The Thread of general TWD-related questions



  • I think Christa is the more likely candidate. You can determinately have Clem talk about her throughout the entirety of season 2, like telling the cabin group/Kenny about what happened to her as well as asking Matthew/Edith if they've encountered her. You can tell by Clem's reactions that she still really cares for Christa and hopes she is okay. Plus the last time we saw her there was a choice to help her or leave her to the bandits.

    Lilly has been gone for an extremely long time and only had a few references in s2. She is also a more controversial character so a lot of players would want to immediately kill her if they ran into her, making a happy reunion more out of character for their Clementine.

    TJ3046 posted: »

    Yeah I think it's really down to Christa or Lilly and I don't know how I feel about either lol. A lot of people really didn't like Lilly but

  • You are setting yourself up for disappointment if you actually think she will give you the answer to that question.

    Robert Kirkman teases in Issue 175’s Letter Hacks that Season 4 might feature a character with an animal companion. Is this true? @Alyssa_TTG

  • Alyssa_TTGAlyssa_TTG Former Telltale Staff

    @thewalkingclementine I'm gonna take @DabigRG 's cue here.


    Robert Kirkman teases in Issue 175’s Letter Hacks that Season 4 might feature a character with an animal companion. Is this true? @Alyssa_TTG

  • edited January 2018

    In episode 4 she was mainly trying to scare him off and to keep him away from the group, in episode 5 she isn't exactly the one with the whole "he's just a kid!" attitude, she's mainly being practical about him and his usefulness. She agrees to follow him because of the possibility that he actually has food and supplies in his house, otherwise, she would've probably advocated for just leaving him on the road. Later when Kenny is beating him and she goes "How is beating a kid to death gonna help anyone!" it's again more practicality than anything else really. I think we can agree that beating Arvo was achieving nothing, regardless of whether he deserved it or not. In the end, it actually led to Bonnie and Mike bailing and to Arvo shooting Clem.

    Why did Jane's attitude towards Arvo go from "If I see you again you'll regret it" to "He's a defenseless kid wtf Kenny", especially considering that he DID show up again to rob and potentially kill the group?

  • Fair enough since they did truly need food and shelter, although whether Arvo's half-built house and couple cans of chilli were worthwhile is questionable. Also I'm skeptical about whether Kenny beating Arvo was the reason Mike/Bonnie left, seems more like an excuse to steal from a group with children in it. If you recall Kenny could tell Mike and Bonnie were scheming about something back in episode 4.

    In episode 4 she was mainly trying to scare him off and to keep him away from the group, in episode 5 she isn't exactly the one with the who

  • To give some credit here, Amid the Ruins had a very riveting premise: The Howe's Ski Cabin Group has dealt with Carver and was making their escape from Howe's Hardware, but an unexpected snafu has caused them to panic and run, separating much of them from each other. Clementine must now recollect her lost and broken group members, scout the area of refuge, and ensure a position of safety as Rebecca enters labor.

    It basically follows up a built up story arc with a story about recovery and uses the character's current mental states and conflicting priorities to stir up some lingering tension, making it [what should be] a ensemble character-driven story as well.

    For my money, there are three major, overarching problems with the episode: Jane, the determinant factors, and The Sarah Situation.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    For me, it’s Amid the Ruins. Something about that episode gets my attention every time I play it.

  • Two out of six seems a bit meager for "Too many."

    Louche posted: »

    400 days had a good mix of humor and dark moments. But for a finale, I would prefer all-out dark. Too many finales seem to be goofy as hell for some reason.

  • Okay.
    Part of the issue is that I capitalized the first letter of my email when joining here when other websites tend to lowercase it by default.

    In the settings, however for gravatar you’ll need to link whatever email you set your telltale account up and your current email on the same gravatar.

  • edited January 2018

    It's a number of things:
    1. She realized she fucked up when she heard the gunshots and is taking [very loose] responsibility for sticking him up in first place.
    2. They were trying to go with the idea that she's making an effort to change her ways for Clementine.
    3. She didn't actually plan on doing anything to him specifically and even idea of the theft was something that nearly drives her tears.
    4. He lost his sister in the shootout, which Jane obviously relates to and determinately acknowledges the severity of the circumstances if Clementine brings it up.
    5. The simple fact that Arvo is the one who was providing them with what they needed at that point and yet Kenny escalates in attacking him--while he's tied up.
    6. It's an easy of way to vilify how unstable Kenny is getting when someone whose killed their own family/allies looks down on how needlessly aggressive he's being.

