Mary Kenney is one of The Final Season Writers!! Emily Grace Buck is TFS's Narrative Designer
Alright so I went on twitter and noticed that one of the people I followed tweeted to Telltale and to another person. She tweeted that she will be writing for Walking Dead The Final Season. Honestly I don't think I have heard of her but she used to work at NYU Game Center and at the New York Times. I will include a link to where you can read the tweet
UPDATE: Emily Grace Buck, known for her amazing work in Batman, Guardians of The Galaxy and The Walking Dead Michonne is joining as a Narrative Designer for The Final Season!!
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I got chills thinking about the trailer lol. But I can wait
I'm like her bio. I can trust her with this game.
Same I cannot wait!!!!!!!!!
"Real Sappy" is in her bio. You are right!! I trust her enough to be confident that she will do a great job!
Hey y'all-- thank you all so much for your kind words! I'm sooo stoked to be working on the final season. The team is working on some fantastic ideas.
"Real sappy" is right-- I've sobbed quite a bit over this series before. I'm quite sure I will again.
Mary is the best. Excited for you guys to see her work on the final season!
Yay!!!!! It is always great to see your name around the forums! I am excited too! I cannot wait to see what she brings to the table. Thank you @mostlypoptarts and Telltale for working so hard to give us an unforgettable Final Season! Your hard work hasn't gone unnoticed!!
If I knew you already had a Telltale account set up I would have messaged you here instead of Twitter ? Thank you so much Mary! I am honestly so excited to see all of the amazing ideas you will come up with! I wish you, The Walking Dead Dev team and Telltale the very best of luck with The Final Season
Oh and I almost forgot to say..... Welcome to Telltale and welcome to the forums! @mskenney
I’m so exited to see you work. Hope it’s coming really soon.
I’m so exited to see you work. Hope it’s coming really soon. I can’t barely wait.
Hello! Welcome to the forums! It's so cool to see you'll be stopping by from time to time. Nice avatar by the way! I hope your guys have a fun and productive experience creating this story.
Don't be afraid to hit those low moments. I love to be able to empathize with character's situation. It can add so much to the overall real stakes of living in a world like that. Makes me tear up thinking of the things that could lie just under the surface.
Good luck to you, Mskenney!
Hi there! Nice to see you stop by this thread. I do hope for and anticipate plenty of sorrowful moments to sob over in The Final Season. The intense emotional pull is one of if not the greatest strength this series has and I'm hoping that The Final Season will be able to knock it out of the park in this regard and end the series on a high note. I have faith that you guys will be able to pull it off
Can't wait to see what you and the team come up with!
I updated the Discussion to let people know that Emily Grace Buck, known for her amazing work in Batman, Guardians of The Galaxy and Walking Dead Michonne will join the Walking Dead dev team as the Narrative Designer!
Sorry if the discussion is all over the place there is/was a lot of information to go through ?
Thank you! (I couldn't remember my forums password soooo, it took me awhile to reply anyway haha
So JUST a clarification- a lot of people are working on this project. Mary and I are NOT the season leads.
But we are excited to be creating this game along with the rest of the amazing team. Thank you for the warm welcome.
Keep that in mind everyone.... including me ? Thank you both! And no problem!! We are all excited for what you have in store for us all
Thanks! (so for example... I am not THE Narrative Designer, I am but a weird, shambling goofball stumbling along in a large task force full of incredible people
Welcome to the forums mskenny! Also, hello to emilybuckshot! It's always cool to see some developers show up around here.
If you guys need help with anything, you can PM a community volunteer mod such as myself or flag any posts (in the lower right corner).
what until they spoil the return of anybody in the trailer
Glad you're on this. While, @mostlypoptarts may disagree
, I think you're the best. Can we have multiple bests or maybe we need a tie-breaker?
Can I just say that it’s great to have this staff interaction again. I wasn’t a part of the forums back when the staff was highly involved, but I’ve obviously heard about how staff would be very active on the forums and talk to everyone, it seemed really cool. I recognize things got negative here during S2 and ANF and that was a big reason why staff stopped, to be honest, while it’s important to hear legitimate critiques people may have, I probably would have stopped visiting too with some of the stuff people have said towards the staff. I really hope, moving forward, we can be a bit more mature in our discussion of certain problems we may encounter and this level of interaction will continue.
