like how else would we move past her without a death? lol then I came to my senses and realized it's true. Not every main character needs to die. Some just naturally "walk off into the sunset". Maybe Clem might wander off into Atlanta
Man I honestly forgot about Chuck's death!! </3 I can't stand those "types" of write offs. They never sit well with me. That always brings up the question, why introduce characters with many possibilities for upcoming plots to just completely squash them like a bug and walk off?!
That is exactly what I've been talking about and I am praying they do not do another ending like that again. Anything but something that has been done already in seasons one, two and three. I think even in the mini series Michonne the survivors just calmly walked off into the distant shoreline or something like that. Something else has to be done for the big ending to Clementine's adventures.
Nick was a bit of a f*ckup, especially after seeing Pete, but I liked his character so finding him dead on a fence was not what I was hoping. Plus, considering I have never seen him die at the lodge, I haven’t had a chance to see Walter get slapped yet ?
OMFGG I knew I wasn't going crazy lol I knew this happened somewhere but couldn't remember if it was an actual ending or some type of promo. But something like this for the final season with Clem walking off with AJ like she did in S2 in a safe durable community, would be more than satisfying imo. I'm all for it. That and @DabigRG's ending I'd be comfortable with.
Lol, I couldn't go through with it. Even though I barley knew Nick that well I couldn't of sold him out. I'm too much of @AChicken
And seeing him dead was like a slap in the my face for keeping him alive. idk. Maybe letting Walter have revenge was "good"?
I wouldn’t usually either but since he said “Steinback, have you read him?” to an eleven year old girl in an apocalypse, cause you know, everybody has so much time and nothing to worry about, I would be happy to slap him. No, I’m not overreacting haha
I just pictured that happening with this song that @Veeeee just shared with me.