We need more long walker deaths!

Starting with season 2, Cannon walker deaths (where a walker/s eats people) were just as simple as a walker nibbling on someones neck. (example: Nicks s2 episode 2 death, and carlos)
Deaths that actually made your stomach turn were back in season 1 with Brie and Carley's Drugstore death.
In Bries death a walker puts their hand through the door window and grabs onto her neck and pulls her back, then a walker takes a bite at her shoulderand she puts her hand on the wound horrified, then a walker bites her leg and she tries pushing it off, then the other walker pulls her back again and another walker pulls out her intestines finishing her off.
In carley's drugstore death, she tries to run away but gets dragged onto the floor, then she tries to save herself by lifting her self up using the freezer machine, then she gets dragged back down again and eaten.
I think these work because it shows the character struggling and trying to save themselves which makes you have empathy for the character, when a character just gets bitten on the neck suddenly and falls to the floor thats pretty shit.
Well, we did have Norma's death in the Michonne DLC, where the walkers bite at her neck and tear her guts out.
Yes I do agree with you
That was very good, too bad we didn't have anything in s3..
Ava’s death was extremely slow.
In all seriousness, if you count seeing a walker b8te somebody and seeing them die as a slow walker death then ANF does have one when David dies when you go to rescue him alone. You see the walker bite him, then you have a long enough goodbye until he dies, while getting shot afterwards. So I guess that kinda counts as a slow walker death, he also panics and tries to fight back too.
You gotta stop sharing your account info with a walker.
lol, yeah!
We need more deaths involving intestines
I agree that this is one of the most under reported problems with the recent walking dead games aside from just the plot and continuity. Walking Dead is suppose to be gory and violent like with Glenn's murder and walkers tearing into victims to eviscerate them with buckets of blood splatter all over because it's a horror it says so on the comics and TV show descriptions. It's only Telltale that waters down walker attacks tremendously in comparison.
But if you like take Sarah's first death and compare to Carly's first death which they both succumb to walker attacks. Carly's is a bit more disturbing since she's grabbed by the hair and bitten into the face while other two walkers appear to go for the intestines. I couldn't tell what the fuck the walkers were trying to do to Sarah in the trailer looked like a mix between bad break dance moves and slapping at her no haunting creativity or look of terror on anyone's faces. I will say that Norma from "Michonne" had a well crafted walker death rivaling the one that Brie from season one unexpectedly got.
I feel it could be that since they tend to be generally lazy overall with quality anyhow it would only stand to reason that most walker kills and walker attacks wouldn't have much thought or creativity put into them either to make the player squirm in disgust maybe due to time constraints, cheapness, or laziness or all the aforementioned combined. I strongly believe that the staff should be notified about the weak dramatization of the walker attacks. But the story quality ought to be of primary concern now over gore horror.
To be fair, Sarah is a minor, she was essentially about to drown in a flood of walkers anyway, and the focus of the scene was about whether Clementine could find a way to get through to her in time so they can all get to safety or if she'll be forced to leave her behind.
I really don't give a damn about zombie media normally being horrifying when a. I'm not into that in the first place and b. the focus really should be on the characters. Personally, I think it would've been better if they simply stopped focusing on the fact that she's likely about to be slaughtered in favor of focusing on Clementine and Luke as they struggle to leave the area having made such a betraying choice.
And you don't see really what happens with that anyway and you're not really meant to. Besides, sometimes, that's worse. Especially since Sarah is still shrieking (for some fucked up reason) as they leav--CHEESE N' RICE, FUCK JANE!
With that said, yes, the under reaction to that determinate moment--and the fact that Jane just fuckin stood there and let this even be issue--are serious problems to have with that scene. And the animation was for the most part pretty narmy the one or two times I saw a video of it, especially if your volume's low/off.
