[POLL] Do you want comic characters in the final season?

Click here for the poll

I strongly feel that comic characters who get cameos in the game are irrelevant at best and a gimmicky waste of screentime and resources at worst. It is our final season with Clementine and I don't understand why some people want to waste the precious screentime with a plot-armored character that we already know. I don't feel like the comic characters add anything of value to the games but I created a poll to see if the majority of players feel the same way.



  • After ANF, none.

    Though I might make an exception for Princess.

  • Are you trolling?

    DabigRG posted: »

    After ANF, none. Though I might make an exception for Princess.

  • No, not after ANF, it already seems weird that Jesus never mentions Richmond or that in the comics. So no, i don't want anymore screw ups or that. Maybe a mini series, but i don't know if that would serve any purpose at all. But if they were to bring a comic character in, my choice would be probably Magna, Carl or Andrea, but Andrea is dead now, so yeah.

  • What makes you ask that?

    Are you trolling?

  • Are you being sarcastic now? Princess is literally the last possible character i would ever want in the games. Her presence would ruin the final season lol.

    DabigRG posted: »

    What makes you ask that?

  • edited February 2018

    Yes,but only for one episode.People were talking about Magna,that could actually be a good idea.

  • There was no reason to include Jesus in ANF other than going "WOW ITS THAT GUY FROM THE COMICS XD" and its just dumb. Adding characters from the comic just hinders whatever Season 4's plot is going to be. Season 1 had Glenn, but it was at the very start of the outbreak, so it worked enough. Midway through the established comics it just feels gimmicky. Even Glenn was pretty much there just for an easter egg, but it just worked out better because it was one episode and took place before Glenn even appears.

    So no I dont want a comic character, Telltale should create their own characters and make them unique and interesting.

  • Yes

    DabigRG posted: »

    After ANF, none. Though I might make an exception for Princess.

  • There was no reason to include Jesus in ANF other than going "WOW ITS THAT GUY FROM THE COMICS XD" and its just dumb.

    Well, it was originally part of Telltale's intention to bring the Game series closer in line with the comics.

    But ultimately, friggin YES!

    Season 1 had Glenn, but it was at the very start of the outbreak, so it worked enough. Midway through the established comics it just feels gimmicky. Even Glenn was pretty much there just for an easter egg, but it just worked out better because it was one episode and took place before Glenn even appears.

    Tbh, Glenn could've easily been left out in favor of making up for Doug's cut sequence.

    However, his inclusion still works far better than Paul's because he actually has a legitimate established reason to be where he was, the player got to interact with and learn more about him(especially those of us who haven't touched the comics or the show), and his presence actually had some effective character development involved.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    There was no reason to include Jesus in ANF other than going "WOW ITS THAT GUY FROM THE COMICS XD" and its just dumb. Adding characters from

  • No. Plot amour ruins the immersion because you know any danger for the character only has one outcome. It's a waste of effort.

  • Jesus did nothing special in ANF. It's useless to add comic characters in the game now. Hershel and Glenn worked pretty well because the game told their backstories before they met Rick and affected the comics, like for example: it showed how Shawn Greene died and turned into a walker, afterwards he was kept in the barn in the comics. Jesus in ANF never affected the comics in anyway.

    So no, less comic characters, more game story.

  • No. Because that would be very limiting for what the Telltale Writers CAN and CANNOT do with this Season.

  • Exactly how I feel.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Jesus did nothing special in ANF. It's useless to add comic characters in the game now. Hershel and Glenn worked pretty well because the gam

  • Guess I am in the minority again. Comic characters aren't at fault for not supplementing the story the writers are. They are in charge of utilizing these characters in a way that builds up the main characters. So nothing is wrong with comic folks so long as they are used properly. If you want to look only at Jesus from Frontier then it only stands to reason that since that game wasn't put together well then it's usage of popular comic people wouldn't executed well either. Opposite ended example if this is how well season one used their comic characters Glenn & Herschel. S1 is well known for it's strong narrative which attracted maybe half of TTG current fans now. Being a well put together game overall causes the natural good use for comic characters in sensible ways.

    In addition just because a season does not use any comic folks doesn't necessarily mean it is better off because of that though it does depend on story direction and why it is logical to use comic folks. Great example of this is season two.. no comic characters whatsoever but it still struggled in some areas with it's story anyway. Had a good start with a mostly rocky finish aside from like the very end with the emotional sequences.

