The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Cheers, mate! (Eugh, Australian slang really doesn't suit me.)

    AChicken posted: »

    Ta daa...

  • Why I will never hate a video game:

    I was inspired by a defense of an almost universally disliked game. I'm sure people have noticed myself standing up for developers and games since my return. I wasn't always this way. In fact, I left bitter and resentful back in 2013 on the coattails of friends whom felt betrayed. I have since grown and matured. I have gained friends in the industry and respect for their work. Part of this is due to my own profession paralleling the criticism they face.

    When my own work doesn't produce results that are considered great, do I think I deserve a pat on the back? No, but I worked hard and while criticism is appreciated and expected, hate and complete disregard for my effort, is not. That's how I feel we should view developers. Even the worst games are made with the best intentions. An aspect of a game, which is disliked, may have taken countless hours to program and troubleshoot. Do these employees deserve to be spit on for that? They did the best with what they had to do their job.

    Sometimes, a game issue comes from the top. It comes from one person making a bad choice. Maybe they make too many and don't deserve their position. Maybe they've made a number of choices people enjoyed and one that is disliked. Do the people commenting really know? Some probably do. Some probably don't. Either way, are the numerous employees below them to blame? They're just trying to do their jobs.

    I work for a national company. Do I enjoy being criticized for the actions of people sitting in a boardroom? No. I can't control that. I can only control what I do on a day to day basis. I do my job to the best of my abilities with the parameters I am given and try to produce the best results. That's all developers do as well. This also goes for writers. If you think any one writer has total control over anything, you are sorrowly mistaken.

    I will never hate a developer because I know how hard they work just to put out a product.
    Thank you.

  • Perfect,i've always wanted to say something like that but never did.I have nothing to say this is just perfect,unfortunately some people don't see it like this.

    Johro posted: »

    Why I will never hate a video game: I was inspired by a defense of an almost universally disliked game. I'm sure people have noticed mys

  • Even the worst games are made with the best intentions.

    Ehhh except maybe the newest Bubsy. That game was clearly made by the devil himself to insight chaos among our society with a dose of terrible cat puns.

    Johro posted: »

    Why I will never hate a video game: I was inspired by a defense of an almost universally disliked game. I'm sure people have noticed mys

  • I was just thinking about this yesterday. I HATE IT when people give game dev’s, movie directors, artists and the like shit. It really annoys the cos the process that goes into developing such a product is extremely hard and is never easy to make an amazing title, which is why the new frontier hate bugs me, it’s a zombie story, how can they keep it interesting if the only way to make a zombie story is by having an antagonist group or just having our survivors wondering about? Season 1 used pretty much every idea ever up, therefore season 2 became relatively stale,and then season 3 was forced to rely on past ideas (being the antagonist group) and then keep it going for an entire season as all ideas had run out, how else could they do this and have it going for 2 hours like most people wanted?

    Last Jedi spoilers

    As well as the last Jedi, people dig too deeply into that, and every criticism is actually a strong positive in the movie that people fail to see, such as Luke’s character change, Snoke’s death, Luke’s death and Leia flying in space. For one, Luke is gonna come back as a ghost anyway so ppl need to stop bitching about that, we don’t need to worry about Snoke fucking up our favourite characters and crushing the resistance anymore, female representation is never a bad thing, and I hate SJW’s as much as the next guy, but one movie portrays strong female characters, AND THERE WERE STRONG MALES IN THERE TOO, and then the entire fan base gets pissed saying “noooo women can’t be strong or do anything on their own, and men are not idiots and are better than women” like uuughhh did u even pay attention to the characters? Kylo wasn’t an idiot, neither was Yoda, or Luke, or Chewbacca, neither was DJ in all fairness. I’m actually planning on going to the last Jedi discussion at some point and going on a page long rant debunking all criticisms in some in-depth explanations, I’ll do that when I can be assed.

