(Spoiler) At the end ****** ended up being the better decision

KaelthasKaelthas Banned

As much as I love the whole giving yourself in to save Selina, letting her take the blame ended up being a much better decision.

  • You are able to save 8 men
  • You get more Bane and Mr Freeze screen time
  • The whole beginning is way more memorable than just escaping an Ice box like it is some sort of magic trick
  • Waller is not near as mad with you as she is in the other choice
  • The whole scene is longer

While if you sacrifice yourself for Selina

  • Not only those 8 men die, but they are tortured to death
  • Selina is an ungrateful bitch, and she gets hurt anyway
  • Waller, again, is the whole goddamn hurricane
  • Bane and Mr Freeze get almost no content

You get no reward at all from doing this, people die, you get less content, and those 4 minutes of Selina totally ignoring the romance or any relationship she has with Bruce are not worth it.

The only good thing that can come out of taking the blame for the Laptop would be if in Episode 5 Selina wants to stay with you, but the decision of saving her or save Harvey in Season 1 didn't have that much impact, I hardly think she will be all sweet and loving if you saved her, she'll probably leave anyway.

Romancing Selina in this season means losing your friendship with Gordon and letting people die, I applaud to that since that was one of the reasons Batman doesn't like having people he cares about, otherwise he would be faced with horrible decisions, like revealing your identity or letting Alfred get hurt in Season 1.


  • edited January 2018

    Romancing Selina in this season means losing your friendship with Gordon and letting people die,

    So correct me if i'm wrong but couldn't you in episode 3 let Gordon go after Catwoman and then lying to her by saying you didn't know and then you do what she wants you to do,she hugs you and you can go to the batcave anyway ? That way you still keep you friendship with Gordon.Oh and If you take the blame the best part is fighting as Batman obviously.Since you know,you can literally play as bruce the WHOLE episode.

  • Hey, she did help us fight Bane, Freeze and Harley. She disappears after that but she hardly was what I would call ungrateful.

    I'm not even sure what to do with her now. In my playthrough we are just friends, the Pact is dismantled, there is nothing in it for her now unless the partnership was supposed to last a bit longer as I thought.

  • Haven’t played the episode yet, but playing as Bruce the whole episode is a plus for me. You don’t get many opportunities to do that in other Batman games so it’s something fresh. I actually enjoy playing as Bruce more than I do as Batman.

  • True, you can lie to her, and you can still hug her and romance her if you don't warn her, but knowing Selina she will bring up this later, like she did in Season 1 with the debate if you pick Harvey. And I'm not sure playing hero with a suit is worth letting all the employees be killed.

    iFoRias posted: »

    Romancing Selina in this season means losing your friendship with Gordon and letting people die, So correct me if i'm wrong but coul

  • And I'm not sure playing hero with a suit is worth letting all the employees be killed.

    You have a point.Also i think they don't know what to do anymore with Catwoman she'll probably come back in episode 5.

  • she did help us fight Bane, Freeze and Harley.

    I'm sorry, I find that our opinions very often align and I respect you as a member of these forums, but all Catwoman did was knock a gun out of Harley's hands and wrestle her mallet for 2 minutes. She was most definitely wasted in this episode, and if you threw her under the bus in Episode 3, Bruce briefly glosses over on how she escaped Riddler's box at the Pact's hideout and she doesn't appear at all.

    Hey, she did help us fight Bane, Freeze and Harley. She disappears after that but she hardly was what I would call ungrateful. I'm not ev

  • It seems they focused more on Avesta,a shame because i do not really like her actually and she adds nothing to the story.I know people want a romance with her but still..

    Putinovich posted: »

    she did help us fight Bane, Freeze and Harley. I'm sorry, I find that our opinions very often align and I respect you as a member of

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