Bullies trying to hassle her for her lunch money is far more accurate than your first comparison, though it'd be some shit if that was the case. That's at least worth a small laugh given how walkers tend to operate in most other scenes and how much of a forlorn mood, impending tension, and moral stress they put into that scene otherwise.
And let's be honest, that's one of the very select few remotely positive things to take away from any of her deaths.
This isn't about Jane? It's about the gore in walker deaths. Why did you even comment on this because all you do is hate on people that actually like Jane lmao.
(Replying to DabigRG)
Not certain if you meant minor in age or minor character status. Either way I don't see how that relates to poorly executed walker deaths that stay faithful to the tone of Walking Dead.
True and they could of displayed that focus along with less silly looking walker attacks to improve the overall atmosphere of that scene. If they couldn't think of a better way to portray that scene maybe they should of just cut to three of the survivors on the roof looking down at Sarah getting devoured while not actually showing her get devoured which I think you were referring to as sometimes being worse than seeing the death take place. Which is basically what they originally had in plan for Kenny in season one where you can basically hear what is going down in an implied fashion and would of worked wonders for Sarah's first death.
Well this is leaning more toward a case of different strokes for different folks. I do half agree the focus should indeed be on the characters, but at the same time they need to not dismiss the type of nightmare they live day in and day out.. so just do both as much as is feasible. Focusing on the drama, character development, action, horror, adding a pinch of comedy at times here and there all should be mixed in just the right portions like a good soup to make up the story. I'm not advocating torture porn with excessive gore just not feeble attempts at what is suppose to be a terrifying sequence. Like as if they had Glenn's death without any blood and brains and you just see tall lumps on his head like a tex avery toon instead. Sometimes you also do need to show the death as in Glenn's case and others it's more ominous if not being shown whichever is going to be more effective to the audience and typically the rating determines this.With a mature rating I'd expect going into the game to see most uncut violence. Maybe for individuals such as yourself you'd appreciate a rated Teen well written soap opera Walking Dead game more similar in atmosphere to Warm Bodies or Zombieland. While some like myself might appreciate a well written dark Walking Dead game.
Hating on DabigRG isn't going to score you very many points in this community. They're one of the biggest contributors to this forum (at least the TWD portion), and pretty respected by everyone.
You do have a point. basics/crucial details that define the world of The Walking Dead.
Shit, am I?
Well, might be a "was," given some of the things I've been throwing around on occasion.
The complement is flattering, though.
Let's try to keep this on topic. We are discussing whether gore is a necessity of the series.
Personally, as someone whom doesn't think gore is necessary in horror, I'm still on the fence about it. A portion of the industry feels horror is like telling a joke, you get the setup(terror), and wait for the punchline(gore). They find it disappointing when there isn't one. As much as I love Tom Savini(he subscribes to that), I don't always agree. I feel gore is commonly used as a crutch for poor writing and acting. I find myself liking it less and less.
With both of those ideas in mind, (slow)Zombies are kind of a one trick pony. Without gore, you are just left with a lot of talking and made up action(oops, someone goofed and missed checking something). I know that the franchise prides itself on being a drama set in a horror, but for a game to do that, they are really just confining themselves to that niche. So why not have their cake and violently eat it too.
I would be fine seeing more people killed by walkers so long as they don't get killed in a stupid way. All too often in the show and the comics and often the game too, characters get eaten alive by walkers soley because they're being complete idiots. It's not that there aren't stupid characters in the game but frankly I am glad the games have focused mostly on the human conflicts and not walkers killing people because they're being stupid. I am usualy not into the zombie genre of stories, movies, and games. The reason I like Walking Dead is because it is mostly story and character driven and after four years in the apocalypse most people are alive because they have gotten good at defending themselves from walkers. Walkers really aren't all that dangerous they're slow, stupid, and easy to outsmart, the only time they are truly dangerous is if they're in a big group or they're hidden at a place you can't see them. It shows that humanity could beat the walkers if everyone banded together but because everyone has gone through so much mental and emotional changes that humanity is torn. Walking Dead shows how dangerous the human race can be at its worst. The walkers may be what caused this mess but they are not as dangerous the chaos they have caused among humans.
