Unpopular Opinion: I loved playing "A New Frontier"
After doing a run of S1-400 Days-S2 and then going onto ANF for the first time, it was really fun and I really enjoyed playing as Javier and seeing what a badass heroine Clem has become. Yes it was real shitty of Telltale to do what they did to Kenny and Jane, but imo I think Clementine needed a clean slate. Kenny was too far gone imo and Jane was too untrustworthy after she basically abandoned Clem in Episode 4 of Season Two.
Javier was a fun lead. It was refreshing playing a lead who didn't have the baggage of Lee Everrett or Kenny for a change.
My favorite characters were Javier and Marianna
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Embittered long time fans who feel the need to justify their vitriol towards ANF incoming
Kidding. Glad you enjoy the game
Season Three was nice. It just wasn't as well written as the previous Seasons, also, Season Three was more like a side story so it was a little off. But it's a good game still.
It's objective quality may not be quite up to snuff with what came before, but I did get a fair amount of enjoyment out of ANF. When it wasn't just pandering and/or falling into the traps of the first two seasons, that is.
My favorite characters were Ava and Gabe, with a number of other contenders.
Mariana had five minutes of screentime.
Was it? I always said 10.
Dont see how you can say that considering he is back to his old self in his flashbacks and kept the children safe and happy for 2 years
Jesus, thank you. Everytime I see one of these statements I reframe from getting into a debate, cause it's a long and frustrating convo to be honest lol.
Kenny was the best Walking Dead character of all time alongside Lee and Clementine and people who say things like this literally disregard facts
I couldn't have said it any better
people just try to tarnish him over justified decisions he's made in the past and base his whole personality off it. Kenny's honestly the only other person suitable to travel with Clem aside from Lee.
It's okay if you liked the game. I really wanted it to be good but I just cannot stand it at all, ANF is the reason I gave up on Telltale's latest installments.
You forgot Javier
just kidding. However Javi is up there in my top 5 favourite Walking Dead characters ?
Wait, what? Didn't have the baggage? He, and by extension the player, got stuck caring for 3 poorly developed characters because they were "family". Thankfully that number shrunk as the season went on, and I got to personally put down Gabriella. I'm glad you enjoyed it, but I'll stay in the popular opinion boat. ANF remains the only game in the series I didn't care enough about to buy the remaining episodes until they were on sale.
Or you could've, you know, bought the retail version in stores like I did.
"Check the muzzle, Napoleon. They fill 'em with cement so they're safe"
Javier had some cringey lines and caught a lot of flak due to ANF, but ultimately he was pretty cool. He was funny like Omid, nice like Luke, but had that berserk button like Kenny.
Maybe. But that's part of his charm, I think.
I think "berserk button like Lee" would be a somewhat superior comparison. Because what wasn't a berserk button for Kenny by the end?
Kenny was dealing with a group of traitors and Eurotrash who didnt listen to him no matter how much he defended them and sacrificed for them. Of course everything was a berserk button by the end of s2. But then everything ended up okay and he was back to his old self.
I haven't bought a retail version of anything in year. Regardless my hype for the next episode was nonexistent when the retail dropped, there was no way I'd be paying full price again for anything related to ANF, ended up getting the season pass on sale in December and just forcing myself through it so I'd have the save ready for TFS. Also figured it'd be best to make sure certain characters didn't run the risk of appearing again, though sadly I'll still probably end up seeing people I'd rather not in the game.
Good for you I guess...
Bought the first couple episodes when they came out. Felt ripped off so I didn't buy the remaining episodes until I saw them on sale. Played the remaining episodes and my only thought when I finished was...
Well...that sucked...
I have zero desire to replay this game...which is I guess the worst thing you can't say about any game. I don't care enough about the story or any of the characters in it to bother. Glad I didn't drop the full $25 on that crap.
What type of baggage did Lee have exactly? His was just he was a convict given a second chance for redemption. Javier has a ton of baggage, the whole story is basically focused on HIS family. Not the one he found in the outbreak, but his actual pre-established family that has a heavy presence the whole game.
Also killing Kenny and Jane for a clean slate is just bad writing. Jane honestly could have had an amazing arch in season 3 with her learning to get back into a group and help raise Clem and Aj. Hell they could have even done more with her arch with her being pregnant instead of just "brb clem bouta fuckin KILL myself haha" Kenny did have a lot already happen to his character, but he was one of the few characters that really sticks out. I mean Im pretty sure when people are told to think of Telltale's Walking Dead, the first character they think of after Lee and Clem is Kenny, even for people who hated Kenny. I also feel if Kenny stayed alive, seeing his reaction to the New Frontier would have been extremely interesting for what his character would think of them.
