kenny acted like he was in charge, jane was just going along with it because she wanted out, she hates groups and never wanted to be there in the first place
more like clem should fucking apologize for being part of a plan that almost got them killed.
Lol eh, there's that I guess. If and o… morenly if, I despised Kenny like Jane advocates, Kenny could be the fall guy for it. Then again, Jane was also a big help in the great escape
also, the cameos would be 5 second "hi, then disappear" scenes just like they were in season 2.
That I'd be okay with, no longer than 5 seconds though I wouldn't be able to get through it. The why is because of how manipulative they all were to Clem to say the least.
a cult following based on some obscure comic vs a tie-in to one of the most popular tv shows ever?
doesn't make sense to me. also wolf among us had a pathetic ending. the climax being that important town meeting/trial, with all like 10 character models (what a town) was embarrassing.
To be fair, the herd were gonna bang that place up pretty good anyway, what with the multiple breaches and being the biggest herd to ever come through. Not to mention Troy knocking the shit out of the loading bay door.
Yeah, that's what Luke said. But I bet he would delude himself to justify that sort of thing in his mind. Anyway, it's still a sore point for me, that everyone seems to gloss over, (myself included for a long while).
Louche posted: »
Game of Thrones reference. Can't fucking believe wolf among us is getting a second season before they do.
… more I hear Wolf Among Us has quite a following and I'm pretty sure it has been waiting in line longer.
more like clem should fucking apologize for being part of a plan that almost got them killed.
To be fair, the herd were gonna bang that place up pretty good anyway, what with the multiple breaches and being the biggest herd to ever come through. Not to mention Troy knocking the shit out of the loading bay door.
a cult following based on some obscure comic vs a tie-in to one of the most popular tv shows ever?
doesn't make sense to me.
Funny, weren't you one of the many people hating on Minecraft for getting sequel?
also wolf among us had a pathetic ending. the climax being that important town meeting/trial, with all like 10 character models (what a town) was embarrassing.
I'd take your word for it, but given your track record, I'm just gonna chalk it up to petty scorn.
Yeah, that's what Luke said. But I bet he would delude himself to justify that sort of thing in his mind
Bonnie, Hank, and Carver make vaguely similar comments, though.
a cult following based on some obscure comic vs a tie-in to one of the most popular tv shows ever?
doesn't make sense to me. also wolf amon… moreg us had a pathetic ending. the climax being that important town meeting/trial, with all like 10 character models (what a town) was embarrassing.
To be fair, the herd were gonna bang that place up pretty good anyway, what with the multiple breaches and being the biggest herd to ever come through. Not to mention Troy knocking the shit out of the loading bay door.
Yeah, that's what Luke said. But I bet he would delude himself to justify that sort of thing in his mind. Anyway, it's still a sore point for me, that everyone seems to gloss over, (myself included for a long while).
she hates groups and never wanted to be there in the first place
And somehow this is the person people see fit for Clem to travel with. I feel like if Jane was put in a situation to save Clem or herself she'd save her own ass. I mean you watched your sibling die, why save this kid you had no intentions on being with in the first place?
kenny acted like he was in charge, jane was just going along with it because she wanted out, she hates groups and never wanted to be there in the first place
she hates groups and never wanted to be there in the first place
And somehow this is the person people see fit for Clem to travel wi… moreth. I feel like if Jane was put in a situation to save Clem or herself she'd save her own ass. I mean you watched your sibling die, why save this kid you had no intentions on being with in the first place?
Man watching Kenny stab Jane was like watching a gazelle drinking from a lake on a breezy summer morning with a cup Foldgers : ) such relaxation that was.
Huh, I always thought Lily was who everyone wanted to return. Lots of people would say Christa to be rather "boring" or just "not interesting". I for one would enjoy both of their appearance in TFS.
Huh, I always thought Lily was who everyone wanted to return. Lots of people would say Christa to be rather "boring" or just "not interesting". I for one would enjoy both of their appearance in TFS.
Man watching Kenny stab Jane was like watching a gazelle drinking from a lake on a breezy summer morning with a cup Foldgers : ) such relaxation that was.
I'm sorry, but since when is it ridiculous that choices matter? They left Conrad in the rest of A New Frontier, even though only about 12 % chose to let him live.