Also, welcome @mskenney, really looking forward to the final season.
I agree, and I'm hoping to have that happen for Season 4. The other community volunteer mods and I have been trying to make the forums more welcome for staff to directly talk to fans.
From what bread crumbs I've been given, I can say that staff read the forums for feedback a lot more than you guys think. Also - Caroline's been really good about trying to organize stuff like AMA's, Staff Feedback threads, etc. So, if you guys like those, make sure to send some thanks in her direction!
Obviously, staff can't always make huge, earth shattering changes that take lots of time just because of forum posts (such as rewriting ANF's story to make Clem the primary character - you can only make so many changes in a certain time), but the forums still do matter a bit more than you guys might think.
In the time ahead, I think you guys will (possibly) continue to see some more work towards improving staff/fan interactions on the forums.
[Of course, I'm just a community volunteer mod, and I'm not Telltale Staff - nor am I speaking for Telltale Staff - so please don't treat this post of mine as a "primary source" of information for what's to come.]
Staff are welcome and encouraged to post wherever and whatever(as long as they follow the forum rules
) they want.
Even you, yes you, the one whom has to come in 30min earlier than everyone to put the coffee on and then spend the rest of your day shuffling emails and taking calls. Tell us about your favourite movies, great vacation spots, what great indie artist you discovered.
Join the family. C'mon in, the water is nice.
I’m genuinely excited
I will happily cede being the best to Emily. It’s true & also, she bought me a pastry yesterday❤️
thumbs up emoji
We’re on a team that’s really, really awesome, from the story & mechanics people to programmers and environments. It’s gonna be an awesome season.
Jess Krause aka @kessjrause is also working on season 4 according to her twitter bio.
I know there are many other staff members too but from what we can see it looks like there is a good team working on the fourth season
Should give you what you're looking for, MskenneyThat sounds fantastic having a workplace like that. I'm glad you enjoy it!
I hope we get longer Episodes to finish Clementine’s story as it will feel like a proper, memorable and professional end for Clem, like Season 1 with Lee. Mary, it’s really nice to see you interacting with your fans:) Mary is an example of what Telltale needs in TWD Forums
Would love to be updated on content with TWD: S4;) Also you are making people’s day by replying and posting and making my day too 
Our lips are sealed (or maybe to be truer to the Walking Dead IP, duct taped?) until there's content released publicly that we can talk about. We're looking forward to that day too!
"My Hands Are Tied" As Dr. Lingard stated.
Wow. Hard to compete with desserts. She sets the bar pretty high.
Well this thread is rather exciting

Never underestimate the power of a well timed baked good
I am sorry that this discussion might be all over the place. I was too excited to share the news that I forgot about tidying it up
I have faith in this team that TellTale has working on The Walking Dead: The Final Season. I remember Emily Grace Buck worked on Batman Season 1 Episode 3 for TellTale and I loved that episode, it was my favorite of Season 1 and Emily Grace replied to me once as well and that was cool to see employees of TellTale reading our feedback on their work. Also I have faith Mary Kenney and the rest of the TellTale Team. I believe that one mistake is not enough to ruin the company. To be honest though The New Frontier seemed to suffer because of rewrites and cut content from the Season. I think that TellTale picked the right people for this project! They have an amazing writing staff and I hope that this season is enough to bring back the magic that TellTale had in Season 1 and 2 of The Walking Dead. (Cheers from the sidelines) Lets go TellTale! Lets go!

Yes I agree! It is great to see such enthusiasm!!
Of course! I will never give up on TellTale I have bought lots of their games because I love their work. The Wolf Among Us was the game that solidified TellTale as a awesome game developer with beautiful work on their narratives for me. I would buy any game TellTale releases because they are all that good. The Walking Dead: A New Frontier might've had a few flaws like one hour episodes in the beginning but the last 3 episodes were good but lacked a few minor things to make it better, like hubs and perhaps more time with Clementine.
(wow thank you