The Walking Dead Issue #176 NEW WORLD ORDER Pt.2 (SPOILERS)
MICHONNE!!!! YOU FOUND ELODIE!! God, I'm so happy. I can't wait for them to start talking. I very much appreciate the leader's work, Pamela Milton (The Desk Lady), to help her immediately find her daughter. She's on my good side, for the moment. We finally see Stephanie, too bad it was short lived.
That little subplot with Eugene interests me, too. I ship it.
This is only part two of six. I can't wait for the rest!
Big question, do you think they look alike?
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yeah i'm excited as well.
The comic is out! WOOO, what an issue!
Sure hope the Leader of the Mc Carroll Ranch does the same for Clem and AJ
Now, if only Clementine could meet Christa...
I liked this issue. I thought it was funny how the greeter immediately dismissed Eugene and Princess due to their previous occupations, and I appreciate the realism when the leader showed Michonne to her daughter immediately. I'm glad they didn't drag out the Elodie reveal for another couple issues and I'm most interested to meet this Mercer guy. Someone who enjoys fighting herds should be quite entertaining.
Cannot believe that Elodie would ruin a perfectly good cake like that.
Otherwise, good issue.
Nice issue Kirkman is doing good !
I have another question for y'all. How many of you think that Colette is dead?
I absolutely believe that she is dead. In fact, I think that someone within the Commonwealth could be responsible for her death which would immediately put Michonne at odds with them.
I fucking lost it when the cake dropped. In the back of my mind I was thinking that something horrible was going to happen by the end of the issue (Elodie is dead or something). But instead we got an actual happy ending which had me tearing up. But it does seem like Colette is just straight up dead as well as her ex-husband. They'll probably explain more in the next issue or the one after with info tying into the game which'll be cool.
Great issue! This new Governor doesn't seem like a bad person so far. I mean she did help find Michonnes daughter pretty much as soon as she heard what was going on. But the Commonwealth seems to have a class system of some sort with your position being effected by what kind of job you had before the outbreak.
I like that theory. Maybe she just didn't fit in as a part in their "Machine" and they had to get rid of her. It could've been mental issues that they didn't feel were worth trying to rehabilitate.
You know, there's one particular detail that stuck out to me that I haven't really seen anyone mention yet; how clean everything looks. Most buildings and streets are all grungy and overgrown, but everything looks legitimately clean and functioning in the Commonwealth. It's a nice little touch.
Yah. But I would expect with a community if 50,000 members that the place would be pretty clean. There must've been plenty of Janitors and Yardworkers they found and let them keep doing their jobs. Not to mention that the community probably formed early when it all happened considering how enormous it is, allowing them to keep the place under maintenance
I can't wait to see this place fall
No. You stop that now.
So this Commonwealth, on first impressions, seems to me like a mix of the New Frontier (in their vetting process and how they kick out anyone they don't want/like) and the US remnant from World War Z (in how they seem to judge/assign people based on their pre-outbreak jobs, A-1 (carpenters, masons, gunsmiths, farmers, machinists) to F-6 (analysts, talent agents, managers, executives, consultants) and all that).
Given that though, I don't think they should dismiss Eugene so quickly.
Especially since he picked up the knack for mass producing bullets. That's very useful for keeping the military well supplied and trained.