    Just to shorten it all down, no spoilers

    What I’m saying is that it is never easy to make a decent story, and push it out for fans because they are so demanding. I mean if you criticise a movie for small details such as character change, unpredictability, diversity or how the narrative has taken a change from a certain movie in any specific franchise, and ooooohhhh my God don’t get me started on people who want the movie to be in THEIR image and not the director’s. Movies are a form of art. They are made for the director to express their inner ideas and for people to enjoy THEIR WORK, not the viewer’s work. This is why movies are losing their touch, fan’s are getting too involved, whereas in the 70’s, 80’s, 90’s and all that movies were pretty much only made by the director, and fan ideas were not taken into much consideration, and look at masterpieces such as Rocky, the original Star Wars trilogy, Indiana Jones, the original ghost busters. But now we get people complaining about certain areas, so when directors try to fix them they end up messing it up and people get even more pissed. If these types of people either stop watching movies or playing video games or stop bitching about how they were made, then chances are we could see a huge improvement and things will return back to the glory days of video games and movies.

    Just felt like I needed to go on that rant seeing as you brought it up, yeah I agree, haters need to be silenced and true fans, not the bitchy ones who want the series to be in their image, need to make their voices heard more, instead of giving praise in YouTube videos with 8 views, they need to take to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, all of the social media’s and tell people how great they thought the video game, the movie, the song, etc. was. Agree or disagree?

    Johro posted: »

    Why I will never hate a video game: I was inspired by a defense of an almost universally disliked game. I'm sure people have noticed mys

  • edited February 2018

    Again, I'd like to reiterate that criticism is fine. Not only "fine", but appreciated. To take this away from home, I'll use Bioware as an example.

    They recently had a Facebook post about the SpaceX launch. A couple commenters felt the need to say to boycott Anthem due to the receptions of Mass Effect Andromeda and Dragon Age: Inquisition. First of all, DA:I won multiple GOTY awards, but besides that, to completely write a game off because you disliked the last game, is immature. It's more than immature, it's a disservice to yourself and the developer. That's like saying "I didn't like The BFG, so I'm not going to watch anymore Spielberg films". Now how silly does that sound?

  • unfortunately some people don't see it like this.

    Especially people on this forum :P

    iFoRias posted: »

    Perfect,i've always wanted to say something like that but never did.I have nothing to say this is just perfect,unfortunately some people don't see it like this.

  • edited February 2018

    Oh my god,Yes bioware gets so much hate it's so frustrating i've seen them getting so much shit i feel really bad,there's still people who are pissed about Mass effect 3 these days i'm not even kidding,Bioware has been listening to the fans a lot and cared so much about the Mass effect series,the Citadel Dlc came out,the leviathan dlc,and i actually think Mass effect 3 is the best mass effect simply because you can replay it a lot of time and see how much work and passion they've put in it.But all they cared are the endings and never mentioned what makes this game amazing.The Life Is Strange endings didn't mattered at all and people still liked it.
    Also i'm pretty sure because of the haters we never had the chance to have a dlc for Mass effect Andromeda,so this means no Mass Effect for probably 5 or 10 years.And it seems people have forgotten about Bioware working on Dragon Age 4,if the company shut down this mean no Dragon age,no mass effect,and no Jade empire 2 (they said they wanted to make a sequel to that game).

    Johro posted: »

    Again, I'd like to reiterate that criticism is fine. Not only "fine", but appreciated. To take this away from home, I'll use Bioware as an

  • edited February 2018

    I will be the first to admit(okay, well, maybe not first!) that Mass Effect Andromeda wasn't up to the name. It wasn't. It also was the first project under the supervision of the previous writer(that's right, the guy whom wrote the beloved Mass Effect 2)... Made in a brand new studio. This is where I think the leadership of EA is in question. If you're going to use a new studio, maybe have a veteran producer or director oversee it? That aside, ME:A wasn't a bad game. If it didn't have "Mass Effect" or "Bioware" attached to it, would it be hated as much? If the game were to be called "Andromeda" by "EA Motive", would it be hated as much or just be another game with a poor launch? I'm thinking the latter.

    Unfortunately, we don't have the benefit of a fly on the wall to tell us whom made what decision there. Saying that, it's also hard to point fingers. I don't think we can blame anybody else before another game gets released.

    (As a footnote, I'd like to add that besides the acquisition of Bioware, by EA, the previous founders of Bioware have also left the company. So what is EA's fault and what is due to the departure of the founding members? We will never know.)

