Well, crap. Really Gabe?
Why does every single response to him seem to end up "The fans will love you!"?
I told him to shoot. He bitches out, and makes me shoot later. "nice reverse psychology there!"
That's literally not what it was, good job on what my choices mean though TT.
He starts rambling about what a good team we are, because obviously I love him and he's so cool because TT. Any response sees Javier praise the little ass, despite his numerous failures.
We're in the apartment, and he's going on about whatever. I tell him to cut the shit, he's useless. Naturally Javiers response is we know how awesome he is, regardless of what you choose to say. After all the problems with the first two episodes dialogue choices not reflecting the responses, I'd hoped the remainder would go back to responses having meaning. Lets do that for the final season.
...What? I'll try reviewing a couple more times, but I don't really get what this is about exactly.
I assumed based on the title that this was some new user/player.
Javier is Gabe's uncle and father figure. It might be hard to understand this, but Javier is a good man, and a good man loves his family no matter what. I would find it more unrealistic if Javi was mean to Gabe.
And Gabe screws up a lot because he is a kid going through puberty. In the apocalypse. It would be hard not to be on edge. It's stupid to expect Gabe to be some perfect being.
Okay, now that I've been forced(by Malachite
) to return after .
It doesn't?
What scene is this exactly?
lol, wut?
Oh, I think I get it now. I don't think it's literally like that, but really, it just raises the issue of how the relationships in these games can be inconsistent and defeats the purpose of other choices.
The one where Conrad argues with Javier and Gabe points the gun at him
Oh, well that's obviously an example of character establish/depth, which in this case meant Gabe's strong character kept him from doing something on David or even Badger's level. So he simply fires a warning shot to get the point across--not only an acceptable deviation, but a smart one.
Plus, if Gabe didn't have enough of a moral code, then we probably wouldn't have had Conrad for the rest of the episode. And by extension, that means the episode would've been [even more?] boring, particularly with no "Holy Shit!" level final choice to make before going into the next episode.
He's complaining about not really being able to tell off and insult Gabe at every given opportunity.
I don't expect a perfect human. Just a passable one lol. I really hated how the responses were handled. In a game where player choice is paramount, it's something to expect us, as the player, to indulge Javiers and respect his relationship absent presence.
Javier may be a good man, and a good man who loves his family when he's not famous. I am not Javier, I am the player, choices are expected to mean something, ya know?
Shout out to @Melton23 , that was exactly the scene I was referencing from ep 2. Nice reverse psychology was the response you get when you tell Gabriella to shoot. I'm just frustrated about the game, especially when you consider previous entries, ya know? I coulda hated Ben, could even drop him to his death if I wanted. Same with Sarah, befriend her, be indifferent to her. These were useless, annoyance characters that you can like despite their uselessness. Gabe was the same, but we were forced to like him, absent player choice. Because he's familia.
It was a further disconnect for me. I actually did play through the game recently, bought it during the Christmas sale. It was a frustrating experience for a lot of reasons. This really stuck out though.