I think it would be fantastic if he was brought back for players who let him live, and I don't see how that is unfair in any way.
Some new characters. It would be so cringy and unbelievable for a character from the past to show up.
And Kenny is dead. Period. Telltale's… more not going to bring him back for the small percentage of people who left him alive. That would be ridiculous and unfair to the other players.
Why does no one respect free will? I mean, if her sister wanted to die and said as much... what was Jane supposed to do? Be on suicide watch every single fucking second? If the situation played out as Jane described it, Jane does not deserve to be blamed for her sister's death.
Also, does no one remember Kenny just standing there while Shawn's being attacked by walkers? He could have put Duck down and tried to help but instead he just stood there paralyzed. Of course he was right to get Duck first, but after? So would Kenny have sacrificed himself for Clem? It would probably depend on his erratic frame of mind.
I would much rather have had Jane as a companion than Kenny.
she hates groups and never wanted to be there in the first place
And somehow this is the person people see fit for Clem to travel wi… moreth. I feel like if Jane was put in a situation to save Clem or herself she'd save her own ass. I mean you watched your sibling die, why save this kid you had no intentions on being with in the first place?
Right? I definitely hold her responsible for going bat shit crazy and killing someone on suspicion of being a traitor and not even suspecting the right person.
I hope its Lily just so that i can shoot her.
It would be fun if it happened to be Michonne.
Realistically it will probably be a whole new person or possibly an abandoned ranch.
i mean if Doug was saved then she actually did go for the right person but just dint hit the target. ((althought that really doesnt change the fact she killed someone from her group.))
Right? I definitely hold her responsible for going bat shit crazy and killing someone on suspicion of being a traitor and not even suspecting the right person.
I've seen a few discussions with people picking favorites lol. Don't get me wrong, both Lily & Christa have a shit ton of story left in them that should be included in TFS. But then again, with this being the "finale" and everything, there's a slim chance we'd even get a glimpse or even a 5 second appearance of them. Worst case scenario, we only get to see them in the credits for the last episode.
Jane was an opportunist, whatever seemed right or can help her current situation, she'd hop on the train instantly. Jane was also a manipulative survivor in my overall opinion of her. Seriously? Kenny felt like taking care of a AJ was too much work and he felt he wasn't as fit as everyone else, so he killed a fucking child?! In cold blood?! Left him in a car to rot?! And in no way shape or form felt any sort of remorse?!? Stop it Shampa, if we let Jane tell it, Kenny was a modern day nazi or something. Jane tried but failed to brainwash Clementine into thinking Kenny was an unstable ticking time bomb that can ultimately put her in danger, when in all reality he just needed time to collect himself. All in all, Jane was/is a manipulative opportunist who would've ended up turning her back on us if shit ultimately hit the fan. And trust me, I hate to bring it up, but she did hang herself because she was pregnant. Leaving Clem to put her out of her misery. No hope in finding a doctor to help, no care for what happens to Clem & AJ. Again, opportunist, took the easiest way out instead of dealing with things. She even convinced Kenny that he was unstable. Screw her.
Why does no one respect free will? I mean, if her sister wanted to die and said as much... what was Jane supposed to do? Be on suicide watch… more every single fucking second? If the situation played out as Jane described it, Jane does not deserve to be blamed for her sister's death.
Also, does no one remember Kenny just standing there while Shawn's being attacked by walkers? He could have put Duck down and tried to help but instead he just stood there paralyzed. Of course he was right to get Duck first, but after? So would Kenny have sacrificed himself for Clem? It would probably depend on his erratic frame of mind.
I would much rather have had Jane as a companion than Kenny.
When did Jane kill a child? Jane didn't leave a child to rot. She didn't feel remorse because nothing had happened to AJ. Was that a poor decision on her part that could have brought harm to AJ? Sure. Did it? No.
