Clementine knew Eleanor was a snake.
We were warned. In the first episode Clementine says about Eleanor that she doesn't trust her and would sooner trust Tripp even though at that point he just locked us in a jail. That says a lot. Then she goes and snitches on us to Joan. What a d*ck move. Clem knew, we shoulda expected something from her.
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She also knew about David turning on Javi so yeah her second name is Foreshadow
UUUGH, I forgot about that! I honestly wanted to tell her to shut up when that whole thing seemingly came out of nowhere.
As if we didn't have enough of that mess with Season 2!Kenny.
Tbf, just about everyone beat her to the punch there.
The Eleanor thing was just a poor attempt to create intrigue though. Davids turn outright crapped all over any reasons to even have a choice to be sympathetic to someone who's the brother our new main character grew up with because DRAMA YAY
The disconnect we have with the other annoyances pales in comparison here lol
I'm curious on how Clementine actually knew.
True. It's just such a baffling choice altogether.
Also, Graysonn revealed that there's some unused and/or unrecorded lines where she was originally more vocal and direct about her stance in the apartment, but it was decided that she should be noticeably silent during specific points..
Yeah, it really kinda did. I honestly couldn't give much of a shit during the Splitup to Save Gabe ending, both when I first sought out the other endings and when I just decided to go with it myself.
"Shocking" News at 5: She didn't.
Honestly, I kinda tuned out after the first two episodes and that podcast with Hutchinson, but I'd actually be interested in seeing some of that cut content. With the don't trust Eleanor scene in the first episode and her disappearance in the second, there was so much there to build on for her character and I honestly forgot she was even a thing in the last episodes. Tripp needs a girlfriend, she rats us out, I'm drawing a blank on anything else she's involved in. Completely wasted, man.
What's especially weird about that is that it kinda reminds me of the whole movie writing thing where a main character's love interest is kind of a flat character that doesn't actually do much or get much screentime, except with most of that swapped!
As it turns out, the AMA confirms that she was indeed originally conceptualized to be Joan's missing daughter,as a oddly sizable number of people were saying since Above the Law. But they decided to leave that factoid out of the released game since her character allegedly changed so much during development that it no longer made sense.
Try wrapping your head around this topic with that in mind.
exactly, the second Clem says not to trust her you can bet there something fishy going on. Kinda makes me wonder if they knew each other, before ANF takes place.
Oh wow, I actually remember all the speculation here about Eleanor and Joan. That actually might have made her more than just there lol, maybe a bit much that she happens to be Richmonds evil leaders daughter, but then the entire entry started with a guy who's been driving in circles for 4 years with his brothers kids and wife who all survived sheltered and safe in a van, and then happen to bump into aforementioned brother, who's still alive and maybe evil.
So bigger stretches have been made lol
Hey, look! Clementine was right—
I agree with @DabigRG. Clem’s distrust toward Eleanor seemed to me like an unexplored grudge more than anything.
That was the actual implication, (even if Clementine didn't seem to know Eleanor's name). They clearly had a somewhat negative run-in in the past, which led to them feeling somewhat uncomfortable about each other.
I was expecting it to tie into Clementine's implied bad reputation in Prescott in general, given her, Conrad, and Eli's initial reactions and takes on her, but they never go into that.
Why does Tripp doesn't say anything about Eleanor betrayed them in episode 5 if he's alive? If he actually does, I'm sorry I really don't remember..
He doesn't.
He might not have known, come to think of it. Or simply forgot, because he's Tripp.
Yeah, not to mention it'd explain why she was portrayed as being able to relate to Javier and mentions having missing family at one point.
Pretty much. I believed Conrad and Ava would've been the case in part because it was much more conventient in a realistic way.
You mean...solid snake?

When Javi first got to Prescott with Clem, Tripp asked if she'd be staying for a while as if she's been there before. So she might've had a few run ins with Eleanor that weren't so pleasant. (Best guess)
Pretty much. The whole point of the Prescott stuff beyond introducing Eleanor and Conrad is to help get across the fact that Clementine has gotten very bitter, aggressive, and selfish since Season 2, leading to the implication of her having something of a bad reputation around the town despite it being a place she frequents on Ava's suggestion.
I was expecting to get some sort of exposition on how Eleanor didn't side with her on some sort of fight she got into or maybe how she was unable to help/save someone Clementine kinda befriended or something to explain why they don't really mingle.
Simple. Personal Experience. Remember Bonnie? Clem knows a snake when she sees one.
Thinking about it now, Clem could actually take fault in that. I mean it's obvious she has this "lone wolf" mentality thing going on and not wanting anything to do with anyone. But it's completely reasonable. Another guess is everyone kinda looked at Clem as some, mysterious-unpredictable-edgy-teen no one wanted to take a chance approaching or being around.
Pretty much.