    Why did Jane's attitude towards Arvo go from "If I see you again you'll regret it" to "He's a defenseless kid wtf Kenny", especially considering that he DID show up again to rob and potentially kill the group?

  • Also I'm skeptical about whether Kenny beating Arvo was the reason Mike/Bonnie left, seems more like an excuse to steal from a group with children in it.

    I want you to read what you just said.

    If you recall Kenny could tell Mike and Bonnie were scheming about something back in episode 4.

    Which is honestly just Kenny being Kenny, if you ask me. Well that or a loose holdover from the original idea behind Mike.

    It made no sense for him to be suspicious of them when they clearly put more heart into the escape plan and looking out for the group than Jane. Plus, what the heck would they even be plotting at that point?

    Fair enough since they did truly need food and shelter, although whether Arvo's half-built house and couple cans of chilli were worthwhile i

  • No. And neither will Gabe for matter, as far as I can tell. In fact, she and Conrad barely even acknowledge each other after that episode.

    That determinant plot point and the limited consequence to it is honestly my one major issue with Above the Law.

  • Depends... she calls you out on it in episode 5 and forces you to go down and do the walker guts thing so you can become even with her, but she forces you to go down either way. Then again it was out of the kindness of Javier’s heart if he shot Conrad, if he didn’t then yeah Clem will force him to go down while Javier is reluctant.

  • Who would be plotting at that point? Bonnie was a chronic liar who had already betrayed them. Mike was an unknown who was originally supposed to be one of the bandits that ambushed Christa. It is totally in character for them to be plotting and scheming.

    The reason Kenny thought they were plotting was because they were very quick to separate from the group, as well as the fact that nobody could really trust them yet. Oh, and he was fucking right about them lol. Kenny being Kenny, I guess.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Also I'm skeptical about whether Kenny beating Arvo was the reason Mike/Bonnie left, seems more like an excuse to steal from a group with ch

  • edited January 2018

    Bonnie was a chronic liar who had already betrayed them.

    Bonnie is someone who clearly has a tendency to make wrong choices that she barely gels with. And in this case, it's worth noting that she made the right choice to leave with Luke's group after she saw what Carver was doing to Kenny and had already been considering it before hand. On different occasions, even.
    Not really sure where the notion of her being a chronic liar comes in, admittedly. Like, I'm sure there's something you can pull that I've missed, but honestly Bonnie always struck me as just being in denial and perhaps a poor liar.

    The reason Kenny thought they were plotting was because they were very quick to separate from the group

    They separate from the group because they were doing something that could help out the group. Same as Jane in this instance.
    Plus, kinda hard for a pretty little pregnant lady going into labor, an exhausted farmboy with injured ribs, a freshly retraumatized Spanish woman-child who nearly had her life thrown away, and a yelling brain damaged redneck who already aggressive on top of being broken from losing loved ones to reliably do the venturing out in their conditions.

    Oh, and he was fucking right about them lol. Kenny being Kenny, I guess.

    He was "fucking right" about them because he pulled suspicion out of his ass one day and then insisted on doing things to alienate them another. While Bonnie is a little debatable, Mike straight up came up with their plan to defect specifically because of Kenny.
    Kinda hard to give credit for seeing a problem when you're the cause of the problem.

    Who would be plotting at that point? Bonnie was a chronic liar who had already betrayed them. Mike was an unknown who was originally suppo

  • edited January 2018

    Which one/two of the Four/Five Philosophies do you think each character operates by?

  • edited January 2018

    Clementine: Cynical (to those she doesn't trust)/Conflicted (to those she can)

    Javier: Optimist (pretty obvious, given the dialogue in Ties that bind Pt.2)

    Paul (Jesus): Realist

    Gabe: Optimist/Conflicted (With some sass)

    Mariana: Realist/Optimist

    Kate: Optimist/Cynical (She's just weird, in general)

    David: Realist/Cynical

    Conrad: Apathetic/Cynical?

    Joan: Cynical/Realist?

    Clint: Conflicted/Realist

    Eleanor: Optimist/Realist (Before Thicker than water), Cynical/Optimist (After)

    Tripp: Realist/Conflicted

    Ava: Realist/Optimist

    Max: Conflicted

    Lonnie: Realist/Apathetic

    Rufus: Realist/Apathetic

    Fern: Conflicted/Apathetic

    Badger: Cynical

    Dr. Lingard: Apathetic

    DabigRG posted: »

    Which one/two of the Four/Five Philosophies do you think each character operates by?

  • Congrats for still being on staff! I hope things work out!

