If it was Luke or Kenny instead of Kenny or Jane?

What if Jane (as originally intended probably) stayed gone after episode 4, this way telltale wouldn't spoil her character, and the end fight was between luke and kenny, like it had been building up to the whole season, instead of Jane and kenny. Who would you choose?
For me it would definitely be Luke. And not just because I hate Kenny I would still choose Luke out of Luke or Jane.
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Definitely Luke.
I'd have to choose Kenny. As much as I liked Luke, he had too many flaws for that lifestyle. He was too lighthearted, too immature, and made stupid mistakes despite being clever. I remember in my first playthrough when he was busy banging Jane instead of being on lookout while Rebecca is about to have a goddamn baby, I was so pissed off. In my second playthrough I had saved Sarah only for her to be killed as a consequence of him banging Jane! Either way, I wonder how I would have reacted if those two had fought like the original plan seemed to be; I mean, Jane vs Kenny had me crying like a bitch.
what's your opinion on Jane?
Kenny. Knowing him longer and better is good enough reason for me.
i'm still gonna pick Kenny miss me with that fanfic shit lmao
while i do love Kenny i think i would pick Luke.
I would still pick Kenny, Luke didn't give me a lot of reasons to actually care about him.
Even though I find Luke to be a waste of a character overall, I'd probably still choose him over Kenny.
If anything, I'd want Luke to find some form of character development and make a genuine impact on Clementine in ANF, as opposed to being an afterthought.
Kenny... I can't kill a WD legend for a character as disappointing as Luke. I don't think Luke vs Kenny would have worked anyway.
Then I'd still kill Kenny.
I also pretty much hate Kenny. I hate people that hot-headed. So, of course, Luke.
It depends on why they're fighting I suppose, I mean Jane gave me a good a reason for me to let her die, but I have feeling I would probably save Luke since I hate Kenny guts.
The original fight was because Jane wanted to show how tempered Kenny was. If it was between Luke and Kenny, the previous arguments point it being about Clementine and or AJ.
Kenny would kick Luke's pretty boy ass.
No question.
If it's about well being of Clem and AJ then I think Kenny would be the better person to help since he's still the only one it believes in Wellington but with that said Luke just a good guy and deserve to be saved more then Kenny but he'll probably leave Clem to get killed by sleeping with some random woman
Jane vs Kenny: Kenny
Jane vs Luke: Luke
Kenny vs Luke: Kenny
Luke vs Kenny vs Jane: Kenny
Even with what Jane did in episode 5 being erased, I still dislike her a lot
Yeah, I know I´m doing it wrong.
Still, Christa.
Idk, check my profile name.
sorry but Jane wasn't one of the choices.
[Bursts through wall wearing Team Luke T-shirt] baby my feelings never chaaaange!
boy if it was luke, i'd shoot kenny in a heartbeat
Luke, obviously. I'm not making Nick die for nothing, lol.
Well you all know my answer but not because i am a fan. I just feel as though Luke wouldn’t give his life to save Clem, same for Jane or anyone else she met during Season 2. So Kenny over any of them.
If it was between Lee and Kenny, it would be Lee all day long.
Luke would so give his life to clem, in fact, he already has! He grabbed the walker underwater that was trying to pull clem down and ended up getting dragged down himself.
Making this thread a bit of a moot point, eh?
That wasn’t “giving” his life to save her though. He saved her life yes but he didn’t intentionally give his life up to save her is what i am saying, because he didn’t know or think thr zombie would pull him down after he got Clem free. Maybe in another situation he would have but i highly doubt it, i just don’t think he’s that type of character. Sorry
I couldn’t even decide who to sit with never mind kill one of them.
I feel like he would sacrifice himself althought if i had to say a cabin group member would do that then i think it would be Nick.
Yeah, definitely Nick more likely than the others.
Which isn't to say none of them would risk their lives to save anyone, it's just that some of them have something else to live for and/or aren't the type to expose themselves so boldly.
How come Nick? He didn’t really show any heroic type qualities that i remember to be fair. None of the cabin crew did really apart from maybe Alvin
It might've been in episode two where (if you chose to go with him), he distracts the walkers so that you can escape back to the cabin. I guess you technically could say that might've just been liquid courage from all the whisky he'd had, but anyways.
I guess the Walter confession could be considered heroic in some sense, but again, Clem's ultimately the one who controls whether he ends up admitting it or not. So really, Nick's probably capable of doing some brave stuff, but usually needs some kind of push to get him going.
I don't think Kenny usually has that issue.
He also charges out to get help when he realizes Sarah and Luke are too traumatized/injured and exhausted to effectively escape the trailer despite being wounded himself.
Granted, he ends up getting chomped by the NickKiller and bleeding out after getting stuck trying leave the hole in the fence, but it's the thought that counts. And in a way, he succeeded.
Well you could say Lee didn't intentionlly get bitten to save clementine? He got bit and was just like, "oh fuck this might as well" as he knew he was gonna die regardless. Luke saved clem but doesn't mean he's just gonna let himself die to show clem that he would die for her.
Yes except Lee showed many times that he would give his life to save Clem, Luke didn’t. Hell maybe he would, but we’ll never know. I am just giving you my opinion that I don’t feel he would have done ok?
Granted, I forgot about Nick doing that in Episode 2. I went with the Pete option originally so that scenario is not as familiar to me. Fair enough. I felt Nick’s character was hugely wasted as most of the cabin crew
Lee intentionally went to save Clementine from the stranger though, he was going to go whether or not he was bitten. If anything, if just gave more motivation to do it.
Now that you invoked it, I'm sure I'd pick Luke in any variation of this scenario.