I suppose all you have to do to be popular in this community is trash talk jane
That's funny considering my very first thread on here and the mix of responses it got.
I wouldn't say I would want to show more people being killed by walkers, as to seeing more ways people are trying to efficiently kill walkers. Making the violence something that isn't wanted, but is necessary and adds to the traumatization of the situation.
Like, I was thinking of a moment where Clem is desperately trying to get through a herd of walkers, but she doesn't have the time to sneak through so she tries to hack and slash her way through. Maybe the Ranch gets overrun and someone is taking AJ away in a vehicle. You get to see every detail of her cutting through the walkers, with her frustration building as she tries to clear a path to AJ before they drive off. More and more walkers keep replacing the ones cut down and she becomes exhausted as she sees the vehicle take off down the road.
(Admittedly, this music probably wouldn't make the walkers seem very menacing, but I added it for the lolz
Sounds like a straight up anime game boss fight sequence.
Highschool of the Dead wasn't enough for me...
On second thought, maybe I'll just go look up some more titles like HOTD instead of trying to turn TWD into one.
Edit: Despite the cutesy anime aesthetic, I think I may have found one! It's about a bunch of Highschoolers that barricaded themselves inside their school and made a community inside it. They have their own cafeteria, supply room, crops growing on the roof, Etc. So, it's Howe's if it were run by a bunch of teenagers... I'm binge watching that shit!
Edit 2: Damn! The first episode leaves you on such a twist, and the character you see the world through initially is through someone who reminds me so much of Sarah. They have no idea about what is happening outside the schoolyard, but it goes farther than that. The other students know how oblivious she is to how the world is now, but they're too afraid to tell her the truth. I wonder how that will go down...
When you get past all the cutesy stuff that makes you wanna vomit, it has a tone that meets (if not passes) TWD's dark tones... I would suggest you watch it, if you can bear the adorableness the animators are going for in the design.
To be fair, Carlos did just get shot in the neck moments before. It's sorta similar to Ben's death if you drop him, or Kenny's S3 death. Carlos wasn't really in a position where he could fight back. At least not after his neck just got pierced by a stray AK bullet.
And for what it's worth, Nick actually does struggle in his episode 2 death. After the walker bites him, he pulls back and clutches at his neck, only for the walker to bite into his neck a second time. Then Nick weakly tries to push the walker off of him, falls to his knees and passes out/dies.
Truth be told, outside of Brie and Norma, most walker deaths aren't all that graphic, even in S1. Either they happen off-screen, they're seen from a distance, the camera cuts away from it, or they're obscured by something. For me, S1's deaths weren't really that nasty. Well, at least the walker related deaths weren't. The only one that really made me go "oh damn" was Brie's. Now, the non-walker related stuff on the other hand... Larry, the bear trap, Lee's arm, Mark, Ben getting impaled... all of that was pulled off pretty great, if you ask me.
Admittedly, that does sound like a humorously bad<> premise for a show.
Might be getting my animes crossed here, but for some reason when you said, I pitcured Sarah as an oblivious(in the fanservice sense) anime chick with huge double-ds.
Now that's something I mostly didn't expect to visualize.
You maybe right, after binge watching the 12 episodes, it turned out to not have the same dark tone as TWD.
A few characters died that we cared about, (I was fooled into thinking a person was still alive, because I was still seeing the world through the Sarah-like character), but it's not nearly to the same degree as to TWD. And it's very slow paced compared to what we're used to.
We don't meet new survivors, besides two of them as flashback, that decide to be rivals to our characters. Turns out if you're bitten, there is a vaccine you can take that can unturn you
(that doesn't sound like WD at all).