    With S4 I'm a bit neutral. If it helps the story be stronger then yes I'm up for another comic cameo. If not then that's fine too. But I cannot agree with blaming comic characters for bringing the story down due to the one time they might of been used poorly because of not thinking clearly about their purpose in the story which is a writer issue. If New Frontier came out great overall then I definitely believe Jesus would of made a kick-ass addition to the experience of season three both figuratively and literally.

  • I’m going to be in the minority and say yes, BUT only for a cameo. I don’t want a Jesus role from ANF. I want a comic character to have a role similar to Hershel’s or even Glenn’s from S1 (Only appears in one episode for a brief time) so they don’t take the spotlight. Well, it’s not like any comic character even did.

  • Pretty much what I was going for.

    Ladariel posted: »

    Guess I am in the minority again. Comic characters aren't at fault for not supplementing the story the writers are. They are in charge of ut

  • No, there was absolutely no need for them to appear, even Hershel and Glenn in Season One were unnecessary but at least they were used in a good way.

  • Preferably no. Yeah it’s cool to have some comic characters appear, but unless they contribute something to the story, then there’s really no need to do so. While I love Jesus, he didn’t really do anything, he’s there for fan service. Take him out, not all that much changes. The writers should just focus on creating new characters to care about, throwing in comic characters is a cheap gimmick to substitute putting a new character there and needing to develop them. Think about it, if they just put a random comic character in the game, then they don’t need to bother giving them any sort of arc or original personality like they would have to for an original character, since one has already been established. It’s quite lazy.

  • I would really rather not; but if they do incorporate characters from the comic series, let it be a relevant actor that influences the course of the season, and not just a cameo meant to entertain the few of us who’ve even read the comic.

  • edited February 2018

    No problem.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Pretty much what I was going for.

  • edited February 2018

    I'd also settle for seeing how Rick and Carl Grimes would look in a Telltale game or Negan too.

  • Copy and paste this code. You should get whatya looking for

    .mp4's don't really work in embedded format. ? If you have to change the link to end with ".gif", it can work.

    Ladariel posted: »

    No problem.

  • edited February 2018


    Thanks I'll be in touch when I need to post imagery.ha

    Actually how do you post images versus GIFS from the web on to these forums?

    Copy and paste this code. You should get whatya looking for ![](https://media.giphy.com/media/puD2M1a83UFRm/giphy.gif) .mp4's don't really work in embedded format. ? If you have to change the link to end with ".gif", it can work.

  • edited February 2018

    Most of the time, when you find an image you wanna post, you want to use links that have a .png, or a .jpg, etc. Most of the time, you can just use whatever link you get when you right click the image and copy image address, but just be aware of those .names

    .png can be used for images that aren't rectangular. (image cutouts)

    If you have a cutout image link that has .jpg. You will have your picture, but a rectangular white background will be generated for it to make it rectangular.

    Image links can be used in the same way as gif links on this forum, but sizes may very along with gifs you post this way.
    ![](link here)

    If you wanted to change the size of which the image/gif shows in the forum post, you have to use a different code not provided by the text editor.

    Here's an example


    <img src = https://archive-media-0.nyafuu.org/bant/image/1501/34/1501343255069.png width = 300 height = 200>

    Makes this


    You can make the image smaller, too, just by adjusting the numbers after the width and height.

    This is the image at half the size

    <img src = https://archive-media-0.nyafuu.org/bant/image/1501/34/1501343255069.png width = 150 height = 100>


    Numbers can be adjusted however you want, just be aware of the ratio of width to height (width:height) of each pic you get. It could warp the picture if you get a 3:2 ratio pic (this Pepe one) and set it as a 1:2 or 3:1

    This is 1:2 length ratio for the pic.

    <img src = https://archive-media-0.nyafuu.org/bant/image/1501/34/1501343255069.png width = 100 height = 200>

    You can't really get the ratio on your first try (except me cuz im a ballar). Just keep adjusting the numbers until the picture looks as unwarped as the one you got the address from.

    I hope this helped :smile:. If not, I can still get you the right code for it. I just thought teaching you how to catch the fish yourself would save you having to rely on me. (And I can be one lazy bastard)

    Ladariel posted: »

    Thanks I'll be in touch when I need to post imagery.ha Actually how do you post images versus GIFS from the web on to these forums?

  • edited February 2018

    It seemed easier back when the forums had the older interface style. Now it's like everything has changed and it's more complicated to get simple images uploaded under my comments. I know that I need to copy and paste but when I do it shows either nothing or the text code that I copied or cut so it's strange or myself as well.