Kenny was unstable, made rash (often stupid) decisions, and was hot-headed. Remember what he did to Arvo? You think he wouldn't eventually have done something similar to Clem if she did something that pissed him off? He has a flaw many telltale characters have, which is if you don't side with them 100% they turn on you. GOTG has numerous characters with that exact flaw. It irritates me every time. Kenny is a deeply flawed character. Remember how in season one when he and Lee were on a scavenge mission and they saw a girl about to be attacked by walkers? His response? Let's let the walkers get her so that they are too distracted to attack us. How is that not opportunistic? Kenny, at one point in season one, says he wants Lee around because he wants a guy around who knows how to knock heads together. That's opportunistic. Being opportunistic, in an of itself, is not a bad thing. I got mad at Nick for shooting Matthew on the bridge. That is definitely the kind of thing Kenny would do - he doesn't think things through, like when Carver's men attacked the lodge - because he is rash. And rash could definitely endanger people.
Honestly, I thought having Jane kill herself because she was pregnant was dumb. It was like, girl, just have an abortion. But then again, I figure that she realized she was pregnant after Plan B or using multiple birth control pills would be effective. Plus, what if they couldn't find a doctor who could perform abortion? I am very pro-choice, by the way. It's not as if they had ready access to that sort of stuff. Yeah, she left Clem to fend for herself and a baby. So does the game. You, the player, can choose to have Clem be on her own with the baby. I am also pro-choice when it comes to suicides too. It's your life, you do with it what you want. I expect that Jane thought that Clem having to take care of AJ and (if the pregnancy progressed long enough) a less mobile, less capable Jane would be asking too much of Clem. Jane chose to end her life and I respect that.
Jane was an opportunist, whatever seemed right or can help her current situation, she'd hop on the train instantly. Jane was also a manipula… moretive survivor in my overall opinion of her. Seriously? Kenny felt like taking care of a AJ was too much work and he felt he wasn't as fit as everyone else, so he killed a fucking child?! In cold blood?! Left him in a car to rot?! And in no way shape or form felt any sort of remorse?!? Stop it Shampa, if we let Jane tell it, Kenny was a modern day nazi or something. Jane tried but failed to brainwash Clementine into thinking Kenny was an unstable ticking time bomb that can ultimately put her in danger, when in all reality he just needed time to collect himself. All in all, Jane was/is a manipulative opportunist who would've ended up turning her back on us if shit ultimately hit the fan. And trust me, I hate to bring it up, but she did hang herself because she was pregnant. Leaving Clem to put her out of he… [view original content]
Did she ever shit like that?
I realize it's been a nice while since I put any real attention on Jane, so this is probably the most straightforward time I'll allot.
Also, does no one remember Kenny just standing there while Shawn's being attacked by walkers?
Why does no one respect free will? I mean, if her sister wanted to die and said as much... what was Jane supposed to do? Be on suicide watch… more every single fucking second? If the situation played out as Jane described it, Jane does not deserve to be blamed for her sister's death.
Also, does no one remember Kenny just standing there while Shawn's being attacked by walkers? He could have put Duck down and tried to help but instead he just stood there paralyzed. Of course he was right to get Duck first, but after? So would Kenny have sacrificed himself for Clem? It would probably depend on his erratic frame of mind.
I would much rather have had Jane as a companion than Kenny.
i mean if Doug was saved then she actually did go for the right person but just dint hit the target. ((althought that really doesnt change the fact she killed someone from her group.))
if her sister wanted to die and said as much
Did she ever shit like that?
I realize it's been a nice while since I put any real at… moretention on Jane, so this is probably the most straightforward time I'll allot.
Also, does no one remember Kenny just standing there while Shawn's being attacked by walkers?
He ran. Gosh!
But of course! AJ was a newborn, concooned baby, while Clementine was a eleven year old with experience in improvised self-defense and gun use.
Hell, I'd likely do the same.
Not sure if you are ironic but something like that. But that's not all. She stole the RV and escaped justice. Basically she murdered an innocent person and stole a vehicle.
Right? I definitely hold her responsible for going bat shit crazy and killing someone on suspicion of being a traitor and not even suspecting the right person.
Not being ironic at all. I absolutely dislike her. Her plunge into paranoia really made me want to distance myself from her. Not a fan of the crazy. Also not a fan of people who intentionally do others harm.
When did Jane kill a child? Jane didn't leave a child to rot. She didn't feel remorse because nothing had happened to AJ. Was that a poor decision on her part that could have brought harm to AJ? Sure. Did it? No.
