For those who got this ending, would you be disappointed if ****'s fate isnt explored?
I'm talking about the ANF ending where Kate mysteriously disappears. Since her fate was left purposefully unclear, do you expect to find out what happened to her in s4?
I personally think that exploring Kate's fate in s4 would be a good idea, especially considering that Clementine said she would look after her but failed. Ideally I would like Clem to find Kate on the brink of death and have the option to bring her along as a determinant companion or send her back to Richmond. Worst case scenario I would at least like to see her walker corpse so that we at least know what happened and can get some closure.
What are your thoughts on Kate's disappearance? Will you be disappointed if it isn't explored? Imo her disappearance was the only disappointing part of what i feel was the best ANF ending by far.
I would have liked it to be expanded on. Though, considering they made different endings I doubt they could do much seeing as she is able to live in certain circumstances. I think they could pull of some diologue options for the people who got this ending perhaps.
Some people wanted to see this for Lee if you didn’t shoot him. It would be hard to implement in season 4 itself, maybe a addon instead like Michone and 400days?
I dont think we should demand less from Telltale just because it would be "too hard" for them to incorporate. It really wouldn't be that difficult, its their final season and they need to make it spectacular. I'm afraid everyone's low expectations will make them them think they can get away with being lazy again.
No, with a small asterisk. It was stated in the AMA that they may have something else to do with her, iirc.
"You had ONE job...!"
That's honestly a split-up of my thought.
Eh, yeah, no. That's part of why I have a relatively low opinion about her and/or a select few of characters coming back. and yes. Yes, I for one would love it if Telltale actually manages to bring back Kate(and/or Lily) in way that makes up for how criminally neglected she was in her installment of origin and does her character a reasonable amount of justice.
No because unfortunately, simply don't trust Telltale to be able to capably pull that off.
It has repeatedly overindulged in spotlighting a select few characters at the expense of everything else and/or killing off too many of their characters one time too many. If nothing else, I'd rather they just leave certain character's fates a mystery rather than shoehorn them into a story that won't make adequate use of them just so they(and some insular fans) can check off a list.
Au contraire, it saved that ending from being meh and somewhat balanced out with what happens if she saves Richmond by herself.
Meh, that ho wanted to bounce anyways. She took her chance and bounced, wish she woulda left me lol
If you rejected her, Kate took rejection hard and it was very annoying. Although, gotta give her props for finding weed during a zombie apocalypse. I mean, food's hard to come by but she somehow managed to find weed? Skill.
...Wait, what?
To be fair, the honeyglows was building up for somewhere within the 4 year timeskip. Must've been a saccharine broth by that point.
Kate is Farmer confirmed.
Seriously, that is a valuable member of the group right there
Well she didn't actually bounce in the game, she just took her chance and expected me to roll with her lol.
I'm staring down 30, it takes a bit more than a dude on a corner yelling green out to impress me.
Personally I dont really care about Kate, but Im would still like to see her or someone from A New Frontier, at least for a little while, ot would be nice to see their opinion of Clementine from her perspective, as well as the fact that I think I would like her and the Garciers better if we saw them from an outside perspective
Heck yeah, let's bring Kate back. Make it a re/union of TWD's missing women, and do it right!
I don't care much about Kate but I think that it's important that we get to know what happened to her, just for closure.
Oh, okay. I must understand what you meant, given the topic and all.
See, this right here is an example of a good reason to bring a character back.
It is kinda odd that those two barely interacted despite their vaguely similar opinions in areas. And honestly, Clementine meeting Kate again after thinking she may have been killed saving the city together when she really essentially ran out on them after the deed was done is something I really would like to see, despite my doubts/concerns.
That is in fact one of the "best" things about A New Frontier if they can do it right IMO, the option to see different people from another angle through Clementines eyes after seeing them through Javiers eyes (if any characters are returning)
I was just thinking if they’re probably really focused on Clementine and AJs story, adding or exploring minor mysteries like Kate could mess up the pace, take away from the main story or just be rushed.
