Season 4 Will be better because..

Instead of getting given character relationships that have already been formed (aka Javi and his family, clem with the new frontier characters) we will be introduced to new characters through Clem and will get to grow that relationship out - not in the way we want of course as its telltale games, but still we will see the characters develop and learn about them instead of the game being like, "Oh btw clem and ava are friends and she knows lingard and tripp already and she doesn't like them."
Also I beg that there will be puzzle elements in s4, this will make the episodes longer. The school in s1 ep4 was amazing how that was made.
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If this is the legitimate final season there is a plethora of opportunities for Telltale in regards to character relations and uniquely varied storytelling. Unlike S2's endings where they had to force them to fit into one ultimate ending to blend them with ANF
Haha the chances of those things happening @cutupuss are very low. I have been wanting Telltale's games to have been like TWD S1 ever since that game was first made. Instead, each game after it has slowly got worse and worse with less and less of those things especially puzzles and little to no optional side quests etc.
I can't see anything being different with Season 4 especially given that it is due to release so soon after Season 3
Wasn't the first season supposed to feature the player character as Clementines brother or whatever? The fact that, on the third game in, they decided to go with what was originally a horrible idea kinda makes me wary. On an unrelated note, I'd probably take a hook if I called someone over 13 "Javi" lol they google Childs nicknames and throw it on an apparently grown ass man? IDK what even happened there.
I mean, its not any worse than literally anyone Clementine meets calling her Clem, like... that was kinda Lees thing you know?
That is one good thing to know for season 4. One of the worst parts about ANF was everyone already had an established relationship. A character already having history with another isnt even necessarily a bad thing, but when you look at ANF, so many plot points center around pre-made relationships to the point where its just dumb to even try.
I just think it is soooo ironic that when Telltale was making Walking Dead S1, they made the choice to make Lee not related to Clem or any other characters so that he worked as a vessel for the player. Your opinion on a character would be the same as Lee's. Then ANF came around and said "man FUCK that" and just did the exact opposite of what made Season 1 work.
Season 4 will be better if Lilly and Christa return and are not killed off.
It kinda is though. Clem is just a shortened version of the name. Clemie is something you'd call a cute kid. How many grown men named David prefer to go by Davie? People named Steven who want to go by Stevie? I'm sorry, Javi is just as bad. I know two people named Javier, both of them are older than me which means late 30s to 40s for reference. I've never heard either of them called Javi, never been tempted to call them Javi, and genuinely think they may hit me if I call them Javi lol. That really sounds like something you'd call a kid.
In relation to the title, Kenneth will return. Don't hate me.
yes he will ?
With how TT Batman Season 2 Relationships were handled, I'm hopeful.

Well, if you have a nickname that you had as a kid, it'll grow on you. I should know, people call me by my nickname and my real name, mainly my real name, which I won't reveal.
I was expecting Season 3 to be better than Season 2 cause that game had flaws Telltale should have fixed but nope, they seemed like they didn't care about our problems with it and just made it worse. I bet Season 4 will be the worst one next.
If you have a nickname that you had as a kid, people who met you 5 minutes ago and never even heard you called it wouldn't be using it. And I should know, people call me by my nick name and my real name, mainly my real name, because my nickname is limited to friends I've known for years and family. And even then, my nickname isn't what I was called when I was 5, because it's just childish.
It's a prediction I sadly have to agree with you on. But I wonder... What should we do if you're right? Throw a party?
@Melton23 has something planned if this does better than S1
@Arisis You better come back to this forum and show yourself in an orange suit if it happens.
I can’t believe you remembered that. ?
I have it bookmarked
That way you can't go back on your word.
But as you implied, the odds of the criteria being met are very unlikely.
Thank god for that ?
Telltale will do a great job on The Walking Dead: The Final Season. I know that they will. I can say it with 110% confidence that they will do a great job. Some may disagree or laugh at what I said but I do think that The Walking Dead's Final Season will be the catalyst for Telltale and how they produce future titles
Well like i said before The Final Season can't be worse than A New Frontier that's just impossible for a lot of reasons,i'm also hoping for more than 5 episodes this time.
tfw before ANF came out ya boi Poogs was out here telling everybody they were 110% possitive Kenny and Jane wouldnt die in 5 mins because ya boi Poogs didnt think Telltale was that dumb
Yeah but this time we're not playing as Javier,and they have the chance to actually make a good story.
Season 4's plot is going to be about Clem going like 50 miles north to find Aj at a farm. For this to last 5 episodes, Im expecting a lot of bullshit to happen
I wouldn’t be mad if they killed off someone like Christa, but that character needs justice and a complete arc before she dies. If Christa does return, each Episode needs to be over 2 hours long each, not 1 hour Episodes. Cough A New Frontier cough
The only way I can see it is that people have different preferences.
Random Tangent: @thewalkingclementine I like your profile pic. Now I want to see older Clem with Season 1 style hair. It's not practical in the ZA, but it would be a cool full circle kind of thing design wise.