The Thread of general TWD-related questions



  • Why the heck did that globe say I had 44 notifications?

  • Do any of The Walking Dead Characters have Last Names?

  • Lee Everett, Glenn Rhee, Hershel Greene, Paul Lingard, the Garcia's, William Carver.

    Escope12 posted: »

    Do any of The Walking Dead Characters have Last Names?

  • Is the 1911 pistol that Javier retrieves from Richmond's armory the same pistol that he uses to shoot Conrad? Is it the pistol he can use to shoot Max with?

  • What do you think of their odds?

    For those who stayed at the campsite, to be honest, are unlikely. Maybe it’s because of Becca’s attitude which will cause a few problems for Vince and Shel.

    I had the group split up. Bonnie, Wyatt, and Russell went with Tavia. Vince, Shel, and Becca stayed at the campsite. I really like how it

  • @VengefulKenny Lee Everett, Glenn Rhee, Hershel Greene, Paul Lingard, the Garcia's, William Carver.

    Also, Andre Mitchell, Shawn Green, Ben Paul, David Parker, Andy/Danny/Brenda St. John, Anna Corea, Oberson Crawford, Tess Campman(?),Marcus Crabtree, Nick(?)/Peter Joseph Randall, Alvin Rebecca Carver Jr.(:lol:), Samantha/Greg/John/Alex/James Fairbanks, Norma/Randall Monroe(?), Javier/David/Gabriel/Kate/Mariana/Hector/Salvador Garcia, Paul Monroe, Clinton Barnes, Clair Clearey.


    Escope12 posted: »

    Do any of The Walking Dead Characters have Last Names?

  • In each Season/installment, who did you tend to pick and/or side with in certain situations?(More than one answer per game is acceptable.)

  • Why exactly did people think/want there would be a big choice/conflict between Kate and David?

  • @DabigRG, what does "Sonansu" mean?

  • edited January 2018

    Just googled it and it came up with this ballsack feet having mother fudger

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    @DabigRG, what does "Sonansu" mean?

  • Refresh my memory: Wasn't Javier supposed to have been busted for doing steroids or some shit originally?

  • Who is the more basic character: Duck or Mariana?

  • Mariana. Duck was dumb but funny and innocent and was growing on me by episode 3. Mariana was a generic good child, not very memorable. Her purpose was to die and make Javi hate the New Forntier. Plus Duck lasted longer than one episode

    DabigRG posted: »

    Who is the more basic character: Duck or Mariana?

  • Originally? Like before the game was released? I dont think so. I always remember it being gambling that got him in trouble, and he didn't look roided up in the concept images.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Refresh my memory: Wasn't Javier supposed to have been busted for doing steroids or some shit originally?

  • edited January 2018

    Well, Graysonn said something like that, but he said that it was "a reliable source" that told him. It sounds fishy to me, so I don't really believe that.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Refresh my memory: Wasn't Javier supposed to have been busted for doing steroids or some shit originally?

  • Oh sorry, dude! I meant to reply to this right after I posted mine, but it slipped my mind.

    Clementine: Cynical (to those she doesn't trust)/Conflicted (to those she can)

    Hmm...I don't know man, this incarnation of her doesn't really seem to have the reflectiveness she used to and she's generally too quick in deciding her stance to really count as Conflicted, at least from my assessment.

    Javier: Optimist (pretty obvious, given the dialogue in Ties that bind Pt.2)
    Paul (Jesus): Realist
    Mariana: Realist/Optimist
    Eleanor: Cynical/Optimist (After)
    Max: Conflicted
    Lonnie: Realist/Apathetic
    Badger: Cynic
    Dr. Lingard: Apathetic

    Hmm...that's fair/close enough.

    Gabe: Optimist/Conflicted (With some sass)
    David: Realist/Cynical
    Conrad: Apathetic/Cynical?
    Clint: Conflicted/Realist
    Eleanor: Optimist/Realist (Before Thicker than water),
    Ava: Realist/Optimist


    Kate: Optimist/Cynical (She's just weird, in general)

    Interesting choice. I honestly flipflopped both between and in the middle of the two because she didn't really seemed to adhere to either one.
    She is indeed sorta weird when you really look into her. But then again, that's kinda what I like about her.

    Joan: Cynical/Realist?

    Eh, while she did believe the raids were justified because she had to for the sake of the community, she otherwise seemed closer to an Optimist. Her characterization shift does kinda complicate things, though.

    Tripp: Realist/Conflicted

    Aka Tripp written properly/consistently. :lol:

    Rufus: Realist/Apathetic

    Given how aggressive he was, I personally think of him as more of a Cynic.