No, what I meant was she made up AJ's death to turn Clem against Kenny as quick as possible which showed her true colors to me.
Kenny was unstable, made rash (often stupid) decisions, and was hot-headed. Remember what he did to Arvo?
I feel like everyone is on the same level of numb with the current state of world. If not, they're 2 sided people waiting for you to put your guard down to take advantage. Kenny in my eyes isn't for the run-around. This guy (Arvo) posed as a threat, only because Jane felt she deserved his medicine(s). If she was half of the person Jane sympathizers paint her as, the shootout would've never occurred in the first place. Arvo & his group had no intentions to rob other survivors. Only to bring the medicine back to his group. They didn't even know the Cabin Group existed!
He has a flaw many telltale characters have, which is if you don't side with them 100% they turn on you.
This I can agree with. Kenny isn't as open hearted to everyone else's decisions as he should be which ultimately causes friction.
Honestly, I thought having Jane kill herself because she was pregnant was dumb. It was like, girl, just have an abortion. But then again, I figure that she realized she was pregnant after Plan B or using multiple birth control pills would be effective. Plus, what if they couldn't find a doctor who could perform abortion?
Exactly! But in the end I put myself in her shoes (from S2 to present) and came to realize it was probably for the best. Jane didn't ask to be put in this position, and looking at her situation in ANF - 2 soon to be 3 children she'd had to look after could've been far worse than the walkers. Especially alone with no one to trust in the apocalypse. But like you said...
It's your life, you do with it what you want.
Might've been the only end game for Jane.
My anger towards Jane really stems from her trying to manipulate Clem into thinking Kenny was some sort of gruesome monster when she only really knew him for a better part of a few days. And most of all claiming Kenny killed AJ realllly did it for me. I mean why? She could've made up anything but resorted to that. "Kenny tried to shoot/stab me" would've been acceptable. But the Kenny I know killing a baby? Nope. That was it for me.
When did Jane kill a child? Jane didn't leave a child to rot. She didn't feel remorse because nothing had happened to AJ. Was that a poor de… morecision on her part that could have brought harm to AJ? Sure. Did it? No.
Kenny was unstable, made rash (often stupid) decisions, and was hot-headed. Remember what he did to Arvo? You think he wouldn't eventually have done something similar to Clem if she did something that pissed him off? He has a flaw many telltale characters have, which is if you don't side with them 100% they turn on you. GOTG has numerous characters with that exact flaw. It irritates me every time. Kenny is a deeply flawed character. Remember how in season one when he and Lee were on a scavenge mission and they saw a girl about to be attacked by walkers? His response? Let's let the walkers get her so that they are too distracted to attack us. How is that not opportunistic? Kenny, at one point in season one, says he wants Lee around… [view original content]
But of course! AJ was a newborn, concooned baby, while Clementine was a eleven year old with experience in improvised self-defense and gun use.
Hell, I'd likely do the same.
I have one nitpick with your post and it is this: holding Jane responsible for taking Arvo's meds which then resulted in Arvo's group attacking Clem's group. Remember in season one when they could opt to take the stuff from the car or leave in case the car's owner came back? Well, Kenny had no second thoughts about stealing then. I feel strongly that had Kenny run into Arvo that he would not have twice about taking the meds from Arvo either. He's very much a "I care about my group only" kind of guy. Plus, when Jane actually does do something where she is thinking of someone else's interest (in this case Rebecca) she's still awful because of the outcome regardless of whether you could have predicted that it would result in an attack. Sheesh, this girl just cannot win.
Also, saying you killed a person to manipulate another person is NOT the same as actually doing it.
When did Jane kill a child? Jane didn't leave a child to rot. She didn't feel remorse because nothing had happened to AJ. Was that a poor de… morecision on her part that could have brought harm to AJ? Sure. Did it? No.
No, what I meant was she made up AJ's death to turn Clem against Kenny as quick as possible which showed her true colors to me.
Kenny was unstable, made rash (often stupid) decisions, and was hot-headed. Remember what he did to Arvo?
