The Counter-Venom and Episode 4 (Possible Spoilers)

Downloading episode 4 now. Without giving too much away does using or holding onto the Counter-Venom in episode 2 play any part in the story?

Like does he have the affects if you slipped it to him in episode 2? Or is it possible to slip it to him if you held onto it and betrayed Catwoman?


  • Sorry. It has 0 relevance to the story.

  • Telltale done fucked up with the counteragent subplot. In the future, please dont give us these options if you aren't prepared to follow through. K thanks.

  • edited January 2018

    They probably forgot it's not like it's the most important thing to focus on anyway

    Telltale done fucked up with the counteragent subplot. In the future, please dont give us these options if you aren't prepared to follow through. K thanks.

  • I cant tell if your comment is satire or not

    iFoRias posted: »

    They probably forgot it's not like it's the most important thing to focus on anyway

  • Reminds me of the key from Game Of Thrones. Utterly irrelevant.

  • Yeah, as much as Telltale has been getting allot better with their story branching, they're still forgetting some of their own subplots and items.

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