    Clementine: Cynical (to those she doesn't trust)/Conflicted (to those she can) Javier: Optimist (pretty obvious, given the dialogue in Ti

  • edited January 2018

    Considering the armory scene is after those scenes, I'd say it's pretty unlikely.

    Is the 1911 pistol that Javier retrieves from Richmond's armory the same pistol that he uses to shoot Conrad? Is it the pistol he can use to shoot Max with?

  • Mariana.

    Huh. Not the answer I expected, but then again, I asked that for a reason.

    Her purpose was to die and make Javi hate the New Forntier.

    Oh yeah--all aboard the GravyTrain, ladies and gentlemen!

    Plus Duck lasted longer than one episode

    Very good point.

    Mariana. Duck was dumb but funny and innocent and was growing on me by episode 3. Mariana was a generic good child, not very memorable. Her purpose was to die and make Javi hate the New Forntier. Plus Duck lasted longer than one episode

  • Okay, I knew I remembered it from somewhere

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Well, Graysonn said something like that, but he said that it was "a reliable source" that told him. It sounds fishy to me, so I don't really believe that.

  • He said that in my Good ANF Characters thread.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Okay, I knew I remembered it from somewhere

  • Ah! I should revisit that too, while I'm digging around.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    He said that in my Good ANF Characters thread.

    There you go, Graysonn's comment is on this page.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Ah! I should revisit that too, while I'm digging around.

  • Merci! :kissing_heart:

    Fangirl101 posted: » There you go, Graysonn's comment is on this page.

  • You're welcome! <3

    DabigRG posted: »


  • Their weapons were taken from them when they were first put in quarantine. It's not unrealistic to assume that Javi finds them again in the armory.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Considering the armory scene is after those scenes, I'd say it's pretty unlikely.

  • edited January 2018

    I never said he took steroids, just that he was using drugs which got him kicked out. It was never specific what drugs he was using. I imagine it was probably recreational stuff given what I've heard rather than performance enchancing drugs.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Refresh my memory: Wasn't Javier supposed to have been busted for doing steroids or some shit originally?

  • Ah, there it is, as I recall thinking that gambling is the more interesting choice in response.

    Thanks for personally clearing that up.

    Graysonn posted: »

    I never said he took steroids, just that he was using drugs which got him kicked out. It was never specific what drugs he was using. I imagine it was probably recreational stuff given what I've heard rather than performance enchancing drugs.

  • gambling is the more interesting choice

    I agree. :)

    DabigRG posted: »

    Ah, there it is, as I recall thinking that gambling is the more interesting choice in response. Thanks for personally clearing that up.

  • I know I've made this point a few times before, but I think it bears repeating: What was the point of Thicker than Water having Clementine stick around after the scenes in Lingard's office if she was gonna add near jackshit to the rest of the episode?

  • So you would have preferred that she disappear and then reappear later like she did in all of the other episodes? I'm glad she stuck around, it started to feel like she was actually part of the group. She got to talk to Kate about girl stuff, she defended Javi about shooting Conrad, she got to be a kid for a minute while playing euchre with Gabe, and she reacts to the decision to either shoot Joan or take the deal.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I know I've made this point a few times before, but I think it bears repeating: What was the point of Thicker than Water having Clementine s

  • Which unknown status characters are most likely to be alive and which are likely dead?

  • What feels like the most appropriate ANF ending and why?

  • The one where David & Gabe die, and Javier rejects Kate. The less of Javier's family we see in the final season, the better.

    What feels like the most appropriate ANF ending and why?

  • Not exactly what i meant but okay. I understand why a lot of people would dislike the Garcia's.

    The one where David & Gabe die, and Javier rejects Kate. The less of Javier's family we see in the final season, the better.

  • Well I only recall two of those being worth anything and one of them is offscreen.

    Meanwhile, I honestly don't remember the last point.

    So you would have preferred that she disappear and then reappear later like she did in all of the other episodes? I'm glad she stuck around

  • Save Gabe but David dies and Kate goes missing. It pretty much completes each of their character: David forgives his brother and dies a soldier while Gabe finally steps up and becomes a man. As for Kate, I feel like rejecting her fits the most with this ending. It gives her a better reason as to why she left or went missing.

    What feels like the most appropriate ANF ending and why?

  • I got the same ending and I agree with you. It finished David and Gabe's arc rather nicely, although I romanced Kate and her disappearance still puzzles me. What does she say when Javi chooses to go after Gabe if you didn't romance her?