I feel like everyone is on the same level of numb with the current state of world. If not, they're 2 sided people waiting for you to put your guard down to take advantage. Kenny in my eyes isn't for the run-around. This guy (Arvo) posed as a threat, only because Jane felt she deserved his medicine(s). If she was half of the person Jane sympathizers paint her as, the shootout would've never occurred in the first place. Arvo & his group had no intentions to rob other survivors. On… [view original content]
Also, saying you killed a person to manipulate another person is NOT the same as actually doing it.>
It isn't, but it is a psychopathic move. You can't leave a baby alone in the real world much less in TWD. In the end she resorted to manipulation to prove a false point
Kenny was on the verge of a mental break down and was deeply flawed but that kind of manipulation would have set anyone off. If Jane hadnt done what she did the whole fight would never had happened in the first place.
I have one nitpick with your post and it is this: holding Jane responsible for taking Arvo's meds which then resulted in Arvo's group attack… moreing Clem's group. Remember in season one when they could opt to take the stuff from the car or leave in case the car's owner came back? Well, Kenny had no second thoughts about stealing then. I feel strongly that had Kenny run into Arvo that he would not have twice about taking the meds from Arvo either. He's very much a "I care about my group only" kind of guy. Plus, when Jane actually does do something where she is thinking of someone else's interest (in this case Rebecca) she's still awful because of the outcome regardless of whether you could have predicted that it would result in an attack. Sheesh, this girl just cannot win.
Also, saying you killed a person to manipulate another person is NOT the same as actually doing it.
If Lily ended up being in the Ranch i probably would forgive her because i try to not linger on bad relationships with characters and also my goal with every walking dead game is keep as many people in the group alive no matter the consequences which was why i dint shoot Conrad in New frontier.
But this is all based on values adopted by society, because it is necessary for a society to work, however in The Walking Dead, AJ contributes nothing, and if Clementine died to save AJ, more people would die down the line probably
But of course! AJ was a newborn, concooned baby, while Clementine was a eleven year old with experience in improvised self-defense and gun use.
Hell, I'd likely do the same.
Her point wasn't false, Kenny would have alienated even more people and put Clem's life in danger if she remained loyal to him. That fight was going to happen sooner or later.
Also, saying you killed a person to manipulate another person is NOT the same as actually doing it.>
It isn't, but it is a psycho… morepathic move. You can't leave a baby alone in the real world much less in TWD. In the end she resorted to manipulation to prove a false point
Kenny was on the verge of a mental break down and was deeply flawed but that kind of manipulation would have set anyone off. If Jane hadnt done what she did the whole fight would never had happened in the first place.
kenny acted like he was in charge, jane was just going along with it because she wanted out, she hates groups and never wanted to be there in the first place
a cult following based on some obscure comic vs a tie-in to one of the most popular tv shows ever?
doesn't make sense to me. also wolf among us had a pathetic ending. the climax being that important town meeting/trial, with all like 10 character models (what a town) was embarrassing.
Yeah, that's what Luke said. But I bet he would delude himself to justify that sort of thing in his mind. Anyway, it's still a sore point for me, that everyone seems to gloss over, (myself included for a long while).
Funny, weren't you one of the many people hating on Minecraft for getting sequel?
I'd take your word for it, but given your track record, I'm just gonna chalk it up to petty scorn.
Bonnie, Hank, and Carver make vaguely similar comments, though.
And somehow this is the person people see fit for Clem to travel with. I feel like if Jane was put in a situation to save Clem or herself she'd save her own ass. I mean you watched your sibling die, why save this kid you had no intentions on being with in the first place?
Maybe because Jane is a loose narcissist. And that's assuming even that would be enough.
Althought i know its probably not gonna happen since alot more people like Christa i really want to see Lily be there.
I do too.
Okay, maybe not at the ranch specifically, but I want her back in the spotlight to a fair but healthy degree.
Claire Clearey.
Man watching Kenny stab Jane was like watching a gazelle drinking from a lake on a breezy summer morning with a cup Foldgers : ) such relaxation that was.
Huh, I always thought Lily was who everyone wanted to return. Lots of people would say Christa to be rather "boring" or just "not interesting". I for one would enjoy both of their appearance in TFS.
Huh? Who are these people lol
I hope its Lily just so that i can shoot her.
It would be fun if it happened to be Michonne.
Realistically it will probably be a whole new person or possibly an abandoned ranch.
Sounds nice, but what’s Foldgers?