  • Just saw Del Toro's latest movie: The Shape of Water.

    It was actually very good (Of course, not as good as Pan's Labyrinth). The story was good, the character's had a lot of depth, the design of the environments were always very artistic and the music was very good.

    Del Toro was once again able to seamlessly blend a mystical, fairytale-like story with a dark, sinister but compelling narrative.

    Anyway, good movie, would recommend it.

  • I read your comment and found it to be very thoughtful and well written. So with that said, allow me to throw this at you:

    Are there any kind of loyal people out there anymore, especially when it comes to relationships?

    I'm very serious. From what I can tell, most people will be in a relationship with someone, but they won't think twice about sleeping with someone else, especially if they and their boyfriend/girlfriend have a fight, so as to get revenge on their partner.

    I've seen it happen over and over again. And I've even had it happen to me in the past, with a woman I cared very much about. And yet these same people will swear they don't do that, or that they've been completely honest with you. Even if you truly are honest with them, and don't hide anything, these same people will still think nothing of lying to you, whether it be over a little thing or a large thing. 

    It's almost scary to be open honest with anyone anymore, as you have no idea if they'll act that way toward you, or won't use your honesty and genuineness to manipulate you. 

    So with that said, are there any loyal people out there?

    Or is it better just to assume everyone you meet is a lying manipulating sack of **** who won't think twice of cheating if the opportunity presents itself, or if the two of you have a spat?

    And because I'm here, let me ask you a 2nd question: Are there really even genuine people anymore, people who walk their talk?

    And the reason I say this, and I know nobody is perfect, but I have seen so many people who are hypocrites. People who talk a good game and say all the right things, but then who deliberately go out and do the very things they were speaking against. Normally they tried to do those things in secret, but the thing about those kind of secrets is that sooner or later they get exposed.

    As they say, nice guys finish last. AM I RIGHT? But really, this is thought-provoking. This is one of the biggest reasons I've only had o

  • I agree completely. It reminds me of an interview I heard once with the lead singer of a band I like. The interviewer asked, "So, what bands have you heard lately that you hate?" The singer replied, "If someone has gone through the effort to write, record, and produce an album, who am I to say that it's bad?" The interviewer wasn't happy with that response at all, but I think it's the best that could be given. (That question really shouldn't have been asked, anyway.)

    Johro posted: »

    Why I will never hate a video game: I was inspired by a defense of an almost universally disliked game. I'm sure people have noticed mys

  • edited February 2018

    Waking up to likes from staff is cool, the hangover that came with it... Less so.

    I'm gong to give Alien: Covenant another shot. I only saw it in theaters and felt pretty indifferent about it. It had good parts and bad parts, but we'll see how I feel now. I do know that I really disliked the engineering addition to the mythology and I doubt that'll change.

    Edit: I feel about the same.


    “FOOOooo......oh wait, it’s you.”

  • edited February 2018

    Okay, time to play the winner of the poll. After a tie, Guardians Of The Galaxy pulled out the comeback from being down 1-3 to win 5-4.

    Let's do this.

    Edit: Loving the tunes so far. Nice.
    Appreciated the JAWS reference too.

  • edited February 2018

    Unfortunately, that's just how some people's minds work. Everyone has their free will, and you can't force them to be with you. Some people like multiple partners, and there's nothing we can really do to convince them otherwise. They have to make that decision for themselves. I got a feeling that it is just a shot in the dark whether you find someone that shares the same feelings for you or not. I'm just not willing to take the shot.

    I think being open with someone is important, even if they don't share it back. If they don't, should you still be with them, or find a way to let them open up? Without forming that sort of trust, is there anything besides the Luxuries to make the relationship special?

    And loyalty is only dependant on the person. You can't make them loyal. They have to think that it's the right thing to do for the type of relationship you have with them. I don't rightly know what you can do to convince someone to hold loyalty as top priority, but that's probably where my lack of experience hinders my advice.

    I believe there are genuine people out there, but they may not come in the way you think. You may not hold them appealing. Genuine people aren't afraid to show their faults. Something I wish I can be.