Though, I can see your point. Maybe they will go out with a bang and solve all the unknown cases like Christa and her baby and such.
IMO there's too many missing women people are expecting to made a return so I doubt it.
Oh shit, looks like it runs of being that one Sonic Forces issue again.
This one has to be the big one, we cant have 90 minutes episodes and a season thats done in 8 hours or so. In order for us to fully enjoy and in order for the game to be able to fully explore the new characters and the old ones the game has to have length to it, more so than the current TT standard. Yes i would be disappointed.
This one needs to be longer and more in depth and not rushed (and hopefully released as a whole game rather than in episodes), it has to tie the knots and the interactions between the characters
Uh, I don't think this is quite the thread you think it is..
It is I just answer a very specific part real quick and then, albeit off topic rant a bit about length and depth.
I just assumed that if there was to be any exploring of Kate's fate it would happen in the next season and I sort of started of from there.
Ah, okay.
I got the impression that she leaves because in that ending you must reject her love. So she just leaves and that's it.
I romanced her and went after Gabe/David and she wasn't upset. In fact, the last thing she says to Javi is "go get 'em" after giving him a passionate kiss. So no, I dont think she felt rejected and ran away.
I think the idea with that ending was to imply that after Kate plugged the hole, she somehow got split up from Clementine due to all the walkers that were still in the city. It really wouldn't surprise me if it turns out she either really did get washed out of the city and couldn't get back in due to the herd or, more dramatically, she simply saw the opportunity to make herself disappear and seized it.
Come to think about it, I wish she was around to learn about the gut trick [onscreen].
Screw Kate. Where Christa at?
Yah, I can see that happening. Tried to write a little narrative about it, but it got deleted
. Goddamn it, it was easy to predict anyways. Kate finds Clem while Clem was on her way to the Ranch. She wants to go back to Richmond after hiding for so many days out in the woods and is very hungry and thirsty, but the remaining herd is blocking her way, so Clem shows her the gut trick, much to Kate's disgust.
Edit: Read the white print again .... Is kate really that desperate to get away from David/(determinately Javier) that she would leave Gabe behind in the middle of a crisis? Sounds too cold-hearted to me.
I would prefer that all ties to ANF are cut. Bringing Kate back would most certainly mean an eventual visit to Richmond, something I'm completely opposed to. The ANF characters are too plain and boring (and also inconsistent) and would probably drag the plot down.
For once Telltale, do not feel the need to have your endings matter.
Actually, what I meant was a scene where Clementine uses the gut trick with Kate present before the final choice and the various ending scenarios.
Which I now realize actually did happen. ...Huh....
I forget what my exact line of thinking there was, but I think the idea was to basically plant seeds for some ACI regarding why Kate would still ultimately choose to leave despite Javier going to save Gabe(and possibly David). Her exact motivation for more or less choosing to do so is kind of up in the air at the moment and Kate is a character that, despite her relatively complex mindset and conflicting motives, we got very little background and exploration on during A New Frontier.
So there's another small level of mystery to her disappearance that her reintroduction would have to clarify.
That sounds interesting, I would definitely read that fanfic. I've wrote about it elsewhere but i really hope Clem finds Kate during her travels, considering it's kind of her fault that she didnt keep Kate safe like she promised. Maybe you can choose to show Kate the walker gut trick or decide that it's too dangerous and keep her with you. Either way i would love to see a Kate reunion.
Nah, I don’t want any reminders of ANF characters ever again. I’d rather the series had bowed out after Season 2. At least that gave us some closure.
I kinda liked Kate and she was probably the only one in the game I didn't feel complete indifference to, but I really think ANF should just be forgotten, almost entirely.
Sure, maybe a few mentions here or there, but the game left a really bad taste and I think it's best if Telltale move on. That they create something new and ensure that wherever ensues in the new season, that it has impact and is at least somewhat comparable to the first season.