    Alyssa_TTG posted: »

    @thewalkingclementine I'm gonna take @DabigRG 's cue here. knowingsmile

  • edited January 2018

    Okay, finally got my list done:

    Everett Family
    Professor Lee Everett: Realist

    Clementine's Family
    Clementine (S1): Optimist/Conflicted
    Clementine (S2): Realist/Conflicted
    Clementine (ANF): Cynic with/without Jane's/no influence or Optimist/Cynic with Luke's influence, then Realist/Optimist in From the Gallows

    Chet: Apathetic
    Officer Andre Mitchell: Realist?

    Greene Family
    Shawn Greene: Realist/Optimist
    Hershel Greene: Realist/Cynic

    Kenny's Family
    Captain Kenny Sr. (S1): Optimist then Optimist/Cynic
    Captain Kenny Sr. (S2): Cynic/Optimist
    Kenny Duck Jr.: Apathetic
    Katjaa the Veterinarian: Realist

    Motel Group
    Carley: Realist or Realist/Cynic
    Glenn: Optimist
    Lilly the Receptionist: Realist/Cynic
    Larry the Veteran: Cynic
    Doug: Apathetic or Apathetic/Realist

    Irene: Optimist

    Stone Mountain High School
    Ben Paul: Conflicted then Conflicted/Cynic

    Mark: Realist/Optimist

    St. John’s Dairy
    Andrew St. John: Realist
    Danny St. John: Cynic or Apathetic/Cynic
    Brenda St. John: Optimist/Conflicted

    Save’s Lots Bandits
    Bandit Leader Jake: Realist/Cynic
    Gary: Cynic

    Jolene: Cynic/Apathetic

    Beatrice: Apathetic?

    Christa: Cynic/Realist
    Christa (S2): Cynic
    Omid: Optimist

    Charles/Chuck: Realist

    Molly: Cynic
    Dr. Logan: Realist/Apathetic
    Anna Corea: Apathetic or Apathetic/Optimist

    Cancer Support Group
    Dr. Vernon: Optimist/Realist
    Brie: Cynic/Realist
    Joyce: Realist
    Boyd: Realist/Optimist
    Clive: Cynic

    Campman Family
    Mr. Campman/The Stranger: Apathetic/Optimist

    Campfire Group
    Vince: Realist or Realist/Optimist
    Wyatt: Realist/Cynic
    Russell: Cynic/Optimist
    Bonnie: Optimist/Conflicted then Conflicted/Cynic after Luke is lost
    Shel: Realist/Optimist
    Becca: Cynic

    Prison Bus
    Justin the Prisoner: Cynic
    Danny the Prisoner: Optimist
    Officer Bennett: Realist or Realist/Apathetic
    Deputy Clyde: Conflicted
    Marcus Crabtree: Cynic?
    Jerry: Realist or Realist/Apathetic

    Nate: Apathetic

    Eddie: Optimist

    Walt’s Family
    Walt: Realist/Apathetic
    Jean: Realist?

    Leland’s Family
    Leland: Optimist
    Dee: Cynic

    Gil’s Pitstop Group
    Roman: Realist
    Stephanie: Optimist

    Roberto: Apathetic?

    Jr. Scavenger Michelle: Realist/Cynic

    North Carolina Scavengers
    Victor: Realist
    “Ralph” the Scavenger: Realist?
    Winston the Scavenger: Cynic

    Cabin Group
    Luke: Optimist/Conflicted
    Peter Joseph Randall: Realist
    Nick Randall: Cynic then Cynic/Optimist after Clementine's determinate pep talk and/or Walter deciding to save him
    Rebecca: Realist/Cynic and then Realist/Optimist
    Alvin: Optimist/Conflicted or Realist/Conflicted
    Dr. Carlos: Realist
    Sarah: Optimist/Apathetic or Optimist/Conflicted then Optimist/Cynic or even Apathetic/Cynic after Carlos' death
    Alvin Rebecca Carver Jr.: Apathetic

    Moonstar Lodge
    Matthew: Optimist
    Walter: Optimist
    Sarita: Optimist/Realist

    Howe's Hardware
    William Bill Carver: Cynic or Cynic/Apathetic
    Troy: Apathetic/Cynic
    Tavia: Realist/Optimist then Apathetic/Realist
    Rajeev/Reggie: Optimist
    Hank: Realist
    Johnny: Realist?
    Mike the Prisoner: Realist/Optimist
    Jane: Cynic/Realist

    Russian Group
    Arvo: Conflicted then possibly Conflicted/Cynic after Natasha's shot
    Natasha/Maud: Realist
    Buricko: Cynic
    Vitali: Realist/Cynic

    Randy’s Family
    Randy: Cynic
    Patricia: Realist/Optimist
    Gill: Realist?