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Save Gabe but David dies and Kate goes missing. It pretty much completes each of their character: David forgives his brother and dies a sold

  • What feels like the most appropriate ANF ending and why?

    The Splitup to Save Richmond ending. Aka the one where Kate and Gabe live.
    While somewhat anticlimactic given the various issues with consistency and being an extremely watered down version of what we were promised, I feel it definitely wraps things up in a more pleasant fashion.
    And after Gabe's safety is secured by Clementine, Kate decides to go to the crash site with Javier to give what used to be David the type of burial he said he wanted--something none of the other endings really does. This culminates in her finally taking off and leaving behind her wedding ring as they prepare to leave--officially letting go of their marriage.
    While he is very much downplayed despite having the most focus throughout the story, Gabe is saved by Clementine after having to put down his dad's walker and surviving most of the fight exhausted, makes amends with Kate for prioritizing his failed last ditch effort to salvage their family, thanks jesus for saving him and helping save Richmond, and sees Clementine off with a goodbye hug alongside Javier and Kate--the better fit for the image of a functional family mentioned by the developers.
    If they were spared throughout specific points in the story, Conrad delivers the moral of his arc regarding dealing with deal with a book Francine tried to get him to read in the past and Dr. Lingard tells Clementine where AJ was last left with no bargain as well as acknowledging feeling some form of gratefulness for Javier's talking him out of suicide.
    And for better or worse, I actually think it makes more sense for Clementine to wanna go save Gabe from/and David given her more specific dynamics with them, her established tendency to look out for the little guy, and her interaction with Kate easily being her least of the Garcias. It can also act as a way for her and Javier to be on working terms while still doing their own thing.

    What feels like the most appropriate ANF ending and why?

  • I can see why people would like this ending, but to me it feels more like a fairy tale-esque happy ending as opposed to an actual Walking Dead ending. Kate wanting to make babies right after her husband dies and right after they lost Mariana rubs me the wrong way. David's burial was a nice sentiment but he was such a central character to the season that i feel like he deserved an onscreen death. Clementine saving Gabe offscreen and walking him unconscious back miles through walker territory is also a tad unbelievable, let alone Clem using the motorcycle.

    If we're going by merely how many people survive then this is the best ending. But imho it lacks the tragedy and poignancy that a good TWD ending needs to have.

    DabigRG posted: »

    What feels like the most appropriate ANF ending and why? The Splitup to Save Richmond ending. Aka the one where Kate and Gabe live.

  • I can see why people would like this ending, but to me it feels more like a fairy tale-esque happy ending as opposed to an actual Walking Dead ending.

    Yeah, but that's kinda the point. It's the best situation the installment can end up with and, from the wider game series perspective, it's supposed to end with Clementine having her faith in people restored or some shit by Javier and his family.
    So while it can feel a bit weird in areas, I actually think it works for what it is.

    Though the video I skimmed to help write this has this weird moment where Kate tells Javier not to feel guilty at the memorial wall in a tone that suggests she's a bit rueful about it herself, but also one that kinda makes it sound like a threat initially. So there's that.

    Kate wanting to make babies right after her husband dies and right after they lost Mariana rubs me the wrong way.

    That's actually determinant to whether you returned her feelings. And maybe some other criteria I don't know. Again, I haven't actually completed the damn game myself, so I can't test it yet.
    Also, Mariana would have been instantly dead and determinately buried for about a week by the point. Not that that makes it much better, just sayin.

    David's burial was a nice sentiment but he was such a central character to the season that i feel like he deserved an onscreen death.

    ...Eh. I think I've said my piece on him dyign a few times already, so NEXT!

    Clementine saving Gabe offscreen and walking him unconscious back miles through walker territory is also a tad unbelievable, let alone Clem using the motorcycle.

    To be fair, the ending where Gabe dies does basically the same fuckin thing, from what I recall.
    And yeah, Clementine just happening to walk up with the clearly larger Gabe's dead weight draped over her shoulder--never mind almost immediately after Javier and Kate regroup-- is both anticlimatic and dumb.

    But imho it lacks the tragedy and poignancy that a good TWD ending needs to have.

    It was almost certainly not gonna top Season 1. You know that, I know that, the various people who won't shut the fuck up about that type of thing definitely know that.
    I don't actually put much if any stalk in that mindset personally, it's a point that tends to inherently come up.
    Plus, A New Frontier ended up being a glorified spinoff anyway, so I really don't think it matters to much. Especially since Clementine herself increasingly didn't.

    I can see why people would like this ending, but to me it feels more like a fairy tale-esque happy ending as opposed to an actual Walking De

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