    There are things that I speak of that would be good to do, but I don't do it. There is always something that makes me change my mind, and I don't know how to stop it. Before I realize what's happening the damage is already done. I get so pissed at myself when that happens, but yet, I'm powerless to stop it happening again. Am I a slave to biochemistry? O̷r̷ ̷d̷o̷ ̷I̷ ̷r̷e̷a̷l̷l̷y̷ ̷h̷a̷v̷e̷ ̷t̷h̷i̷s̷ ̷l̷a̷c̷k̷ ̷o̷f̷ ̷w̷i̷l̷l̷ ̷t̷o̷ ̷d̷o̷ ̷a̷n̷y̷t̷h̷i̷n̷g̷ ̷I̷ ̷t̷h̷i̷n̷k̷ ̷i̷s̷ ̷r̷i̷g̷h̷t̷?

    It's all about worldly perspective. Not everyone thinks in the same way, but it's not like we can force them to have this different perspective. When someone does try to change my perspective, it's only temporary even when I wish to believe it longer. I may not even be right with what I'm saying here, but that's what worldly perspective does to you. It's all seen differently.

    I hope this at least answered some of your questions.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    I read your comment and found it to be very thoughtful and well written. So with that said, allow me to throw this at you: Are there any

  • Get ready. I'm about to say something VERY unpopular here.

    I think the writing since TWD:S1 has improved.

    Yeah. I said that. Good thing they took the down vote option away years ago, huh? If you care to read my reasoning, I'll give it. So, what made that season such a success? Well, for one, it had one writer steering the ship. That one writer wrote the beginning, the middle and the end. It was also a closed narrative, meaning, while there were some elements of choice, the basic and important parts of the story, did not change. Now, I am not saying that this isn't a better direction to go. It obviously worked extremely well for them.

    Now. Every season since has been a mishmash of directors and writers, changing episode to episode. It's not fair to compare them this way. I'm not a fan of TWD franchise and I'm not particularly fond of the Telltale series. The first season did have a great story and I acknowledge that, but this all came at the tail end of zombies flooding film. I was already done before this began. That's where my mind was at when this series started. Let's steer this ship back to my point.

    Since then, certain writers and writing teams have just clicked. There were many episodes within games since that I thoroughly enjoyed and wished they got the opportunity TWD:S1 did with pretty much getting to do their own game together. There have been some very well written episodes within each franchise, it's just a shame that different writers wrote episodes before and after them. It's really hard to maintain a singular theme and feel doing it this way. It has created a more fractured feeling in my opinion and is not the fault of the writers themselves.

    One thing I hope Telltale does in the future, is to have a writing team(3-4 people) just stick together and write an entire season. It will take longer, which doesn't seem to be an issue going forward from what we have been lead to believe, but it will create a more cohesive and well-written narrative. When you look at writing credits and see common names on both your favourite and least favourite episodes, it just tells you that there is another element affecting the writing. I'd really love Telltale to just have set teams working on each game. I think it would stabilize things and maybe people would realize that some writers aren't as bad as they thought they were.

  • Yay! Another cuteness break in all of this serious talk. :smile:

    lupinb0y posted: »

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  • Feel free to share this here!

    Johro posted: »

    Get ready. I'm about to say something VERY unpopular here. I think the writing since TWD:S1 has improved. Yeah. I said that. Good t

  • I saw something interesting today. A Konami van drove past me on my way to town. It's strange because I live miles out in the wilderness. There's definitely no conventions anywhere near me. I wonder if they were sight seeing for location ideas on a new game?

  • Woops...

    Well, after an unexpected (and criminally prolonged) disappearance, I'm back. Long story short, life happened and I forgot this place existed. How are you guys?

    Gif unrelated.

  • What a day so far.
    Went to start my car, wouldn't turn over. Figured it was because of the cold, so I plugged it in. Then it wouldn't even try, so, dead battery. I then sliced my finger running the extension cord for the charger. Borrowed a vehicle I was unfamiliar with and after a few blocks, I had to call the owner because it wasn't handling properly(ended up being a stupid issue where the park brake wasn't fully off, but the light wasn't on and a traction light was beeping at me). Fortunately, he knew exactly what was going on. I just felt like an idiot calling him after borrowing his car.