    Wellington Ohio
    Gatekeeper Edith: Optimist/Realist then Conflicted/Realist

    García Family
    #12 Javier Garcia Realist/Optimist
    Head of Security David Garcia Cynic/Optimist
    Gabriel Garcia Cynic/Optimist then Conflicted/Optimist after Mariana's death
    Katie Dominguez-Garcia Conflicted
    Mariana Garcia Apathetic/Realist
    Hector Garcia Realist?
    Mrs. Yaya García Realist/Optimist?
    Salvador Rafael Garcia Realist

    The New Frontier(Underlings)
    Lieutenant Max Realist/Cynic in Part 1 then Optimist/Conflicted or Realist/Conflicted
    Lonnie Realist
    Lieutenant Badger Apathetic or even Apathetic/Cynic
    Lieutenant Ava Realist/Optimist
    Gate Guard Fern Realist? then Realist/Cynic after Ida is lost
    Trucker Driver Rufus Cynic

    Tripp Realist then maybe Realist/Optimist
    Francine Optimist
    Conrad the Bartender Optimist/Cynic then Cynic after Francine is killed then Optimist/Apathetic after his Heel Realization
    Dealer Eli Apathetic or Apathetic/Cynic
    Nurse Eleanor Optimist or Optimist/Realist

    Hilltop Colony
    Paul "jesus" Monroe Apathetic/Optimist

    TNF Richmond Council
    Diplomacy Leader Joan Optimist/Realist or even Optimist/Cynic
    Rations Leader Clinton Barnes Realist or Realist/Optimist
    Head of Medicine Dr. Paul Lingard Apathetic/Cynic

    Baseball Kid: Cynic

    DabigRG posted: »

    Which one/two of the Four/Five Philosophies do you think each character operates by?

  • What’s the number 12 for when you mentioned Javier?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Okay, finally got my list done: Everett Family Professor Lee Everett: Realist Clementine's Family Clementine (S1): Optimist/Conflict

  • It's his jersey and player number.

    Melton23 posted: »

    What’s the number 12 for when you mentioned Javier?

  • It's 25, not 12.

    DabigRG posted: »

    It's his jersey and player number.

  • I thought it was something around 20 too

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    It's 25, not 12.

  • Both of us are right, then. :blush:

    Melton23 posted: »

    I thought it was something around 20 too

  • edited January 2018

    Oh, was it? Well shoot.

    Where the fuck did I get 12 from, then?

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    It's 25, not 12.

  • I don't know, you tell me. :D

    DabigRG posted: »

    Oh, was it? Well shoot. Where the fuck did I get 12 from, then?

  • In your headcanon, what do you think happened to the 400 Days survivors who stayed behind at the campsite?

    Are certain 400 Days characters more likely to survive if they stayed behind than others?

  • It depends on how many decided to stay. If it’s a bunch of them, mainly everyone besides Bonnie, then they stayed at the camp for a few nights before discovering a “safe haven” not too far from their previous campsite. So, they’re alive.

    If it’s just one or two people, then they’re dead.

    Are certain 400 Days characters more likely to survive if they stayed behind than others?

    Yeah. It’s Vince and, surprisingly, Russell. Vince looks like he can handle himself well and Russell was on his own when you first play as him.

    In your headcanon, what do you think happened to the 400 Days survivors who stayed behind at the campsite? Are certain 400 Days characters more likely to survive if they stayed behind than others?

  • I had the group split up. Bonnie, Wyatt, and Russell went with Tavia. Vince, Shel, and Becca stayed at the campsite. I really like how it worked out because in my game Shel also killed Stephanie, so with Shel and Vince we had the two survivors who I knew could make the tough choices. Plus it reminded me of a little surrogate family akin to Lee, Clem, and Carley.

    What do you think of their odds? I also never considered Russell's survival potential but you are right.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    It depends on how many decided to stay. If it’s a bunch of them, mainly everyone besides Bonnie, then they stayed at the camp for a few nigh

  • edited January 2018

    Since i honestly didn't put too much thought into the 1st one(partly because it's more or less "canon" that they all go to Howe's), I'll answer the 2nd.

    Out of all of them, only Vince and unfortunately maybe Wyatt really strike me as being likely to survive in the wild and/or on their own for any decent amount of time.
    Russell was more or less a member of Steve's gang that he realized he couldn't handle being in before he left in favor of going to his grandma's house and while Shel & Becca have received some routine that would give, they're still not used to being self-sufficient in the wild where Roman could very hunt them down.