Oh. Well, I meant that they were similar by character, not by appearance, but you're free to have your fantasies. To my annoyance, there is plenty of these fanservice moments littered throughout the entire season. None of it had to do with the main story and it was clear it was just there for the people who wanted to get their rocks off, but I had to sit though it shouting at the screen to get back to the story.
...What? HOW is that even POSSIBLE?!
Also, how do you do the self-contained spoiler?
I know--
Yeah, I looked up some images after I posted and yeah, sonansu.
'Put em up against the gates!'
Oh gosh, could you imagine we had more stuff like that in these games?
These were written so vaguely, that I'm forced to look at them in multiple ways.
Either you're trying to make a joke about my wording or this is a legitimate question about the series. Considering how "funny" you're trying to be in the previous response, I'll say it's the first one. Har har...
Taking this literally, instead of another vague joke about how well I contained my spoilers, spoiler tags work in the same way as the quote tags, just add a
after the>
sign.If for the other thing; ... sorry?
The gif was so small I couldn't read it. Luckily, found a video.
Well, you do leave yourself open to that interpretation, especially with how much you seem so fascinated with Sarah.
Boy, was I a fool for thinking I could have a constructive conversation with you
Case and point... But to play along, if this game had any of that stuff, these forums would be completely different.
I only came on these forums to oogle at Kate's breasts! ?
Ooh! I loved the part where Javier had his shirt fall off while he was swinging his bat at the walkers. Thatwassohot Please! MORE TELLTALE! ?
But it would be closer to my dream to make TWD an anime.
@Alyssa_TTG Hope we get more gory deaths like Norma and Sarita in The Finale Season
Oh shoot, I totally forgot to reply to this!
That was a legitimate question, Captain Whisker.
Granted, it's question that should logically arise in anything with a zombie virus, but the point still stands.
Okay, thanks! I'll try it out if sometime!
Which other thing?
Why you, I oughta...okay, fair enough. I guess you would come to that conclusion.
Well, excuuuse me for agreeing with you with a satirical nonsequitur thrown in.
Okay, I'm seriously considering hurting you right now....
Which would funny considering she probably has the third smallest of the cast. And this is primarily a text medium, so unless we get something like the CrazyThick!Fern mini-meme, that'd be an odd decision to make.
But hey, that's your business.
Also, should've said "8008s." Or chi chi, even if I kinda doubt Kate is Hispanic herself.
What the fuck?!
Ch'yeah buddy!
Cool. I'm glad it was just straight forward.
Well, The school was well supplied with food, had a bed of crops, solar panels, a water storage tank with fish living in it and a filter to allow the water to be drank, and had a secret room that no one except the school staff knew about, which held a way to heal any of the infected. It's almost as if they knew this was going to happen... The students find a lockbox for staff members telling about a potential bioweapon outbreak and what to do if it happens. So, It's just a generic story of a bio weapon that busted loose. It's kinda odd why they would have all this stuff inside a highschool, why not a hospital?
It's nothing. It was just me overthinking your replies again.
Sorry. You just make it hard for me to believe otherwise.
Okay, I take blame for that. Yet another misjudgement of the situation.
Yep, I was stuck thinking defensively again. For some reason, I have a really hard time trusting you with anything to do with sexual humor. It's almost like PTSD.
oh, I was thinking of how they over-sexualize characters in anime. In this hypothetical, she would still have the smaller breasts to the others, but they're still blown out of proportion. I didn't have to say much for Javier, since he already is strangely overattaractive compared to everyone else.
"CrazyThic Fern mini-meme".... I'll save my eyes the bleaching.
I appreciate the effort trying to flip that comment back on me.
Sure, I'll keep that in mind next time I get into this same type of conversation.
They better amp up the Non cannon deaths too, go back to the routes of s1 where guts came out instead of s3 where they'd get "bit" on the neck with only evidence being shitty blood squirts and low bit munching sounds..
Maybe a death scene where clem gets dragged down by like 5 walkers at once lmao