Telltale just got lazy. I mean I remember in an AMA with the question of why Tripp and Ava are given that choice just for the next time you see them they die 5 mins later, and they just said "We didnt know what else to do with their characters." So its not that good knowing Telltale is willing to just go "um i give up just kill them lol" which I can assume happened to Kenny and Jane, they were too lazy to implement them in Season 3.
Also Mari was a great character, but then she just gets killed for fucking shock value in a similar way to Michonne. The shock value was already cheap, but it was even copy and pasted which made it not even feel original.
Is it bad the most enjoyment I got out of ANF was making fun of all illogical situations it had?
Telltale really did that just because they felt like that Tripp or Ava didn't have any more roles for the story? Wow, they at least could have had them stay in Richmond or leave just like with what they did with Conrad and Lingard, instead of killing them off in a bad way.
Glad I'm not the only one who noticed this. It was basically the almost the same thing when Randall kills Sam's father.
Yup it was pretty dumb. Basically they said along the lines of "they decided to kill them because they felt like they were finished with those characters," AKA they didnt know what else to do with them. Which is really shitty considering ep 4's biggest choice is about saving Ava or Tripp and whoever lives knows you didnt want to save them. Could have done something really interesting with that, but nope I guess Telltale gave up on doing anything with them.
Pretty much.
The difference was that Lee's personal backstory was delved into more than the other PCs, his relationships and interactions were generally more malleable and varied, and of course, First Installment Wins.
Here's an important distinction both sides tend to overestimate: Kate, Gabe, and Mariana technically arent' HIS family--their David's. Yes, David is his brother and his real family, but he's essentially taking care of David's baggage. That's arguably most apparent with Gabe, who had a pretty neutral relationship with Javier initially compared to the even less related females.
Which was honestly one of the very few issues I had when Above the Law came out.
Jane, I somewhat agreed with before the game came out.
Kenny, on the other hand, definitely needed to go. It was way past his time.
But Edith deserved to be in far more than both of them.
I suppose it could've been something if Jane actually had to have Luke/Troy's baby, Jaime II.
Actually, what they said was that they didn't want the fact that they were determinately to mean the survivor was untouchable or something to that effect--keep ya on your toes.
You're definitely entitled to your opinion, but yes, her death was cheap as well.
Honestly, I didn't think to compare her death to John's. Good eye!
Granted, that could also be because I didn't play Michonne, but still.
Depends on how much fun that was for you and/or whether you're that type of person.
Check my reply to him.
Gabe [determinately] can definitely be thrown in as well.
Yeah, seriously. They even had the nice touch of having Tripp get shot in the neck to Eleanor's horror and specifically showed that he wasn't dead yet.
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier wasn't a bad game but the flaws it had weighed heavily into peoples' opinions:
Overall, A New Frontier is still very much an enjoyable game but fan outrage is completely understandable due to the heavy flaws prominent in this game.
That bullet had more time alone with Marianna than any of us did.
I probably would have liked it more if I could have played it in one go instead of an hour at a time, followed by months of being lied to and out right dismissed by TTG staff. All I could ever see were the obvious and glaring flaws of the game. Maybe I should have used crowd play.
Well Mari, Gabe, and Kate are still "Javi's" family as well as David obviously, with Mari and Gabe being niece and nephew to Javi and Kate being his Sister in law. They are all still "family" considering a "family" gathering would have all of them together. I guess a better way to describe the family baggage that Javi has would be that ANF focuses too much on the Garcia family. Its filled with, Javi HAS to take care of Gabe because its his nephew, Javi HAS to be torn because David is his brother, Javi is torn because Kate is his BROTHER'S wife. So what I was trying to say was Lee's baggage of we just get his background at the very start, and for it to not be a major part of the story afterwords, until we get some closure of what truly happened in the last episode, worked much better than having Javier's family history being such a major aspect to the story.
Pretty sure Conrad only lived because during all the backlash from "ties that bind part 1 and 2" everyone was saying "Conrad is obviously just going to die because he is determinate and 90% of people have him dead" and Telltale wanted to "prove us wrong" so they decided to actually make him live, so they made him interesting in episode 3, and then 4 and 5 he's pretty useless, its just obvious they made him live just so they could prove fans wrong, if no one called Telltale out for it, I wouldn't be surprised at all if Conrad died in episode 3 no matter what. It was also pretty ridiculous that they let Conrad live because backlash and acting like they will stop going "Determinate they will die in the next episode after 5 mins tho" just to do it again with Tripp and Ava.
The number of Kenny fanboys is making me cringe.
Kenny used to be my favorite character. Now he's one of my least favorites, just because the fanbase REFUSES to realize his faults.
I quite enjoyed it too. My biggest grief was the short episodes which unfortunately resulted in not so well developed relationships and characters.
Also I like Kenny as a character due to his flaws. I think Kane was good too. Both of them brought something to the world. I admit I liked Kenneys fiery personality though but he is stubborn as hell.
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