    I figured you'd be the bet to know since you seem to be the computer code wizard around here unless there are others.

    Most of the time, when you find an image you wanna post, you want to use links that have a .png, or a .jpg, etc. Most of the time, you can j

  • There are definitely more out there with this knowledge. But none are more willing to help than me. Just show me the problem and I'll do my best to show you how to can be fixed. Maybe with enough times of me showing you how I fix it, you'll start seeing the patterns and pick it up yourself.

    I'm still trying to learn some things about this site. Like how @Kenny_The_Almighty was able to use Walking Dead text font in his comments. I saw this yesterday going through old memes and I'm stumped on how he did it. I'm hoping to figure out eventually. I usually don't stop researching until I find it and know how to use it.

    Ladariel posted: »

    It seemed easier back when the forums had the older interface style. Now it's like everything has changed and it's more complicated to get s

  • edited February 2018

    The comic looking text from the back of the book? I've noticed the subtitles from the first game had the comic font text with spoken dialogue. Then every game afterward discarded this in favor of regular looking font.

    There are definitely more out there with this knowledge. But none are more willing to help than me. Just show me the problem and I'll do my

  • Well, I found out what it was, and it wasn't what I thought at all. It was just the header sized font shrunk down to normal word size. The font isn't completely identical, it just looked similar enough to fool me at first glance.

    So, it's completely useless

    I do admire it's word spacing and how simply the symbols are sculpted, though there's only a slight difference from the original bold font. Maybe that's what made me draw the similarity.

    Ladariel posted: »

    The comic looking text from the back of the book? I've noticed the subtitles from the first game had the comic font text with spoken dialogue. Then every game afterward discarded this in favor of regular looking font.

  • edited February 2018

    To post images, use this code

    ![enter image description here]()

    The "_" represent the fact that those parts should be close up on each other, since spacing them could confuse you. The Url goes inside the "()."

    Ladariel posted: »

    @Zombiekiller3121 I couldn't post this image either. https://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://i.imgflip.com/1txxh3.jpg&imgrefur

  • Hey! Sorry, I got distracted by mouse trap videos... And I don't even have a mouse problem

    ![](https://i.imgflip.com/1txxh3.jpg) Just to warn you, this is a BIG picture

    I recommend you use this code
    <img src = https://i.imgflip.com/1txxh3.jpg width = 420 height = 280>

    I used the copy image address button when I used right click on your pic. It gave me more simple link with that ".filename" in it.

    Ladariel posted: »

    @Zombiekiller3121 I couldn't post this image either. https://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://i.imgflip.com/1txxh3.jpg&imgrefur

  • To be honest, I would only want one comic character and that would be Michonne. Because Michonne is a mother who lost her children and husband and Clementine is daughter who lost her parents but both of them still struggle to survive because of their loss but also carry their loved ones with them. Not many characters like that left in The Walking Dead series.

  • edited February 2018

    Thanks again.

    Hey! Sorry, I got distracted by mouse trap videos... And I don't even have a mouse problem ![](https://i.imgflip.com/1txxh3.jpg) Just t

  • Still a bit confused because I always attempt putting the image code into the URL clickdown bracket that starts with the http//: etc.... But anyway.


    DabigRG posted: »

    To post images, use this code ![enter image description here]() The "_" represent the fact that those parts should be close up on each other, since spacing them could confuse you. The Url goes inside the "()."

  • i mean as long as they dont make them a semi regular character like they did with Jesus in ANF . What i mean is only have them appear for a single episode with some kind of explanation like Clem meeting up with Jesus in the road with another comic character with them being there to go visit Richmond and try to include them in the trade network between Alexandria and Hilltop then just have them help Clem out for some time in the episode then have them part ways with Jesus and the other character leaving Clem with maybe a new character from their group created specifically for the Final season.

  • Except Michonne has one child back now

    To be honest, I would only want one comic character and that would be Michonne. Because Michonne is a mother who lost her children and husba

  • Is it Colette?

    Except Michonne has one child back now

  • No. But only because I want Telltale to close this chapter of THEIR game. They have enough established characters that we don't need to pull from TWD Comic/TV canon. I wouldn't mind if they did, but let's finish off this particular world.

    Then at the end of the season, you can talk about Abraham since Telltale is gonna explore that arc next. (Not really though).

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