  • About to start Injustice: Gods Among Us, let's see if this game is as good as people keep saying it is.

  • I just got a fun little bug playing GOTG. I had to pause repeatedly and it mucked something up. While paused, the conversation audio would start to play, when I hit resume, the game would pause and the music and ambient audio would play.

    That was an interesting one.

  • I heard that it's a good game but the graphics never aged well, they look like they were made for PS2.

    Injustice 2, however, is an improvement in every single way. The characters, the story (It's short though), super moves, character introductions and dialogue and obviously the graphics. Here is a fun fact: the VA who plays Scarecrow in this game is the same actor who played Freddy Krueger in A Nightmare on Elm Street franchise.

    About to start Injustice: Gods Among Us, let's see if this game is as good as people keep saying it is.

  • the graphics never aged well, they look like they were made for PS2.

    Whatever do you mean?

    AronDracula posted: »

    I heard that it's a good game but the graphics never aged well, they look like they were made for PS2. Injustice 2, however, is an improv

  • edited February 2018

    'Strayan slang is priddy stooypid...

    EDIT: I'd like to apologize about this comment. I was joking around but I realize that it can be offensive. But I won't remove it because I don't want to pretend it didn't happen, I own up to my mistakes.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Cheers, mate! (Eugh, Australian slang really doesn't suit me.)

  • Hey there, welcome back!
    I recognize your name... but not your avatar. I admit I can't think of who you are because I seem to strongly associate users with their avatars rather than names, for whatever reason...
    I don't think we ever talked anyway. (if we did, I'd feel incredibly stupid for saying that)
    But yeah!

    Woops... Well, after an unexpected (and criminally prolonged) disappearance, I'm back. Long story short, life happened and I forgot this place existed. How are you guys? Gif unrelated.

  • Does anyone know what happened to MichaelBP? I'm worried

  • His profile says he was last active like 30 minutes ago. He last commented in the LIS thread on Thursday.

    joshua007 posted: »

    Does anyone know what happened to MichaelBP? I'm worried

  • edited February 2018

    fml today has been the worst i was called by one of my managers if i could come in i said ihad plans so i couldnt (plus i didnt like being woken up a 6am i was at work until 10am the night before) i mentioned to my parents that work called earlier and because i had plans i said no and they acted like i killed someone work would just call someone else in anyway i guess im not allowed a day off anymore also i am going to go see a doctor next week about my anger because i dont know how much longer i can supress it

  • I bet that manager is having a hard time finding someone to come in today and may have to cover it all him/herself. That's not your problem, though. You're allowed to take time off for your own sanity!

    fml today has been the worst i was called by one of my managers if i could come in i said ihad plans so i couldnt (plus i didnt like being w

  • That's quite alright, my friend.

    Before the long break, my profile picture was Cersei Lannister. Before that, Clementine's face photoshopped into the middle of the Dark Side of the Moon logo. Thanks for the nice welcome, though. Lol

  • edited February 2018

    PewDiePie's book review I kinda felt that that we should talk about books more on a literature viewpoint on here and share with we like these books and kind of impact they had on us. So far the book I am reading right now 12 rules of life by Jordan B Peterson and it's very good read and me and my gf enjoy it and told us in a different viewpoint and how we need to show a better perspective on the world or today's society.

    I felt that books show more understanding of the world than what we see and share? But,I sometimes wonder how much this world shows interest to us. I wish more movies and games took a backseat to these books and sort push the kind of things we like to see. I just get tired of how much there doesn't seem to be that sort of thing happening. So I like to know which books you guys like reading and felt a impact on you.

  • Ha ha, I guess that was a kinda weird welcome! :D

    That's quite alright, my friend. Before the long break, my profile picture was Cersei Lannister. Before that, Clementine's face photoshopped into the middle of the Dark Side of the Moon logo. Thanks for the nice welcome, though. Lol

  • Dude fuck Larry.

  • its all because one person is suspended under investigation at the moment but they found someone else to cover

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    I bet that manager is having a hard time finding someone to come in today and may have to cover it all him/herself. That's not your problem, though. You're allowed to take time off for your own sanity!

  • edited February 2018


    We can be better.

    It's kind of a mantra really. For a lot of things.

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