Similarities between Clementine and Amy Lee: Last discussion
Do you know how I talked about Amy Lee's voice being similar to Clementine's? I have something to show you that I should've shown you a while ago.
This song is what originally made me think of this idea. All I did was slightly heighten the pitch of the song and the rest took care of itself. I recorded this about a year ago, but I never felt that it was the right time to share it, till now.
This video is de-monetized and it's only purpose is for sharing it with you.
This is the original.
If you're interested, here are a few more that I re-edited
This one made me think of season 2. Just the overall dark tone and foreboding atmosphere, not to mention that the voice is slightly higher than the first one.
I'll have another one soon.
Now that you've seen these videos, do you see where I'm coming from?
And now that Clementine is growing up and her voice is getting deeper, what is stopping her and Amy Lee's voice from becoming more and more similar? (Besides her story being discontinued after this next installment)
This is a more recent song from Amy Lee.
There are so many comparisons to TWD:
Similar main plot to what is being focused on in The final installment.
Amy Lee's voice sounds like a hybrid of the two videos posted above, The sharpness of the voice from the first video and the lower tones from the original.
At first, the voice and tone sounds hollow and depressed. This is followed by a more determined tone when a glimmer of hope is shown, and the music picks up as they both get closer to each other. And, then, utter relief and happiness when they're both reunited. Is this not what you imagine Clementine going through as she is on her way to AJ?
"Speak to me". You know where I'm going with this, right?
If there is no connection between these songs and Telltale's TWD, these are some big coincidences.
I know that some of you are getting tired of me talking about this all over the site, so after this discussion there will be no more discussion about Amy Lee/Evanescence and their relations to Telltale Games outside of this thread. With exception to private discussion.
Okay. If you're trying to make me to ball my eyes worked. I'm LITERALLY Crying right now as I'm listening to this.
As I said on a previous thread, I feel like Robot Boy would Probably work better as an OPENER for Episode 1 of TFS. I WILL however say that THIS particular song would be Much More Effective as a CLOSER for Episode 5 with TFS coming to an END. It works like that because we as an audience are saying Goodbye to Clementine, and THIS would be her Siren Song in a sense.
Anyone else get pretty nervous and uncomfortable when they saw the title?
Yea. Kinda Misleading tbh. They might wanna Edit the Title a bit to make it less confusing.
Wow, I'm glad there is someone who understands.
I've been trying for a while to find someone who would, but to no luck. I had to stop talking about it because no one knew or were interested. With the voice part, I'm not saying that Clementine's voice will be identical to Amy Lee's in the future, I'm just trying to point out how similar their voices are starting to sound similar as Clem gets older and Hutchison's voice is deepening to match this growth. But I'm glad you're seeing at least some of these connections and it hits you on an emotional level as it does me. 
Yea. Although you might wanna edit the title a bit to make it less confusing. Just for future reference. Mk?
Oh. Did I unnerve you with that? Yah, looking back at that, it almost looks like the beginning of a suicide note... Man, thinking about these connections and how their themes could become present with Clem's story back then made me such an edge lorde
. I changed it.
Yah, I could definitely see that. The made me think of a scene at the end of the season where you would see a montage of Prescott being rebuilt while it played the the background. Have some moments in it with AJ drawing some pictures and Gabe having some goofy moments with him too. And when it got to the moment where you just hear her voice, You just see a picture of everyone (who is still alive) in front the rebuilt Prescott gate. A sign that things are changing. No more running, no more fear.
Yea. I can definitely see them playing cards or something.
Funny enough, the fact that Gabe gives Clementine his playing cards if he dies in our playthrough suggests to ME that Gabe is gonna play a Much Larger role than what a lot of people expect for a determinant character (Coming From a Writing Standpoint). It means that regardless of whether or not he lived, Clementine is probably gonna wind up playing cards with someone whenever she goes back to Richmond. Even if Gabe dies in ANF, Clem will STILL have his cards on her and so she can STILL play cards with someone. Otherwise he'll still be there. And I Digress.
Who knows? Maybe the game will let us play some, and we'll finally figure out what Euchre is all about. I still have no idea what it is about.
I didn't even know it was a thing before Gabe whipped it out.
I don't hear much of a similarity between the two voices but here and there the two voices are ever so slightly similar. I do think that the first song you listed would be a good last episode ending song. It would make for a good tribute to Clementine and her relationship with AJ.
Edit: Oops, forgot to add you here, @Veeeee
Makes sense. It's hard for me to hear it sometimes too, but Amy Lee is the closest one I found to a voice I could imagine clem singing in, and she sings with the same sort of attitude she possesses. I don't think I'll be able to find anything closer. But hey, I got some other songs I've been holding onto for a while..
I posted this in the OC, but here is another I made a while back, If you didn't see it in the Perfect Theme Songs Thread
This one made me think of season 2. Just the overall dark tone and foreboding atmosphere, not to mention that the voice is slightly higher than the first one.

So this kind of strays away from the topic of this discussion and I probably should go look for a discussion where this post would better belong but I'm too lazy so I'm posting it here.
I just stumbled across this song it's by Anadel the artist who did the ending songs for season 2 episode 1 and 3. Hearing this song made think of Clementine and how she transitioned from an innocent sweet little girl to an independant hardened survivor. I feel like this would be a perfect trailer song for the final season.

I also found this song and I feel as though it would be a great last episode ending song after an emotional but bittersweet ending. This song is also by Anadel.
They may not be the best songs, but if these songs are marking the end of a franchise, I'm all for it. And why not bring back song writers that influenced season 2? It's a good throwback to when we last played as her. And this will be our final time.
Now that I think about it. I feel like THIS would work too for Episode 1, mostly because its closer to the style of TT TWD.

That would be frick'n awesome.
To @Veeeee :
They may not be the best songs, but if these songs are marking the end of a franchise, I'm all for it.

And why not bring back song writers that influenced season 2? It's a good throwback to when we last legitly played as her. And this will be our final time.