I really hope you're joking. That is the last character i would want to see at the ranch, or in the game at all for that matter.
I'm sorry, but since when is it ridiculous that choices matter? They left Conrad in the rest of A New Frontier, even though only about 12 % chose to let him live.
I think it would be fantastic if he was brought back for players who let him live, and I don't see how that is unfair in any way.
Why does no one respect free will? I mean, if her sister wanted to die and said as much... what was Jane supposed to do? Be on suicide watch every single fucking second? If the situation played out as Jane described it, Jane does not deserve to be blamed for her sister's death.
Also, does no one remember Kenny just standing there while Shawn's being attacked by walkers? He could have put Duck down and tried to help but instead he just stood there paralyzed. Of course he was right to get Duck first, but after? So would Kenny have sacrificed himself for Clem? It would probably depend on his erratic frame of mind.
I would much rather have had Jane as a companion than Kenny.
Right? I definitely hold her responsible for going bat shit crazy and killing someone on suspicion of being a traitor and not even suspecting the right person.
i mean if Doug was saved then she actually did go for the right person but just dint hit the target. ((althought that really doesnt change the fact she killed someone from her group.))
I've seen a few discussions with people picking favorites lol. Don't get me wrong, both Lily & Christa have a shit ton of story left in them that should be included in TFS. But then again, with this being the "finale" and everything, there's a slim chance we'd even get a glimpse or even a 5 second appearance of them. Worst case scenario, we only get to see them in the credits for the last episode.
Jane was an opportunist, whatever seemed right or can help her current situation, she'd hop on the train instantly. Jane was also a manipulative survivor in my overall opinion of her. Seriously? Kenny felt like taking care of a AJ was too much work and he felt he wasn't as fit as everyone else, so he killed a fucking child?! In cold blood?! Left him in a car to rot?! And in no way shape or form felt any sort of remorse?!? Stop it Shampa, if we let Jane tell it, Kenny was a modern day nazi or something. Jane tried but failed to brainwash Clementine into thinking Kenny was an unstable ticking time bomb that can ultimately put her in danger, when in all reality he just needed time to collect himself. All in all, Jane was/is a manipulative opportunist who would've ended up turning her back on us if shit ultimately hit the fan. And trust me, I hate to bring it up, but she did hang herself because she was pregnant. Leaving Clem to put her out of her misery. No hope in finding a doctor to help, no care for what happens to Clem & AJ. Again, opportunist, took the easiest way out instead of dealing with things. She even convinced Kenny that he was unstable. Screw her.
When did Jane kill a child? Jane didn't leave a child to rot. She didn't feel remorse because nothing had happened to AJ. Was that a poor decision on her part that could have brought harm to AJ? Sure. Did it? No.
Kenny was unstable, made rash (often stupid) decisions, and was hot-headed. Remember what he did to Arvo? You think he wouldn't eventually have done something similar to Clem if she did something that pissed him off? He has a flaw many telltale characters have, which is if you don't side with them 100% they turn on you. GOTG has numerous characters with that exact flaw. It irritates me every time. Kenny is a deeply flawed character. Remember how in season one when he and Lee were on a scavenge mission and they saw a girl about to be attacked by walkers? His response? Let's let the walkers get her so that they are too distracted to attack us. How is that not opportunistic? Kenny, at one point in season one, says he wants Lee around because he wants a guy around who knows how to knock heads together. That's opportunistic. Being opportunistic, in an of itself, is not a bad thing. I got mad at Nick for shooting Matthew on the bridge. That is definitely the kind of thing Kenny would do - he doesn't think things through, like when Carver's men attacked the lodge - because he is rash. And rash could definitely endanger people.
Honestly, I thought having Jane kill herself because she was pregnant was dumb. It was like, girl, just have an abortion. But then again, I figure that she realized she was pregnant after Plan B or using multiple birth control pills would be effective. Plus, what if they couldn't find a doctor who could perform abortion? I am very pro-choice, by the way. It's not as if they had ready access to that sort of stuff. Yeah, she left Clem to fend for herself and a baby. So does the game. You, the player, can choose to have Clem be on her own with the baby. I am also pro-choice when it comes to suicides too. It's your life, you do with it what you want. I expect that Jane thought that Clem having to take care of AJ and (if the pregnancy progressed long enough) a less mobile, less capable Jane would be asking too much of Clem. Jane chose to end her life and I respect that.