    In your headcanon, what do you think happened to the 400 Days survivors who stayed behind at the campsite? Are certain 400 Days characters more likely to survive if they stayed behind than others?

  • I'm not too sure about Wyatt, he seems pretty incapable. And in my game where Eddie ditched him, Wyatt said he would have died if Vince hadn't saved him.

    Also in my game Shel killed Stephanie, so Roman never had a reason to hunt them down.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Since i honestly didn't put too much thought into the 1st one(partly because it's more or less "canon" that they all go to Howe's), I'll ans

  • I'm not too sure about Wyatt, he seems pretty incapable. And in my game where Eddie ditched him, Wyatt said he would have died if Vince hadn't saved him.

    I know, hence the maybe. I would've just said Vince otherwise, but wanted to take into account the unknown number of days Wyatt was on his own.

    Also in my game Shel killed Stephanie, so Roman never had a reason to hunt them down.

    Honestly, I'm left wondering what the fuck happened in that instance to land her and Becca in the Campfire Group.
    At least in Russell's case, I have a pretty decent/fitting idea of what may have happened.

    I'm not too sure about Wyatt, he seems pretty incapable. And in my game where Eddie ditched him, Wyatt said he would have died if Vince hadn't saved him. Also in my game Shel killed Stephanie, so Roman never had a reason to hunt them down.

  • Ikr? Really wish we knew what happened to Roman and the remnants of the cancer patients in the scenario where Shel and Becca stayed. I speculate that Joyce/Boyd died and Clive turned bandit along with Roman, and that Gil's got overrun by walkers somehow. Wish we knew for certain.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I'm not too sure about Wyatt, he seems pretty incapable. And in my game where Eddie ditched him, Wyatt said he would have died if Vince hadn

  • I speculate that Joyce/Boyd died and Clive turned scavenger along with Roman

    Holy shit, I literally just thought about that possibility myself!

    And honestly, it sounds lot better than my previous half-assumption that Roman just betrayed them for no reason and moved on to possibly found the North Carolina Scavengers.

    Ikr? Really wish we knew what happened to Roman and the remnants of the cancer patients in the scenario where Shel and Becca stayed. I spe

  • It seems pretty likely when you think about it, seeing how ruthless Clive had become by 400 Days. He wanted to kill the intruder, he is on board with killing Stephanie and is shown guarding her, and he shows regret at not shooting Lee if you chose to threaten them. He seems a good candidate for Roman's right hand. We don't see his corpse at the riverbank so either he died beforehand or escaped the massacre somehow.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I speculate that Joyce/Boyd died and Clive turned scavenger along with Roman Holy shit, I literally just thought about that possibil

  • Sonansu.

    It seems pretty likely when you think about it, seeing how ruthless Clive had become by 400 Days. He wanted to kill the intruder, he is on

  • Huh?

    DabigRG posted: »


  • edited January 2018

    I literally just thought of this: In Ties that Bind Part 1, Max is noticeably more aggressive and antagonistic than he is in the rest of the installment, gut-punching Javier after briefly rationalizing how he could be innocent, incessantly searching for signs of any company he might/does have with clear hostility, and even potentially shooting Javier on the spot before this if he hesitates to open the door. However, as he's about leave the trailer to follow up on the search, he lets it slip that the reason he's so distrustful and paranoid about Javier's presence is because they were previously screwed over under similar circumstances.

    Is it possible that these people(rather, person) he's referring to could've had something to do with Clementine?

  • edited January 2018

    That's how it looks, suh.


  • I highly doubt it. Sounds like they were fucked over pretty hard by another group, not just a girl who stole one syringe of medicine. This is reinforced when David says that they lost their orchard base due to trusting the wrong people.

    I would love more details on what happened.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I literally just thought of this: In Ties that Bind Part 1, Max is noticeably more aggressive and antagonistic than he is in the rest of the

  • Sounds like they were fucked over pretty hard by another group, not just a girl who stole one syringe of medicine.

    I know that. I'm just considering the possibilities of that being a bigger deal rather than just an un-elaborated incident. Plus, I got the implication Clementine had been causing them trouble on occasion after she left.
    Heck, her introduction is her cutting down a tree(somehow...) to run Rufus off the road so she could rob/jack him.

    This is reinforced when David says that they lost their orchard base due to trusting the wrong people.

    Huh. You know, I never made the connection to Shenandoah River, but you might just have a point. Max was implied to be one of David's older friends.

    I highly doubt it. Sounds like they were fucked over pretty hard by another group, not just a girl who stole one syringe of medicine. This i

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