Will We Ever See Conrad Again?
I'm back. Conrad was one of the few characters in Season 3 I really cared about. He seemed like a complex character it's just a shame that he wasn't given much development in Season 3. Do you think he'll be in Season 4 or any other possible future installment for the franchise and would you like a Conrad mini series?
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If the player kept him alive throughout A New Frontier, he will most likely appear in The Final Season with a couple of lines then will get killed off.
Yeah, he was my fourth favorite of the installment and he's clearly one of the favorites in general. If he survived the whole thing, he may make a cameo if Richmond ever comes up again.
If we were to get anything resembling a Conrad miniseries, it would likely explore his past.
I agree I hope he at least is shown at some point in the game like if Clementine returns to Richmond. Conrad was cool but at first I did not like him because he tried to make us betray Clementine. However, in later playthroughs he seemed cool and similar to Kenny because they both lost their loved ones and needed time to mourn his wife.
he s probably just gonna show up with two or three lines in a possible ending in Richmond.
That's part of what made him interesting though. He gave Part 2 roughly half of the material worth actually caring about and was a large portion of made ANF!Clementine's presence tolerable(at least if you weren't in it just because she's Clementine).
Which is kind of a really general similarity, but whatever. He did the TET thing much better anyway.
I dont think any ANF characters will show up. If they do it will be at the end of the story if theres some choice of Clem choosing to return to Richmond after saving Aj or something.
Never forget Conrad disappearing at the start of ep 5 even though he was standing with Javi at the end of ep 4. This man is magic af
Yeah, I never understood the point of that. Was it really so hard to just have him be there and maybe lead Kate and Javier to Eleanor's apartment?
Especially given this alternative.

Seeing as how only a very small amount of people kept him alive till the end, I really doubt there will be a mini series. They could show him at the end of Season 4 guarding the front gate of Richmond when Clementine returns with AJ. But if Telltale does kill him off that would be really stupid considering that he can die 3 times in completely different ways. I gotta say though I don't really think Conrad needed that much character development because he seemed like he was trying to do the best for the group. In ep 2 he wants to turn in Clem for Kate's medical help. In ep 3 he apologizes and offers Javi the gun for his safety, and in ep 4 where he shoots the guy trying to kill Javi.
Same thing with David, Ava, and Tripp. David runs after Clint/Joan with Ava right behind him and then appears right in the beginning of ep 5. And somehow Tripp disappears and appears at the same time Ava does. They also did this in ep 4 of Season 2 where that bald tattooed Russian guy shoots his AK at the group and then somehow in ep 5 the group gets behind cover quickly and the bald tattooed Russian guy gets shot in the leg and uses a shotgun instead.
I'll never forget that.This was so stupid,seriously..
I bet Telltale didn't want him to appear at the beginning of ep 5 because they decided it was time to stop having him being killed off. Also maybe Telltale knew that if he had shown up in the beginning in Eleanor's apartment , then he would have had to go with Javier, David, and the rest of the group. Maybe Telltale was afraid that he'd die like Ava or Tripp if he went with the group.
Yeah, that kinda bothered me too. They could've at least just had David say that either Joan/Clint got away and/or he realized fighting against the breach to protect his family was more important.
That was actually due to their names [Buricko and Vitali] getting swapped early on and the animator(s) of No Going Back apparently not getting the memo.
Actually, they did discuss doing one more death for him in the episode, but time and resource constraints meant it joined a number of other things on the cutting room floor.
They could've easily just had him stick behind to assist Eleanor.
Or rather, they'd have to animate another determinant character.
. * Looks at Ava disappearing when everyone is hopping buildings and Tripp searching around the bridge despite being dead in the same scenario *
I'm pretty sure he was supposed to have another determinant death in episode 5 but they had to cut it (they had to cut a lot of things in episode 5).
I imagine if they bring back Richmond he'll probably be in the background somewhere as a nod to people that kept him alive throughout ANF. I have no interest in a miniseries or anything though, I'm one of the 89% that left him rotting in the tunnel lol.
Yeah, we will see him dead in a few minutes when he comes back.
You never know. Telltale COULD possibly take a new approach to Determinant characters. And yes I know that people said that when Conrad was able to survive through the entirety of A New Frontier but then Tripp and Ava died in Episode 5 and people were disappointed. But with the change at the helm of Telltale, determinant characters may possibly play a bigger role in future stories. I could be wrong but who knows...
Sam could possible be the true test.
I would love for Sam to return honestly.
The only way i can see Conrad is returning is by somehow finding Clementine wanting to help her find AJ due to wanting to "redeem" himself or something along those lines, but i strongly doubt that will happen. Honestly i think it would be a bad thing for him to return since he'd probably just die or randomly disappear/reappear like he did in EP5.
I really hope so, he was one of my favourite characters of Season Three so I'd love to see him return. Although I can't imagine he'll be playing that big a role, I'd still like Conrad to get a small cameo even regardless.