Did she ever shit like that?
I realize it's been a nice while since I put any real attention on Jane, so this is probably the most straightforward time I'll allot.
He ran. Gosh!
Ah. I liked Doug, but I preferred Carley so I might not have gotten that version. But yeah, she became unhinged. I don't like unhinged.
Even worse.
Also, if he had to choose between saving AJ or Clem my money is he'd save AJ.
But of course! AJ was a newborn, concooned baby, while Clementine was a eleven year old with experience in improvised self-defense and gun use.
Hell, I'd likely do the same.
Imagine Clem in a situation similar to Shawn's.
Not sure if you are ironic but something like that. But that's not all. She stole the RV and escaped justice. Basically she murdered an innocent person and stole a vehicle.
Not being ironic at all. I absolutely dislike her. Her plunge into paranoia really made me want to distance myself from her. Not a fan of the crazy. Also not a fan of people who intentionally do others harm.
No, what I meant was she made up AJ's death to turn Clem against Kenny as quick as possible which showed her true colors to me.
I feel like everyone is on the same level of numb with the current state of world. If not, they're 2 sided people waiting for you to put your guard down to take advantage. Kenny in my eyes isn't for the run-around. This guy (Arvo) posed as a threat, only because Jane felt she deserved his medicine(s). If she was half of the person Jane sympathizers paint her as, the shootout would've never occurred in the first place. Arvo & his group had no intentions to rob other survivors. Only to bring the medicine back to his group. They didn't even know the Cabin Group existed!
This I can agree with. Kenny isn't as open hearted to everyone else's decisions as he should be which ultimately causes friction.
But in the end I put myself in her shoes (from S2 to present) and came to realize it was probably for the best. Jane didn't ask to be put in this position, and looking at her situation in ANF - 2 soon to be 3 children she'd had to look after could've been far worse than the walkers. Especially alone with no one to trust in the apocalypse. But like you said...
Might've been the only end game for Jane.
My anger towards Jane really stems from her trying to manipulate Clem into thinking Kenny was some sort of gruesome monster when she only really knew him for a better part of a few days. And most of all claiming Kenny killed AJ realllly did it for me. I mean why? She could've made up anything but resorted to that. "Kenny tried to shoot/stab me" would've been acceptable. But the Kenny I know killing a baby? Nope. That was it for me.
It'd be what Clem would want too honestly.
I have one nitpick with your post and it is this: holding Jane responsible for taking Arvo's meds which then resulted in Arvo's group attacking Clem's group. Remember in season one when they could opt to take the stuff from the car or leave in case the car's owner came back? Well, Kenny had no second thoughts about stealing then. I feel strongly that had Kenny run into Arvo that he would not have twice about taking the meds from Arvo either. He's very much a "I care about my group only" kind of guy. Plus, when Jane actually does do something where she is thinking of someone else's interest (in this case Rebecca) she's still awful because of the outcome regardless of whether you could have predicted that it would result in an attack. Sheesh, this girl just cannot win.
Also, saying you killed a person to manipulate another person is NOT the same as actually doing it.
It isn't, but it is a psychopathic move. You can't leave a baby alone in the real world much less in TWD. In the end she resorted to manipulation to prove a false point
Kenny was on the verge of a mental break down and was deeply flawed but that kind of manipulation would have set anyone off. If Jane hadnt done what she did the whole fight would never had happened in the first place.
If Lily ended up being in the Ranch i probably would forgive her because i try to not linger on bad relationships with characters and also my goal with every walking dead game is keep as many people in the group alive no matter the consequences which was why i dint shoot Conrad in New frontier.
i hope kenny has a cameo reunion at the end if you stay in wellington cause i would really love to end her arc with him being her adoptive father
But this is all based on values adopted by society, because it is necessary for a society to work, however in The Walking Dead, AJ contributes nothing, and if Clementine died to save AJ, more people would die down the line probably
Her point wasn't false, Kenny would have alienated even more people and put Clem's life in danger if she remained loyal to him. That fight was going to happen sooner or later.
Chet and Officer Mitchell